
Ancient Artifacts Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"They discovered ancient hieroglyphs alluding to the dagger being given to them from the heavens...the composition of the dagger was tested, and they found iron, but also included nickel and cobalt in exactly the combination that is found in meteorites."
"More than 10 ancient stone vases have been scanned using structured light scanning, a process that creates an accurate model of an object to a resolution of less than a thousandth of an inch."
"The fact that the vase can then be represented by a series of mathematical equations also tells us that it was specifically designed this way; this simply cannot have happened by accident."
"Applying our modern high-tech metrology and measurement tools to accurately define and analyze ancient artifacts is a task worth performing."
"A detailed, defined, and professional analysis of the precision manufacturing used to create a truly ancient artifact demonstrates the irremediable truth of work involved in its manufacturing."
"The ancient Jews made a genius move to preserve their artifact."
"This is indeed a vase from an ancient tribe, isn't it just beautiful? This is a remarkable find, my junior archaeologists."
"These small bronze objects had rested in the ground for almost 2 000 years now they sit center stage at the Yorkshire Museum on display for people to visit and to make up their own minds."
"Israeli teenagers made quite the discovery: a clay jar stuffed to the brim with gold coins dating back 1,100 years."
"The Feistos Disc: an impressively designed disc of fired clay that just makes absolutely no sense whatsoever."
"The tomb was discovered complete with 100 arrowheads, a collection of knives, a sword, and a horse harness—all of these artifacts have led researchers to believe the woman was a warrior."
"Hundreds of stone fragments were also found that had hieroglyphs as well as a carving of a coiled Cobra."
"The Emerald Tablets are an ancient artifact encoded with mysterious writings said to elevate the reader's spirituality."
"The Pitsa Panels: the oldest surviving examples of Greek panel painting, still in such good condition."
"The ancient mystery of the dodecahedron persists."
"It was found inside a piece of coal and it's thought to be around 60 million years old."
"SCP-1000: They made things we still can't comprehend."
"He's 40,000 years old. Wow, the oldest figurative art in the world."
"They're geoglyphs that are spread out over southern Peru's desert land and are easily identifiable from the air. While some have been made from piled up stones from as early as 500 BC, these are a little different."
"A lumpy piece of cheese estimated to be over 3,300 years old has recently been uncovered inside a tomb in Egypt."
"The Roman dodecahedrons: Mysterious ancient artifacts found in various locations, their purpose still unknown."
"The Hassanlu lovers: a heartwarming embrace preserved in time."
"This early representation of a possible female deity looks like it is carved on the rock."
"The new Nascal lines: Four new geoglyphs identified by AI technology... 2,000 years old, etched into the surface of the Southern desert in Peru."
"The top man for United when it matters most."
"This small decorated chalk cylinder discovered before the pandemic has rested in the ground for 5,000 years, a precious object to accompany three children."
"Receive the ancient ring of the Three Torches. Receive its knowledge."
"This artifact was found 150 feet below the surface of the Aegean Sea in a shipwreck, and it is the oldest kind of computer ever recorded."
"The carving predates other similar artifacts in the region by at least 8,500 years."
"This energy really is about grounding into your own energy responsibly."
"Indeed, an ancient and hidden extraterrestrial code in human DNA would be the most astonishing out-of-place artifact of all time."
"Each one contains in its fragile form a glimpse into a lost past, the distant world its owner once inhabited."
"Keys are these ancient objects of power that contain the ability to fast track and unlock evolution."
"The oldest projectiles ever found in the Americas, dating back 15,700 years."
"The shapes of vases during this period also evolved, with jars, bowls, and cylindrical vessels becoming more common."
"So even regular vases placed in tombs had great religious importance."
"This means the Big Shigir Idol is definitely the world's oldest wooden sculpture to date."
"An object discovered back in 2015 might actually be an 800 year old mobile phone left behind by aliens."
"We've recovered artifacts from an ancient alien civilization."
"Are ancient artifacts remnants of an advanced past?"
"These enigmatic ancient artifacts challenge our understanding of the technological and artistic capabilities of ancient civilizations."
"A leather shoe was recently found in a German bog that's not the most interesting headline but it gets better when you learned that the shoe was lost in that bog for 2 000 years."
"Deep underground in a dark mysterious cave, he came across Egyptian statues and other relics from A Lost Civilization."
