
Ingenuity Quotes

There are 1335 quotes

"Let's all just celebrate all human ingenuity and progress."
"This corridor is not just a path to the King's Chamber; it's a showcase of ancient ingenuity and a symbol of the civilization's advanced engineering capabilities."
"The truth of the matter is, the people who are showing that kind of ingenuity... expose themselves to a huge number of patterns."
"We're testing ingenuity by having these artists design something that is gonna play a trick on the eye."
"Scientists around the world cannot comprehend the level of ingenuity that resulted in Ja Ja Pass."
"Full-scale hangman in Minecraft using only Redstone, now that's something special."
"Sheriff Ed Bates described this plan as 'pretty ingenious.'"
"Very slick, very cool, very spooky. Good malware tricks."
"The biggest solution to our problems is our ingenuity."
"When I filmed a project with William Shatner, I literally taped a microphone to a broom pole, and he seemed impressed by my thriftiness."
"Human experience and human ingenuity have gradually chipped away at the problem of violence."
"Each tunnel told a tale of ingenuity, resistance, and the lengths to which humans could go when defending their homeland."
"You want to make like a hiding spot, think like Indiana Jones."
"Where science meets engineering is where brilliant, simple ingenuity emerges."
"Irreverence is the secret of American ingenuity."
"Throughout history, there are numerous examples of those who used ingenious means to baffle prying eyes and hide deadly weapons in plain sight."
"You can create opportunities for them to feel awesome when they overcome those challenges by using their own ingenuity and using their own character abilities."
"The settlement of the Americas is one of the final chapters of human migration and it's an amazing narrative that bears witness to human Ingenuity and resilience."
"Amazing kid-built tiny house: a testament to determination."
"Incorporating a little MacGyverism ingenuity becomes an important secret to survival."
"We the Willing have done so much with so little for so long that we can now do anything with nothing."
"It's all a scam, everything's a scam, and some scams here are sophisticated, but it's also you think of it like wow, that's actually a pretty good idea, it's a pretty good scam, ingenious."
"The toothbrush crossbow is one of the most inventive and complicated prison-made weapons in history."
"Teens are dressing up as mask-wearing grandmas to score alcohol."
"People are geniuses at forming systems and social groups that are effective but emotionally when they aren't in the right head space all that Ingenuity can become dangerous."
"Successful men find loopholes even when they're at a disadvantage."
"Succeeding together means tapping into the best of American ingenuity and creativity."
"The human population is actually the driver of the solutions we need, and that the ultimate resource is human ingenuity itself."
"Ingenuity's achievements are nothing short of remarkable."
"Toph realizes there are tiny bits of earth within the metal and tears open the enclosure."
"Strategic ingenuity and adaptability are key."
"And just like that, a man 2200 years ago found the circumference of our entire planet with just a stick and his brain."
"Modern problems require persistence more than they require genius."
"To me, this isn't really a hack. This is just smart."
"Very tricky, very neat but yeah it's all about puzzle solving."
"People know that there are these kind of secret quiet ways to do the undoable."
"He found a loophole to speed things up." - Commentary
"Instead of buying scalped tickets, this guy took it a step further."
"It's quite impressive what people can do without direct access to the game code."
"It's not about the resources you have, it's about how resourceful you are."
"Truly an inspiration for us all. They don't even have arms, I don't know how they do the wiring."
"If it's such a big secret, then she could easily make money by selling it to others. Aim found out the potion is actually made from her own saliva, so if she bottled it up like snake venom, the girl could get insanely rich."
"I trained my dog to fetch beer. It may not sound too impressive, but he grabs them from the neighbor's fridge."
"Euler's real identity, pretty ingenious argument isn't it."
"They were very resourceful in figuring out how to harness the energy and creating amazingly sophisticated works of art and engineering."
"Not bad for something that we shake, stomp, and hide underground."
"The people who led us were geniuses in these things."
"Some of us had a scanner in the car, oh the F Buster. Tell the police that was some clever [__]."
"It is utterly dazzling and utterly ingenious."
"Whatever their purpose, they're an unbelievable example of human ingenuity."
