
Family Reunion Quotes

There are 238 quotes

"April 2021: a significant month for you in your life. I got a DM through 23andMe, and that opened up meeting my birth families."
"He vowed to help her and took pictures of her, posted her pictures all over social media, and found her real family."
"In a family reunion like no other, the biblical tale of Cain and Abel unfolds with sibling rivalry that would make even the Kardashians raise an eyebrow."
"For his sake, I hope that he gets to see his children. I hope they get to see their father."
"Thank you guys so much for getting me to 30 million. I can finally meet my dad."
"There is always hope that there can be a positive outcome; there are cases today where abducted children return to their families, sometimes even decades later."
"And she had no idea that he had just spent 14 hours traveling back to Utah to visit her."
"My girls are home. Know today that your family lay you to rest."
"But some families were able to reunite. In Banda Aceh, a woman and her husband were devastated when they thought their son had died in the tsunami and they never gave up looking for him."
"I realized it's still worth fighting. It helps reunite sisters and find love."
"Well, anything to bring back my brother and reunite my family. Oh, I can't wait for you to see it, the sacred Diamond Hall. It's just so special."
"Max reunites with Jake and they have their first hug in years."
"I really look forward to having that family element back I look forward to having a relationship with my brother I look forward to having a relationship with my father and other members of my family you want that that's all I've ever asked for."
"Him being reunited with Zuko, seeing his nephew has heeded his guidance and chosen to live a pure righteous life."
"Please Kylie, come home, I want nothing more than to hug you."
"Daniel suddenly got to see his kids all the time; he was so excited and happy."
"I finally just met my dad and when I got to know him, I felt like I kind of discovered part of me."
"Having Elizabeth back home has been so wonderful."
"It wasn't until 16 years later that both parents found their real children."
"We're so thankful to have you home and we're just getting used to this new chapter."
"Thanks to our viewers, Jackie Dragon and Marge Rider's dream of reuniting their family finally came true."
"Returning to Chile to connect with a family he never knew he had."
"After all that, you finally got to see your two mums. I mean, was that everything you wish for?"
"There are students at this school that were not involved in the shooting but they still very much want to reunite with their parents and loved ones as well."
"I was very happy to see my dad and my mom. I feel warmer. I was very happy. I cried."
"After the ordeal was over and Delmar was returned to her family, several lawsuits ensued."
"From what we've researched, it seems that not unlike other kidnapped victim parents, these parents simply wanted to bring their baby girl home."
"I'm finally gonna meet my family after four years."
"I need them I want them just to run through that front door and just grab me or just barrel to tackle me knocked me to the floor bust my head I don't care."
"Emma is ecstatic because she hasn't seen her grandma in a while and was really missing her lately. Grandma felt the same about Emma."
"This nurse did not expect that behind her was her sister who served in the military."
"As this student was giving his graduation speech he couldn't have imagined that his dad, a US Army Sergeant, would come home to give him a hug."
"What emotions does a soldier feel when he finally hugs his mom?"
"The point is, all the pieces fell into place so that Michael could be the one to assemble his father, his sister and all the other lost souls into a single place to end the suffering once and for all."
"We found our biological daughter. She was in foster care."
"Only when my daughter can come back and be reunited with us should that monster ever see the light of day."
"The whole plot should be about his son trying to reunite with him."
"I can't believe it either... I'm finally gonna meet my actual real parents. This is so cool!"
"Enough is enough, it's time for her to come home with family."
"I'm really excited to see my family this week."
"I want to see my family again. It's been so long, bro."
"A 13 year old dog named Abby is finally home with her family after spending months alone at the bottom of a 12-foot pit..."
"But Charlie never forgot his mother and rescued Hannah from the asylum in 1921. She spent her last seven years in luxury in California, a world away from the workhouse."
"The reunion between Edgar and his mother was a poignant climax to this extraordinary tale."
