
Missing Persons Quotes

There are 375 quotes

"For families who have all but given up on finding their loved ones, this team is a last hope."
"I can't think of anything much worse than looking for your child, having no idea where they were."
"In this day and age, somebody's gotta miss her somewhere."
"The missing child should be the center of mind for anybody who is not worried about protecting self and image."
"In cases involving missing children, time is of the essence."
"Statistically, within the first three or four hours, if the child is not found, it becomes highly problematic."
"I fought for my missing sister Alyssa Turney for many, many years."
"In the world of the missing, many times the family of the victims never get any answers and sometimes the answers they get haunt them for the rest of their days."
"It's weird because there's something inside me that wants to keep helping at least profile these missing-persons cases in the hope that it will ultimately help some of these cases potentially get solved."
"Brandon's Law now requires police to make a report whenever a person of any age is reported missing, and an investigation must start immediately."
"The government's refusal to recognize and paper over the missing people in the wilderness is disconcerting."
"We are continuing on with the disappearance of Shelley Miscavige, wife of David Miscavige, the dark and charismatic leader of the Church of Scientology."
"I wonder what happened to them. It's been so long since we've seen Steve or Guard Tom."
"In the United States of America alone, more than half a million people go missing every year."
"There are like 64,000 black women missing in the United States, and what's being done? That's a crisis."
"Ninety-nine out of a hundred times kid goes missing, the kid is with a parent or relative."
"If there's even a slim chance that she's still alive, I choose to call her missing and hope that someday she will be."
"An independent investigation is ongoing focused on the whereabouts of Brian laundry."
"They just stumbled upon these two missing people."
"It seemed like the entire population of West Memphis, Arkansas, was out trudging through Robin Hood Hills yelling the names of three little boys who had gone out bike riding and had not returned home."
"I think that this is going to change the conversation i i think it's it's a it's a big game changer as far as missing persons in this in this country." - Recognizing the potential impact of increased awareness and advocacy for missing persons cases.
"This is happening too often. I've been noticing it for a long time, this uptick in just missing persons cases ending with terrible press conferences like this."
"It was damn near 600,000 missing people in 2022. 57 were white including Hispanic, 39 were minorities."
"Missouri's got a lot of people missing and oddly enough, they find a lot of bodies out there that clear up a lot of their missing person cases."
"Missing person cases are still extremely important to society."
"Missing does not equal imprisoned without evidence." - Narrator
"There's no waiting period. You can and should call the police as soon as you think someone is missing because the first 48 hours are the most important when investigating a person's disappearance."
"Misty had no money, was a good student, and had never run away before." - Corey Bober
"My thoughts and prayers go out to Tika's family. I truly hope that she is found soon and can be reunited with her family."
"What could have happened to Lissan Froon and Kris Kremers deep within the Panama jungle?"
"Carla Valpoise vanished during a solo hike in Peru, suspected victim of foul play."
"The devastating truth remains elusive in Porith Stefan Sue's disappearance."
"Share Carly's story, share her missing persons poster."
"Diana hopes her daughter's remains will be found."
"Every hour that goes by, the chances of finding a missing person just go down."
"There's no way a mother is just gonna go off and vacation in Hawaii when her child is missing two children like how bizarre it just doesn't add up."
"It's just a very sad case, and Gabby Potato is by no means the only woman who has ever gone missing."
"Praying to bring Riley home, we love him and we want him back."
"People wanted the same thing, they wanted to help find him."
"Every missing person counts. Everybody deserves to be found or looked for at least."
"It's regular people like us who can tackle these terrors and help fight the growing number of missing person cases."
"I'm not saying I'm exposing that, but I think there needs to be a little bit more attention drawn when someone does go missing."
"Kristen was not just a dancer at a club who disappeared. She was a daughter, a sister, and a friend."
"Diving YouTubers have found remains of 16 missing people."
"This disappearance marks the third missing person's case in one month."
"Footprints render clue: December 24th was when the first word of the whereabouts of Glenn Hyde and his wife who have been missing in the silence of the Colorado River's vast stretches for 40 days was brought to light."
"We miss you and we want you back. We will find you no matter what it takes."
"Madeleine McCann is the world's most famous missing child."
"Our main focus should be to help bring Alexis home and to bring those who are involved in her disappearance to Justice."
"I want to do my best and bring Jennifer kessie home to them one day."
"Once Gabby went missing, it really did open my eyes."
"These kind of videos and these kind of posts do in missing-persons cases, they're really powerful."
