
Ability Quotes

There are 1173 quotes

"Whatever God has given you, He has already given you the ability to handle it."
"If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree..."
"Direction is more important than ability, but ability will ultimately decide how big you end up becoming."
"Motivation creates persistence and persistence creates ability."
"The death can hear it, the blind can see it, the lame can walk it, the numb can feel it."
"All change is a matter of motivation rather than ability."
"Akira's abilities were whatever the other person believed them to be."
"Perfect memory recall of any moment in your life."
"Ascendance is still a great strong general cooldown."
"Should Reed be the leader? Yes. His leadership ability is off the charge."
"You have the ability to heal people's energies."
"Genji's deflect can redirect many abilities and enemy fire, including ultimates."
"He couldn't fathom that Toph could be a capable bender let alone the powerhouse she was."
"Korra had more time than Aang to master her bending abilities."
"Love is an ability. It's not just a feeling."
"Never let what you cannot do interfere with what you can."
"I don't even have the ability so I don't know why the moment we got into final selection I had the ability."
"Wands simply allow a magical person to channel their innate magical ability."
"Bug dark witch with tinted lens is incredible."
"There's no such thing as a bad devil fruit, only bad devil fruit uses... until you're not."
"Bladestorm, it's excellent ability, it does a fairly significant amount of damage."
"I got supreme confidence in my ability and myself."
"If you have the ability, you have the responsibility; if you can, then you must."
"I have the ability to solve many complex problems, bring about the seemingly impossible."
"I promise you folks, if you are able-bodied and you have a desire to do this, even if it's just a small structure, you can do it."
"When you are in a situation where you are not able, God is able."
"It's not about your ability or your inability... it's about your availability."
"Energy bending is the ability to bend life energy."
"Gwen's W is Shinxo's ultimate in every sense of the word but it's better."
"I think a good thing is always knowing that I can. The problem becomes when you can't, and that really sucks to know for a fact."
"Bastion's Ironclad passive is enabled again: 20 damage reduction while transformed."
"I'm comfortable in my ability moving forward."
"Eraserhead's quirk gives him the power to cancel out the quirks of others by looking at them."
"Midnight's quirk gives her the ability to project a scent from her body that puts her opponents to sleep."
"Ectoplasm's quirk enables him to create multiple clones of himself."
"The fact that other people have massive abilities that we all of us don't have to some degree is what makes life such a wonderful spectacle."
"The guru guru no me allows its user to see through everything—whether it be layers of physical matter or even deeper concepts like being able to selectively read minds."
"Their unique thing though is an ability called pack trap which will pin a unit in place for a whole 25 seconds."
"This is a pretty unique new ability I think because it stops enemies from healing."
"You guys are definitely like healers who are able to just bring people back to life."
"No complaining today, we're blessed with our abilities."
"Your ability to communicate is your superpower."
"You have this incredible ability and this incredible gift to be able to do that and to be able to have this unstoppable determination."
"It was a lucky break, while Kakashi gained a reputation as the copycat ninja."
"Kaitis was actually another of the very few force sensitives across galactic history who could employ the shatter point ability."
"We're so grateful that we're able to do that."
"Warrior Takedown... love this ability... instantly fills your adrenaline bars."
"Winning America's Next Top Model proves that Deaf people can do anything and everything." - Nyle DiMarco
"Someone wishes they could do what you do too."
"If you have the ability, you have some responsibility."
"Kog'maw's Q is like quietly one of the most broken abilities in the game."
"This man could probably swap with a random tree. There's nothing you could possibly do against Toto's ability."
"To put the cherry on top, Dash can run on water."
"Focus on the things that you can do and don't focus on the things that you can't do."
"If I have an ability here and I have a passion, then when you add ability and passion, then you get results."
"You have the ability to heal others and project a different type of energy."
"He was amazed to have such an ability and felt like he got a whole world in his palm."
"He's got tremendous ability and he backs it up with a lot of savvy and brain power in that ring."
"It's that magical ability we have to look into the future just using our own common sense."
"We all respect each other's abilities and each other as a person, and it shows."
"Intelligence is the combination of being able to do many things and to do them well."
"Action surge is one of, if not the best, abilities to take if you're building a character for nova damage or burst damage."
"Special ability? It's something that ordinary people can't do."
"Luffy is SO GOOD with his devil fruit that it is basically the only power he needs for the entire first half of the story."
