
Energy Exchange Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"Sex is an energy exchange. If you're going to have sex with someone, you better be ready to get all the baggage and everything that comes with them."
"You are special. Every single day, you experience life, take life in, and put energy back into the world."
"Love someone better and be loved better by consciously finding the right energy exchange in your relationships."
"Every relationship, every interaction you have with a person in your life, man or a woman, that's an exchange of energy."
"Relationships are all about energy exchanges, and the exchanges should be fairly positive and reciprocal."
"They love flirting with you and exchanging their energy with you, it feels very magnetic."
"It's all about energy, folks. Treat others the way you want to be treated."
"People have to be careful what type of energy they put out towards others because again they might receive that same energy back towards them."
"I always look at money as energy... it's give and take... when we learn how to give and we learn how to receive... that's where it becomes a spiritual thing."
"Life is an energy exchange, and spreading love is all part of the continuum."
"Every connection teaches valuable lessons and brings valuable energies."
"There is something indescribable about sitting across from another human being looking them in their eyes and receiving the energy and the promise from them directly that sticks with you."
"Connection time where you're actually receiving and giving out energy."
"Liking and subscribing are forms of energy transfer, allowing me to pick up more easily on your energy and channel more specifically for you."
"So much love exchanging energies, it means so much."
"Money is a side effect of an energy exchange."
"You're exchanging energy with this person 24/7... because by the law of attraction, that which is likened to itself is drawn."
"Through breathing techniques, I can exchange energy with everything around me."
"Twin flame connection: a catalyst for change within each other, mirroring behavior and projecting energy."
"The more someone is attached to somebody else, the more they are sending them energy, the more that they then feel repelled."
"You get back what you receive and what you put out there."
"Being abundant, which includes the form of money, understand all money is an exchange of energy."
"Life is one big continuous circle of giving and receiving energy. Be thankful for who and what's in your life instead of complaining about what you don't have."
"Thank you so much for sharing your energy with me."
"Money is energy, what you put out comes back."
"The energy that you put out, that's what you're gonna receive."
"Somebody's coming in with the frequency of wanting to help or reciprocate the energy that you give to them."
"You are what you put out; the energy you put out is the energy you get back."
"Sometimes guests just bring energy to the room and you bounce off them."
"Thank you all for watching, you give me so much energy."
"I do want to be wrong. I don't want the brother to get hurt. I'm just telling you, there's a certain energy you put out there that always comes back to you."
"Libra is about the equal exchange of energies."
"You pull in the vibrational energy that you're giving out and this is exactly what you want to be doing to get that good commitment and relationship in."
"The universe always has your back. The universe is an exchange, you're an energetic exchange with the universe."
"Money is just a side effect of an energy exchange."
"Money is just love made manifest, money is love energy made manifest, it's an exchange of energies."
"Remember, feel free to swap the energies around. If the message doesn't feel it's for you, then it's for someone else. You'll know what resonates with you."
"A vibrational currency is currency that will flow based on your vibrational intent."
"Don't pour into anything or anyone that is not reciprocating your energy."
"Keep your heart chakra open in the midst of all of this, don't shut your heart chakra don't allow that agape love to come into you and allow that agape love to go back out to the universe."
"Gratitude: life is one big continuous circle of giving and receiving energy."
"The good energy you put into this you will get back it'll just be in a different form."
"It's a giving energy on both sides, you both want to offer something to the other."
"Music is not about how big you are. I feel like music is an exchange of energies."
"Manifestation isn't just a one-way street; it's an exchange of energy."
"I just want to say thank you, thank you so much for letting me tap into your energy."
"Relational connections are often the ones that involve the highest concentration of energy exchange."
"Make sure that the energy you give out, because it's so pure, it's so nurturing, make sure that your energy that you give out to somebody or your people is being reciprocated back to you."
"There's something going on like besides what you can see in person there's like an energy Exchange between you two even when you're not together."
