
Covenant Quotes

There are 1429 quotes

"God said to Noah, 'This is the sign of the covenant which I have established between me and all flesh that is on the earth.'"
"I set my rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth."
"Salvation and exaltation become married together, and we are going to really see this covenant of grace in such a beautiful way."
"The secret of the Lord is with those that fear Him, and He will show them His covenant."
"Oh great and awesome God, who keeps His covenant and mercy with those who love Him and with those who keep His commandments."
"God is faithful to his covenant, and therefore all those who believe he gives them a righteous status."
"The rainbow represents God's covenant; it's the symbol of God's grace, the symbol of his love, the symbol of his justice."
"For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed, but My kindness shall not depart from you, nor shall My covenant of peace be removed."
"In the Old Covenant, the Holy Spirit came upon people; in the New Covenant, He dwells inside of people."
"Fall in love with Jesus and enter into covenant."
"Covenant is the way God operates, covenant is the foundation of the kingdom."
"Healing is placing a demand on the covenant."
"It still resonates today: God wants to walk with us."
"This cup is the New Covenant in My blood... shed for you."
"When you get desperate before God, you set your heart to seek Him, then you can hold God to His covenant promises."
"I come into this covenant not by my performance, but when I believe on what God has done for me in Christ Jesus."
"A covenant marriage is built on the promise of faithfulness to one another."
"When we're born in the covenant, we take our new father's name upon us as a new creature."
"This restoration is a covenant that God has made with you."
"In Genesis 9, the covenant God establishes was meant to include the animals, so they would need to be partakers of the covenant 'el stipulations."
"He said, 'I'm going to make a covenant with you right now in the presence of all your people and I'm going to perform miracles that have never been performed anywhere in all the earth or in any nation.'"
"Additionally, the establishment of modern Israel is seen as the Fulfillment of God's covenant with Abraham."
"The covenant established with David ensures a kingdom that will endure forever."
"The sign between us and the Most High: his laws."
"That covenant, that whole idea of the covenant is definitely worthy of deeper investigation."
"The Covenant is not a contract... but in a covenant, I am yours and you are mine."
"What is so new about the New Covenant is precisely the fact that it's international... it's universal."
"The rainbow shall be in the cloud and I will look on it to remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth."
"Now you have no idea that you are volunteering. You are now coming in an agreement. There's a covenant spiritually being forged between you and that spirit, that altar, and whoever's picture you bring there."
"Circumcising baby boys is God calls it an eternal Covenant when he gives it to Abraham and they believed he meant Eternal it means it's not going to end."
"God never breaks his Covenant to those who walk with him."
"God has made a covenant to keep and protect those who stay passionately in love with His son."
"Anytime blood is shed a covenant is now put in place."
"He claimeth all those who have faith in him because our faith then leads to our repentance and our covenant making and keeping."
"God heard their groaning and God remembered his Covenant with Abraham with Isaac and with Jacob back to what Taylor had been talking about before so God looked upon the children of Israel and God had respect unto them."
"It's no more Abraham's covenant than it is Melchizedek's priesthood. It's the covenants of exaltation."
"We hold the Jewish people in special regard because their Covenant with God has never been revoked."
"God's law as a part of the everlasting covenant is a true gift indeed." - "His will and his law are one. God says that right is right because it describes the best possible relationships."
"God's law was and is the purpose of the covenant relationship to bring the believer through God's transforming grace into harmony with his will and character." - "We are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, God's own special people."
"The covenant of Abraham: Letting God prevail."
"No matter what comes against me, I will not renegotiate that covenant."
"We are covenant makers and covenant keepers, but it's not just our covenant that we're trying to keep, as we keep our covenant we are actually allowing the father to keep his."
"In the middle of the seven-year tribulation, he'll sign the covenant."
"God honors the covenant, that covenant he on. So you have a right to go before God."
"The covenant is built on love; God initiates the covenant relationship by the promises, his promises and his actions that follow those promises."
"God had this covenant in place before He even created us."
"God with us, and that's exactly what God's covenant is with mankind today."
"The Abrahamic covenant is the core central element, the thematic element of the entire Old Testament."
"If you're willing to turn from all known sin... willing to turn toward all known obedience... and to allow the Lord to draw us closer... then you're in a covenant with the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob."
"The covenant is now going to ensure that even though the future generations may not even be aware of this covenant, their awareness of it does not nullify, cancel, or prevent this covenant from running its course based on the original agreement."