"Alaska... a harsh but beautiful place... one in every 250 people go missing every year."
"The Alaska Triangle... full of beautiful and hazardous landscapes... over 16,000 people have gone missing."
"Her family and friends believe that she is deceased and still regularly searched the mountain for her remains."
"Rico Harris deserves to be found, he was a warrior, a courageous spirit."
"Emma's mother Shelley still holds out hope that her daughter is still alive."
"It's so needed in this case thinking that Raymond could be out there and have no idea who he is just blows my mind."
"This man had also made contact with at least two of the parents of missing girls, it might have even been three but it was definitely the mother of Amber Schwartz Garcia whose name was Kim, and the mother of Michaela Garrett who is Sharon."
"If J.C. Dugard can be found alive and come home after 18 years, then my daughter can still be found and come home."
"If JC Dugard can be found alive after 18 years, then my daughter can still be found and come home."
"If the internet can help find those that are missing, they should continue."
"He achieved whatever he wanted throughout whatever means were necessary the bodies of john weeks robert allen and baby shannon they've never been found."
"I still believe that baby girl is alive I might have not had her but that's my baby that's my heart and I want her home."
"This is all your fault, Janelle. Now, two of our friends are missing."
"Every day we feature a black and missing person."
"I believe in resurrection... I just hope God in his mercies will deliver Summer home to us."
"We really miss her very much. She was the love of our life. Sure, she's what made our world go around."
"I wish they would come forward and explain themselves and if you're not a suspect at least come forward and say what you've seen."
"Personally, I think someone came up here and grabbed her and ran down the hill and threw her in a car and drove as far away as they could from this area."
"Please bring her back home, Slater, come home, please. We miss her so much."
"These missing people are real and it's disturbing how they manage just to dematerialize and then nothing."
"The Charlie Project: A website that contains over 14,000 cold cases of missing people."
"I think we need some bigger eyes out there finding these kids and finding Chance."
"People have been disappearing from national parks in their thousands over the last few centuries."
"Welcome back to BrainScratch Searchlight! Thank you so much for caring about these cases like I do."
"The boys might have shared a similar fate to hundreds of people who seemingly vanished into thin air."
"We need groups like this. Without them, who knows when she would have been found."
"There's somebody out there who knows what happened to my son, and I'm on my knees hoping, praying there's someone out there who can help us understand."
"There's been very, very few cases of missing people... I've been tracking this for... 400 years."
"Ms. Heslop's family and friends are desperately worried for her, but with each passing day, the likeliness of her being found alive dwindles."
"It's great to see the stereotypes you might associate with an old property being replaced by something more inclusive, unexpected, and radical."
"A woman and her infant son vanish, the husband is frantic, the clues are scarce, but hopes linger even as the hours and days tick by without a word."
"Deirdre became one of the missing people from Ireland's Vanishing triangle including Deirdre eight young women had disappeared in eastern Ireland in the late 1990s."
"The unsolved disappearance of Suzy Lamplugh (lam ploo) is one of the United Kingdom’s most well known missing person cases."
"The disappearance of Annie McCarrick in 1993 is an unsolved mystery with two strange sightings that could lead investigators to what happened to the 27-year-old just before she vanished."
"Alaska has more annual missing persons reports than anywhere else in the country, twice the national average."
"Statistically, Alaska has more annual missing persons reports than anywhere else in the country, twice the national average."
"Absolutely it matters when anybody goes missing."
"Number four: This is the strange but true story of Jane McDonald Chrome... on November 13, 1993... mysteriously vanished into the cold night..."
"I have never ever read an account of anyone who disappeared who is carrying a firearm and a personal locator beacon."
"Do I think he'll ever be found? I do, I'm a glass half full kind of a person."
"This couldn't have been a moment where she just got lost or confused."
"The more eyes and ears we have on these cases, the more we boost the signal about the missing, then the near we are to finding answers as well as closure for a heartbroken family somewhere."
"Someone out there has a mother who's missing, a daughter, perhaps a sister or even a best friend that to this day does not have any peace that deserves justice for what happened to the person that they loved."
"Nobody's even looking for my daughter anymore."
"Nobody's seen them, nobody, nobody knows where they went. Milk carton. Now you know when you think about the milk cartons, you go back, you think man, you see them on the milk cartons, you don't even question it."
"Women aged approximately 18 to 34 do get a disparate amount of attention from the media when they disappear."
"Imagine being a family member or with a missing daughter or a missing sister or your best friend's missing and you can't get anyone to pick up the phone."
