
Pyramids Quotes

There are 129 quotes

"Each new discovery within the Great Pyramid is a piece of the puzzle in understanding one of humanity's most remarkable achievements."
"Pyramids are fun, you know. Challenging going up, coming down."
"Whether the product of human ingenuity or extraterrestrial influence, the precision and grandeur of the pyramids continue to captivate us."
"The pyramids were truly divine, something that would attract people to them like nothing else before."
"From a very young age, I had established that not only was Cheops the biggest mystery on earth, but the only pyramid with chambers, eight sides, and was completely unexplained."
"Graham Hancock's views on the Egyptian pyramids, particularly the Great Pyramid of Giza, are unconventional to say the least."
"Interestingly enough, this is where things start getting bizarre because, really, how did this ancient civilization know to align the pyramids to true north without a compass?"
"And even more interestingly, the great pyramids are actually aligned with the polar radius of our planet."
"They had some advanced knowledge, and that's why, as ancient aliens teaches us, that ancient astronaut theorists believe extraterrestrials built the pyramids."
"The Nubians loved the tall and pointy things just as much as we do. In fact, they liked building pyramids so much that there are twice as many Nubian pyramids standing today as there are Egyptian ones."
"This is the African nation with the most pyramids."
"This was the truth behind the riddle of the pyramids."
"It's a very interesting coincidence that the base of the Pyramid of the Sun and the base of the pyramid in Giza are very close in scale."
"The Giza pyramids encode advanced mathematics and remain a geometric marvel."
"Pyramids also acted as portals or wormholes."
"Tesla may have uncovered the ancient Mysteries surrounding the pyramids."
"The power of the pyramids had to do with electromagnetism."
"The pyramids were designed to be energy amplifiers."
"Structures such as the great pyramids were undoubtedly calculated and carried out by a civilization of immense capability."
"The construction sites of the pyramids might have resembled something more like a bustling city."
"New archaeological revelations suggest that pyramids were not mounds or tombs, but were built for other purposes."
"Thoth, the Atlantean, helped build the Great Pyramids of Giza, which were erroneously credited to various pharaohs."
"The construction of pyramids in Peru, Egypt, and Iraq at around the same time in human history suggests that peoples throughout the world independently developed the concept of building massive architectural structures."
"Pyramids of Giza: an ancient wonder that defies explanation."
"Pyramids were built as very complex energy machines."
"The Great Pyramid is a massive Wireless power plant and this is just one of many multi-functional purposes of this gigantic Stone computer that's here on Earth."
"Some people mad do understand the building techniques that were used to build the great pyramid thousands of years ago."
"Whenever they made the pyramids, that's where I'd want to be."
"What makes the pyramids of Bosnia so special is the fact they are 15 times more accurate than the pyramid of Giza."
"The tallest pyramid: If we take a look at the Magnificent Pyramids of Giza in their entirety it seems that the central pyramid of Khufu is by far the largest structure."
"You don’t produce something like the pyramids without really being possessed by an idea."
"The nubian pyramids are just as magnificent and culturally important as the more well-known Egyptian pyramids of Giza."
"Pyramids may have been built for coronation rituals, akin to organizing the Olympic Games with sacred symbolism."
"Could the pyramids really have been portals to other worlds powered by an unknown force?"
"Since before the construction of the pyramids."
"The purpose of the pyramids is to become God in the center."
"The pyramid may have been built by intelligent beings."
"These discoveries offer valuable insight into the lifestyle and origins of the people who built the Great Pyramids."
"Back in 2010, some new tombs would be discovered in Giza, Egypt... a chief archaeologist would make a statement to the effect that the newly uncovered tombs were those of the workers responsible for building the pyramids themselves."
"This is the canary islands where they've also found pyramids."
"Pyramids discovered in Antarctica could be the smoking gun proving its past as a teeming land of life."
"Using state-of-the-art technology, they may have just unlocked more of the pyramid secrets."
"The pyramids were not built by slaves; they were built by skilled laborers who were paid for their work."
"The three pyramids at Giza represent the peak of the pyramid-building art in ancient Egypt."
"The difficulties that Engineers like imotep faced in building these pyramids were enormous."
"Remarkably, the pyramid was oriented perfectly to True North with one of its faces at each point of the compass."
"we don't have to pay attention to the pyramids the pyramids were small elements it's the volume of building an artificial City in an island"
"Eventually someone has to come out with the right theory of what the pyramids were used for, how they were created, and most importantly what they were for."
"Woolly mammoths were still alive in Russia when the pyramids were being built."
"The Pharaohs continued to build pyramids, but all the great pyramids were built in a space of just 100 years during the fourth Dynasty. There was a distinct downwards turn in standards and size in the following fifth Dynasty."
"Not many people know that there are also pyramids in Greece."
"The pyramid is made entirely of gray Limestone quarried from the region and features large blocks arranged in trapezoidal and partially polygonal system."
"A second century Greek traveler and geographer mentions two buildings resembling pyramids in his writings."
"Pyramids were machines that were capable of actually transcending death."
"Despite their association with Egypt, Sudan actually has the world's most pyramids."