"Not only did we working collectively get this alleged bad actor off the street, but we played a role in reuniting an unjustly separated family."
"The reunion meant a new beginning. After 50 years apart, they were finally a family."
"He couldn't wait to reunite with his family, but before he went home, Reese decided to grab a drink with Boozer at a nearby bar."
"It's more amazing now. My family's here, and I've been away for three years."
"Finding my birth mother now, I don't think has really changed my life as much as it has probably enhanced it."
"Nino found an actual family member in the end."
"For Caleb and his mother Bridget, having Mason and Michaela safely back home felt like the start of a new life."
"After being away from family, it would be a joy to anyone if they got to meet with their loved ones."
"It did really bring together so many aspects—the wild family, everyone being together."
"She saw a shooting star the day before and made a wish that her father would come down from the sky like a hero."
"I hope she gets to come home, you know, and I hope she gets to be with our church family again."
"Countless hours were spent following leads, all in the effort to bring this woman back to her family."
"I always tear up when he's reunited with his family. Hans Zimmer really outdid himself."
"I love this movie so much. No matter how many times I see it, I always tear up when he's reunited with his family."
"You are loved, and we want you to come back home, Freddie."
"DNA profiling can be used to solve crimes, exonerate innocent people, and reunite family members."
"This family never gave up searching for their big boy for over a year."
"Funeral or feast? Your brother was dead. He's alive."
"There might also be a reunion on the cards with family members, your communication skills will also improve, whoever you communicate with, they will find you very charming."
"Mothers know best, and Noreen knew in her heart that one of the men standing in her doorway was her long-lost son Johnny."
"It's been surreal, like knowing that your stepdad has had these children all these years that I've never even seen or anything and finally them coming back and being awesome."
"Since we found each other again, I feel complete. And now it's not just me and Mom but Dad too."
"A disgraced MMA fighter finds redemption in the cage and the courage to face her demons when the son she had given up as an infant unexpectedly re-enters her life."
"I'm actually kind of happy he got his family back, man, that's good."
"Honestly, it's just a blessing. I think it might get my mom, she's gonna, you know, I'm gonna try to go to Mexico pretty soon, go see my grandma. I think they have finally, you know, have closure."
"Dragon finally meets his son Monkey D Luffy."
"His trial began in early 1998 and was actually at trial that Rod actually met his father again."
"Our detectives went last weekend and took remains back to Maine and had a private burial service with the family so that we could properly say goodbye to their sister that they hadn't seen for 52 years."
"Tabitha was on cloud nine when she found out her mum was coming for a visit."
"PTL, praise the Lord, that Charlotte is alive and with her family now."
"A young boy at the center of the story would eventually be reunited with his mother... It's really just one of those thousands of stories of people in desperate situations trying to make better lives for their families."
"I just want my daughter found so we can take her home. That's all we want to do is find my daughter and take her home."
"Mike, continuing to make amends for his past by reuniting with the brother that he accidentally killed as a kid."
"Heart-touching moments of a soldier who came home after three years and found out he is gonna become a father... it's a miracle. Yeah, thank god you're heavily religious."
"I'm still walking around in shock," Linda Evans told the Surrey Leader after discovering her mother, Lucy Johnson, alive and well in the Yukon.
"The queen wants to see her family reunited again."
"The Kent family has finally brought back together."
"My dad he was alive he had grown a beard but I would recognize him anywhere."
"When Gia arrived home Jon brought her together with her parents who had been successfully removed from high rayon's Flower of Life she is very happy because she can meet her parents again."
"Yet something inside of her must have remembered and he compelled her to arrange a meeting with this white man a couple of weeks later the meeting took place there the Wyandotte Queen stood face to face with her long lost brother a stranger who she had never really known."
"I finally reunited with my grandpa after 15 years and the first thing he shows me is a picture of five-year-old me that he's kept in his wallet ever since."
"Feels so good to meet my grandma for the first time."
