
Anchor Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"Having deep religious beliefs...keeps you anchored."
"Issues of origin prove to be these powerful anchors of our understanding."
"This hope we have as an anchor for the soul, both sure and steadfast."
"No matter what it looks like, no matter what it feels like, we have an anchor, and his name is Jesus Christ."
"We're so blessed to have you anchor our hearts and give us a fresh start."
"My anchor is still settled at the bottom of the Chief Cornerstone."
"You don't want to put any pull on the anchor until you've got your five-to-one down, especially if you're in something like soft mud."
"But when you're anchored to something that's sure, something that stayed, when the life comes to me, I can lean all my weight on it."
"And what God is saying is you need to let all the peripheral go, anything that would allow you to drift, and you need to have an anchor that allows your vessel to stay in place."
"We can do nothing more worthy than to sink the anchor of our peaceful studies into the ground of eternity."
"The only anchor that we have in a shifting, stormy world: the truth, the eternal truth of God’s Word."
"Knowing that ultimately God is our anchor through whatever season we go."
"In Christ, because of that cross, because of his work on your behalf, you have an anchor in history that proves his love for you."
"Either you go change your clothes or I'll reconsider having you as an anchor on the show."
"There's something anchoring in your soul about that kind of friendship."
"...Jesus for me, it's like an anchor, no matter where I am or how my situation may be, I can always reach out to him, he's always there, he always listens."
"May the Lord be your steadfast anchor throughout uncertain times and remind you that all all is possible when you have him in Jesus name."
"Williams's portrayal provided a necessary anchor."
"Technique is what's going to keep you grounded as an anchor."
"...what I recommend is I recommend having an external power bank with you. I love this one from anchor right here."
"This hope we can have as an anchor of the soul."
"A fixed point that doesn't change, like an anchor."
"Your presence is that guy, somebody I can anchor into."
"Anchor yourself in the promises of God."
"Purpose is this anchor that you attach yourself to."
"A canopy anchor does a few really important things: It reduces load at the tie-in point, it enables us to tie in higher in the tree, and it's easier to retrieve."
"That's your confidence anchor, that moment that you just described."
"And that is how you drop a confidence anchor on these [__] nerves and worries."
"Hope is the anchor that keeps us steady in the storm."
"Lest we drift. If we don't listen, we're going to drift. If we don't pay attention if we don't take the word of God seriously, you're going to drift. I can't think of anything more terrifying than to drift away from the anchor that will save your life."
"Even survival as an anchor here seems somewhat whimsical."
"A good anchor needs to be a good artist."
"Hope is an anchor, securing us in the presence of God."
"Family dinners have always been like an anchor grounding us in our day-to-day lives."
"The spiritual dimensions of our humanity are going to become anchors for people."
"Our anchor at the end of the day is our belief in Allah, it's what anchored the prophets at the times of difficulty and hardship."
"Hope, when you have hope, your soul may get out there and drift around a little bit, but it ain't going too far because you've already dropped the anchor of hope in your life."
"It's a great anchor; it's probably the most common one I use."
"That hope cometh of faith, maketh an anchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast."
"We need stability, we need an anchor to be on."
"The anchor of your soul... attached to the throne of God."
"It's an anchor of the soul, sure and steadfast."
"I think the more important thing is what are you anchored to."
"Through every high and stormy gale, my anchor holds within the veil."
"If you're going to survive in it, you need something to hold on to out there."
"We have hope that we can live by, that will anchor us to the rock below."
"We have this hope as an anchor for our soul, firm and secure."
"As a wife and a mother, I would say that my anchor is Jesus. He's everything."
"The werewood being this anchor in time going forward and back."
"One of the many improvements we have made to Cool Change was to switch from an inferior CQR to a mantis 35 pound bow anchor."
"They make a fantastic feature in a garden and they're a great anchor to the corner of the house."
"It is important that we pay attention to what in our life serves as that anchor."
"The best way to anchor that seating group is with the largest area rug that you can afford."
"Jesus Christ is the anchor we have for our soul, both firm and secure."
"We're so, so blessed to have you, anchor our hearts, and give us a fresh start."
"Remember, my breath is my anchor. My anchor is my breath."
"Setting an intention with a crystal... becomes sort of like an anchor for your subconscious mind."
"Faith is connecting to the true anchor, Jesus Christ."
"Jesus is this hope we have as an anchor for our soul."
"Powerlifting is something that I anchored my life to as a youngster."
"Everyone has an anchor, you know, it's generally your family."
"This confidence is like a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls."
"Diane anchored the Morning News show for Battle Creek's local TV station WQ."
"An anchor isn't just to save you from the storm but to sustain you through the storm."
"You find an anchor, right? Find your anchor."
"I feel like they were the real emotional anchors of this story."
"The mansion is something that we can fall back on as an anchor."
"You take control of the day, and you give yourself an anchor to keep coming back to."
"They're probably the two tethers that are keeping him even remotely chaotically neutral."
"Anchor helps take care of some of the basic security checks for you."
"He is the anchor in the storms of life, holding you steady when the winds threaten to overwhelm."
"Needing to be the emotional anchor, committing to those feelings because we know that they're true."
"Let this peace be your anchor, a testament to my endless love and care for you."
"So in the midst of turmoil, let my peace be your anchor, your unwavering light."
"She's kind of like an anchor because I love her."
"Let my words be the anchor for your soul."
"Faith, let it be the anchor that holds you steady amidst life's tumultuous seas."
"The origin also acts as an anchor, and we'll see that in action in just a little bit."
"My strength is your refuge, my love the anchor in your tempest."
"When stability is needed, an anchor can be dropped into the unseen realm below the surface of the water to secure the ship to a fixed point."
"Our hope can be anchored, that can actually be the anchor of our soul."
"Rosetta has a heartwarming smile, and her laughter and smiles became my anchor."
"You got to have something that the listener's ear latches on to, that is home base, so that it all makes sense."
"Help us to cling to this hope as an anchor for our souls."
"She is the emotional anchor of this movie."