
Fellowship Quotes

There are 1658 quotes

"What Jesus offers in salvation... is a pathway to community, partnership with God, but to a broader fellowship at the table."
"We as believers cannot rightfully ignore our manifold responsibility to fellow believers."
"We need to be treating each other like we love each other and not breaking fellowship because of the topic of Calvinism."
"We can still have fellowship... we can still celebrate the grace of God in our lives because we make mistakes all the time."
"You are in constant 24/7 fellowship with God."
"But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin."
"I love camp meetings. I love the opportunity to share with you at home and with our family. You are our family."
"The keys are in continuing in the doctrine, in prayer, in true fellowship."
"May the love of God and the blessing of the Lord Jesus Christ and The Fellowship of the Holy Spirit fill our hearts AR fresh unite our lives in the grip of the Gospel."
"He loved fellowship. He loved being with his family. He loved the outdoors, God's creation. And he loved being with other leaders in the body of Christ as they would come in and minister to people on the air."
"The fellowship is a concrete tangible thing from day one."
"We want to understand the secret place today. We've come for fellowship with you and for that life that comes out of it."
"I want to know you deeply, Lord, to fellowship with you and to bask in your presence."
"It brings men and women together in Fellowship in a way that no other organization can."
"If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me." - Revelation 3:20
"Jesus says I stand at the door and knock... if anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come in and eat with him and he with me."
"Come, Lord Jesus. May the grace of the Lord Jesus be with you all."
"We have fellowship in jesus in the midst of our differences."
"It's about growing in grace, growing in knowledge of the word of God, being in church, having fellowship."
"Stay in fellowship with other believers; isolation plays into the enemy's hands."
"The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen."
"Devoted themselves to teaching, fellowship, sharing in meals, and prayer."
"Fellowship with Christ is the fountain of joy."
"But yeah, I mean, I want it to be a little bit of that, you know, where it doesn't always have to be, you know, like I said the most academic thing and you know it can be more fellowship, more interactive that way too."
"Are you in a fellowship that's committed to preparing you for that calling?"
"We must learn to lovingly disagree... and not make eschatology... a touchstone of fellowship."
"Comfort and edify one another more and more."
"When you work for God to receive a reward, you're doing it not merely for the reward. It's more like a fellowship, a connection."
"Make sure you go to church and be a part of a fellowship."
"Our covenant: We gather in fellowship, love, and support one another."
"Change agents recruit kids to enroll in an 18-month fellowship where they are steered towards a better way of life."
"I stand at the door knock, everyone knows that one. And if you open that door, I'll come in and I'll eat with you and you'll eat with me."
"That's what church really is it's this Gathering a fellowship of anointed uh incredible Saints and all of a sudden we're mingling that anointing in one place and it's just generating something and when we all go out we've got a new anointing on us."
"If we claim to have fellowship with Him yet walk in darkness, we lie. But if we walk in the light, we have fellowship with one another."
"The disciples didn't pray to Jesus, they walked, lived, they fellowshipped."
"You can't love Christ and not love the body of Christ."
"God doesn't fellowship with angels, cherubim, or seraphim, but He fellowships with man."
"The only way you can truly walk in the light is to walk in fellowship."
"Alcoholics Anonymous... showed me how to create this fellowship by crave I have a very full life today."
"The word talks about us needing each other and how much stronger we are when there are two or three gathered."
"God created us to have fellowship with him... without any hindrance."
"Surround yourself with like-minded Believers in Jesus Christ. Congratulations and welcome to the family."
"We desire your presence, Lord, where no evil can approach, but where we are blessed to be in fellowship with you."
"It's a time of fellowship where you strengthen or undergird your relationship with the Lord."
"True church is going to cultivate fellowship."
"God is faithful in your marriage; by him you were called into the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord."
"Fellowship to have brothers that'll have your back."
"The most important fellowship is with our Creator, with God."
"Life is a sum total of who you spend it with. Taff and I get to spend our Sundays and Wednesdays and sometimes throughout the week with you, the greatest church on the planet."