"I must confess, I'm a bit psychic."
"People are going to be shocked at your superhuman capabilities."
"Android 17 is most known for his ability to make barriers."
"I'm purely using my cognitive abilities."
"Trust your abilities that you've got what it takes."
"It's blowing my mind every time, such a fun and useful ability to have at one's disposal."
"Having the ability to stop time for five whole seconds, Jodoro's really nasty; he's a monster."
"He still has his absorption ability from his past life."
"The superstar is also widely regarded as the most powerful telepath in the universe."
"I don't cook too often on here but I have the ability to when I need to or when I want to."
"We have deep within ourselves a reservoir of great ability, even genius, that can be tapped if we'll just dig deep enough."
"When you got it, you got it, and I got it."
"Usually when I touch people, they go to sleep."
"I think he's his gifts and fighting translate, ascend beyond weight class."
"Makoto is proud to announce that he's able to create the Mist needed to enter and leave whenever he wants."
"Drawing is an art form, but you can still be bad at it."
"You can teach technique, but you can't teach talent."
"You can do it as long as you're physically able and financially able."
"I don't care how tall a setter is, I care about where you can put the ball."
"You guys have multiple gifts, multiple talents, multiple skills."
"If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be? The power to fly."
"The word responsibility can be broken down into two words: response and ability"
"He's got great ability, great moves, great strength, and great determination."
"Is this the true power of the Sharingan? The Susano lifted Gate into the air, the old man frail and weak in wrath."
"Everyone has potential for greatness."
"Carol has the power to restart Suns."
"She's a 10 but she can move stuff with her mind."
"I got the power to summon anyone I want from anywhere in the Multiverse."
"I wish for the ability to switch between normal sight and sight that makes me see all the people that want to have sex with me."
"Our God is able. If we will submit to Him."
"Being able to speak correctly and properly and very well is a completely underdiscussed superpower."
"There's no talent for languages... anybody can do it."
"You have the ability to make it happen."
"Mace Windu's force abilities were phenomenal, not far below Yoda's in the grand scheme."
"You're actually very gifted, very, very, very gifted."
"He wouldn't be here if he couldn't."
"It is not our ability that shows what we truly are, it is our choices."
"Just because you have autism doesn't mean you can't do what other people can do."
"He was still able to do that much if you're talking prime Whitebeard."
"He actually dances, he can dance. Did you say 'not well?' Yeah, yeah, I would have to agree with that."
"The right kind of practice can actually be the secret behind and the surest route to all the amazing abilities that culturally we assume require musical talent."
"Her nen stitches are perfectly suited to her, like Hisoka's bungee gum is to him."
"Imagine this ability in D&D, undetectable, like a ninth-level spell."
"No one would ever know that you didn't draw that right, I mean it's really kind of incredible how easy it is."
"He's like, maybe it's a you thing, maybe you're just good."
"For one to do what that child just did they must have perfect understanding of Magic."
"Ditto has the ability to clone himself Without Limits through binary fission, and he can duplicate himself instantly."
"Why on Earth do we call them disabled? I love them. On the important things, they can be so much more able than us."
"You think I can't? Bet, watch this. It's going to take me like 3 seconds."
"Age is no indication of ability, spies, meet the granny."
"...if there's an area where she surpasses him, it's this magic inundated realm."
"Ambidextrous, ambidextrous, and dextrous anyway."
"Even with the multiplier, we know Guy was faster and boasted a more versatile set of abilities and techniques."
"The actual Quirk is good, the user is bad."
"Xenoglossy describes someone who can suddenly speak a different language they're not conscious of."
"Love isn't a feeling. It's an ability."
"He can track a body through wind and rain."
"He does have that Raw Talent though."
"Theo's ability to stop time for a maximum of 9 seconds."
"But everybody can't do that. You gotta have this certain type of ability, a discipline because everybody wants to wear your crown or do what you do until they see how heavy that crown is."
"Responsibility can be broken down into two words: response and ability. It is your ability to respond."
"Class is permanent, form is temporary."
"He might have magical power inside of him."
"Lloyd boosted her magic abilities."
"Skill link...but this ability is irrefutably remarkable."
"necessity level is this sudden willingness that untaps this tremendous amount of ability"
"...this ability could be a hindrance since it guarantees full accuracy on the whole field."