"You're just happy to receive the energy that you send out."
"Keep giving out that beautiful energy, it will be returned to you many fold."
"We actually draw energy from one another... it's a give and take and the thing about the technology is it's just take."
"You're going to walk a new path with this person. This energy exchange is creating an opportunity and sparking an opportunity energy for you guys to walk a new path, to move in a new direction."
"Friendship is about energy exchange it's about a Vibe it's about you and this person being in a place in your lives where you are able to kind of bring out the best in one another"
"Sex is the exchange of energy, sex is spiritual."
"Friendship is about energy exchange. It's about a vibe. You'll know when a friendship is no longer worth it."
"It's a vibe. You give energy and when they give me energy, like it's gonna create that music."
"You gotta reciprocate this [ __ ] and you gotta make sure you trade energies with people."
"They have so much energy to give, and I get some energy as well."
"You get the energy you give out into the world."
"Community is required... you need people that you can exchange energy with."
"I get exhausted by the end of the day but I do absorb energy from all of you wonderful students."
"Communication isn't always verbal, but energy transferred is universal."
"If you put your energy into the things you truly love, the universe puts its energy back into you."
"This is about energy, this is about the fact that in order to grow, in order to be strong, to be the best you, you got to surround yourself with relationships and work and projects and friendships and habits where there is an equal reciprocal exchange."
"I'm all about reciprocity now, so I'm gonna give you that same energy."
"Thank you so much, sending you back all that positive energy as well."
"You give and you also receive; that energy has to be reciprocated."
"Some kind of growth has happened and evolution in the way you are both receiving each other's energy."
"It's a cool give and take thing, an exchange of energy. It's very cosmic actually."
"It's really the perception of imbalance in terms of the exchange of energy that creates conflicts in the first place."
"Live performance is all about the exchange of energy from the crowd to the band."
"We became accustomed to its energy and it became accustomed to ours."
"Thank you for sharing your energy with me, namaste."
"Their energy gives us energy to continue to push the boundaries."
"My type is someone who reciprocates energy."
"Money is just exchange of energy."
"I'm pumped for the people that give energy and then take my energy and then turn around and give it back."
"You want to do a good record first... then going on the road is... we get the energy back from everybody, and you give them energy."
"I am a life form in the midst of many other life forms, and there's an exchange of living energy going on between us."
"Real life is when I walk, engage with you, feel your energy, see what you own, see what you really represent and talk about."
"You have to be careful of who you swap energy with because you don't know what energies people are carrying with them."
"The energy you give will be the energy that you receive."
"The vibes you put out is what you bring back in."
"It's realizing that love isn't a game but it's an energetical exchange."
"If you put positive energy out there, then positive things come back at you."
"Open your heart to give and receive the greatest energy of all."
"It's hard to really verbalize with words the feelings that it gives you, but when you introduce a live crowd to the mix... we're feeding off their energy, they're feeding off ours, it's amazing."
"Enjoy growth and reap rewards, continue exchanging energy to create abundance."
"If all it's about is coming, that's not really all it's about. It's about the exchange of energy."
"Healing one another, working for meaningful energy exchange, helping one another, not destroying each other."
"You get what you give kind of energy."
"We're always sharing energy with each other."
"The type of energy you push out into the room is the type of energy you'll receive."
"Receive energy requires reciprocation to flow."
"You're exactly on your soul's true path, exchanging energies with the right energies."
"Open your heart to give and receive the highest energy which is love."
"You need to open your heart and give and receive the highest energy of all."
"What you give returns, that's that full circle energy."
"It's like the two of you breathe new life into each other; there is an exchange of life-bringing energies."
"If you get into a situation, put energy in; is the energy returned? If the answer is yes, keep going. If the answer is no, stop."
"The energy you give out is going to be so much more important to you than what is being taken in."
"You heal me, but I don't want to keep taking your energy just to be healed."
"I love this balance of give and take, the balanced energies, the balanced exchange of love."