
Heartfulness Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"All we have to do is dust off our capacity to access awareness, which is simply another synonym for mindfulness and heartfulness."
"Lord, I pray for a heart of worship like David; I too want to chase after Your heart."
"God is not interested in your religious catchphrases or your religious mumbo jumbo. God is interested in the heart."
"Just by desiring to hear srimad-bhagavatam, that very moment Krishna enters the heart."
"A grateful heart understands gratitude."
"Take pride in your ability to serve from the heart."
"A real intention of compassion has to come from the heart."
"Living from the heart requires a lot of humility and grace."
"Bring the hands to the heart center to remind us to have clear and loving intentions."
"Our hands to the heart center to remind us to have clear and loving intentions."
"Hands to heart center, reminding us to have clear and loving intentions."
"The class is designed to help participants move into the heart and live more in the heart and awaken the heart."
"May our hearts be in a posture of gratitude."
"I'm all about that love, I'ma bring it from the heart."
"Love fits each and every one of y'all perfectly because it's your heart that matters."
"Practicing heartfulness has really allowed me to accept the current situation with some amount of positivity and peace."
"Heartfulness has a role, my friends. We have to develop the heart."
"Reality, coming back to reality, can be a step-by-step thing where we can just open our hearts to be touched by life."
"Just see what happens, keep your heart lifted, open mind."
"Now is the time that we open our ears, we unwrap our hearts, and we awaken."
"We thank her from the bottom of our hearts."
"We always have the capacity to bring the heart into accord with the situation we're experiencing."
"The devotee, the true devotee, is the heart of the divine."
"My heart is so grateful that I want it to be generous."
"The best du'a that you can make is the one that comes from the heart."
"Allow the heart space to be filled with love."
"Attitude of gratitude, pull it into your heart."
"It's really good reminder, I think, that's what this really brings everybody's heart back to."
"What are you grateful for? Bring it into that heart."
"May we all keep love in our hearts all year long."
"God is looking for people who are actually after His heart."
"My heart is filled with gratitude to all of you."
"This is the remembrance for one who has a heart, one who listens while witnessing."
"So as we draw the heart forward, we relax underneath the shoulder blades."
"Fingertips come down like you could gather a little courage or well-being to your heart."
"Shifting out of the tyranny of the head and into the sovereignty of the heart."
"Thank you very much with all my heart."
"Now this joy wants to flood your heart, to fill your being, and she does not want to go away."
"You always make sure you have the love in your heart, no matter what, and be grateful."
"When the heart is there, there is no fight because there is no mind."
"Everything I do is genuine, everything that I say is from the bottom of my heart."
"From the bottom of my heart, oh God, thank you."
"They remind us to stay in our heart."
"To learn to feel joy in our hearts without having to have a particular reason for it is the beginning of access to a great spiritual power."
"I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart, and I thank you."
"Rise on your in-breath, hands to your heart center breathing out."
"I appreciate you from the bottom of my heart for supporting me."
"You guys have a lot of gratitude in your heart."
"Thank you so much, like literally from the bottom of my heart."
"It's important for you to get out of your mind back into your heart."
"It just makes your heart feel full, full of joy, full of happiness."
"Imagine that you're going to shine a spotlight with your heart."
"This study provides evidence that vegans and vegetarians scored higher in several aspects of heartfulness."
"So from the bottom of my heart, thank you."
"We need little hearts within our hearts."
"You have the capacity now to really take people into your heart."
"Open your heart to it because you always gain by giving love."