
Childhood Dreams Quotes

There are 462 quotes

"What did you want to do when you were a kid, before the world told you you couldn't do it?"
"I enjoy the privilege of creativity and being able to do things that I never thought I would be able to do as a child."
"The purest dreams, the purest fantasies about cars are the ones from childhood, before you even learn to drive."
"I always wanted to have a child ever since I was little."
"If kids knew what they wanted to be at age eight, the world would be filled with cowboys and princesses."
"This is something I've been working on since I was a little kid."
"Around 11 years old, I discovered that I wanted to be an Olympic figure skater."
"When I was a kid, I was dreaming of exploring the solar system and deep space like in a science fiction movie. So now, working around an entire planetary probe in the clean room, knowing that I contributed to this legendary mission, is a dream come true."
"If you could ask a seven-year-old me how he fancies this as a job, climbing trees, jumping off stuff, shooting the rapids, chasing the crocodile, I would have thought, amazing, come on."
"Every kid's dream is to be a little British boy or girl going to Hogwarts, much like every teen dreams of becoming like Spider-Man."
"It was the first time we were exposed to a world of adventure that any boy or girl could achieve, as long as they worked hard enough."
"It was a dream just as a young child to make it to the local stadium to see those big blue trucks roar through the air and crushing whatever got in their way."
"My mission in life is to realize all the promises I made to myself as a kid."
"Everyone's idea of success is different, but to me, it's those things that I fantasized about as a kid."
"I don't want to die, I want to go to Disneyland and have fun in Legoland!"
"When I was a kid, I wanted a Ford Probe GT, and there was no compromise."
"The big thing is really the sustaining of dreams by children in adversity."
"This is literally the game of your childhood dreams."
"When I grow up, I want to be the queen so I can tell people what to do."
"The Batmobile should be a car that every kid wants."
"I've always loved to sing when I was a little girl I wanted to be in musicals and all that kind of stuff," Johansen told interview magazine.
"When kids are young they believe they can grow up and be anything, astronauts, doctors, professional athletes, fashion designers. It's true, their imagination knows no bounds, nor does their self-belief."
"Just when I was a kid I wanted to be an astronaut like more than anything in the world."
"He probably always wanted to be a gangster when he was little."
"This is the kind of thing you dream of as a kid."
"From whenever I was a kid, I knew I wanted to be a pilot, I knew I wanted to go to space."
"She felt like she wasn't like the other kids, she was just destined to do more in her life."
"Everybody, since they've been a wee little child, has wanted to be able to use a lightsaber."
"Through Britt, when I was about 2 years old, I told Mom that I want I wanted to be the first black president of the United States."
"From the age of nine years old all I wanted to do was help animals."
"Now if this works I'm about to fulfill a childhood dream... and my god."
"It's not a trophy for me. This is what I've wanted since I was a little girl."
"Jim, thank you so much for sharing your superpowers with all of us. I know since you've been a child, you've been looking for a superhero school. Here's your class photo."
"This is a childhood fantasy made flesh. You're wearing awesome leather armor and you got a cape bomb."
"He wanted to give kids something he never had."
"Our sons and daughters, now when they're asked what do you want to be when you grow up, guess what they're going to say again? Astronaut."
"It's every child's dream to go treasure hunting and actually find something, but very rarely does it happen."
"Your childhood dream becomes the learning source for another dream."
"This is like my dream as a kid. This is the best thing ever, this is actually the best even for hot wheels. Thank you for making this a thing."
"He wanted to be the doctor since like he was seven."
"What's the one thing that you always wanted to do? To ride the slides in the Goonies."
"As a kid, I used to pray to God, 'Please make me rich so I can help out the poor.'"
"I've been obsessed with secret rooms like this since I was a kid."
"Probably the Lamborghini gift... that's something you grow up and you see a Lamborghini and you're like, 'Wow'."
"Ever since I was five years old, I've been passionate about space. Having a passion is a gift."
"You know when you're a kid you dream of scoring like game seven overtime goal."
"I just love the FA Cup as you said, when as a kid growing up."
"Ever since I was a little kid, I'd always wanted to direct stuff."
"It's just incredible, sometimes I have to reframe things for my 13-year-old self."
"If a child trusts you enough to share their dream with you, you've just been given a sacred gift."
"I just feel like I really want to do music. It's something I wanted to do as a kid."
"I just kept on trying to fulfill this hole, this want, this journey that I had as a kid as an adult."
"Every kid dreams of being on a cereal box or being in a video game. It's an honor."
"It's pretty awesome that this Disney Channel star now gets to call her childhood hero a friend."
"I believed in myself so much as a kid that I was going to get here."
"It's kinda like when you're a kid and they say when you grow up you can be whatever you want. In motion capture, that's actually pretty true."
