
Nation-building Quotes

There are 441 quotes

"Paul Kagame is seen as a nation-builder and reformer who guided his nation and established a stable country."
"Enduring positive change for Somalis will require institution building, improvements in governance, investment in health and education, and greater participation by women, youth, and marginalized groups."
"Build a nation where peace and justice shall reign."
"Immigrants are not takers; they are makers. They make this country great."
"We can build a nation that's not about empires and sequestration of power and wealth and resources, but about co-creation."
"Four score and seven years ago, our forefathers set forth upon this nation."
"A woman can make or break an entire nation by how she raises a single child."
"Let us work together and lay a new foundation upon which a better Philippines can be reconstructed."
"If we had to design a country from scratch, it would be so different."
"Unity for me is overrated. What we need is understanding, and that is what is lacking in Nigeria because our elites are unwilling to invest in that process of nation building."
"I want to build a country where everybody is equal."
"Meanwhile, the snow refugees were able to move back to the snow island and create the new Aculon Republic, putting democracy in snow."
"Farewell, boys. We'll all have a nation to rebuild tomorrow together."
"1804 becomes important because it's the date at which the implementation of the dream of real revolution and real equality and new nation status and the ability to defend your new nation is manifest."
"That's nation-building, that's a power move, and that's what we're going to do."
"You do not build institutions by breaking your word, by refusing to build on truth."
"Just because something is hard doesn't mean that it can't be done. If that had been the case, the United States of America would never have come into being."
"You cannot build a country having slaves on the field."
"The social democratic project of building a good nation state is universally enviable."
"We should reflect on what we are doing right now and how we can improve our systems to contribute to nation building."
"We're a nation that is built by people coming here seeking freedom."
"We need to build institutions in order to build a nation."
"The raising of the Great Bastion is generally seen to herald the true founding of the nation, though it took nearly a century to complete, and few who witnessed the first brick laid lived long enough to see it completed."
"Hope was the hallmark of his childhood. Hope that loved ones lost in the genocide would not be forgotten; hope that victims would be blessed with new beginnings; and hope that the rebirth of the Jewish Nation would succeed."
"No single individual built America on their own."
"Much more was created than was destroyed and so on net the creation of America from what it was before was a positive act."
"I come to you with the most hopeful agreement possible for a free, independent, and prosperous Polish state."
"Alfred the Great’s successful defence of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms against Norse conquerors eventually gave birth to a unified Kingdom of England."
"This is the story of how a tiny Gulf State built a football team totally from scratch."
"Bohemia is one of the more underrated nations, but in this guide, you'll learn they might be the most powerful out of all their neighbors."
"America is what we make it and what we convince people to be."
"Absorbing characters from defeated nations expands your character pool."
"We don't need to be in the business of nation-building."
"How do we build this country together? How do we find ways to fix these institutions both of us agree are flawed?"
"You need all of these elements to have a nation. It's not enough to have just people who are the righteous people."
"Focus on building up your nation economically."
"Once admin tech 10 comes around, you will immediately be forming Russia."
"Time to build our own Nation, Brick by Brick, under the power and the holy will of God."
"Hundred Years’ War was integral in the process of building a nation-state in England and France."
"We birthed a nation from nothing. I mean there's nothing here."
"Bavaria is one of the most fun nations to form and play as in EU4."
"We're not just raising children, we're forming a nation."
"For a leader, all that mattered was concentrating and keeping one's power. Being good was not the measure of a Leader's success but rather building a great nation."
"Before long, intermarriage between ethnic Spaniards and natives would become common occurrences, marking the beginning of the modern Mexican nation."
"Building more than an empire - building a nation."
"The destruction of a nation begins in the home of its families."
"We fixed things before, we've built this country out of the ice and the snow we can do it again."
"Nation building is the solution to rectify this situation."
"You don't build a nation without people being taken advantage of."
"Wars forge nations, alliances, and new cultures."
"If we want better for our country, we have to go to our youth and go tell us what the future looks like, tell us the future you want to walk into, and then we can build it."
"We affirm these truths to be self-evident: that women are the backbone of every family, of our communities, and we are nation builders."
"We the people are equally responsible for making India what it has become."
"Southern Sudan is one; we want to come and compromise."
"Mandela aimed to avoid this by appealing to South Africans of all backgrounds to forge a new Rainbow Nation."
"Felana brought up the idea that they should send an official letter to all other countries within the continent informing them about his country's creation."
"My players tied two boats together and started a country. They called it Boatland."
"They want to build a country where people can live too, right?"
