
Knowledge Preservation Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Just imagine a city that housed all the knowledge of the world."
"To be able to preserve that knowledge to hand it to the next generation, there's a sacred duty and an obligation."
"The author had wanted to include everything they possibly could to capture the knowledge of their people in one cohesive book that would stand the test of time."
"Monks transcribe knowledge in books and scholars are eager to get their hands on them."
"If human civilization were to destroy itself, all of our knowledge, all our creations, will go with us. We should think about how to save that knowledge in a way that long outlives us."
"I record the knowledge of our ancestors for future generations."
"Human knowledge isn't going to just go extinct, even though a lot less of humanity's knowledge that we've accrued over the past several hundred years is not making it to print anymore and is only being stored in digital format."
"This mountain now crater encompasses the sum total of knowledge of humankind."
"I'm glad you're still here anyway, it's good though we're still here."
"A people who sought to keep the light of knowledge burning in a devastated world."
"Preservation of knowledge is one of the noblest human pursuits."
"To deprive the world of this vast knowledge... is an extreme loss and it's necessary for our future to keep us functional and participating."
"How does our species advance if information disappears when we die? Creatures die, but somehow information gained lives on."
"The amount of knowledge in these puranas is just incredible."
"I'm not trying to romanticize the past. All I'm trying to do is rescue useful knowledge from our ancestors."
"There was certainly a priesthood of Melchizedek tasked with preserving this knowledge."
"As we move through time and space, how have African people passed on knowledge, experiences, memories of their moment in time?"
"The Great Pyramids were designed to convey knowledge into a future world."
"Alexandria's heyday under Ptolemaic rule lasted only 300 years."
"These individuals, they are the keepers of knowledge and the keepers of how to create civilizations. They're the ones that jump started every major advanced, sophisticated civilization we can around the world."
"The preservation of the means of knowledge is of more important at mon-sol lowest ranks is of more important to the public or to the public than all the property of all the rich men in the country."
"You believe in a book that's a copy of another. Of course, that's how we have history."
"You could just send 100 really smart scientists to Mars but if they are truly cut off then all of that institutional knowledge, all that specialization goes away to fungal farmers and air duct repair people."
"Discover and preserve magical knowledge, pass that knowledge onto one generation to the next."
"That's why I collect old books because they have all the knowledge that you need in an era before computers."
"New Genesis Meta Realm will utilize artificial intelligence to host the memories and knowledge of mankind. This is the new era of education and data retention."
"The words of wisdom have survived from the past to the modern day."
"Nothing that is knowledge can ever be lost, and nothing that is necessary to progress can be destroyed."
"We have to carefully contain this so we can do that work and literally really transform knowledge for all time."
"Da Vinci implemented mirror writing in all of his creations, and he most certainly was not playing games when he did this. It was in order to preserve the knowledge that he had gained from the uneducated masses."
"The cohesive human tribal group is a social system unique to us, created as a solution to sharing innovations and protecting knowledge."
"Now through this program, they will be able to continue to answer questions hundreds of years after the Nazis have gone."
"He did this with his memory, and he did not write the stuff down."
"...record and preserve them so that we all might peer more equally into the chasm of the unknown."
"The purpose of a knowledge management system is to ultimately safeguard this collective knowledge and create a culture of knowledge sharing that benefits employees and ultimately has a positive impact on business growth and profitability."
"This is beautiful, like humans take so much pride and little things like knowledge to the point where you are turning your life on the line to recover it for the sake of humanity."
"Universities don't have positions on the Iraq war, universities cultivate and protect the great treasure of the historically accumulated learning and wisdom of humankind."
"We're passing on knowledge that would otherwise be lost."
"The job of preserving knowledge is about to undergo a revolution through AI."
"We rely on archaeology that comes from places like this to fill in where we've lost that traditional elder knowledge."
"Making sure this information is passed on so that no one can come in and just take it from you."
"The huge library stocked thousands of books on history, philosophy, geography, and literature piled to the ceiling."
"We are now trying to salvage some of the knowledge that primitive societies have amassed over thousands of years and passed down from father to son orally."
"...the plan involves sending colonists to the far side of the galaxy with all of the knowledge that's been accumulated by the empire."
"When the hardware dies, the knowledge doesn't die."
"We're supposed to preserve, produce, and disseminate knowledge... without reference to its utility because I think it's a mark of our civilization that we do this."
"Science, like letters, began with the priests, originated in astronomic observations governing religious festivals, and was preserved in the temples and transmitted across the generations as part of the clerical heritage."