"You can live the life that you probably only dreamed of as a child."
"Every little boy's dream is like, I want to be that cool of a hero."
"Make yourself proud, the little person you used to be, the kid this is what they dreamed of so make them proud."
"This is the kind of product that's gonna make every kid's dreams come true."
"As a kid who really loved Arnold movies, seeing a movie where a kid got sucked into an Arnold movie... that's just living the dream."
"Jeremy, you wanna you want to G want to tell him you want to know what you want to do when you're older?"
"When a stranger asks you in the middle of the night to go with them to see Santa Claus, do it. You'll have no regrets whatsoever."
"I wanted to be a ghostbuster when I was a youngin'. I mean I still do."
"A lot of us grew up watching Disney, hoping one day to live out our own fairy tales. True love, magic, and royalty were what we dreamed of."
"Thank you for making my childhood dreams come true."
"That's the dream, man. You mean Marvel will pay me 20 million dollars to pretend to be my childhood favorite superhero?"
"Every little girl should be a princess one time in their life."
"Absolutely stunning. Never thought I'd been dressed like this."
"I thought it'd be some plain boring maxi dress type thing and actually I've got everything a girl ever dreams of when she's a kid thinking of getting out her princess dress."
"As a kid, it's been my childhood dream to play on the same pitch as top professional footballers and Champions League winners."
"Still, it's incredible that we can be walking in this area right now to a small extent. It's like fulfilling a childhood dream."
"Every kid in Australia grows up wanting to play cricket for Australia."
"The future is here, well not quite but very, very soon. Every vehicle you've dreamed of as a kid is being invented and produced right now."
"You wanted to be a police officer when you were growing up."
"This is like all I dreamed of when I was a kid."
"Filmmakers dream: Bringing childhood imagination to life."
"When I was a kid, I always envisioned being the best performer I could be."
"We all dreamed that we could fly like Superman."
"At 12 years old, I knew that's exactly what I wanted to do."
"A must cop, I've wanted this forever, growing up."
"When I was little I told my family that I was going to be a game show host when I grew up and look at me now. It really warms my heart to see everyone working together to win at Bridge burners."
"What career/job did I want to have as a kid when I grew up? Car designer."
"The comforting lie of telling your kids that they can be anything they want when they grow up."
"Imagine having no dreams as a kid and just wanting your parents' love."
"I always say this, if you told your 10-year-old self that you were going to be a vampire when you grew up, would you not think that was cool?"
"Every kid who has ever worn a helmet dreams of this moment: the Super Bowl."
"Once I had a pendant in the shape of a unicorn's head. I knew that it could bring good luck to me and make my wishes come true."
"I always wanted to meet a real unicorn when I was a little girl. Now it feels like a dream come true."
"Elvira together on a shelf is like a childhood dream come true."
"At least one time Nintendo said let's go big and gave us an experience our kid hearts had dreamed of."
"My name is Alex Hunter and just like you, when every other kid is grown up kicking about football, I'm always dreaming of playing on the biggest stage..."
"This is like the fantasy that I've had as a kid, having a ridiculous awesome setup in my house."
"This is literally what I dreamt of even as like a nine-year-old."
"I want to create a easily franchisable character, something that children will dream about in the night times."
"It's living that fantasy or dream that you had as a kid reading novels or watching TV."
"I wanted to become an astronaut since I was a little kid... you find part of your life that just makes you feel alive that you're really excited about." - Astronaut
"We see ourselves in those characters. They represent who we all wanted to be when we were kids."
"It's every kid's dream to go to Disney World, right?... I felt extremely fortunate."
"It's every little lad's dream to have themselves one of those."
"I feel like when he told me that I could do it when I was a kid, I finally fulfilled that, and I kind of feel that inner peace that I didn't have before."
"It's an actual escape tunnel. Now, how many little kids haven't dreamed of an escape tunnel?"
"For me being little, I always wanted to be a boxer."
"I am home now and for the next 2 and a half years I am here to come back back to what was my original print of what I was doing when I was 5 years old making art."
"How many of you wanted to be something as a child that you didn't even realize what that thing was?"
"I love machines trucks construction it's what I've done since I was a boy it's what I've always wanted to do."
"When I grow up, I want to be a solo eclipse."
"the minecraft movie is announced which is my childhood dream come true"
"My dream job was to become a detective."
"Growing up, I always wanted to go on a bike ride at night, something about the idea of it just seems so cool and exhilarating to me."
"His goal since he was a little kid was to Main Event WrestleMania."
"I've done different things. I've helped to exonerate people... I feel good helping people in that way because initially when I was a kid I wanted to be a lawyer."
"I wanted nothing more than to be an entertainer when I was a kid."
