
Reminiscence Quotes

There are 4144 quotes

"Back in those days, everything was all good."
"This whole experience has been pretty nostalgic."
"It's okay to look back and reminisce sometimes. Think about what you liked back then, why you liked it, what made you happy."
"It's been wonderful in many respects, hasn't it?"
"I really wonder if you still think about me the way that I'm still thinking about you."
"I remember what it was like to be really broke, and I remember what it was like to just be happy to be anywhere."
"That was a fantastic time, and I would love to do that again at some point."
"In our time here, we thought about you endlessly."
"Games like these remind me why I fell in love with video games."
"It's like they're reminding you of something, something about your earlier self or something just about how wisdom...is simple."
"Every time I think of you, I always catch my breath."
"A moment to remember the joy of simply being a kid again."
"I really hope that this is the one that either reminds them, 'Oh yeah, I had so much fun with Akali' or like, 'It's so good, let's practice it again.'"
"General Dave reminded us of the world before and will continue to."
"When we are victorious in the tower, just as we were on the road--remember how awesome we were on the road, you guys?"
"They still think about how you light up their soul, making them feel good."
"All in all, the entire magazine is nostalgia overload."
"I uploaded a nude Amazon fire video. Wow, who remembers what that was like? Good times back in those past lives of ours."
"Your person is thinking about you a lot... the good times that you've shared together."
"We have three years ago with Maya we handled it this conversation at the library about three years ago."
"I miss his words... I miss his love... I miss his laugh... I miss his energy... I miss the fun times."
"You'll always be the one they think back to."
"Forest Lawn shall become a place where lovers new and old shall love to stroll and watch the sunset's glow, planning for the future or reminiscing on the past."
"I missed Tara. She was the one I went to when anything went wrong."
"Those were like, some of the best times of my life."
"The vibes, the nostalgia, and we will make our way back around here to the present day."
"I felt bad for the man... I reminded him of his grandson Ben."
"This connection literally makes them remember Heaven."
"You know, it's just incredibly sad, and you can't help but think about him."
"Not all heroes wear capes. What did you randomly remember?"
"This album feels very nostalgic, like looking back on your childhood."
"There's nothing like when you've been there and you've done that."
"It's life. Think of the things that made you laugh or smile."
"I think coming from a time period where there wasn't such an ease of access to fresh people."
"I used to wash like in high school every day."
"It's like a fun little trip down memory lane."
"It's like if you knew an athlete when you were young that was so good at your high school."
"I've been doing this for over 20 years and I've never met such a hoot like your husband like I wish that I had the privilege to meet him when he was alive."
"Let's go back to the beginning of the night once more."
"Just go back and remember why you signed here. Remember what you told your mom when you left. Remember everything, like everything you've been through just to get to this point."
"Flame has led a good life filled with bones, balls and barks, but now it's time to lay down and make her way to the Big Dog Park in the sky." - Reflecting on the passing of a beloved pet.
"There's someone from your past that is thinking about you."
"I missed the times we spent together, some of the happiest days of my life."
"Let's take a quick moment to remember when life was good. All right, let's give out some trophies."
"You sounded younger... you just had more joy"
"Lewis was a good man, always kind, polite, and happy when we were around."
"Remember when Intel was smart and aggressive?"
"Playing this game again has only reminded me of the fact that I do believe this is an authentic sequel."
"Take us back to the time when we were more pure."
"Okay, wait, wait, wait, wait. Isn't this how we started the game originally?"
"They're going to renew something from before, they're going to reminisce with you, okay, they're going to reconcile things from before and heal the situation."
"It reminds them of a younger, more innocent, happier time."
"I feel so cold, I feel so alone, I still think about you all the time, but I would not admit that."
"Sometimes I think you must have been the sweetest kid when you were younger, then your empathy just ran out."
"Let's do the anniversary thing again. I think we've glossed over that."
"Please, think of the man you were. That man is gone."
"Don't cry because they're gone, smile because it happened."
"Accept us. We were beautiful people like you once."
"304 is a little nostalgic for me because it takes me back to a more wholesome time."
"I just love to reminisce the past, where we came from."
"I remember it and I remember being... Jesus Christ... I was 13."
"It's like you're sitting on a dock, some old timer, you know?" - Steve
"If this is a movie that you enjoyed as a kid, then it is a fun movie to watch just to go down that old trip down memory lane."
"10 years ago you and I together, 10 years ago!"
"Secretly in love and broken-hearted, reading your old messages."
"You're still thinking about them, you're still feeling for them."
"That summer was so good... no worries back then."