"Jesus offers a better covenant and a heavenly sanctuary."
"Jesus confirmed the everlasting covenant in the same way that Moses confirmed the covenant between the people and God."
"The reason why we have a rainbow in the sky is because God made a covenant with Noah."
"God made a covenant with Abraham do you think God's like you know what I'm I'm gonna I'm gonna abandon my covenant that I made with Abraham now."
"God has a responsibility to protect what is covenanted to Him."
"This is how we show that we love him, this is part of the covenant, it's wedding, it's marriage language."
"It is the sign or marker that identifies him as the Creator of all things: It is a sign between me and the children of Israel forever."
"We need to become a covenant keeping people."
"You are in blood covenant, you are covered by the blood."
"Jesus' blood flowed out of His side, a crimson current onto the rocks below, and onto the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant, ratifying the Old Covenant, and the New Covenant."
"Jesus has become the guarantee of a better Covenant."
"Relationship is always integral and central to the covenant."
"We are children of the Most High God and part of the eternal covenant."
"The New Covenant does not abolish the Ten Commandments; it reaffirms our obligation to it."
"For I am with you,' declares the Lord Almighty. 'This is what I covenanted with you…'"
"A relationship is not a business deal, it's a covenant, and a covenant is greater than a contract."
"Love is not a business deal, it's a covenant under God."
"Each covenant adds a bond, drawing us closer to and strengthening our connection with God."
"The future is bright for God's covenant-keeping people."
"It's another day to practice coming into this covenantal belonging with Jesus Christ."
"This is your sacred covenant, this is your sacred contract."
"Jesus has become the guarantor of a better covenant."
"I will put My law within them and on their heart I will write it; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people."
"For better or worse, richer or poorer, small house, big house, got to remember our covenant together."
"This is the token of the Covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you for Perpetual Generations."
"And the Lord says, 'Hold My covenant fast, and I will give you an everlasting name that will not be cut off.'"
"But he took note of their distress when he heard their cry. For their sake, he remembered his covenant, and out of his great love, he relented."
"Step into the reality of covenantal living."
"The feast of Shavuot celebrates the covenant, and how perfect that today is the day of your covenant. Your marriage is to be stronger than feeling, than emotion, than circumstance, than life itself. It's to overcome till death do you part."
"Your Covenant with God is stronger than you're being taught."
"Now because of the Covenant which ye have made ye shall be called the children of Christ his sons and his daughters."
"I believe the Holy Ghost, I held him to the Covenant."
"I'm going to give you a covenant of Peace."
"We challenge the Covenant by faith."
"The central theme of the Prophecies of Daniel is God's covenant with his people."
"The Covenant of many as the abrahamic Covenant of which fulfillment is made possible through the New Covenant is strengthened for 3 and 1/2 years in the first coming plus another three and a years leading up to the second coming."
"Marriage is between a man and a woman and God has created it. And if he doesn't accept the fact that this is a covenant between you and him, then what are you doing? Don't get married."
"...when I am really seeking to have my relationship with God enhanced... when I want to draw closer to God and when I think of it in terms of a covenant context... that's part of what keeps me bound to God..."
"God has some very strange ideas. What a way to seal a covenant!"
"It begins with this desire in our hearts and we plead with with God to help us be more of these attributes and then be patient with ourselves be humble with ourselves in the process of stumbling along this Covenant path."
"Isn't this why one of the main reasons we take the sacrament is to remind ourselves of the greatness of God and our need for him and to make covenants with him?"
"The everlasting covenant was established with blood, according to the Bible, God said that the new covenant is the everlasting covenant."
"Count the cost, put what you will lose by the time you wait on one side, and then make a covenant with God."
"The moment you went before God and made a covenant, that person became your spouse. Let's just remember that."
"The law of life, the new covenant, only comes out from Zion."
"Baptism is the gate that leads to becoming joint HS to all the promises given anciently by the Lord to Abraham Isaac Jacob and their posterity."
"Jesus followed the Jewish wedding tradition in establishing a marriage covenant with us."
"That is such a tender and symbolic example of how we should hold on to and lift each other up as we make and keep covenants to bear one another’s burdens."
"The Covenant that God made with the Jewish people by the giving of the Torah and received at Mount Sinai will never be changed nor become obsolete."
"Every man who plants a seed enters a covenant with God."
"God remembers His covenant with us, not because we're good, but because of His grace."