"There is no jurisdiction in the United States that has a law that puts a waiting time on reporting someone missing."
"There's no law that says that they're missing."
"The victim was identified as Danielle Bonfield, a 12-year-old reported missing that morning."
"The loss of Zanna, Kaylee, Madison, and Ethan remains the highest priority."
"I genuinely hope that she's out there somewhere and that she's just waiting to be found."
"When people go missing the majority of the time they turn up or are found well. However, there are cases of missing people who seem to have vanished without a trace."
"A drone played an important role in finding a missing woman."
"If you know somebody who has gone missing, then you need to tell their relatives that the length of the search is greatly dependent upon how hard the people in that family push to have the area searched longer, harder, more thorough."
"It's just so sad and um I hope if she is out there that she knows that she can come home and uh I'm sure she'll be welcomed with open arms."
"Over 90,000 people are missing in this country, and most of them don't get a fraction of this type of coverage."
"I'm excited to announce that Baby Holly has been located alive and well 42 years later."
"David Paulides put together his profile points to understand these cases better."
"A fiery hope keeps loved ones searching for answers."
"Few things are more devastating than a loved one going missing."
"I strongly believe that she is alive and that she is hiding."
"Does this bring us one step closer to finding Bonnie?"
"The most cryptic part about this case is we're searching for a young man, 16 years old, who had his entire life ahead of him, full of hope."
"Our number one goal from day one is to find Summer and everybody's still a suspect, person of interest, however you want to put it."
"We must all pursue answers and fight for her discovery in the hope that one day she will be missing no more."
"As Gabby Petito's case grips the nation families of color with missing loved ones remind the nation they're hurting too."
"How did all these wilderness-experienced people go missing, some with no clues ever to be uncovered at all?"
"Dylan's parents are offering a twenty thousand dollar award to anyone with information that leads to finding their son."
"When searching for a missing child, every minute counts."
"The investigation into Aubrey is a little different... all missing persons cases as homicides until they could prove it wasn't."
"When multiple people go missing at the same time in unexplained circumstances, it is devastating for the collective families left behind."
"I'm hoping that somebody sees something or somebody knows something and comes forward. Shanann, Bella, Celeste, if you're out there, just come back..."
"It's horrible. Can you imagine? You've been missing your wife and son for months and then the two bodies wash up..."
"Unless we as a group as a family that are upset about what's happening to missing people, this kind of garbage is going to continue."
"it's always heartbreaking when people go missing so don't worry this isn't a video about people who went missing this is a video about people who were initially missing but were thankfully found."
"I never stopped looking for him. There wasn't a day I wasn't searching for him in some form or fashion."
"On a much deeper personal level my heart does go out to every single person watching this who's ever been affected by a missing person's case."
"We all love Jessica. We want Jessica home. We want justice for Jessica," Kathy Payden said during a vigil.
"More than 600,000 people go missing in the United States every year," according to data from NamUs.
"A startling admission begins to unlock the secrets of the missing mom and her seven-year-old son."
"So they have a description of the guy that Ben and Olivia were last seen with and they have a description of the boat that they were seen getting onto."
"How is it possible for someone to go missing on a cruise ship?"
"It's amazing how many times we come across that when somebody goes missing."
"Every minute that passes decreases the likelihood that they'll ever be seen again."
"The worst thing in the world is not knowing what happened to someone."
"Many of the people who go missing that I've written about that are later found alive have no memory about how they went missing."
"Fear and mourning grip southern England where authorities say two bodies found in a rural area are almost certainly those of two missing ten-year-old girls."
"Bringing someone who is missing back home is probably one of the greatest gifts you can receive."
"Something must have happened to my parents, otherwise they would have returned by now."
"For the families of the missing, the most challenging part is often not knowing what became of their loved one. Investigators dedicate their lives to solving mysteries such as these."
"The most awaited answer came five days after Travis went missing."
"It's cases like this where a person being missing is almost worse than knowing they're gone."
"Here are five of the strangest and most mysterious missing person cases in the world that are still unsolved because all we have to base a conclusion on is a few seconds of grainy CCTV footage."
"If Robin was anywhere halfway conscious she would have found a way to reach us." - Veronica
"As a mother, I want her to be out there to be alive but realistically it doesn't look that way. Not knowing is just agony; it's your worst nightmare come true." - Mary
"If she was alive she wouldn't have missed a minute of their day, never mind a birthday party." - Mary
"Be on the lookout for Brian Laundry, we're going to bring him home, bring justice to Gabby Petito."