"Remember that bow I mentioned in the wall? Well, it actually created some space between the shelves and the wall in this cabinet which I took advantage of to run the wiring through."
"You found a way that fixed things without causing any unnecessary damages."
"Cunningness can reveal shortcuts even in the toughest quests."
"Cheating always requires ingenuity, that doesn't make it right."
"They used it to lure all the giant crocodiles from a lake they were supposed to clear out into a trap. Smart."
"That was genius, did you see how he used cotton to like save his life? You know what that means, do you see what that is?"
"Adaptability and ingenuity, changing how you look at something can make the difference between surviving or not surviving."
"Apollo 13 may have been a technical failure but was a complete success in testing Mankind's Ingenuity and resolve."
"After several failed attempts to decipher the clue, clever players finally realized the true meaning of the phrase."
"Homemade inventions are proof that innovation knows no bounds."
"From backyard rollercoasters to two-man pulleys, homemade ingenuity shines."
"Facing legendary horrors demands ingenuity, resilience, and a refusal to succumb to fear."
"Our heroes here use their common sense, their intellect, and ingenuity."
"Discover the power of hidden mechanisms and concealed entrances."
"They knew the ingenuity and the tenacity that we had."
"The absolute stubbornness and the creativity of how far they can push it, that is insane."
"It's so simple, but borderline ingenious as far as I'm concerned."
"In times of adversity, collective societies do better. Our ingenuity thrives in times of abundance, which is coming to a close."
"It looks like it might fit in there. How cool is it that this piece is still on? The batteries are still on."
"I think that was a great ingenious solution... a lot more user friendly."
"This group of friends have a more advanced space program than North Korea. It's amazing what can be accomplished with enough ingenuity."
"A triumph of human ingenuity over a hostile environment."
"I'd hardly call it luck, Professor. You see, I substituted a drug of my own for the one that this dear lady pressed on me."
"Birds are some of the most ingenious creatures on the planet."
"This is fucking genius like you all gotta admit this is very smart."
"It's hacky but clever. That is [ __ ] unbelievable."
"The utilizing of dummy faces, the making of the life jackets, the making of a raft-- I don't know of any escape from a prison which had more ingenuity utilized."
"Ripley, you're a genius, are you kidding me?"
"I love the ingenuity, the creativity that these guys went through."
"When you make a half-edited stair... that right there is such a good move."
"You're actually a genius for that placement."
"He ingeniously found a way to convey to those diligent enough to learn his secret language."
"We triumph in innovation, ingenuity, surprise, discovery."
"Sam 25, you figured it out. You were able to use the magnet to pick up The Lunchbox."
"This mission is a shining Testament to human Ingenuity and transformative power of global collaboration."
"Before things can get too homely here, she's whisked away by Dr. Handsome. Don't be afraid, it's only a wolf that must have just fallen into one of my traps."
"I might be able to build my secret room under the stairs this is going to work great."
"That's pretty ingenious. This is a project that tells you exactly what it's doing right up front without a lot of gimmick."
"Luckily, there are plenty of people out there who have found ingenious workarounds."
"Instead of superpowers, he used his wits and strength to take down the bad guys."
"You think you're the only person that can build secret bases?"
"Toothbrush crossbow: A creative yet dangerous weapon crafted from everyday items found in a prison cell."
"Oh my god this is the best because she's like dough getting it started at how smart this is."
"People really love your ingenuity, they really love the fact that you are so smart and so resourceful."
"Sinbad notices the floor of that valley is covered in diamonds, then he remembers the methods the old merchants used to harvest the precious gems."
"Beneath the waters of Lake Svetloya...resides a town of unimaginable ingenuity."
"We kind of have to rig up an idea here to get the ice cream and bananas and cherries all just like look perfect. So that answer is toothpicks, brilliant."
"I just love when people go against the grain and are clever with it."
"Intuitive improvisation is the secret of genius."
"Project Zomboid can absolutely be called creative genius."
"Let's take a moment to appreciate that I may have found another way to get in that room without having to hack and waste my multi-tool."
"Look if you look at this first level you can add joints to that and therefore you can make it do that so it goes down then you only need to worry about one side of this, that's so cool people are so smart."
"Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, and sometimes it's just plain genius."
"He presents the bottle to them, and when they realize that it’s medicine, they administer it to Hughes."
"This sneaky trash panda eventually reached the roof at 3 a.m., where animal welfare had set a trap containing cat food in order to rescue the rampant raccoon."
"A little bit of ingenuity in a survival situation goes a long way."
"Trapping has been the magical thing that has helped me win my war on flies."
"It's pretty darn smart with the way it connects the belts."
"It is impossible to make things foolproof because fools are so ingenious."
"This level of growth didn't happen by coincidence, it was a result of ingenuity and hard work."
"Ingenuity is definitely related to the ability to solve a problem when you do something new."
"That is absolutely fantastic! 'Cause we'd probably just dismiss that as an out and out bodge, but you've done your research and actually, it turns out, the guys a legend, and he's made a shelf. Which is a hack." - Si
"That part with the guillotine, that was clever."
"We've brought down more than our share of villains with nothing more than pluck, jerry-rigged traps, and a box of Scooby Snacks."
"It's just amazing what with a little ingenuity and a lot of heart and soul what a skateboarder can accomplish."
"I built my first armor with a lot less than this. I'm gonna do the one thing the Scrolls can't imitate: use my brain."
"A symbol of Australian engineering ingenuity and racing ambitions."
"Quick on her feet, Isaki proposes a small table, turning it into a makeshift footrest and solving the comfort problem."
"It's hard to imagine the brilliant mind who designed this prosthetic leg."
"Ingenuity was never designed to live through winter."
"It is winter though, and Ingenuity was never designed to live through winter."
"Resourcefulness matters so much more than resources."
"The Native Americans were just as clever as other cultural groups of the ancient world."
"The Egyptians were seriously ingenious and put simplistic tools to really good use."
"That's a very clever way of getting their attention."
"Krillin comes up with a great idea: Piccolo's an alien, right? Well, wouldn't that mean there's probably Dragon Balls on whatever planet he came from?"
"Some of the puzzles are pretty amazing."
"I fixed it! We just needed some leverage."
"Considering the fact that you can build all of this with just two sets is pretty neat."
"The wings are pretty solid and the flaps are held stationary using a handlebar piece and a bunch of these tool elements clipped on."
"The siege of Tyre is perhaps the greatest example of Alexander’s ingenuity, adaptability and mastery of siegecraft."
"While a god may have created the world, the Dutch created the Netherlands."
"Survival always depends on my ingenuity and my drive to discover every opportunity."
"The history and Ingenuity of Rome can't be denied."
"People are so creative these days."
"From bookcases to slideable countertops, there's no limit to what human ingenuity can accomplish whenever there's a problem and someone seeks to solve it."
"This ancient trap also serves as a reminder of how our ancestors were able to weave their ingenuity into the fabric of the Earth itself."
"Redneck ingenuity at its finest right here."
"No wonder nobody could hear them, they slipped through the grass on their oil coatings"
"The rotational construction method across Bridges is a prime example of how engineering Ingenuity can reshape the landscape of infrastructure development."
"The ingenuity of the young female of the species is beyond anything you could conjecture."
"'Tony Stark was able to build this in a cave.' But that's because Tony Stark is that [__]!"
"I've been so unable to make jokes. I faked an ingrown toenail just to put up with it."
"Delta Works was the answer... pretty ingenious I got to say."
"You showed a lot of ingenuity in putting this design together and really thinking outside of the box instead of just doing a big cover up."
"He showed a lot of ingenuity in putting this design together and really thinking outside of the box instead of just doing a big cover up."
"When there's no other way, I create my own. My Memory Palace."
"Shiratori was actually a master of getting out of handcuffs, with an uncanny ability to scale like a lizard."
"Escaping maximum security prison has been done using fairly old-school methods."
"They spent months building a raft and they hid it in that tunnel. This raft was created by sticking together around 50 raincoats they had stolen."
"But there's one thing that really stuck with us, ingenuity, creativity, resourcefulness."
"That's a hell of a loophole, that's a genius."
"That was actually pretty big brain."
