
Shock Value Quotes

There are 141 quotes

"It's good for parents to see this, conservative parents. They need the shock value from this to get off their couch and go to City Hall and start talking to their elected officials to make a difference."
"Get ready to be shocked and informed about the surprising foods that could be harming your health."
"The media has to find a difficult balance between informing the public and not becoming numb to the shock value of certain statements."
"He was killed for shock value, and they were running out of ideas."
"This is the most shocking, sexiest, and funniest season in Bachelor history."
"I want to do something that people will watch and be shocked."
"I sell holy [ __ ] moments for 11 right, that was the ultimate holy [ __ ] moment of all time."
"Blaine performed for all walks of life, all races, all ages, and the outcome was always the same: being utterly confused or shocked by something they saw with their own two eyes."
"We got our first dead body, body, body, body, body."
"He's made of such tough stuff, taking off his own arm like that. It's just insane."
"The details of this case are just absolutely horrendous..."
"The maggot rape scene was what everyone was talking about."
"It's like a fucking evil dead guy, Passion of the Christ, baby!"
"I just want them to be shocked because they have no idea what I could do."
"The sickest [__] that he's ever seen in his life."
"The changes you're making may shock a lot of people, but they're necessary for you to get to where you want to go."
"Dumpster diving was more shocking than I thought it would be. It wasn't that I was finding rotten meat and moldy vegetables. I was finding perfectly good unexpired food."
"So guys, we did it, we killed our whole family, poggers."
"Yup, yes, yeah, believe it or not, the murder scene pictures feature dead bodies. Yeah, it's not saying blood and yucky's."
"The initial assault had left her unconscious but still alive."
"Why take diet pills when you can enjoy AIDS?"
"No warning, no context, just a jolt of shock and artistic trauma."
"It's not about creativity, it's about shock value and how we can bring up the value of shock."
"The kid deserved to die, which is just horrifying."
"He's like fucking Jesus out there resurrecting motherfuckers."
"That's the most disturbing thing anybody's ever done on the show."
"This colossal creature isn't just about shock value."
"That's almost double the United States president's salary. Insane."
"Look at gutter oil from human, no, it hits you in your stomach."
"I'm fully gagged that this was ever made into a televised competition."
"This story was absolutely insane to hear, and I just feel like it's crazy because given the circumstances that I talk about on a weekly basis in true-crime."
"It's larger than what happened in 2008. $340.84 billion, holy."
"The standard diet of a meat eater is blood, flesh, veins, muscles, tendons, cow secretions, hen periods, and bee vomit."
"Indiana Jones 5 or a bucket of AIDS? I'll take the bucket of AIDS actually if I can put in a fight."
"Remember back when we were relevant? Look, here's Gwen Stefani and here's Little Kim's titty. Everybody remembers it."
"The pure evilness of these crimes will shock you."
"You don't shock people by telling them something they already believe."
"No, I just love Hitler. I'd go come on yeah you can't say you love Hitler, you know."
"It was one of Raw's early watershed moments, a genuine shock to anybody watching."
"It's like shock rock, but in a way that's also trying to challenge people in some meaningful way."
"Shock value was a big deal in the early days of flash it was a major way to get noticed and have people talk about your game in an era where word of mouth was still the best way for anything to be spread around."
"Your house on top of your own child? That's your house on your child."
"If these 15 moments were not filmed, no one would believe it."
"Holy [ __ ], that was disgusting, that was putrid dude."
"I just ran to shock people. I wanted people to be like, 'Fucking took them off.'"
"He sent dead pigs to his colleagues, you know things to his colleagues like literally to their house he would ship PR packages but of like dead pigs and dead rats."
"They killed him holy [__] in 10 seconds, he actually made gangster back look cool what the hell I've never seen that before."
"Madonna's still trying to shock people and... has forced her way into relevancy for decades."
"It's all free speech until I start showing people twerking on corpses and open caskets at funerals."
"Even people who are good for nothing have the capability to bring a smile to your face when you punch them down the stairs."
"How many babies would it take to paint a room red? It just depends on how hard you throw them."
"They're sacrificing goats, I'm not lying to you."
"The lady cut the head from the neck around, almost ripping the head from the body. That ain't the worst part."
"It's kind of like a car crash; you don't want to look but you also don't want to miss it, right?"
"This was the Genesis of the New World Order, unquestionably an OMG moment."
"These images what's even crazier... they are insane."
"Positive herpes - spread the positive herpes and go fuck the world."
"It's not hard to provide shock value to be crude and have no regard for other marginalized groups and sometimes even our own I mean that's what that's what white people are doing all the time anyway I just think we're better than that."
"If you got penetrated by something so big and thick, you would die instantly."
"The best movie I ever saw was a movie where someone wiped their ass with a comic."
"I would really wish there were more shooters like this."
"Some of the lyrics read pushed him into the stinking tub, cut him up into pieces and just when I went to drink his blood, I thought I ought to drink his bathwater, that ought to be fun."
"By the time we end the week, it's nothing but my balls on somebody's chin."
"We're gonna reach the attention with that human flesh."
"There's nothing wrong with that, but I think what they're missing with Joel Peter Witkin is a wonderful sense of doing this modern extremist kind of shock value stuff."
"I'll make him laugh at you starving to death, it'll be the funniest thing you've ever done."
"Horse meat is in fact something that has and can be consumed by us, it probably sounds hideous to most considering how much horses are loved."
"As long as it's done accurately and beautifully, it can be a little shocking to some people but as long as it's done well, then it becomes a valid statement of filmmaking."
"Eccentric, fun, and shocking, this is the fashion of Elsa Schiaparelli."
"The goal with this rock masterpiece was to create a song that would scare the living hell out of people."
