
Self-pace Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Stop letting social media set my pace...no one has ever been here before."
"You are living and leading your own life... Your growth is at your own pace. You are not living your life for somebody else."
"Take your time, go at your own pace, and don't compare yourself to others."
"Don't compare yourself to other people. You have to go at your own pace."
"It's okay to go at your own pace."
"There's no race. We all are on a different path. Do things at your own pace."
"I decided that I really wanted to just go at my own pace and I'm so happy I had the best time."
"You should never feel behind in life because life is a solo journey."
"Don't compare yourself to them; you have your own path, your own journey, at your own pace."
"Stop trying to make normal what's not normal and go at your own speed, run your own race."
"Go at your own pace, take a break if you need."
"Go at your own pace, you have only one life."
"You're on your own unique journey; you are going at your own pace."
"You're doing things and living life at your own pace."
"Take things at your own pace, nobody's judging you, nobody's putting a timer on you."
"That's fine, feel what you're feeling, move at your pace."
"We set the pace for how we want to achieve our goals."
"You go at the pace you need to. Don't forgive because someone else wants it."
"It's okay to take your time for perfection, or it's okay to not be as fast as the person next to you."
"You should go at whatever pace works for you."
"Let's keep trying at our own pace."
"Everybody works at their own pace."
"You don't have to go as fast as you think."
"If you see yourself falling behind because they keep releasing new albums, don't let it stress you out, just take your time, honestly."
"Now go at your own pace and have a great workout."
"Sometimes it's good to just be like, I'm moving at my own pace, man."
"Everyone needs to move at their own pace."
"Just go at your own pace. You don't have to rush anything."
"If you find it intense at any point, feel free to go at your own pace."
"Don't rush yourself. Take your time if it takes you two or three times longer than the other stylists around you."
"Don't ever feel like you are behind or that you need to catch up."
"Don't let the world rush you or make you feel like you behind."
"Why compete when you can go at your own pace?"
"It's not about rushing to see as many rounds as possible as we can get, it's about getting a pace that is good for you."
"Take your time and go at your pace."
"You don't have to be at someone else's pace, you can learn at your pace."
"I encourage everyone to work at your own pace; we don't need this whole hustle culture."
"It's just not realistic; you have to move at your own pace and appreciate where you are in life."
"The narcissist is not the one that sets my pace. I'm the one who sets my pace."
"Go at your own pace today. Concentrate on quality movements."
"You're allowed to go at your own pace. You're allowed to have a journey that looks different than other people's."
"Don't compete with nobody; go at your own pace."
"At the end of the day, you took it at your own pace, you were true to yourself."
"You're happy, you're moving at your own pace."
"Enjoy the journey of being a student and take your growth at your own pace."
"You don't need to compete with your neighbor or other homesteaders or people on YouTube; just do what's right for you and take it slowly."
"You have to run your own race, you have to go at your own speed, you have to stay in your own lane."
"You have all the authority in the world and more power than you can imagine; take advantage of it and go at your own pace and your own speed."