"The couple has not been heard from in weeks."
"When people go missing abroad, it can be even harder than usual for families and friends to try to locate their loved ones."
"His disappearance is totally out of character."
"Estimates currently state that's over 1,600 people... have gone missing on public lands under bizarre circumstances."
"Just do it for Margaret, do it for these girls that went missing." - A call to action fueled by determination.
"For the last 30 years we have averaged about 600,000 adults every single year who turn up missing."
"Families such as Daniel Robinson, Deidre Reed, Akil Eggleston, Kiosha Jacobs deserve answers."
"All people who are missing deserve that equality."
"Athena is still missing she's four years old and still missing so the more eyes on this case the more awareness out there the better because hopefully as more people see it it will lead to a tip being generated."
"The name of David politis's actual organization that focuses on this is the Can-Am missing project."
"There is still hope that she's alive out there somewhere."
"If you know of a case in your area involving a missing person belonging to a vehicle, whether you're a law enforcement agency or you're family or friends, reach out to us."
"One of the most emotional things about this case obviously is that we have a beautiful young couple that is missing."
"The faster that a missing person report is filed the better chance there is that the person will be found."
"Every female black or white that's missing is because somebody took them."
"People missing in general is pretty realistic."
"Vanishings like this occur in both urban and rural settings, but in either case, there are often more obvious explanations."
"The 43-year-old mystery of their disappearance has been solved."
"Even in seemingly impossible circumstances, which can give hope to those still searching for their lost loved ones."
"Anaya's heart is dedicated to helping find missing people. That is what we do."
"I appreciate your dedication to the missing."
"For most missing person cases, entire days go by before anyone realizes they were missing."
"As soon as there's a report of a missing child that is a high risk and because there also are concerns as a child is an innocent person a person that's vulnerable and that is treated you know very quickly as a high-risk missing person."
"Please keep sharing this case, please keep sharing Oakley's photo."
"What's interesting and different than cases that I've covered before, when another person's loved one goes missing, they're doing anything and everything to try to get the word out."
"If you have any tips as to any missing loved ones that might be underwater in a vehicle, please be sure to check out adventuresthepurpose.com and email us there. You never know."
"Missing people can become like stories to a lot of us, but these are real people who are loved, who have families, who had whole lives."
"We claim to hope that one day they can be found. So if you know anything at all about any of these cases, even the smallest bit of information, then please speak up."
"with the number of people that go missing on a daily basis it's hardly surprising that there are thousands of missing person cases that are yet to be solved"
"Every year, hundreds of people are reported missing from our state and national parks. A large number of those people are never found."
"If they are alive today, Sarah Boyd and Linda McCord would be 64. Kimberly Boyd would be 32, which is the age her mother was when they went missing."
"We want to construct the most complete picture of where these people went missing."
"The FBI does not generally get involved in adult missing persons cases unless it is a matter of national interest."
"They reviewed missing persons cases from across North America."
"For the family, friends, and loved ones of the missing person, it's nothing short of a living hell."
"Working surveillance cameras are important to communities in order to aid in finding missing people."
"Missing persons cases are always tricky. But when it involves kids? That’s when it gets personal."
"But when these 10 men did not come back in a couple of days or weeks, their families went to police and reported them missing."
"In many of these cases they aren't even aware that they've been reported as missing until they re-emerge later to find that people in the surrounding area have been searching for them while they were gone."
"Millions of people are reported missing every year."
"Family and friends of the missing people have tried to raise awareness of their own cases."
"Worldwide statistics on those who go missing can be fairly difficult to establish as there are many countries who simply either don't report the cases or don't make the information public."
"This is an interesting case to me because there are two missing people within like an hour radius of this spot in the lake."
"Missing person reports were filed for both Alana and Charlie but law enforcement in Anderson County said there was little else they could do."
"I cover so many missing persons cases of people that want to be home and want to be with their families and loved ones who are looking for them because they're actually lost."
"Her image and information are continuously circulated by the National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children in the hope that someone, somewhere, holds the key to solving this heart-wrenching mystery."
"Something started out as a simple missing person or runaway. It happens to thousands of young girls and boys throughout our country. We need to look more closely at how we can communicate and really begin our investigation sooner than we do."
"No bucks, no Adam Page, no Omega."
"Lars Matank became the most famous missing person on YouTube, with the footage viewed over 16 million times."
"Changing this federal law and making authorities have to report them to the National Crime Information Center could help bring a lot of these missing persons home."