"And your Covenant with Death Shall be disannulled and your agreement with hell shall not stand."
"The blood of your Covenant guarantees that I can never be separated from you."
"From this day, every covenant and link with poverty is broken from your life."
"So that seed will come, promises were made in the law given to Moses, who was ordained by the hand of angels to be a mediator of this first Covenant... But there is one mediator of the New Covenant who is Christ."
"Let us give infinite thanks and glory to Heavenly Father and Mother for leading us to the law of life of the new covenant established by God."
"The father's invitation to the Covenant that he's made with us is in written form. You can only experience a covenant once you go into it."
"Then the king stood by the pillar and renewed the covenant in the presence of the LORD."
"Thus shall they know that I am the Lord their God am with them and that they, even the house of Israel, are my people, saith the Lord God."
"The second way to step into divine prosperity is by satisfying the demand of covenant, consecration, and patterns."
"God has covenanted with us that His presence will continually produce signs and wonders."
"If you've made covenants, you better live up to them. If you're not doing it, get on with doing it."
"I declare that by the anointing, every covenant, every enchantment is broken forever."
"Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people."
"I'm going to give you my promise, an Everlasting Covenant."
"The New Covenant must be better than the old one. We're not going to abolish an Old Testament or the old Covenant to establish one that includes nothing."
"He is the mediator of a new covenant, so that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance."
"You can enter into the promises of the New Covenant through the same faith that Abraham entered into."
"Out of pure love there's this Covenant this Cosmic contract saying the creator has our backs always."
"You have seen what I did to the Egyptians and how I bore You On Eagle's Wings and brought you to myself. Now therefore, if you will indeed obey my voice and keep my Covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to me above all people; for all the Earth is mine."
"The Lord will cast their lot amid the portions of MDC who will cause them to repent or return to the original Covenant."
"God intended for sexual intercourse to be the actual seal of the covenant of sacred marriage."
"Covenant praying brings powerful manifestations."
"Remember that every permanent relationship of God with anybody is always based on a covenant."
"Receiving the ordinances and covenants of the Savior’s gospel is just the beginning. It is not a transactional item on a checklist but the beginning of a beautiful covenant bond."
"Once we make a covenant with God, we leave neutral ground forever. God will not abandon His relationship with those who have forged such a bond with Him."
"We don’t need to navigate this life alone, and we weren’t meant to. We can choose to find relief in partnering with the Lord through our covenants."
"Jesus started a new testament, which means old Covenant and a new promise."
"It's that kind of adultery, covenant infidelity... that King Benjamin is cautioning them against."
"And if we think of it that way, we just need to remember we are under the new family rules for the people of God, not the Old Covenant rules."
"To understand and apply covenant is to experience Kingdom."
"There is spiritual power in the words of our covenants. Do we know the words? Do we know what we said we would do? Do we know what the Lord has promised?"
"Our marriage is covenant-based and sacrificial."
"A person of Covenant experiences the future twice."
"Sisters, just as keeping our covenant of sacrifice will bring the power of God to our lives, I've learned from covenant women that the power of God also flows to them when they keep their covenant of service."
"We can be wise Covenant women who eagerly remove anything from our lives that is preventing us from receiving even more of God's power."
"Making covenants with God calls forth the divine within us and keeping our covenants with God allows him to pour His divine power into us."
"God intended for covenants to be a critical part of our lives."
"As Covenant Keepers aligned with Jesus Christ, we can be instruments in his hands to help others experience his relief."
"Making multiple covenants along the Covenant path helps us mature in our discipleship."
"Alignment of our heart and mind with Jesus Christ is at the very heart of how we keep our baptismal and sacramental Covenants."
"The ultimate goal: forever changed, impossible to move away, children of the covenant, children of Christ."
"There is a difference between God’s relationship with those who make and keep sacred covenants with Him and His relationship with those who do not."
"Every woman and every man who makes covenants with God and keeps those covenants, and who participates worthily in priesthood ordinances, has direct access to the power of God."
"By making and keeping temple covenants, we learn more about the Lord’s purposes and receive a fulness of the Holy Ghost."
"God promised that from the seed of Abraham and David, the nations of the world would be blessed."
"Marriage is a condition of life designed by God, ordained by God, and authenticated in an open, public covenant."
"The fact that our Lord did His first miracle at a wedding emphasizes the sanctity of that covenant. Weddings matter."
"I understand God is saying hey I did it for you. That's the New Covenant. I do it for you."
