
Existence Of God Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"Arguments for and against the existence of God include the ontological argument, the teleological argument, and the cosmological argument."
"The question of whether or not God exists has undoubtedly been one of the most controversial, intellectually challenging, and widely discussed questions for well, forever."
"Evil is a lack in a good thing. Evil only exists as a lack in a good thing, so if evil exists, that means good exists. But if good exists, that means God exists."
"What would change my mind about whether God exists? I don't know, but God does. If he exists, he hasn't done it, which means either he doesn't exist or he doesn't want me to know he exists."
"The proof that God exists is that without Him, you can't prove anything."
"If 'God' does not exist, objective moral values and duties do not exist."
"If you assume that God doesn't exist, then miracles are impossible, of course. But if God does exist, then there's the possibility that miracles could have occurred."
"I mean, God Almighty, all you need to do to prove the existence of God and how intelligent the design of our universe is, is to see how smart Christopher Hitchens is."
"I am not a deeply religious person man I am not a theistic in the sense of like you know any one particular religion I'll tell you I do believe in God."
"Game over, Christianity is true, God exists."
"I am open to being shown that a God exists, it's just everybody keeps failing to do it."
"I've looked at the evidence, I've looked at the arguments, and I concluded that it is more probable that God exists."
"The time to believe that there is a God is when there is positive evidence that it exists and not before."
"When proving the existence of God, some people ask, 'Who created God?' How do we reply?"
"Science increasingly makes the case for God. It demonstrates why it is impossible for God not to exist."
"How do I know God exists? Just think of what's required for us to even be having a discussion like this."
"If there was a valid and sound argument for the existence of god, we wouldn't keep having these discussions and debates."
"I am convinced that if somebody could prove there was a god, we would hear about it in the news."
"Lack of evidence doesn't mean that God doesn't exist."
"The best evidence to believe there is a God? Look at the nation of Israel."
"We don't have a mythology. We can justify the existence of God from first principles."
"Common sense: it's just obvious that God exists."
"My simplest argument for the existence of God is Jesus."
"Could it be God? I don't know. In order for us to determine that, somebody needs to demonstrate that it's actually possible."
"There is a God who exists, and his predictions have always come true."
"If there is an all-powerful creator of the universe and he wanted to make it known what was on his mind there wouldn't be a debate end of story."
"There's no way on earth or heaven that you could be good without God."
"I'm going to suggest to you that the evidence points overwhelmingly to the idea that there is a supernatural all-powerful God."
"It's manifestly irrational to deny the existence of God. He hasn't paid attention to the data he's supposed to master, because the creation itself screams of the Creator through the data."
"One of the best things I ever read was to argue there isn't a God is as ridiculous to argue there is one."
"Is it possible that suddenly without intending to, we have stumbled onto proof, scientific proof, of the existence of a supreme being?"
"If the sense of Duty involves and justifies belief in rewards to come, the postulate of immortality must lead to the supposition of the existence of God."
"It's wishful thinking, and it doesn't tell us at all about whether or not there's a God."
"He says he can prove the existence of God mathematically with eighty symbols or less."
"There are good arguments for God's existence, good reasons to believe God exists."
"If Consciousness creates reality, that means there must be a perceiver to the universe. But what this has done is prove the existence of God."
"I believe this is actually going to be some good evidence that God exists, that he speaks today, and my friend, that he loves you."
"The very fact that you can have a thought and you can have a judgment requires God's existence in the first place."
"I'm going to argue for the existence of God called the cosmological argument."
"If God doesn't exist then we don't have a basis for knowledge logic ethics or reasoning at all so if we have knowledge reasoning ethics logic all these kinds of things the world where God exists those things make sense if God doesn't exist."
"Evidence matters now. What about evidence of God, Neil? Does that matter?"
"If there is a god, either that god doesn't want me to know it exists, or if it does, it doesn't want me to know it exists yet, or it doesn't exist."
"Everything that has a beginning needs a cause. God does not have a beginning; therefore, God doesn't need a cause."
"Christians are commanded to live in a way that doesn't make sense unless God exists."
"I do feel like I want to hear some of the other common arguments for the existence of God."
"Christianity entails the existence of God, so any evidence against the existence of God is evidence against Christianity. That natural thought is mistaken, of course."
"I've proven the existence of God. I have the scientific evidence. I have the moral logic to prove it. I have the rational justification."
"If God exists, He is infinite; all power resides within Him."
"When you worship God, you have to know that he exists and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him."
"It takes more faith for you to actually believe that God doesn't exist than it does for you to believe that He does exist."
"If there were a god and that god wanted us to know that it existed, it could very clearly demonstrate that to all of us."
"As I've studied this argument more in depth as of late to get prepared for this interview, I think that it is actually a really, really good and strong argument for the existence of God."
"Just because thousands of people may believe in a God does not mean that a God exists."
"Just because you can't see God doesn't mean God doesn't exist."
"If God exists, surely there should be evidences for God's existence."
"There are sufficient evidences and reasons for the existence of God which are manifest and are clear-cut."
"If God exists, then we have a sound foundation for objective moral values and duties."
"I want to believe true things, so if there is a God, I want to believe it, and if it's not true, then I don't."
"What I was really saying when I would say there's no evidence for God is something closer to, 'While there's no good evidence for God or there's insufficient evidence to warrant accepting that a God exists.'"
"Does God exist? This is the article where Thomas introduces the famous five ways."
"The fool has said in his heart there is no God, but we know God to be true."
"God exists because He's revealed Himself such that we could know that He exists."
"Your conscience is proof to you that you believe in the existence of God."
"If a god exists who is big enough to create the universe in all its complexity and vastness, why should a mere miracle be such a mental stretch?"
"Theism is the proposition that God exists, not the psychological condition of believing that there is a God."