
Forensic Science Quotes

There are 450 quotes

"Forensic science continues to advance to bring justice to victims and families."
"Fingerprint analysis is flawed, polygraph tests are complete pseudoscience, arson investigations are often based on unscientific nonsense, even eyewitness accounts are totally unreliable."
"Investigators have an arsenal of forensic techniques and all the time in the world to catch the killer."
"This is the skull of a female, and what we've got here is a very clear-cut case where this person received a fatal blow to the head."
"This case was the first time cat DNA was used as evidence in a criminal trial in the UK."
"The DNA evidence can solve a substantial number of crimes nowadays."
"Calcine bone is white, which tells me that all the organic material is gone and the bone has been in the fire for a very long time."
"We found a total of 106 fragments of bone that were able to be identified, which gives an overall sense of what we found at the scene."
"Though genetic genealogy as a forensic tool has become a subject of hot debate in the last few years, raising worthwhile questions about a citizen's right to privacy, there's no denying that it has become extremely useful in solving crimes."
"Private laboratories like Parabon NanoLabs claim that they are currently helping police to crack these cases at an unprecedented rate of one per week."
"We solve cold cases with DNA and genetic genealogy, and that's what we do."
"For more than a century, fingerprints have proven themselves a reliable and irrefutable way to link criminals to their crimes."
"With forensic DNA testing, detectives were able to prove homicide."
"The development of forensic science has been essential to saving lives in medicine."
"Necrobiomes can help in determining the time and cause of someone’s death."
"Forensic science is constantly evolving, providing detectives with an infallible witness."
"In the hunt for clues, insulation collected from the scene was analyzed for the presence of an accelerant. The pattern of peaks and valleys from the chromatograph revealed the presence of a flammable petroleum product, most likely kerosene."
"It was a landmark case as it included the first DNA extraction of its kind to identify a murderer during a criminal investigation in the United States."
"I'm a forensic scientist, and I testify in court."
"The stories on 72-hours are true. The detectives and forensic scientists are the ones who actually worked on it."
"Investigators began to dig up the grounds of the farm and as they did, they uncovered more and more bodies."
"Once killers could escape detection by washing away evidence of their crime but today advances in forensic science can bring proof of murder to the surface even when the victims are dead in the water."
"Murders do not occur in a sterile lab setting. There was contamination there, always has been."
"When killers are bent on revenge, nothing will stop them. But forensic examiners can find the hidden messages in the clues they leave behind and bring justice to those killed at close range."
"Forensic science can find justice for a victim months and sometimes even years after they have gone."
"Knowledge is power. Forensic science puts power in the hands of the investigators and it gives them the power to know the difference between what is definitely true and what they only think is true."
"When forensic science takes the place of an absent witness."
"No matter how mysterious or suspicious a death may appear, the truth can be resurrected in the lab every day."
"Microscopic hair comparison is bullshit science."
"The other significant injury she had was a laceration on the scalp which actually had an underlying skull fracture."
"Though it may only take a small amount of poison to kill these toxic chemicals leave a telltale trail only forensic science can trace and with it the silent killers come to light and their heinous crimes become all too clear."
"Evidence that can be seen by the naked eye is vital to solving a murder, but forensic science coupled with rigorous investigative techniques brings the smallest clues to light and brings more killers to justice."
"The bullets matched. There were class markings and individual markings that were sufficient that I could identify the bullet as having been fired from the revolver."
"A crime scene is a puzzle that has to be solved, a whodunit, a scattering of clues to be deciphered by clever detective work and the power of science."
"The forensic anthropologist must literally put the pieces back together to try to get a picture of the victim's identity and to determine what happened."
"This case came together ultimately as a result of forensic evidence and its examination: fingerprint evidence, fiber evidence, DNA evidence."
"Forensic science was phenomenal in this case."
"There will never be a way to ease the pain of loved ones left behind after a murder has been committed but thanks to forensic science and its dedicated practitioners justice is often served for the murders that result in stolen youth."
"Examiners profiled the DNA sequence from the blood in the van and from the blood of John Bonds, comparing the markers of the two sequences, they made a match."
"The role of a forensic pathologist is probably more important than that of a prosecutor, a judge, a jury, so it's almost like a god-like figure."
"Overall, it was Bernard Spilsbury's brilliant mind and the dogged determination of Arthur Neil which would prove decisive."
"The only thing they had was the deceased's DNA in the trunk of the defendant's car."
"This is the process that was used to solve the Golden State killer case and it's one of the biggest breakthroughs in modern crime investigation."
"Strangulation was the murder method of choice... being quick and quiet while leaving no trace behind."
"Princess Doe finally identified after 40 years."
"You've got to get the blood, you've got to get it to the crime scene uncompromised."