"...it seemed a little too simple and once I put it all together and realized just quite how it worked, I realized that it's sort of ingenious."
"It's amazing how resilient human ingenuity and intelligence really is."
"Wow, you're a genius at hiding snacks."
"I think this goes to show that you can pretty much bake any style of pizza at home with just a little bit of Ingenuity and testing."
"These lighthouses are not just navigation aids but tales of human ingenuity and guardianship."
"Anyone can make big power with a fat wallet, but it takes real hot rod ingenuity to do it on the cheap and make it work."
"A lot of the ingenuity is figuring out where to take this superpower of supervised learning and put it into this much bigger system."
"This is Big Brain, yeah, this is Big Brain, the biggest of brains."
"Thank you for all of the science, Ingenuity; you will be missed."
"The Great Pyramid of Giza still stands today as a testament to the ingenuity and skill of the ancient Egyptians."
"That man had a whole shield made out of a log."
"This used to be a lamp and as soon as I saw the first comment come through I was like duh that's why it had the wide base at the bottom and the tiny little hole at the top."
"I would really like to know, you are looking at the only Starfleet Cadet who ever beat the no win scenario. I reprogrammed the simulation so it was possible to rescue the ship."
"The Incas managed to build the ancient fortress known as Sakai Haman in Cusco, Peru, with no access to advanced building machinery or tools."
"Using what you have... That's why we do it."
"Our progress is the result of our own ingenuity and hard work."
"Our success is a testament to our resilience and ingenuity."
"I already have a great feeling about this we've got battery clamps that were meant for a round terminal bolted through a flat terminal that's meant for a ring type terminal."
"With respect Ambassador, you underestimate human ingenuity and bravery."
"You can impress your friends with a bottle cap."
"People amaze you with the Ingenuity."
"Anakin was a mechanical genius since a child and was able to condense and reconfigure the innards of this ship."
"Veera was the MacGyver of prehistoric times."
"How is your hustle robbing the prison and selling the things you rob from the prison to the inmates like Robin Hood?"
"That high wiring is really smart."
"Froner sat down and with his frankly ingenious mind worked up a pistol that he could produce with the limited tools available to him by October of 1914 and therefore kept his Factory open what he came up with honestly skirted genius."
"Each human being is packed with unlimited potential no matter where he or she lives this is part of being a human being the enormous amount of creativity enormous amount of ingenuity that each person has respect into the person."
"We rely on the government to do a lot of things for us... we don't need help like us where you don't have money in terms of Ingenuity you do things yourself and you make it work."
"I'm wondering because it seems like it is. And if they did, that's genius."
"Symbolic of America's rise to power and Japan's Resurrection from the ashes of war, the work in motion on moving assembly lines around the world is a testament to the ingenuity, courage, and hope of its designers, engineers, and workers."
"It is a reflection of human resilience and Ingenuity in a world of constant Peril and wonder."
"It's amazing that they built this structure in that fashion because it was the most expensive way to build structures at that time."
"It was a victory, the victory of Yumi's insight and the ingenuity of the protagonist."
"A group of French thieves found an enterprising way to clean out a chain of French supermarkets literally."
"...with a bit of determination, ingenuity, and effort, there’s no such thing as an uninhabitable star system."
"With enough brains, technology, and sheer willpower a person can survive and get home, using real science rather than turning coconuts into radios like in Gilligan’s Island."
"Maybe we can overcome luck with ingenuity."
"...the most ingenious robbery in history."
"I keep this in here because, you know, the seat goes like this, right? And this levels it out and gives two little dogs more room."
"Who needs a multi-tool when you have Swiss Army nails?"
"Only a brilliant mind could think of a thing like that."
"A couple in Newfoundland purchased an old house, put it on barrels, and floated it one kilometer across the bay to their property."
"Bond's ingenuity, that quick thinking and finding sort of a roundabout way to solve a problem, that's James Bond."
"Oh man, that's so smart. It is such a slick operation."
"Maybe if I align the cable with the crown, it's like, yeah, that's what I would do."
"It's about ingenuity, it's about making something cool, something that works."
"All of fishing is about ingenuity, it's about what you can do with whatever you've got at hand."