"Some of the sweetest times that I can remember in my life is just talking with other Christians about the Bible."
"The secret of peace and prosperity is found in Fellowship."
"Prayer is my means of having fellowship with the Father."
"They take pride in the achievements of their fellow servants of Nurgle, proclaiming joyfully the splendors of the poxes and sores evidenced by those around them."
"But if we walk in the light as he himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus his son cleanses us from all sin."
"It used to be community, and people would eat together, pray together, and just fellowship, and that was more powerful."
"There is a sense of camaraderie and togetherness."
"Prayer is not just some religious thing to do, but it's our great fellowship."
"It's great that everyone's enjoying their company."
"They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer."
"God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of gladness more than your companions."
"Facts: behold how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity."
"May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, the sweet Fellowship of the Holy Spirit rest and abide with us now and forever more."
"If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come into them and will dine with them, and they with me."
"Greet one another with a holy kiss."
"A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day."
"The grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of the Father, the friendship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all."
"Godspeed to you and all at the table."
"Speak to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs."
"Every day they continue to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts."
"I meant what I said, communion is about being around other people that you can commune with."
"Part of it is not just fellowship with the Holy Spirit, it's also fellowship with the angels of God."
"It's the fellowship, it's the community."
"I brought everyone here tonight really to fellowship with each other and be able to be as one."
"Our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ."
"We now live in a new world, a new creation, and we have angelic community."
"Christ came to create community; He gave us the church."
"The Fellowship, including the ringbearer Frodo and Elrond’s foster-son Aragorn, with a newly reforged Anduril, sets out on December 25th."
"There is power in Christian fellowship. We need other believers, and there's something that happens in person that doesn't happen online."
"Legolas finds friendship in the most unlikely of people - Gimli the dwarf."
"The fellowship was a brief beginning, a fair time that cannot be forgotten."
"The importance of friendship is found in Chapter 1 of The Fellowship of the Ring through to the final chapter of The Return of the King and without friendship, Sauron would not have been defeated."
"Wherever believers gather, the spiritual ground we occupy is sanctified amid the powers of darkness."
"God and man will be reunited in fellowship."
"Walking in the light, we have true fellowship with each other."
"What joy to realize that I can fellowship with the eternal God who created this universe."
"Intimacy with God is uninterrupted fellowship that happens all the time."
"Our Lord will meet all your needs if you're faithful to obey His Word, and you'll enjoy the fellowship with Him."
"Whenever you are around people that just love the Lord it is the greatest thing."
"When saint paul is giving a summary of the gospel in acts chapter 10 he's this beautiful summary of the gospel it's so perfect he recalls in there and he says you know we were witnesses to this gospel but we're witnesses because we we ate and drank with the savior."
"He says I'm knocking on the door if any man open it I will come in and sup with him amen."
"May we be people who fellowship with the Holy Spirit, may we be people who are under the guidance and counsel of your spirit."
"Love itself would knit us together in an unbroken kind of Fellowship."
"Enjoy the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit."
"The Lord has amazing things to show you as you fellowship with Him in the word and just in intimacy."
"I desire to have close communion with you, to be in close fellowship with you, Lord."
"The good news is that even though we are not fully sanctified people, and God is totally holy, nevertheless we can enter fellowship with him."
"We need to start the fellowship as humanity again."
"It's been a beautiful time I've really been enjoying myself here with the brothers and sisters."
"The church is this communion of people, this Fellowship of people whose lives are all Blended together in a profound expression of love and unity."
"Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, and so much the more as ye see the day approaching."
"We just love you so much I just want to talk about Jesus together."
"We're a lot like love scientists but the fellowship is completely different."
"Read the Bible. It triggers fellowship with God, and fellowship triggers worship."
"We're holding on to something. There's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo, and it's worth fighting for."
"Even though we Fellowship together, we go home to totally different backgrounds and different Lifestyles."
"The New Testament teaches them how to fish, and now they have to work it out. God's people gather and break bread and pour out wine and share it in the name and love of Jesus—that is a Eucharist, that is a mass, that is the Lord's Supper."