"But Dr. G couldn't say exactly what it caused to death, but she did say based on the evidence, this was clearly an intentional homicide."
"The power of forensics: it's incredible what can be done now when you blend science with investigation."
"Most people don't realize the lengths to which the police will go to investigate a crime and the power of forensics."
"Couldn't they have tested that hair for chlorine and that would tell them if she had recently been in a pool?"
"Advances in forensic science bring even the smallest details to light, revealing the fatal impressions that lead killers directly to justice."
"You don't need a large quantity of DNA. We've worked DNA in bodies that were found in sewage tanks for decades."
"Forensic science had given the two victims a voice after years of silence where the housewife and the singer had been shown no mercy in life at least in death they received justice measure for measure."
"Just as a cold case can be solved using existing evidence even though the crime can't be observed today."
"New discoveries and forensic science bring to life, 'The Prehistoric Art of War'."
"We hereby find the cause and manner of death to be the cause death by strangulation and manner is homicide by Wyoming state statute."
"He actually had a fairly good understanding of forensic techniques."
"There is no averting the tragedy of this case but it's thanks to the hard work of forensic investigators that cases like this are solved bringing some sense of justice to all of us."
"He cleverly developed a program to destroy the bodies, get rid of the bodies, left no evidence."
"Forensic scientists can breathe life into a dying investigation and find justice written in bone."
"Even in death, through forensics, the bodies were able to speak for themselves about the reality of what happened to them in the compound."
"We actually take the DNA evidence... tell you who someone is."
"Forensic evidence always tells the truth. It's never clouded by someone's perception. It never lies to you. It's always telling the truth, and it's my job to find it."
"Clinically known as adipocere, it’s a waxy product caused by decomposition of body fat."
"Every time a bullet is fired through a firearm, it creates almost a fingerprint, a distinctive fingerprint for that gun."
"That's the part of forensics I love. When you can go a little bit deeper for the answer, and particularly, when it means something for somebody."
"Period blood solves crimes too. What can't a woman's body do?"
"You're telling me when they find my bones in 100 years, they're going to say, 'We can tell this guy was a dick because of his ankles, his kneecaps.'"
"The determination of forensic investigators to search for the truth resulted in justice for Patricia White."
"That car is going to eventually give off some type of evidence that's going to be used against him."
"Only 6 ounces of material from Hella Crafts' remains was ever recovered, but it was enough for the police to make their case."
"The case against Pat Solace was solved through forensics detective work."
"But we had fingerprints, so now we have fingerprints, and that was the first time that we as a government and actually got extra fingerprints."
"Forensic pathology is the branch of medicine that applies the sciences of medicine to issues that have legal ramifications."
"The DNA matched. It was the connection they needed."
"This was genealogy, this was DNA once removed, maybe it's not as reliable as other DNA testing."
"Examiners were conclusively able to link these portions of tape by matching the torn ends, the fibers, and the glue."
"To find justice for the victims of homicide, follow the trails of predators and parasites."
"With the help of Dr. Lee Goff's insect analysis, authorities were able to identify the victim and his killer."
"The advanced forensic technology of the FBI... solved the mystery."
"This is a trace evidence case update: the abduction and murder of Christine Jessup has been solved."
"A special thank you to Anthony Redgrave of Redgrave Research Forensic Services for his team's extensive work in helping identify Christine's killer."
"Forensic science is the art of observation governed by science."
"A phenomenal breakthrough in criminal identification had finally obtained justice for Thor Arose."
"Entomologists can find justice for the victims of homicide by following the trails of predators and parasites."
"It's as good as having the fingerprint. It really is."
"It's the typewriter's DNA. It's like it's specific to that. The same thing happens with tire impressions."
"Post-mortem fetal extrusion. AKA: coffin birth."
"Identifying a killer through a DNA match increases the chances they may be linked to other unsolved cases."
"Creighton's job was to make the print on the doorframe distinct without ruining it."
"Forensic science offers the only hope of justice when innocent victims are caught in a killer's deadly age."
"His scientific way of looking at clues revealed forensic evidence."
"We've already got DNA stuff all over the place, fingerprints and stuff."
"This case serves as an example of the amazing potential of modern forensic technology to solve cases which were long considered hopeless."
"And with that DNA sample, law enforcement might just be able to end this 40-year-old mystery."
"But what science provided was evidence of who murdered Dean Brown, some answers for his parents, and justice for his killers."
"He stated that not only was this an asphyxial death, but it was a strangulation and it was a strangulation via throttling."
"Thanks to genetic genealogy, Miller was finally brought to justice."
"In the autopsy one of the things that was determined was that her stomach contents were consistent with what was served at the noon meal at Fairview on March 9th."