"The reveals in this newer era of Chris Hansen's show are absolutely insane."
"There is a Bible so Unholy that it contains one of the most shocking images of the devil seen in any medieval book."
"It's no doubt one of the wildest shows on TV and the shock value like advances the story."
"There are jokes that work because they are shocking and though you really should be sparing with them because shock requires scarcity they are a legitimate form of humor."
"Can we see her limbs get torn off her body in bloody fashion? Maybe she's got like candy guts like they tear into and like [ __ ] red Skittles pour out of her body."
"Best fatalities are the ones that make you want to laugh and puke at the same time."
"It was the last of the last chance you had to shock people just by the way you looked, just by the way you were. You didn't even have to think about it or work at it at all. You could just walk down the street, and people would go, 'Oh my God.'"
"Can I bone your daughter before she dies?"
"I've had it with this makeup tutorials. It's the GRWM. Get ready with me. Now, if the girl was putting on makeup talking about, 'Oh my God, I did a threesome the other night, I was so [__] up on cocaine,' I'm 100 more interesting. I'm watching the whole makeup video."
"I'm gonna [__] bust out my [__] out. I'm a freak. The [__] down, why you know ejaculate somewhere?"
"I want to be sharp, yes, like forget Edge right, anybody can be edgy, everybody being fake edgy nowadays. Can you be shocked? Exactly."
"Food and incest, oh my God, simultaneously."
"I bet you I could rip somebody's guts out on camera and not lose an audience member."
"What Bill Burr is doing here is basically saying the worst possible thing he could say."
"I don't know if that's enough shock value for you, not the divorce but the fact that Elon dropped the pricing of the brand new Model S Plaid. It now starts at $125k. That is a drop of $56,000."
"Shock value has always been the lowest and laziest form of art. Shocking people is easy."
"Myra Breckenridge outraged and shocked audiences around the world."
"I just think the sheer shock value of seeing this many things happen in 13 Pages caught a lot of people off guard and these people are now going pretty hard at Zabata the mangaka."
"The sheer shock value of seeing this many things happen in 13 Pages caught a lot of people off guard."
"Whoever thought of doing that, you have a sick mind."
"He realized people were gonna freak the [ __ ] out over his material."
"If you can't tell a story without shock value, you might as well not come to the table."
"How do I draw a swastika? Duck it, I'll just write 'Hitler,' they'll get the point."
"Some images are meant to be shocking."
"It was intended to be shocking, it was, it was sometimes people want to be shocked with their nose, but it was so out there and it was so just like, oh my God, I can't believe you did this, that it, it was great marketing and Buzz for the brand."
"You can make the audience vomit within the first five minutes of the movie, and if the rest of the hour and 25 minutes is a boring sit in a Sunday Church, you've fucked up."
"Can the end of the video be me killing a panda with a gun?"
"If dark humor is the goal, then lean into it. If the goal is to shock your audience, then lean into it."
"The bed isn't just about a shocking piece of art, what was shocking about the art was that people were so shocked by it."
"Trust like when I first started watching the show, I saw that you had a Tammy Faye Bakker tattoo and I was like, oh, this person, right? And I loved your shock value."
"It spends too much time trying to shock people than be funny or tell a story."
"Relatability of a joke is funnier than the shock value of a joke."
"Shock value often has audiences leave thinking about the story more."
"I think shock is important I think it's important in this room see Howard Stern is the king who they call the shock jock but all Howard Stern did his truth the truth."
"It's really funny, there are scenes of graphic description that rival the Marquis de Sade in their ability to induce nausea, coprophagia [ __ ] eating, castration, every kind of sexual deviants you can imagine."
"And then we have to watch Homelander and Stormfront kiss amongst other things with the guy's blood smeared over their mouths."
"I think aphex twin has been like the shock value done correctly."
"How do we go in less than 10 years from the ice bucket challenge to the masturbate with meth in front of the playground challenge?"
"Just think of the shock value killing off your Leading Lady halfway through."
"People out there watched Glass Ass, or Lemon Party, or Tub Girl."
"Where is the humor in that joke? I don't think it's laugh out loud funny at all. But I think Frankie Boyle's brand of comedy is to shock."
"I think a comedian's more funny when they don't have to stoop that low for shock value."
"Kill your parents quick job those pants."
"You want to eat your own feces or 3D printed steak?"
"Shock value. And people just trying to go viral."
"I wanted to make music that your mom would say turn that [ __ ] off."
"It's one of the greatest, most horrific, most insane, craziest endings I think I've ever seen in a horror movie or any movie at all."
"You can't imagine, my penis is not going into a vagina, it's going into an outcast, why aren't you laughing right now?"
"One of the most shocking novels ever written, Naked Lunch is a cultural landmark."
"Some hot case, some cold cases, and some cases that will even shock you."
"What you are about to see is illegal in 47 states."
"The more bizarre and shocking a tale, the more apt it is to be repeated."
"The VMAs became known for those more outrageous and later viral moments."
"This is the kind of thing people are like WTF, they remember it, they vote for it."
"I've seen I Saw the Devil, is by far the best foreign movie that I've ever seen, that was like, holy [expletive], this is crazy."
"It is definitely one of the most shocking, especially because the mastermind behind it was a 21-year-old kid."
"Being shocking and provocative has always been part of being a musician."
"I'm glad my mom died by Jeanette McCurdy... it's insane to read."
"I love the shock factor of it, the nerve-wracking factor of it."
"You do expect certain behavior from some characters that are a bit more consistent, but when they do something that's very like irrational and just slightly out of character, it can still be super shocking."
"You're here to shock, you're here to be innovative, you're here to shine."
"If you are looking for something like that, something that's got the shock value, then this is the one for you."