"Alright guys, it is the next morning. We are back here at the house. What an amazing time it was out there fishing with the guys in those woods yesterday. It was so much fun."
"Every time we come together and open Your Word, it's as if You've prepared a feast for us, to feed our hungry souls."
"...you can meet basically a complete stranger and they know Christ and you know Christ and you instantly have a kind of fellowship that just transcends all other kinds of things"
"The house ministries had a tremendous intimacy, closeness of fellowship with each other. It was just a beautiful opportunity for people to learn how to love one another, learn how to get along with each other."
"May the blessings of elves, men, free folk, the fellowship, and all who seek the light be upon you."
"You couldn't get some of us together in the same room were it not for Jesus Christ. Somebody once said, 'There's lots of different kinds of nuts in the Lord's fruitcake. So from one nut to another nut, welcome to God's fruitcake."
"A church is to be the fellowship of those who possess eternal life. Not this church. This church is dead."
"Prayer is God's will; His wish is not for us to do something but to be something, people who have fellowship with Him."
"Isolation is not good. Proverbs 18 we saw last time you are meant by God to be in community, in fellowship with other people. Meaningful community adds spice, spunk, vigor, and completes one's life."
"How beautiful and how pleasant it is for Brethren to dwell together in unity."
"It's a tale of friendship of found families and fellowship."
"The people of God are a blessing, and you will miss your blessing if you divorce yourself from the people of God in your time of bitterness."
"So primarily - listen - heaven is a relationship. It is a relationship. It is communion. It is fellowship at its purest and highest level."
"This is what church should be about—celebration of life."
"When I enter into union with Christ, I enter union with the whole body of Christ, the past as well as the present, and will be united in the future."
"There was a sense of camaraderie, there really was."
"The ultimate goal... is not just that you go home... with a sense of deeper, stronger, more unshakable confidence that this book is completely trustworthy... but that the glory you see will bring you into fellowship with Jesus and the Father by the Spirit."
"Prayer is not just for deliverance alone. The primary assignment of prayer is for fellowship and intimacy."
"This is justification and you need to know it because you need to know who you're supposed to sit down and eat with."
"His atoning death destroys that enmity... and restores us to fellowship with the God we were created for"
"God loves us and God has made many attempts to have life that he can fellowship with."
"Intimacy with Jesus is broken through our own sin, but when we are broken over our sin, fellowship continues with the Lord."
"If we can deny ourselves—our individual emotions, feelings, and issues—for the greater good of the fellowship, then God can use us."
"When we can walk in love and forgiveness, have a repentant heart, and be willing to do the right thing for the sake of the fellowship, then God can find pleasure in us and bless us."
"Fellowship is not about coffee and donuts or going bowling, it's about Union with God."
"Hospitality is so much about comfort and table fellowship."
"Followship is just as important, you know, you're a good leader if you've got good fellowship."
"Come with your friends to the church for a change. Enough going out clubbing, enough going out and having fun. Have fun in the house of the Lord."
"God had told them plainly what they must do to gain fellowship with himself, and it had to be by a blood sacrifice accompanied with faith."
"Goodwill is what cultivates friendship and fellowship."
"It's intended to give the sense of belonging to the people within the church. It's a fellowship matter as much as it is to pray for your brother or sister."
"God created us for a purpose, to have fellowship with Him, to worship Him, to love Him, and to have this wonderful reciprocal relationship."
"There is a fellowship and a partnership that one steps into with the demons that are behind false teaching."
"...when we're together the presence of the Lord is palpably Among Us."
"Men still need to stand together in Fellowship in prayer."
"The experience of walking in the spirit, an experience of walking with fellowship with God should be that we're experiencing the reality in our daily lives of prophecy, dreams, and visions."
"Good morning fellowship if you must talk, talk to God. If you must whisper, whisper a prayer."
"God may remove your suffering, and that will be great cause for praise. But if not, He will use it, He will use anything and everything that stands in the way of His fellowship with you."