"Pyramids were not built for every Egyptians; they were built only for the Pharaohs who had a stupid belief that they will come back again and occupy the same old broken body."
"Could the pyramids be repositories of ancient wisdom waiting to be unlocked?"
"The pyramids were Healing Centers and initiation centers"
"The biggest pyramid in the world is not in Egypt."
"There were other possibilities too. The point was however that the evidence for exactly who had built which Great Pyramid when and for what purpose was far too thin on the ground to justify the dogmatism of the Orthodox tombs and tombs only theory."
"It seemed unimaginable that the ancient Egyptians could construct something similar yet no less impressive as engineering Feats than the pyramids themselves."
"The largest pyramid in the world is actually in Mexico."
"Pyramids, you know those iconic structures that have fascinated us for centuries."
"Can you imagine a world without the Egyptian pyramids?"
"We find these all over the world, pyramids are a specialized form of ziggurat."
"The only reason there are pyramids in Egypt is because they're too heavy to be carried into the British museum."
"The potential connection between the Anunnaki and the pyramids continues to captivate the imagination."
"I love the pyramids the most; taking a tour around the pyramids, I can not only enjoy the gorgeous architecture but also learn cultural and historical values of the ancient Egyptian culture."
"The pyramids... provide additional evidence to support the premise that Earth was visited by ancient astronauts."
"Why are there pyramids in Egypt? Because they are too heavy to be carried to the British Museum."
"Did the Jews build the pyramids? The answer is no."
"Looking at them, it's hard to believe that they were constructed nearly 4,500 years ago by people that lived, loved, and worked just as we do."
"Definitely aliens built the pyramids."
"Many mysteries are left unsolved thousands of years after the construction of the pyramids."
"Cairo is most famous for containing the famous Giza Pyramids complex."
"The three pyramids together represent the greatest message we could send into space."
"These are giant things, these pyramids... built by the most sophisticated technology available in the 21st century."
"What do we think pyramids are? You think they're just buildings from their old structures?"
"The Egyptian pyramids are such a significant heritage that they have been recognized as one of the Seven Wonders of the World."
"The entirety of the ancient Egyptians' knowledge, the builders of the Great Sphinx, the pyramids, etc., is said to be held within this place."
"Do you ever look up at the pyramids and think, 'That would be a crazy slide'?"
"The significance of pyramids... they certainly are one of the wonders of the world but to the Egyptians they held a specific and particular significance."
"These pyramids are older than they say."
"The Sphinx was built around the same time as the Great Pyramid."
"The pyramids of Guimar are not an isolated site but actually one of many, which indicates a culture of pyramid building on the island."
"More than 50 pyramids have now been identified on the Canary Islands."
"Like the pyramids around the world, the obelisks of the world have their own mystery."
"Above all, the imposing pyramids are among the greatest mysteries of antiquity."
"The pyramids of Giza are all in a near-perfect astronomical north-south alignment."
"There are the ruins of human-made pyramids and possibly even more structures."
"A team of researchers from Germany and Russia recently found that the pyramid has an uncanny ability of focusing electromagnetic energy."
"The obvious takeaway is that whoever built the Pyramid knew a way to store huge amounts of energy inside a stone triangle."
"As of 2021, there were at least 118 recognized Egyptian Pyramids."
"We are pyramids, yeah, we're all man-made; we are architecture of new and ancient ancestry."
"Ancients could have built the pyramids with technology they had access to, and we can build them now with new technology."
"The pyramid stones were moved, the logistical challenge would have been astounding."
"The importance placed on life after death is probably best illustrated by the epic grandeur of the pyramids themselves."
"The ruins had massive pyramids temples that were similar to the Egyptians."
"All the world fears time, but time itself fears the pyramids."
"Reports of mysterious pyramid sightings have been reported in various locations around the world, not just in Alaska."
"I think when they built the pyramids, they did it with a lot of insight and understanding already about the energetic placement and spiritual importance of the pyramids."
"Knowledge of astronomy was necessary to orient the pyramids to the cardinal points, and water-filled trenches probably were used to level the perimeter."
"The pyramids of Gimar, which is a town in the south of Tenerife, are hidden away in the ethnographic park and missed by a lot of tourists."
"To understand the story of the pyramids, we have to travel back through time."
"...the largest number of Miracles pyramids that still exist in the world is not in Egypt but it's in Sudan, ancient Kush."
"The pyramids... have earned a place among the seven wonders of the world."
"We built the pyramids with no money; the greatest human resource you have is your spirit."
"The sights of the pyramids go back to that much earlier period."
"The Giza Pyramids are not randomly placed; instead, they closely mirror the stars in Orion's Belt."
"These natural formations hid massive pyramids built by an ancient Bosnian society."
"The story of the Bosnian pyramid theories is, in short, bizarre."
"Pyramids are simply amazing ancient structures."
"The secret of the pyramids, how they did it, is not written in stone."
"It perfectly captures the eternal mystery and romance of the Egyptian pyramids."
"It is conceivable that the pyramids and the temple foundations of balbec are 10,000 years old or more, possibly the work of an unknown culture."