"Thanks to the hard work of police in ESR fingerprint and DNA science determined who killed Alicia McCallion, offering some answers to a grieving family."
"Black people should have built our own institutions, organizations, and schools."
"While genetic genealogy can trace your great, great, great grandfather, it's also a cold case cracking tool that is bringing justice and closure to families faster than ever before."
"DNA could come from the skeletal remains and we believe that it is going to come from the skeletal remains."
"This is the mind-blowing science that is done in forensics to help solve crime. It really is an extraordinary field."
"Forensics can provide us with the satisfaction of bringing the guilty to justice."
"The LA Innocence Project may be sitting on a key piece of evidence they've yet to release - DNA tests from a bloody mattress might crack the case wide open."
"Over the past decade forensic investigative techniques have advanced rapidly, giving investigators and experts the tools they need to crack cold cases and bring families justice."
"You have the DNA there, his genetic material everywhere, he got cut with the glass."
"The coroner found that weathering on the bones was consistent with eight months exposure to the elements."
"The painstaking work of investigators and scientists give little Stevie Crawford back his name."
"Time allowed forensic genetic genealogy and our investigators to catch up to this defendant." - Melinda Katz, district attorney for Queens
"Was it the hard work of detectives and advancement in technology that could possibly help solve some of the world's greatest cold cases in the years to come?"
"When you have DNA evidence, it's really the golden ticket in most cases."
"Detective Superintendent Paul Fotheringham said, 'We have experts with specialist technology and forensic scientists working with us to try and find Sarah.'"
"Your fingerprints are more unique than your DNA. No long-lost fingerprint twin for you, sorry!"
"It's an example of what happens when there is good police work, science, and community support."
"Justice at last for Deanna Bowden through the wonders of modern science."
"They turn to forensic scientists to reveal the truth and to bring justice to victims who are killed for love or money."
"The morgue, particularly for my area of expertise, medical legal death investigation, you learn more there than you ever will sitting in a classroom."
"Tool mark evidence had made a critical difference in putting Ronaldo Travieso and Patricia Johnson behind bars."
"Forensic science can find the truth and uncover grave secrets."
"The case wouldn't have been solved without forensic evidence."
"DNA evidence is now used with such frequency that genetic fingerprinting has become routine."
"Learning about life as a New York City death investigator."
"The DNA of her attacker was recovered from her clothing."
"Scientists in Sweden thought they'd found the weapon that killed Shannon Davis in Michigan."
"I think with how far we've come with DNA technology there's really no reason that this case can't be solved."
"They're collecting DNA, matching DNA to family members, gathering surveillance, taking eyewitness accounts, running phone records, and matching those records."
"The case was going to rise and fall based on whether or not the jury believed in the science of fingerprints."
"Poison is a silent killer but not completely undetectable. By utilizing advances in forensic technology, detectives can now expose the perpetrator of an invisible death."
"Canines can be trained to sniff out traces of arson that otherwise go undetected by humans."
"He helped to develop the science that proved every weapon makes characteristic marks on a bullet."
"Identifying the guns from which the balls were fired left little doubt in historians' minds."
"Dr. Goddard's work... helped to establish the credibility of the field of forensic ballistics."
"The understanding and science behind DNA testing was nowhere near what it is now."
"The FBI announced this week that for the first time its experts can now identify an individual with 100% accuracy through his DNA."
"It takes a split second for a gun to deliver death. Solving the crime takes much longer, but with increasing speed, expertise, and accuracy, forensic detectives are zeroing in on their deadly target."
"A crime scene is a puzzle that has to be solved, a who done it, a scattering of clues to be deciphered by clever detective work and the power of science."
"The autopsy does not lie. It can give you so much information down to the T because of the science."
"Half the technology that we're using now on these cases that can't be solved any further would absolutely solve some of the cases that I've worked on for sure."
"Victim and killer were completely unaware of each other's existence and were a half mile apart. It took the tools of forensic science and the dedication of law enforcement professionals and ballistics experts to bridge the gap."
"This case now famously referred to as the jigsaw murders also marks the first time entomological science was successfully used and aided an investigation."
"Fingerprints have been used to identify individuals and solve crimes since the late 1800s."
"Da Vinci's drawings were found to contain a lot of human and insect DNA, fungi, and microbes."
"The DNA Doe Project wasn't going to give up until they found her."
"Jane Doe Kern was finally identified as a Cree woman named Shirley Sus."
"If you had to pick one skill that characterizes the best forensic scientists, it might be curiosity."
"Fracture match meaning can someone actually say it's the exact same whether they were once joined together? Okay."
"Thanks to forensic science, the mystery had finally been solved."
"Investigators determined the DNA evidence was tied to a man named John Gertrude."
