
Self-observation Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"You are not the body, mind, or intellect; you are the witness of all these."
"You have the capacity to feel inwards and to introspect...this skill is a meta ability. It's the ability to observe all the other functions of the mind impartially."
"Is it possible that the universe exists through self-observation?"
"Your feelings are not about changing the rest of the world so that you feel better. Your feelings are an indicator to you to observe and heal yourself."
"The moment you become conscious of those thoughts, the moment you become aware of those behaviors, the moment you notice those feelings, you're no longer the program; in fact, you're the consciousness observing the program."
"Change begins when you practice being conscious, practice showing up, practice observing yourself."
"Consciousness is the way that we change. It's coming out of autopilot and learning to observe ourselves in a new way."
"I was just so relaxed, so calm; it's almost like that I transcended, that my mind, my spirit left my body, and I was watching myself fight him."
"The concept of self-observation...is absolutely essential."
"You have to do it in the midst of lived activity...and the challenges that we encounter that trigger emotional reactions."
"You're going to start observing and being very mindful of the thoughts going on in your mind, and as soon as you observe a thought that's based in fear, that's based in scarcity, you're just going to observe it, but you're not going to get involved with it."
"By observing yourself move forward properly, your confidence will increase."
"You're not the emotions, you're the witness of those emotions."
"If you're taking up a rigid stance about something, gently observe yourself and become more yielding. This will help you communicate more lovingly with others and yourself."
"Become an observer of yourself... with no judgment."
"Here’s what the sense is: to watch your mind do its work with a sense of distance and dispassionate curiosity."
"We all are kind person we all are angry we all are crazy people we all him we all can do everything like both good and bad observer humans that what you can be God."
"My legs are still growing, I mean particularly the left leg."
"Allow yourself to feel it, observe without attaching any meaning to it."
"My jawline was coming out and coming out, I'm like look at this, this is day three and day four and day five."
"Awareness itself goes a huge way. You are conscious awareness, the observer of your entire experience."
"Make it a habit to monitor your mental-emotional state through self-observation."
"Learn to love being observed because you are a masterpiece."
"The moment you start observing those states of Mind and Body, you're no longer the program. You're the Consciousness observing that program."
"There's the observed self, the 'me', and then there's the observing self, the 'I'."
"...without self-observation you can't begin to crystallize out this level of awareness."
"By being able to take yourself out to the third person and look at yourself like you're looking down, you can make better decisions."
"Fear can be information. Step back and get yourself into observer mode."
"Don't take ownership of the depression, only take ownership of observing the depression."
"It's very difficult sometimes to observe it when we're in the heat of the moment, but it honestly is a skill that's well worth developing."
"The vipasana technique of scanning the body is a profound practice of self-observation and mindfulness."
"They need to observe themselves recover from disappointment or failure."
"Just notice whether your body feels energized, tired, sore; just notice how the body feels as a beginning point."
"One of the greatest things you can do is to begin by observing your own being."
"Take a second to kind of take note of what we feel like, where we're stiff, where we're feeling like we definitely used some muscles just now."
"Remember, just as esoteric philosophy tells us that we are consciousness experiencing itself, so too does physics tell us that we are atoms and particles observing themselves."
"This is a really wonderful time to observe yourself and how you are changing, and to know that that is inherently magic and beautiful and perfect too."
"From what changeless place do I witness the mind being changeful?"
"Change old habits and behaviors by observing them."
"Taking a step back and just watching yourself play is unbelievably powerful."
"Always start with first observing what you do, what you feel like when you run."
"We're paying attention to so many things that are going on around us, but we don't take the time to really observe what's going on inside of ourselves."
"It's noticing what your meat operating system is doing so that it can't trick you."
"Notice where you feel sore, where you feel strong, where you feel perfectly fine."
"Learning to observe who we are without judgment is allowing us to be much, much kinder and more compassionate with ourselves."
"You're watching yourself in full action now, performing at the very highest level of your game."
"This alone is the definition of guarding your awareness: the observation at every moment of the state of your body and your mind."
"Anytime I stumble into a room that has two mirrors on either side... it's always a neat reminder of how our mind just has this ability to continue to step back and observe and think about our experience."
"I created a tool to observe my life and have a better relationship with existence."
"And when you notice yourself falling down into the stream, without any judgment, just come back to your center, practicing being the observer, that which is beyond the thinking, beyond the stream."
"Meditation is the art of observing yourself, observing your mind."
"You are not the ego; you are the witness of the ego."
"Observe yourself because it'll be the last time you see your current reality self in a while."
"Observe the new space that you have created so far."
"Remember that you are the observer and you are not your thoughts."
"Observe, be aware, pay attention to yourself and it will be amazing."
"I'm looking at my skin up close right now, and I cannot get over how flawless my skin looks."
"Only you focused on you, observing you, watching you, there's no one like you."
"I started to see my laugh lines disappear."