"It's just funny how memories come back to you."
"I can look back most of the time and admire who she was instead of thinking about who she became."
"I love that piece of evidence it reminds me very much of like the ticking clocks and the ringing clocks at the end of every night."
"It was small, it was petty, and I still giggle about it years later."
"What happens to us is once we get accustomed to a certain standard of living, we forget what it was like when we were struggling."
"I was there in its heyday when things were absolutely awesome."
"This is what happened. So back in high school, I was in PE class playing kickball."
"It's taken on a near mythical status six years later."
"Don't cry that it's over, cry because it happened."
"It's just kind of comforting to just have one whole thing, one beautiful thing that reminds you of a simpler time period, a show like no other that came and went and will never be forgotten."
"If you grew up watching the same commercials I did..."
"A group of kids below... they remind me of myself and my friends."
"Armin reminisces his childhood with Aaron and Mikasa."
"That joke will never get old. But you know, now that we've had all the fights, I thought it would be pretty cool just to go back through them."
"She was my best friend. I miss her every day."
"So many memories start flooding my mind of my brother."
"I'm in your memories and you will always be here to remind me."
"Life is like, I still remember like three, four years ago, like everything changed man, everything changed."
"I'm just gonna go back after this stream is done and just rewatch all of these and just die laughing."
"I can't believe how fast this has flown by. It just happened yesterday."
"And remember him for the good times and not this."
"Back to back, I think that was probably the height of the whole B-dot run of last year."
"I know how I feel, which is sad, and also grateful for the life that I had with him."
"It reminds me you know childhood it's nice it's like a throwback Thursday whoever I'm around."
"Is it just a 'scop' or is it longing for the past, the simpler times, the good old days?"
"It made me feel like a child again, excited."
"If you don't end up with them, you'll always be that thing they look at in the future, thinking, 'That was my forever love.'"
"I remember the last time I had Wendy's, it was like..."
"Don't forget about the good, the bad, the ugly, and all that stuff."
"I've thought about her every day since we've parted."
"They still very much so think about you; the more they think about you, the more they do feel bad."
"I loved him dearly, but I wasn't going to kiss his body. He was a romantic."
"Health is not complicated, it's really quite simple, and so is food."
"I may seem like a barmy I'll get now but when I wasn't so long in the tooth I had some grand larks and engaged in a fair amount of daring do."
"Just sat here for the last two hours basically and just talked about life and reminisced about stuff we did in high school."
"They want to return, they've been thinking about all the good times that the two of you had."
"It's like back in the valet huh, yeah yeah yeah."
"Think about all the great times we've had, Skeppy."
"There's someone who has not let go of you, they are still thinking about what it would be like if they came back to you."
"With endings brings new beginnings, but we've got to remember why we loved someone in the first place."
"But wait, there was another movie I just thought of, Enchanted. But, you know, the live-action."
"This person has very much been reminded of all of your good qualities."
"Every era has its things that they reminisce about."
"What I miss is the camaraderie, the scheduling, the structure, the competitiveness."
"Those were the best days of my freaking life."
"Always thinking about you, do you think about me still?"
"I'm still smiling thinking about it."
"Consuelo referred to her time with Balsan as gold."
"So many things remind me of you, and you don't know how hard it was for me to actually walk away."
"All we have when we're older is memories."
"This team right here, they gon' hold a special part in my heart forever, man."
"Shoda sits there and takes it, and he wonders if this is what his mother's hand felt like."
"I love thinking about the past, I love thinking about moments from when I was young."
"They're thinking about the good old times, the history the two of you have."
"I'm the champion of the world, and I defend my belt in real Jer. That's my to if feel back like 20 years ago, I'm a little kid walking the street without sandals."
"The story of how we met is actually a really nice one, and I am quite happy to share that."
"That period of my life, it was about 10 years of my life... and it was epic."
"Think about me every now and then, my old friend."
"A letter from you carries me back to the times when, beset with difficulties and dangers, we were fellow laborers in the same cause, struggling for what is most valuable to man."
"My most valuable life experience is when I met Ryuji for the first time."
"It reminds me of a lovely garden on a hot summer day."
"We're still here 25 years later, to be able to sit here and enjoy it."
"Looking back, so many people look at 1989 literally as the glory days."
"Looking at pictures of you, longing for you, thinking about reconnecting with you, feeling nostalgic."
"It's been a nice ride, man, it's been a lot of fun."
"It reminds me of being on holiday."
"Mm, the early 2000s. How tranquil."
"That brings back memories, man. I used to put these in my systems in the mid-2000s myself."