"After 29 years, I finally got to ride that bike that I had the poster hanging on my bedroom wall when I was just a kid. Oh, I'm excited, this thing is awesome."
"My inner child was just like, this is what you have always dreamed of."
"I always thought I was gonna grow up to be here."
"If someone would have told my younger self, 'You will get paid to build Legos with your son in the future,' I'd have flipped out."
"When I was little, I said I wanted to be married when I was 21."
"I grew up wanting to be an Olympics Man Group a group version by the way you know Oklahoma hey buddy woman anybody heard about it one fifty states Oklahoma anybody he's my mama you've been there."
"I always wanted to go to the Great Pyramid since I was a small kid, and finally, we are here."
"Being an astronaut and a Playboy photographer is every 16 year old's dream."
"I remember when I was a child I always dreamed of the time I would be rich enough to transform the store into big stuff."
"...this really feels like a childhood dream coming true right now live on camera."
"I mean, this is like every little boy's dream."
"The dream of immersing yourself in the world of Super Mario from your childhood becomes a reality in Super Nintendo World."
"When I was a kid I used to think about the kind of man I'd grow up to be. I always thought on my first day as a cop I'd deal with a zombie apocalypse then be a special agent that deals with bioorganic weapons all over the world. So I nailed it."
"I feel like this is every little girl's dream like I don't know like I'm just so blessed I'm so thankful I'm so happy."
"I never thought that I'd be doing stand-up comedy here and I never wanted it, nobody ever does the job they dream of doing when they're a kid do they?"
"James May gathered 3.2 million plastic bricks to fulfill his childhood dream."
"We opened up a first edition Base Set booster box. We pulled Charizard, we pulled Blastoise, and we pulled Venusaur. This is like every kid's dream come true."
"Growing up, I think I was so in love with Frank Sinatra and I wanted to play opposite him my whole life, and that was what really got me to want to learn how to sing and dance and perform because I wanted to be in a musical with him as a little girl so badly."
"When I was a kid, I always wanted to live in California. It sounded like a fairy tale world."
"No one in my family ever wrote and when I was three years old I just decided I wanted to write and whenever I saw horse I was screaming and shouting and they had to put me on and I was the happiest girl ever and this somehow never changed."
"Summer ended and they went back to their home Stan and Ford left for the North Pole because they heard there was some strange creatures there so they finally achieved their childhood dream of exploring the world."
"I mean, I can only imagine as a little kid getting the opportunity to wear an authentic NASA space suit."
"For me, I need the next buzz going forward and pursuing the goal of how fast can you go powered purely just by the wind is something that I've wanted to find out since I was a little kid."
"I knew I always wanted to entertain. Right from early on, watching The Cosby Show, I wanted to be Rudy's friend."
"The idea of having a black cat to be my little Shadow and friend has been a dream that I've had since childhood."
"We are living in the future that my childhood self would have dreamed of, enabling me to very easily bring projects like this to life."
"What it means to me is all the hard work...since I started picking up a football when I was 7 years old."
"It's like, I'm not mad at a new venture, yeah? And I was like, you know, this is what I wanted to do as a kid, like, why not try it now if the opportunity falls in my lap?"
"So that was really cool to get Hands-On with some of these vintage discontinued stuff and again they let us actually play with them which was a dream come true because many of these Lego models not even I will probably ever own them in my lifetime."
"Every kid on Earth dreams of becoming a happy king."
"I remember being a kid being obsessed with wanting to be a detective or a spy, like the 'Mitchell' in me was like, 'I'm gonna go figure out a mystery.'"
"Absolutely insane as a kid. What is one thing you always dream of doing when you go to a hotel but you never do it? I know exactly what you're thinking: room service!"
"That's epic, dude. That's everything I would have dreamed for as a kid."
"I want more, but also on the flip side if you were to go back to me as a seven eight-year-old kid of having to dream of playing on the PGA tour, we've we've done just fine."
"Sometimes I forget that this is just what I wanted so badly when I was a kid, and like here I am, and sometimes I don't give it enough credit."
"The crossover made our childhood dreams come true."
"I always wanted to be a broadcaster. I used to dream about it when I was a kid, when I was five years old. Other people wanted to be doctors, lawyers, firemen. I wanted to be on the air."
"And uh what got you interested? Well uh, it's a dream I mean, it's a fantasy of every kid, yeah, that's what got me interested back in grade school in high school I spent half of my study periods reading about Blackbeard and pirates and treasure and Treasure Island."
"Everything that I've wanted to do as a kid, for some reason I've been fortunate enough to do it."
"I've always wanted my own shop ever since I was so young that was my favorite toy growing up was my cash register."
"If when I was a kid, I would always think, man, I wish I could get locked into Toys R Us overnight. Like, you know, when you're a kid and you think random things like that? That's what it just felt, it felt like being a kid stuck in the toy store, and it was so much fun."
