
Self-gift Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"Being free is the best gift you can give to yourself."
"The greatest gift you could give yourself... is to make that decision that no matter what happens, I'm going to live in that state."
"It's a gift that only you can bestow upon yourself. I may offer you the gift, but you choose whether you accept it."
"The only gift that anyone can really give is himself. We have to, therefore, sacrifice the self-rulership in order to come under the heading of divine rulership."
"Being present is like a gift that you can offer."
"When you learn to give yourself that gift of love, then you can find it much easier to give that gift to other people."
"That truly is one of the best gifts that we can give ourselves."
"There's literally no better gift that you can give yourself than the gift of health."
"The best gift you can give yourself is to find something bigger than you."
"Any difficulties recently in your life have actually been a gift given from you to you from your higher self."
"The best gifts are the ones that you gift yourself."
"Forgiveness is really a gift you give yourself."
"It’s one of the biggest gifts that you can give yourself."
"Even if someone else can't give it to you, give it to yourself."
"Forgiveness is forgiving so give yourself this gift from time to time and let all of your mistakes become all of your greatest gifts in disguise."
"The gift that my past self is leaving behind for me is courage."
"Interesting point of view is the greatest gift you can give yourself."
"Your being is the most important gift you can give to your business, church, or ministry."
"I had a technically a suite, it's a big balcony really but, um, yeah, it was fabulous, it was my Christmas present to myself, no regrets, it was great, it was a good price as well."
"I love subscribing to like monthly patreon pin clubs and things because it's always like a surprise gift to myself."
"It's an early Christmas present from me to me."
"The greatest gift you can ever give yourself, give anyone, is the gift of mastering your own mind."
"This is my 50th birthday present to myself."
"The gift of man gives himself when he knows who he is and he knows what he stands for."
"It's the greatest gift you can give yourself."
"Only with a sincere gift of oneself can one find oneself truly, can one come to self-fulfillment."
"If we understood that forgiveness is a gift to ourselves, it may be easier to give."
"Being single is a gift. There's actually a gift in it."
"The real gift is being at peace within, being healthy within."
"One of the biggest gifts that you can actually give yourself is the time to be creative and to pick up new skills."
"It was sort of like a present for myself that I passed my driving test before going on to you know, trips."
"I think you could call this my Christmas present to myself."
"Now that's how you give yourself a birthday gift."
"Forgiveness is a gift to us, it's not a gift to the person."
"I'm the gift. I'm gonna wrap myself up in a bow, and I am now your gift."
"In this season of giving, give yourself what you need."
"Let it be your birthday present to yourself, whenever your birthday is, get yourself a checkup."
"It feels like I've shipped myself a big birthday present to myself."
"I bought these trainers as a birthday present to myself... and I freaking love them."
"I feel like I should gift myself something for Christmas."
"This is my Christmas gift to myself."
"Follow your heart anyway, and it will be the gift to yourself."
"Accepting our desires as gifts is another crucial aspect of the manifestation process."
"It was a little birthday gift to myself."
"As a gift from me to me, I'll pick one of these up for myself."
"Create for the sake of creating, write something just as a gift for yourself without caring what other people will think."
"I'm trying to be nicer to myself, so I gave myself this gift for future self."
"I got it as a gift to myself for kind of turning my life around."
"Focus all of your attention on this moment here, this practice that you've gifted to yourself."
"So stay here and relax as long as you can, this is one of the most valuable gifts you can give to yourself."
"It's like getting a special gift in the mail from yourself."
"This is a gift you give to yourself."
"Sometimes at Christmas you buy yourself a gift."
"It's like a little surprise, from past you to future you."
"When you forgive people, that's a gift to yourself."
"They are giving themselves the very same gift that I hope you have given to yourself: an authentic life."
"Having yourself and being yourself is the greatest gift you can give yourself."
"I hope that you enjoy this content as a bit of a Christmas present to myself."
"It's my birthday too, so I feel like I'm giving myself the best possible present."
"It's exciting, it's like she's giving this to this younger high school version of herself."
"Every year I have a tradition to buy myself like a bag for my birthday."
"To stand before a gift of self, unable to receive."
"I'm just so excited to pick that up next week. Happy birthday to me, from me."
"I think that's gonna be my present, my Christmas present to myself."
"You can't give that gift to another person without giving it to yourself at the same time."
"This is also a gift to myself, to see the community come out."
"It's a very special gift you can give yourself and the people you love."
"It'll be a birthday gift to myself, definitely looking forward to it."
"I bought this for myself for my birthday, is that lame as an adult? And what you know what, I work, I'm gonna get something for myself."
"It's always important to buy yourself a Christmas present, I think."
"It was a nice little gift from me to me."
"All right, so the Christmas I bought for myself came earlier this year."
"Happy birthday to me, and you know, it's a birthday present for me that keeps on giving."
"It was his 50th birthday present to himself. Great present, Dell!"
"I think these are the nicest gift if you want to gift yourself something at the moment."
"This is a gift that you're giving yourself."
"What a great little present for yourself."
"The attainment and the acquisition of knowledge is one of the best gifts that we could ever bestow upon ourselves."
"I invested in one of these as a little Christmas present from me to me, a Kindle."
"Treat yourself this Christmas time and get yourself a really nice gift for the rest of the upcoming year."
"When you write down five things that you want, you're practicing not only putting yourself first but also living your life in a way where you are giving to yourself the thing that you give so freely to everybody else."
"To live in alignment with the light of your heart and spirit self is the greatest gift you can give yourself and the world."
"You are your greatest gift; your life journey is your Masterpiece."
"The path toward Enlightenment... what a beautiful gift to share with yourself and others."
"It's a birthday present for myself... it makes me feel really proud of myself."
"There's no harm in self-love and giving yourself a little present."
"Next, I feel like something that most people enjoy but maybe don't necessarily buy for themselves is a cute and cozy little pajama set."
"Find something that makes your heart happy, find something that you wouldn't necessarily have purchased for yourself."
"We are going to completely transform this space, treat ourselves to a new bed and box spring from Lowell as a Christmas gift, and give this room a huge refresh and total makeover to make it exactly what we want."
"This is my gift to myself; I'm stepping out of my comfort zone."
"I wanted to get myself a gift as like 'Yes, you did it, congratulations, way to go!'"
"It's a gift for you; it's of you, about you, for you, from you, to you."
"You have strength twice; your inner strength is going to be one of your greatest gifts."
"Travel is so important, it really is. I think it's one of the single best gifts you can give to yourself."
"Being true to yourself and being true with another person is the greatest gift you can give to yourself and another."