"For thus says the Lord to the eunuchs who keep my Sabbaths, who choose the things that please me and hold fast my covenant: I will give in my house and within my walls a monument and a name better than sons and daughters."
"God hears our groaning and remembers His covenant."
"You're making a covenant with God to receive Christ into your heart and to receive God's love and forgiveness."
"Our covenant connection right there. We know baptism is how you enter into the Covenant, but if we wanted to make it more specific, these are the two primary Commandments in the Covenant: love God and love each other."
"we were just in church and they were teaching us how sacred this Covenant was"
"The Book of Mormon is yes meant to bring you to the church but really it's to bring you into the Covenant."
"The Book of Mormon is the tool designed to bring everybody back to this full sense of the Covenant and to the one who makes that Covenant possible Jesus Christ."
"I will not destroy the Earth again with water."
"God had made a covenant with his ancient people, and God has made a covenant with me and with you."
"I'll take Covenant rather than culture."
"A real covenant is just a promise concerning the use of land."
"A real covenant not only benefits and burdens the original parties, but it also passes to their successors."
"We're looking for a messiah, we're yearning for a new covenant, we're looking for a new age."
"You cannot be in a relationship and not honor the conditions of it. That's right. The conditions of it are about the covenants."
"The entire Bible is a narrative of the covenant. The unifying theme of Scripture is that God is a covenant maker and a covenant keeper."
"It's always been righteousness by faith. When God renews the covenant with Isaac, He says, 'Because your father Abraham obeyed my voice, my charge, my commandments, he kept my statutes and my laws.'"
"And for all that shall be manifested, for all that shall be revealed, we promise and covenant with you now in advance before we ever begin."
"Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness, means God established his covenant with him."
"The cross is the ultimate moment of God's covenant loyalty and love, not only to Israel but through Israel to the world."
"The essence of marriage is a covenant where two people come together."
"Are you gonna do what the culture says and follow your feelings and they're gonna lead you right off a cliff, or are you gonna remember I made a covenant?"
"The good news is that he is a covenant keeping God. If he said it, he's going to do it."
"The sons of Promise are determined by Covenant not Merit."
"It's not about Merit. It's about Covenant."
"God remembers his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. He redeems his people."
"They shall be my people, and I will be their God, in truth and in righteousness."
"God made you sign a non-compete Clause with him. That's what the blood is, you signed it in blood."
"I put my rainbow in the clouds, this cosmic sign, and it will be a covenant sign between me and the earth."
"Violating the marriage covenant through cheating on the wife suspends the Covenant promises."
"My steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my covenant of peace shall not be removed." - Isaiah 54:10
"I am the God of covenant, and I always keep my word. Amen."
"God sees marriage as a covenant, not just a contract."
"The essence of a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife, and the way it's covenantal language."
"The New Covenant of Jeremiah 31:31-34 is with the house of Israel and the house of Judah."
"This is a future prophecy that's right, and so understanding why at the end of this chapter the Most High actually says 'I'm going to make a new covenant with Israel.'"
"This new covenant was because we had an unwillingness as a people to obey the old covenant, that's right."
"I set my rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for a sign of the Covenant between me and the Earth."
"...Jesus recaptures the Covenant identity of Israel in himself, preaching a different story."
"And God said, 'This is the token of the covenant which I have established between me and all flesh that is upon the earth.'"
"The Eucharist that He institutes and Calvary that He endures are two sides of the same coin of the new covenant."
"The role of prophets is to remind people of their covenant with Allah subhanahu wata'ala, so they fulfill that covenant."
"God made a covenant with Israel to transmit the knowledge of God to the Next Generation."
"Recognizing the theme of the Abrahamic covenant has profoundly impacted me and my conception of myself as a covenant individual and a member of a covenant community."
"Because of the Ark of the Covenant, leaves Jerusalem and now in Ethiopia, that's why we are here. We are children of the Covenant like God made Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We are the children."
"In the old Covenant, you had to do something first and then God would do something."
"God can't lie he can't lie he can't break his word his word is a covenant listen and God binds himself to his word and unlike us God keeps his word."
"God will never break Covenant; He will never alter anything that has come out of his lips."
"God gave you covenant rights, and it's time to get them restored."
"God heard their moaning, and God remembered His covenant with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob."
"Altars are systems of authorization for promises, vows, and agreements between divinity and humanity."
"This is the sign of the covenant which I make between me and you."