"It's nice to be able to relive the fun times and then see that other people had fun too."
"The last time was in 2012, but I remember like it was yesterday."
"I've had this car for 22 years, raced at Outlaw 10-5 back in the early 2000s."
"Feeling lonely now, Louise begins thinking about her childhood."
"There's something so special and wonderful about looking back on those moments."
"The early seasons of Rugrats are such a huge Nostalgia trip for me having grown up watching the show since my early childhood seeing it again always brings me right back to the good old days."
"Remember how we helped each other, ran away from hooligans, shared every last meal? Doesn't that mean anything to you?"
"When you're on these trips and it's kind of miserable, those are kind of like the trips you look back on and they just kind of like that was a great trip."
"Time flies, I honestly miss those times when we were all together."
"That takes me back to the good old days."
"Remember when, take yourself on that journey."
"It's funny how nostalgia works, isn't it?"
"This is me 30 years ago when I visited the South Fork Ranch in Dallas, Texas."
"I miss the person I was 20 years ago when I had no other worries in the world."
"I love how on the original I Carly it ends with her moving to be closer to her military father."
"I wish they'd actually gone back a little bit more to what was touched on in the beginning is missing that father figure, the Brian Epstein figure that was so interesting."
"I was super skinny and I just shot the basketball."
"It's great that there are fish out there that you can identify as being very much from a lake and a time."
"I mean, I thought me and Dave were pretty cool... I'll remember this."
"...all while remembering all of the great times we had spending some nights inside of this little greenhouse shelter."
"...a nice waterproof roof that will always remind me of some of my previous adventures."
"incredible go back 20 years and sitting on some small island off the coast of Japan Roy King was probably confident whether or not the butt"
"no chats were too old I think our chance of 2018."
"She's still the love of my life. How can I be with somebody else?"
"Remember we met on that Death Star? We got to go to Disney, rent it out, yeah?"
"Shinichi takes a moment to recollect all of their memories together."
"They're beginning to realize that they have never been able to get you out of their mind and their heart."
"I was thinking of you when we weren't together."
"It's always with fond memories, always brings a smile to my face."
"It's pretty cool really that I was the one she decided to hang out with at her old preschool."
"Was this the best Christmas ever, guys?"
"It's just funny to look back at old pictures."
"This was such a fun time, who knows, maybe this is gonna be like the best time of our lives, right? Who knows."
"I'm shooting my shot at the earth, reminiscing."
"Every time we talk, we're talking about the love we had."
"You have to let go; you don't have to hold on to everything. You kind of just remember the idea of it, the feelings of it."
"They think you're the one that got away... they can't stop thinking about you."
"It's good to be here, I can't believe it's 20 years ago that I was here myself racing."
"The worst bloodshot meat Whitetail I can remember... I took with an arrow, a Broadhead."
"This is the closest to ever getting to that building again."
"I saw my wife's smiling face in my mind, and I remember the way she smelled like perfume and flowers."
"If there was one period I would do again, it would be those two years with Bob Dylan."
"I enjoyed the job a lot; it was a fun place to work, maybe because I had a lot of good memories of going there as a kid."
"The game is practically over by then, and standing aside, one begins to remember with a certain vividness what a fine fellow one used to be."
"It's about five years ago, half a decade, right when I became the chicken genius."
"Many people have nostalgia for it, including me."
"I love telling the story about my brother Owen."
"He wasn't perfect, but he was my dad."
"This is so exciting. She gave that speech, the maid of honor speech, and it just pauses for her to go back into remember when they first met."
"You just got to appreciate the times that were there."
"I just missed my dad; the problem is I always wake up and think, 'Oh dad, I gotta tell you this'."
"It's cool that I get to keep posting old stuff that is done and gone but it is immortalized because other people want to just look at it."
"I guarantee you those were the days."
"That's gonna be captured that I can look back on in 10 years from now, 20 years from now."
"I even wrote in my journal about you."
"They're still reminded of why you walked away, they're still reminded of the fact that they weren't able to emotionally satisfy you or meet you halfway in the past."
"My mind and heart always come back to you."
"I became really emotional thinking about my mom and decided to walk to school."
"This all happened back in the early fall of 2011."
"I was more in love with her than I was with anybody in my life."
"You will be the one who got away."
"I love you. I always have since the day I first spoke to you and found your anklet."
"I'm forever grateful for what I had, you know what I'm saying, but that's the past."
"That was a night I'm not gonna forget for a long, long time."
"Yeah, I remember we had watched The Exorcist for the first time me and my brother and my brother kept saying that I looked like the little girl from The Exorcist."