"The DNA doesn't lie. It gives clarity to all of the confusion." - Judge Lake
"When you look at forensic science, you know, all the advancements that we've made, the most important thing that we still have in figuring out what happened is that gumshoe gut."
"One of the most difficult autopsies the pathologist had ever performed."
"Although insects can't communicate in a conventional sense, their behavior on a dead body can speak volumes to those who know how to listen."
"So even if you could find DNA in the remains... a sibling only has 50 of a match for that DNA."
"Do you know what High Velocity blood spatter is?"
"That's not what you do, the science has proven over and over again, the detectives cannot tell, there's no better than a coin toss whether you can tell if someone's lying..."
"It all comes down to forensic evidence, and forensic evidence doesn't lie. It doesn't make up stories. It's what it is."
"Without the science, Stephen Hricko probably would have been buried..."
"With DNA samples from three suspects, scientists hoped to determine who killed college student Jennifer Holland."
"With DNA evidence the public didn't know existed, detectives found their man last month--Jesus C. Mezquia, a 48-year-old Cuban native."
"17 human bones are found strewn in a Kentucky stream. Whose are they?"
"No poison is perfect. The clearest liquid or finest powder still leaves behind its residue."
"That's the beauty of an autopsy is I just don't know what I'm gonna find. Maybe I'll find something totally unexpected."
"The eyeball has an axe measurement forensic facial reconstruction science kind of averages out and if I remember correctly it's 24 millimeters which should put it at about two and a half centimeters."
"Allen was the main suspect in the Zodiac case for more than 30 years until his DNA was compared."
"Thomas Freeman's DNA was identified as a match to the DNA found at the crime scene."
"A forensic investigation conclusively linked the murder through the use of the same weapon."
"Uncovering evidence that nails the guilty beyond all reasonable doubt takes time, dedication, and a forensic attention to detail."
"The hope is now that with the advancements in DNA testing, maybe this case actually could be solved."
"Manual strangulation is usually the type of death suffered by someone who was close to that other person."
"Forensic geology combined with a dramatic confession had helped find his body."
"Shine a light on how cutting-edge forensic techniques and the power of science were able to bring some of our most dangerous and despicable killers to justice."
"Ultimately, DNA evidence led to the identification of the killer."
"DNA profiling is most commonly used as a forensic technique in criminal investigations to identify an unidentified person or whose identity needs to be confirmed, or to place a person at a crime scene or to eliminate a person from consideration."
"Forensic evidence always tells the truth."
"Those ejector marks, those extractor marks, and that just means that that cartridge we can say has traveled through that firearm at one point in time."
"This extraordinary case is reaching a conclusion using the modern arsenal of forensic science and historical detective work."
"She says, I did get DNA off the cigarette butt, and I do have a match."
"Every contact leaves a trace. It's down to detectives, crime scene investigators, and forensic experts to piece those clues together."
"Forensic science can reveal even the slightest mistake."
"You know, there's certain DNA in cigarette butts you can take DNA off that and go back and realize, 'Yeah, that's still warm. Yeah, he hasn't been here long.'"
"Anything new that happened in forensic science, anything new that happened in investigations, she was on top of it."
"Using the killer's DNA, Paramount Nanolabs found a relative of the killer, then they traced the killer's family tree with public genealogy databases."
"Death must have occurred about 2:00 a.m."
"Well, these cases you see around the world contain articles of all sorts which were important to us in the solution of crimes."
"After more than 170 years, the history cold-case team has given our 8-year-old boy back his face and his dignity."
"...instead of just having bones and stories and photographs of other people, suddenly now we can see this girl's face, which no one has seen since the day she died."
"Only forensic science can trace and with it the silent killers come to light and their heinous crimes become all too clear."
"Using the available method of DNA fingerprinting, Phyllis Roland was able to match the blood found on Land's shoe to Candace Brown."
"You always want to make sure, especially in a forensic setting, to be very cautious because in forensic settings, just by the nature of them, there could be some ulterior motive or gain."
"The DNA of the blood found on Bobby's gloves and tissue had become integral during the time DNA testing was introduced in solving cold cases."
"A technique genuinely used by police to find serial killers is geographical profiling, which uses a map of the killer's crime scenes to locate areas to search."
"Each year forensic science provides investigators with powerful new tools."
"Even though the samples had sat for six years in a furnace air duct, agent Davalos was confident that new DNA technology would allow him to obtain valuable evidence."
"The entrance wound was over here. I would expect to see soot, but there's no soot on the outer table of the skull."
"Can forensic scientists wash away deception and find proof of murder?"
"Forensic science can uncover the smallest clue because even the most determined killer cannot commit the perfect crime."
"Forensic science has found ways to uncover murder, exposing Those Who Kill For Love or Money."