
Infinite Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"You are loved infinitely and I want you to love yourself in the same way that the universe loves you."
"We live in the realm of infinite possibilities."
"The ultimate secret of the universe... is that we are infinite awareness."
"If the entire ocean of the Earth was turned into ink to write the words of your lord... the entire ocean would dry out and become depleted before your Lord's words would run out."
"We're talking about the infinite, so we'll never get to the end. But that really, I think, opens our hearts and minds to say, 'I've got to keep learning and praying.'"
"Unless you find a route to the infinite within yourself and an acknowledgment of oneness through all things, then I think you're in some serious trouble."
"To see the infinite universe in a single glance."
"Love is infinite, and listen to me when I tell you, it is the greatest thing in the universe."
"The money don't stop. This [expletive] is infinity."
"You two could have this infinite soul connection."
"The universe is infinite not only in terms of time and space but also what can be found within it has a multitude of unknown laws and inexplicable facts the endless stories of oddities only go to prove this."
"The fun you can have in this world is almost infinite."
"Your attention is being drawn to the infinite nature of reality, that which exists outside the known is beyond measure."
"Let's just go on forever, yeah." - "Let's just go on forever, yeah."
"You can't say what it is because it's infinite, unbounded, and it's everything."
"The greatest and most powerful pathway to an experience of the infinite creator that is available in a way which will remain with the entity is persistent daily meditation."
"Open yourself up to the possibility of being infinite possibility."
"We're not even talking about a universe that stretches far and wide and is never ending..."
"The infinite is always imparting itself to me."
"Infinite games tend to not have so many rules and they don’t have a time horizon attached on and the only prime directive that exists in the infinite game is that all of the players of the game have to feel that they’re winning."
"The Upanishads say there is no true happiness in the limited; the infinite alone is happiness."
"No finite pleasure or success can fill up that infinite desire; only the infinite can satisfy an infinite desire."
"It's infinite, there's so many different ways you could tell a great story."
"Anything body-based that brings that experience of the infinite into our bodies...is going to produce a rapid shift in the world around us."
"I just felt infinite in that moment, just infinite."
"Continue to pour love into yourself. Your heart needs you to pour into you as much as you pour into others. Embrace the truth that you are love, infinitely lovable, and the vibration of love."
"...characters on this level have infinite speed... so their speed is infinite... it's basically teleportation."
"You're here to learn fully what you are and you'll discover you're completely complete, you're infinite."
"First of all, Jesus teaches us to do that seventy times seven. Peter says how many times do I forgive? Seven times? And Jesus says, I go the full distance infinite number of times."
"When is money enough? Money will never ever be enough, it's infinite."
"Life is infinite. The Game of Life will continue with us or without us."
"Eternity is the life. No limit to eternity."
"If you add those infinite points, then you actually get all the lines through the origin."
"The one thing which the human mind cannot grasp is the finite, not the infinite, and the temporary, not the eternal."
"Problems arise when you pit a finite player versus an infinite player because then a finite player is playing to win and an infinite player is to playing to keep the game going."
"It was infinite nothingness and infinite love in every direction."
"There's an infinite richness of truths about possibilities."
"The Multiverse is endless now and the stories are larger than ever before."
"She always believed that the pleasures of the table and the pleasures of life are infinite."
"Progress in such matters as these is limitless and infinite."
"Space itself goes on forever and ever and ever. There's no end to it."
"With God, all things are possible and that possibility is infinite."
"The universe has the form of an infinite music box."
"God's wisdom is infinite, beyond finding out."
"Your ability to overcome any problems is infinite."
"There's nothing more intimate than this infinite beingness."
"You have to forgive an infinite amount of times."
"Infinite frames infinite points of consciousness infinite experiences are points of Consciousness all happening right now"
"People say time heals all wounds... Resurrection heals all wounds, a million times, an infinite time, infinite times more."
"This here are your eigenfunction solutions, and by the way, now n can go, you know, you have an infinite number of eigenfunctions."
"As much as an infinite, eternal God can love, that's how much He loves."
"Each one of you is loved in ways that you cannot comprehend."
"Your worth is infinite and so is God's love for you."
"The stream of ever-improving explanations has infinite reach."
"Infinite is a never-ending way to play with your favorite stars."
"Knowledge is infinite; there is no limit to what you can accomplish."
"Human beings are at heart consciously awakening to the infinite."
"Awakening is the end of the belief that you're anything else other than this infinite Consciousness."
"You are the spirit of infinite love."
"It's always there, and it's just that simple sense of awareness is the awareness of the infinite being."
"Something that is eternal and infinite cannot know something that is limited."
"We begin and remain as the infinite, pristine, effortless, timeless being."
"Could we with ink the ocean fill, and were the skies of parchment made, to write the love of God above would drain the ocean dry."
"Your divine core could never be trapped because it's infinite, it's indispensable, and it's invincible."
"Everything and nothing, it's boundless and unknowable."
"Our naked unconditioned being remains, intimate, impersonal, infinite being."
"There's this infinite possibilities."
"My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep; the more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite."
"It's only the Eternal which is unchanging and unevolving and is infinite for all time."
"The divine imagination is the space of all possible thoughts and imaginations and images and all possibilities."
"Our Navigator is singing the praises of the future and its infinite treasure."
"People are gifted with a perfect memory of all of their past lives; they call themselves Infinite."
"It's the divine nature to be infinite compassion and love."
"True abundance exists as an infinite field of potential from which we can all draw."
"Their love is infinite and eternal."
"He loves; He will act in a way that displays love infinitely greater."
"Who see light and only infinite light, they alone will attain to that infinite; they will realize themselves as infinite light."
"We are Eternal beings with infinite mind."
"A continuous loop... just strong, weak, strong, weak, strong, and you can just keep going around and around forever."
"We are the expression of this infinite presence."
"There's an infinite amount of inspiration to be drawn from the natural world."
"We're all sense organs of the infinite, and sense organs each have their own function."
"This witness consciousness which I have realized myself to be, this is the infinite Brahman."
"His love is inexhaustible, it's unsearchable, it's unfathomable. You just have to believe it."
"I love Infinite, I love EXO, I love Beast."
"Love is infinite. Your mama's gonna love you forever, no matter who she meets."
"This is love, love without a limit."
"We are not finite beings; we're immortal beings."
"The point of the Big Bang isn't so much the beginning; it's just a midpoint along an infinitely long line."
"Mathematical induction is like a ladder with an infinite number of rungs."
"You are not a variable mortal, but you are a formless, deathless, infinite, and boundless principle."
"Subconscious mind is infinite intelligence."
"Feel the presence of that infinite light which is our true source, let it enter you as healing grace and love."
"We actually do live in a field of infinite possibilities."
"Together we walk a single path into the heart of the infinite."
"You are that infinite reality and that infinite reality is you."
"If you give an infinite number of monkeys a typewriter, one of them will write Shakespeare."
"Realization of one's infinite nature which is a field of infinite possibilities."
"It's an infinite amount of wonderful things about this series."
"There were infinite possibilities for you to be successful."
"Open up to infinite possibilities."