"It would be so wonderful to be able to say mama, here's Benny, here's your son."
"Exciting times and plenty of action plus, especially a special family reunion looks likely."
"When I saw my dad, I was so excited and very happy. When I looked into his eyes and saw his family, I found happiness."
"It's me Daniel, your son! Oh, is this you guys? Like look at that look on your face you look kind of evil."
"I am one day away from seeing my kids, seeing Brittany, my dogs, my home. I am so excited."
"Would it have been nice to meet my birth mother? Obviously, it was. So, you never mentioned that you never met her? Nah."
"I thought I kill her but I didn't kill her yeah you you didn't kill her shfp my mom's alive."
"I got to see my kids and hug them after three years because in the county you couldn't touch anyone."
"Remember Grand Adventure to find your birth mother? So proud of you."
"I searched for you for the last 13 and a half years and he said, 'Mama, I know you have because my dad told me that you were looking for me.'"
"Only thing I can ask for is a reunion between Arya and her family."
"These reunion we needed something good."
"The excitement on his face when he saw his daddy brought me to tears."
"For him to reunite with his mum and his sister."
"The reunion of Joseph and his brothers unfolds within the context of a hospitality scene, mirroring many recognition scenes in the Odyssey."
"So moving around and of course, there's nothing like the three festivals we have. That's always like our grand scale family reunion for every island."
"All together again, we're working as a happy family."
"I would like to see my son. I wanna hug him. I wanna tell him I love him."
"If Charles is out there in this world, he needs picking up and bringing home."
"I feel very fortunate to be able to spend time with him for the rest of my life."
"The family is whole again, this is where I belong."
"Finding my birth mother now... has probably enhanced it because now I can find out some about my past and my history."
"He calmly walked up to me, nuzzled my hand so that it was on his head, and then he just walked me back out of the creek where I could see my mom."
"This holiday kind of feels like one giant family reunion, with the dead as the guests of honor."
"It's one of the biggest TV shows in Cambodia; every week, 'It's Not a Dream' pulls in massive audiences as it reunites families after decades apart."
"With over half the cases of wanted fugitives being solved, more than 100 families being reunited, and even a handful of wrongly convicted people being exonerated and released."
"For the first time in four years, the entire Chapman Clan are all together in one place."
"Life was good and my kids were back in my life."
"I received my family back, I got my wife back, I got my kids back, I got a grandson now."
"Everyone coming back, family gathering together."
"Life is about enjoying the little things, like a hug after not seeing your family for nine years."
"To even have a chance to reconnect with long lost relatives is a pretty powerful thing."
"What's the best way to celebrate my big family reunion? Enjoy Grandma's cooking, take a family photo."
"Tonight you may be able to help to families end years of painful forced separation."
"It feels great, just great, that there's a piece of my life put together."
"This trip was very emotional and surreal and exciting for us because we got to see family that we had never met before."
"It was so surreal like seeing my grandparents for the first time in person after so many years."
"So this family reunion I'm planning, it's a big deal, it really is a big deal."
"Every five years, members of The Addams Family gather from far and wide at a designated destination, and major decisions are made for the next five years."
"Years later, I got back in touch with my brother, and we talked about the night I left."
"Grandma was so happy to hear from my mom, the entire family didn't actually know what happened to us."
"It was so sweet today; the girls came back in for a visit, Sam is wagging his tail, licking them all over, so happy to see his family."
"If they promise that we can be a family again. That's all I want."
"Diane started trying to reconnect with her extended family; she started calling her sisters and mother much more often."
"I was so happy I had met my sister and that we were reunited."
"Timing could not be better, David's five minutes away."
"Well, a family reunion with no natural disasters, I never thought I'd see the day."
"Words can't express, I'm over the moon with just having a family back in one piece and together."
"He's got likes his family back, like someone from his family. That's so sweet."
"Her grandmother hasn't gotten any visitors since Covid hit because she's specially vulnerable, but now that we're all vaccinated she can finally see people again."