"There is talent and there is ability."
"If his theory is correct, then everyone who gets into this world has a cheat ability."
"He was able to walk through a wall."
"You either got the waggle or you don't."
"Incredible ego, incredible ability."
"You should just test everyone on chess ability and that should be the gating Factor."
"Confidence is the belief in one's ability to figure things out."
"God's gift to us is more talent and ability than we'll ever hope to use in our lifetime."
"This dojutsu possesses the ability to see into the past or any event that has or is occurring since the birth of the user."
"This dojutsu can peer through time."
"Staying positive at every point is a huge manifestation ability."
"The impressive capabilities of everyone."
"Franklin was ranked four among the spiders in arm wrestling and was able to clash and fight evenly with No in close combat."
"Your wild shape gives temporary hit points."
"I'm going as long as, you know, I'm blessed with the ability to do it."
"I think I would have been able to beat him on the hands."
"This is all thanks to a unique ability only Sanju has, which is responsible for not only his insane growth but every weapon to unability he's gained throughout the series."
"You either got it or you don't, for real. It's either in you or it's not."
"This ability is just fantastic not long after this point there's a good chance that your Paladin will have a plus five Charisma modifier and a plus five to every saving throw it's basically Advantage."
"You still got it. You got the mojo."
"You wouldn't have this ability to see in the dark, you wouldn't have this ability to kind of see what's going on in the Underworld if you were going to make fun of them."
"YuYu Yahara, Lisa's Lieutenant, possesses the power to double the weight of anything he strikes."
"It's so important to know your range."
"If they give me time, I can throw the football."
"His shrift ability, the antithesis, holds immense potential."
"Maximizing speed and power to the degree of creating after images or blocking heavy punches."
"I'm a superhero, ain't no disability."
"The fact that he can go under is just incredible."
"Nobody could stop and start like that."
"...look at his ability as a curse rather he should see it as a gift."
"To their surprise, his wound ends up healing. Lucius thinks the wound is really gone. That's an amazing ability," he says.
"You were able to bend and move light with your hands pound number two."
"You can't play champagne golf with lemonade ability."
"At the core of their shape-shifting lies the control of their chromatus forse."
"He never has. Nope, he's not good at it."
"If IMU's power is related to space, then Luffy's rubber-like ability may be what is needed to eventually topple the hierarchy."
"I think that ability is like to find a way to win even when you're playing poorly."
"Tara can control not only rocks but also muddy water and concrete."
"His body has limitations, but when putting his mind to it, there is no limit to what he can do."
"Their ability to learn is their strength."
"It's more of a scale rather than you have it or you don't have it."
"Everything now depended on Wang Ji's abilities."
"His greatest strength was his leadership ability."
"This sport is about durability, not just ability."
"One person's worst ability could be another person's dream ability."
"The ability to walk is a kind of knowing."
"I didn't know you could jump that high."
"If Kaido could do it he should have been doing it then."
"He does have a unique skill set of being able to throw really far really accurate."
"It's an insanely good ability and they just added it to the game."
"We are all psychic, we just have to learn how to use it."
"Zoro's armament hockey is a nine. Nine or ten."
"That's a real strength, a real superpower if you think about it."
"He was born with magic in his boots."
"Sanji's resistance to fire is due to his cooking."
"Sanji's diabl jambe is connected with his emotions because emotions are necessary to conjure fire."
"Tengen might not only be able to hear normal sounds and convert the fighting sounds to music scores, but I think he also had the special ability to hear someone's thoughts as well."
"Unusual ability, sterling character, eloquent at the Council Fire, sagacious in planning campaigns, and fearless in warfare."
"Once an ability is awakened it can no longer be developed."
"Power is simply the ability to influence."
"Many people tend to lose that ability, but it's definitely something that we still have as adults and you can still bring it back with just a little bit of practice."
"There's a big difference. He kicks harder than me."
"We possess the ability to alter matter and circumstance."
"Maximize your ability to play, maximize your ability to learn."
"Spirituality is not a disability, it is a tremendous empowerment. You must be able to do more things than normal people do if you're spiritual."
"Especially for you, you might think you don't know how to dance but you know how to move."
"He can make his victims explode upon impact."
"They may not be able to speak like everybody else can speak, they can't articulate themselves the way that everybody else can articulate, yeah. But that does not mean that they're stupid or they're dumb."