"After heavy rainfall, archaeologists discover an over 2,000-year-old statue of a bronze bull peeking out of the earth."
"Creepy neolithic masks over the years archaeologists have uncovered 16 neolithic stone masks dating back roughly 9 000 years."
"Gold medallions and metal plaques found at the site bear images of a deity and of a puma lama hybrid animal."
"That leather is nearly 2000 years old." - Highlighting the remarkable preservation of ancient artifacts.
"Hidden within the icy embrace of Sangrup's Guardat mountain peak, archaeologists stumbled upon a treasure trove of artifacts that had been buried for 1,700 years."
"These discs resembled phonograph records researchers dated them to be over 10,000 years old now they didn't play music like a typical record but instead they had hieroglyphics carved into them."
"Let's go to the show. You test the adhesive and one of the pieces that has an eye, and then you send it to the lab and you get back a date of 8,700 and change, right almost 9,000 years. That must have been an eye-opener."
"You are destined to take hold of this ancient masterpiece."
"So, some of these objects here may be from the Pharaoh's armory, we can't tell for sure. This is fascinating."
"Gold and silver death masks: an absolute Rarity in ancient Egyptian burials."
"This ancient object estimated to be 2200 years old has the shape of a modern airplane with a bird's head."
"An Egyptian mummy that was transported from Egypt to Poland in the early 1800s has recently undergone some new testing by a team of Polish scientists..."
"The mystery behind the Nazca Lines remains unanswered."
"What are the Dropa stones, and where did they come from?"
"These rocks in particular have come from an ancient spaceship."
"So this thing potentially potentially could be an estimated 13,000 years old minimum."
"Ancient sandals with a heartwarming message."
"Oldest Mummy in the goddamn world, my friends."
"The jars predate the human remains, potentially by thousands of years."
"The tiny sculpture... is crafted from the tusk of a woolly mammoth."
"These terracotta figurines dating back to 4000 5000 BCE have a humanoid form but feature distinct reptilian characteristics elongated heads almond-shaped eyes and scaly skin."
"From rusty daggers to ancient scripts: clues to lost civilizations revealed."
"Anything that's 9, 10, or 11,000 years old is the heritage of all mankind."
"The oldest clay figurines ever found in the southwest of the United States of America were discovered by a farmer in a field close to Tucson."
"The sandals were nearly 10,000 years old, made before written language, before the first known wheel."
"The mystery of the impossible Egyptian statue was finally solved after many years since its unearthing."
"Holding grudges over love is ancient artifacts."
"In February 2023 during archaeological excavations as part of the A14 Road Improvement scheme in England, scientists from the Museum of London archaeology discovered an incredibly rare ancient comb made from a human skull."
"People are dying to take a picture with a Pharaoh's heart."
"Our final find is an extremely rare ancient Roman ARCA ferrata or to call it by a more modern name, an ancient Roman safe."
"They say King Tut had a dagger made out of meteorites and some people say like there's these knives called Kris' in Indonesia and they're like these curvy little daggers."
"The only way that you could possibly maybe defeat Lilia is if you had some sort of weapon or sword or shield or mirror from some sort of ancient clan."
"It's still so crazy that this was made 3500 years ago."
"The ancient island is real and that this book is one of the artifacts that the Oharans used to uncover the truth of the void century."
"These are the largest stone boxes ever found in Egypt, made of some of the hardest stones on the planet."
"The body of the mummy found was wrapped in yellow silk and was wearing gold accessories."
"Finding an ancient artifact and understanding everything about it immediately must be very rewarding for an archaeologist."
"The sarcophagus is still very mysterious; nobody knows quite how old it is."
"The discovery of ancient artifacts with mysterious inscriptions in The Money Pit has stirred excitement among treasure hunters."
"The British Museum in London contains the world's largest collection of ancient artifacts."
"What's really mysterious about this discovery is that the ancient sword is intricately decorated."
"The oldest of the artifacts has been there for 5,000 years."
"Almost everywhere engineers dug, they stumbled across priceless artifacts from over 3,000 years of Istanbul's past."
"The arrow was trapped in the ice for 2,000 years before the birth of Christ."
"The giant ancient and enigmatic boxes that have been housed for millennia inside the underground site that we call the Serapeum of Saqqara are astonishing achievements."
"It's amazing that you can touch something from the first to the fourth century."
"Amazing, look at that. This could be up to 3,000 years old."