"Yeah, I wanted to be an astronaut. Oh really, yeah. I wanted to be a pilot and uh, I never thought that I could ever have anything to do with this when I was growing up. I thought this was just you know, other people got to do this, I didn't know it would ever happen to me."
"I always wanted to be a magician when I was a kid. I just wasn't very good at tricks."
"That's like something kids dream about."
"I got you a bullet belt, my sixth grade dreams coming true."
"What are you going to do, on the street, butt naked? Do what? Show? This is what I'm saying. I'm talking just running. I'm getting, going for a full sprint, butt naked. That's a [__] idea. That's something I always wanted to do as a kid."
"Every little girl has a dream. I wanted to be a singer when I was your age."
"I always saw myself as a little kid I was like I want a model so bad like now I'm like oh my God I was like little me would be [ __ ] her pants right now like she would think I'm so [ __ ] cool"
"I had been hoping to build a space company since I was a little kid."
"Since I was a little kid, I've always thought about running for office."
"I genuinely thought so wholeheartedly that I was going to be a dolphin trainer when I grew up or a killer whale trainer."
"I've been planning my c16 since I was like 13 years old."
"It's kind of like my childhood dream to become a police officer."
"Patton craved and prepared for high command all his life. As a child, he had a wooden sword on which he carved 'Lieutenant General George Patton,' the highest rank he then knew of."
"there was a random piece of spaghetti in mine wait that's good looks can be deceiving literally don't judge a book my it's Dane cover this would be my dream as a kid every night for dinner give me this in second grade."
"Ever since I was a child, I've always dreamed about piloting an airplane."
"I wanted to play guitar at seven years old."
"Ever since I was a small boy, I dreamed about this moment."
"I want to build the next iteration of what I wanted to do when I was a kid."
"My goal was always to just get as many super bouncy balls as I could with those tickets."
"When you're a little boy and you dream about being a race car driver, your dream is you're sitting in a seat and you're hanging on a steering wheel."
"Your 80s childhood dreams are going to come true your 90s childhood dreams your 2 000 childhood dreams and your current dreams this woman is at the center of all your favorite iconic franchises."
"I wanted to be a mechanic. I wanted to know about cars and stuff, but that never happened."
"I'd say 536 is a late day. As a kid I wanted to be a math teacher because I liked my messenger and they got presents at Christmas and I was like when that people oppose about teacher presence of I literally thought that and then there was a teacher nobody present."
"I thought I was gonna be a Broadway singer because my mom and dad always had like soundtracks right to those great musicals."
"I'm thankful for AEW because they made my childhood wildest dreams come true and continue to do so every week."
"That's the coolest thing ever. When I was eight, I used to sit in my like living room and draw shoes on a little notepad because I wanted to have a shoe when I was older."
"I tell people and I bet there are people running around like that little girl we went on family vacation with my grandparents every year they took our us on vacation and I would sing about the pool and like tell people now I'm gonna be on American Idol someday for real."
"I remember when I was a kid, I'd never imagined myself actually being able to work for myself."
"Funny story I have wanted a challenger since I was little."
"This is like living out my childhood dreams of working in a magazine."
"At six years old, she confidently stated that she had chosen acting as a profession."
"That what I was there was what I'd imagined when I was 11 with my headphones on playing to 'Don't Fear the Reaper' or whatever you know."
"I mean, at some point, I did want to be a basketball player. When I was growing up, I was like, 'I have to do this.' I used to watch a lot of these and one street ball mixtapes and stuff. But yeah, what's your useless sound?"
"When I was a kid, I always dreamt of becoming pro in some sport."
"Oh, I'm a huge sucker for baseball. In fact, if you didn't know, I wanted to be a major league baseball player when I was a kid."
"Voice acting was the thing I wanted to do as a kid... I saw that as all kind of being a path to this thing that I really wanted to do."
"It was always my dream to win it with Liverpool when I was a kid, but you know, to win it with Aston Villa, I mean, that's superb."
"We wanted to grow up to be adventurers, scholars, and omniscient, and in particular, Victorian naturalists."
"It's always been a dream of mine... I always wanted a Lego bat cave."
"This entire setup is unreal, this is better than I could have even imagined as a kid."
"What do you want to be when you grow up? I never really thought about it other than fireman, policeman and the things you romanticize about when you're young."
"You know how you went to a basketball game and you looked up as a kid like, 'Damn I want to be here one day'?"
"You never know if you're gonna get a chance to meet your childhood heroes."
"A single Nike shoe can give that one child who grew up in poverty a chance to look in the mirror while standing side on and pretend he's Michael Jordan."
"What did you dream about at age 10?"