"Daughter, you finally arrived, but how I missed you!"
"My son here is here, given up for dead, but he's now alive; given up for lost, now found."
"Your brother is back," he was told, "and your father has killed the fattened calf because he has him back safe and sound."
"I got my son back in my life and there's no stopping me."
"Now I feel like I've got my family back, and I can kind of get on with getting into my life here in England."
"Our family finally met our child because nobody was allowed to meet the baby, and we were finally able to introduce them to our entire family, and it's actually a really good feeling."
"It's nice to have the family together again, isn't it?"
"I feel like in a way, I have my family back."
"I made the world a better place. I met my mom finally. I get my closure."
"Welcome back to the family reunion, where everyone is welcome and we have fun over here."
"My family returned today," said Naruto with a sigh.
"This is the first Christmas we've had together in years."
"I'm back from a week away; I was visiting family, which is very nice because I haven't seen them in forever."
"It's a happy mom when all my boys come back home."
"After being separated from our family for over two years, we finally made it back to London for Christmas."
"While he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him."
"It is our hope that the search for Miss Petito is successful and she's reunited with her family."
"After 21 years of not knowing my biological parents, I finally met them."
"Oh Dad, you have no idea how relieved I am to see you."
"He found my birth mother for me, which was cool."
"This is our first family meal in like 14 years."
"I flew back to the UK and applied to bring Nat back to the UK on a spouse visa."
"Claire cannot believe her eyes that her mother is alive."
"She deserves her identity; she deserves to be reunited with her family."
"Littlefoot meets his father which is definitely interesting."
"After a long journey from England, an eight-year-old girl is meeting her mother's family in Nigeria for the first time."
"Guess who I found at LAX? My baby sister Priya. Excuse me, I object. You propose a guessing game yet you don't give me enough time to guess."
"Oh Mama," she cried, hugging me repeatedly, "It's so good to see you again."
"Here I am on the airplane, about to set off for the hay where I'm going to be united with my lovely sister."
"Seeing family I don't get to see very often, so it was a really cool experience and very happy for the two people who got married."
"I'm extremely thankful that dad's gonna be home soon."
"The end of Halloween season marks the beginning of us finally traveling again to reunite with our families abroad."
"Meeting my biological parents for the first time put me through so many emotions."
"They would be reunited after 23 years apart."
"It's good to see you too, my son."
"I'm happy to be out and see my family, and there's lovely people in here, and I'm really happy about that."
"The idea of being able to travel and visit my family is going to be just such an incredible gift."
"I feel so happy when all my children can come home."
"I'm just excited because my family, they're going to be around."
"Finally, I've been able to meet my parents."
"I'm fine. It's wonderful. I finally found my sister."
"Thanksgiving got us even more hype than we already were to be reunited with the rest of our family in England for Christmas."
"Helping these people get off the streets and or reunited with their families is hands down one of the most fulfilling things I've ever done in life."
"The happy faces of people when the fathers reunited with their children."
"The family's together back again, so I'm super psyched about that."
"Now I finally met my mother, thanks to the Golden Globes."
"Gab was reunited with his family, following a medical assessment."
"The moment when my mum and Nan come together was obviously like this big thing."
"I'm really thankful that my family was able to reunite with their loved ones that were in Syria."
"It is going to be reunited with its family, what a beautiful story."
"It was really lovely because I got to have dinner with my aunt who I haven't seen in years."
"We reunited her with her real family."
"I'm happy that my mom and dad are here again."
"I reconnected with my siblings; I literally fell to my knees."
"We're family again; this is great news."
"I'm really happy that he's gonna be coming to Texas for Christmas because I love when he's here with my family and stuff."
"Going and finding long-lost relatives and like they welcome you home, that kind of stands out to me."
"I just can't get over the fact that I have both my daughters here. That's incredible."
"I'm so excited to be with family. Harlem, we're going home for the holidays."