"To get to this next level, this next dimension where we're getting the folk coming, we gotta increase the fellowship aspect."
"If you ever hear this one, it's the kiss of death: 'It's always good to get together and have fellowship.'"
"Fellowship with the father is where it's at."
"We thank You for putting us in the body of Christ where You can minister to us not only in our own lives but through the lives of those who surround us in the fellowship."
"There are no folk like Hobbits after all for a real good talk."
"Jesus is sitting at a table eating with tax collectors and sinners."
"But if you walk in the light as He Himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, cleanses us from all sin."
"I'd rather fellowship with Moses, David, Isaiah, and Paul than go to nightclubs."
"For we being many are one bread and one body. We are all partakers of that one bread."
"Therefore, when I eat what's offered to God, I fellowship with him. I'm having fellowship with the Lord."
"Now you're having fellowship with who? Jesus."
"This is the Fellowship of the Son of God, the communion of his blood."
"Our church is a warrior fellowship, and so we've come under the umbrella of this whole Ministry and the blessing of God that has come on our church and our ministry and our people."
"No believer is an island—we are called to live in community."
"This is one of the few moments of the film where the fellowship genuinely feel like a fellowship."
"Church should come with a warning: Do not practice this alone."
"It's always good to have fellowship is it not."
"Let's stay strong in the word and strong in each others fellowship."
"You have my sword and you have my bow... and mine."
"What a blessed time we have together."
"God Himself tabernacled there, He walked in the garden, He had great fellowship with men that He created."
"You live a holy life, and fellowship with God will be restored."
"Every good quest needs a fellowship."
"The first thing you want them to walk away with is a feeling that they miss it, that they want to come back because there was a Brotherhood here."
"It's not just a brotherhood; it is a religious fellowship."
"Deep within your spirit, there's a fellowship that takes place 24/7."
"Where the rubber meets the road is us learning to interact and fellowship with the Holy Spirit."
"It's the gathering and getting together of like-minded people."
"Despite all of the miles between them, they still wear the same cloak, the same pin. They remain united as a fellowship, no matter what may come."
"Be born again, discover what it is to have spiritual life and to live in fellowship with God."
"When God created man, it was in the heart and mind of God to create man in order that God might fellowship with man."
"Let us not neglect our meeting together as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near."
"Replace grumbling with gratitude, and fighting with fellowship."
"If we walk in the light, we have fellowship with God and with one another."
"If we walk in the light as he himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin."
"Faith comes by hearing or, in other words, faith is going to be the outflow of fellowship."
"May the prayer of this Fellowship be more powerful than the prince of this world and all his principalities."
"Simply sitting in His presence and enjoying fellowship with Jesus is a way that we honor and thank Him."
"Justification by faith requires fellowship by faith."
"May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God our Father and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit rest upon and remain with all who believe today and forevermore."
"You're not out of His will if you're enjoying fellowship with Him and dreaming things that will bless you and bless people."
"True heavy metal is all about freedom and the metal heads on the Friday Night Tights fellowship are the truest of the true."
"What a fellowship, what a joy divine! Just so blessed to be here today in the presence of the king. Amen, grateful for all that God has done."
"The third part allows us to fellowship with God."
"I'm going to wait till you all here with me and then we're going to feast and we're going to celebrate forever, amen."
"Let us be remembered for the sweet Fellowship we enjoyed with the Lord."
"God created man for a purpose, not just to reflect his glory, but to have fellowship with, to reciprocate God's love."
"We're meant to soar with our creator, we're meant to know him and walk with him, to interact with him."
"Help me to live a life in fellowship with you. I want to walk with my God. Help me, help me."
"The only way to have fellowship with God is through Jesus."
"Your eternal state is in fellowship with him."
"Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other, that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism."
"It's not about any one religion, it's about human beings coming together and having fellowship."
"If the fellowship you have with each other heals you and makes you feel better, then it is worth it."
"The fellowship is strong. The fellowship is fandom."
"The most normal thing to do is to walk in fellowship with this God more and more and more."