"Immigration is critical to the spirit of this nation."
"While a god may have created the world, the Dutch created the Netherlands."
"We're starting a new nation, a safe place for monsters and elves, and I'm going to be the king."
"Our job's not yet finished, and we've got to make sure that we leave an Afghanistan that can secure itself."
"Learning how to work together, people with different backgrounds, different talents and skills, that's how we got to be a great country so quickly."
"Isabella had created a formidable country but she'd also created a military machine backed up by a powerful economy and Infused it with a fierce religiously fanatical resolve."
"We are moving forward on all these fronts with energy with confidence we're building a new kind of country a universal nation that draws from all the parts of the world."
"We need to realize that for as long as we have these bad manners in politics, that I elevate myself into office so that I can benefit myself and my friends and cronies financially, we are never going to move as a nation."
"Britain created countries such as Australia, Singapore, and the USA."
"Quality over quantity is the name of the game when constructing Nations."
"God is blessing me to raise up a nation of black people."
"A country is not something you build as the pharaohs built the pyramids...a country is something that is built every day out of certain basic shared values."
"To be made a great nation and to have God on your side is a good deal."
"In coming here, they saw the opportunity to build and forge a new society for a new country, for something in our own image and uniquely, to us."
"What kind of society was America going to become, and what kind of government would the new nation and its states possess?"
"Brothers, sisters, this is the time to build our nation."
"Marriage is important. Marriage is the foundation for strong nation-building. You can't build a nation with individuals like, 'You can't have a sausage fest, all brothers that ain't doing nothing, or all women, all fish that ain't doing nothing. The two got to come together.'"
"Our enlightenment culture put in a lot of work to try to build a nation or set of nations which could tolerate this amount of plurality."
"The United States responds with institution building at home and abroad."
"What we were doing in Afghanistan fundamentally was we were building a military for a nation that did not exist."
"In the annals of history there are moments that redefine Nations, shape Destinies, and Captivate the world's attention."
"All of these nice countries in Western Europe that have coherent cultures are the unintended beneficiaries of a very violent nation-building process that took place much earlier in their history."
"How much more of a modern country has become, how much more navigable, how much more densely populated, how much more committed to sending settlers out and then recognizing the new States they create."
"Literally, rebuilding a nation and giving them back everything means that we have to... we have to have all the skills."
"If we going to be a real country, we going to have to run it on our own."
"Ideas ranging from pan-islamism to nationalism to modernization were absorbed into the nation's infrastructure."
"They helped build America, we set out to build the strongest country in the world."
"Let's build a nation where compassion and empathy reign."
"The greater a nation's connection, the greater its development."
"We have an opportunity to make America a better nation."
"I'm going to argue that had not Lincoln been a great president-elect... not only wouldn't he have been a great president, I'm not sure there would have been a country to preside over."
"Let's see if we can build a nation."
"The primary the most urgent requirement is the promotion of Education. It is inconceivable that Any Nation should achieve prosperity and success unless this Paramount this fundamental concern is carried forward."
"We built a country and the country built us into Americans."
"Steam locomotives fused a sprawling landmass into a solid nation."
"How many died so that we could build this nation?"
"Being together and building that country together was better than revenge."
"Americans were the product of immigrants who had possessed the initiative and courage to leave the old world to make a might nation out of a wilderness."
"You want to create a Palestine because exactly because what you want to do is create a Palestine Jordan with that gadget."
"We are building a nation better than ever and doing it together."
"Ukrainians have shown this extraordinary commitment to protecting their own sovereignty and indeed building their new nation."
"It's time for the diaspora sons and daughters of Africa to arise and take their place and see how it can contribute to the building of our nations."
"My biggest wish is to build a nation that will serve as a bridge between monster and Human Society."
"Asian Americans are also helping to create the nation that will be in the future."
"Each of these states was born as a multi-ethnic society."
"As we move as one, the anointing of unity enables us to recover our nation-state status."
"I want to rebuild our nation again, to rebuild our culture, to revive it, to help rebuild our continent again. That's new Africa, this is my belief."
"If you want to build our nation, if you want to build ourselves, if you want to improve ourselves, there is no other thing other than knowledge."
"What's at stake is more than our ability to outcompete other nations. It's our ability to make democracy work in our own nation."
"Isaiah's goal is to produce a nation that's worthy of producing the Messianic age."
"No nation is ever built through politicians. Nations are built through entrepreneurs."
"Food is the very starting point of building a nation."
"Just building a road, just building a thing is not going to make the nation; we have to do something about the people."
"Immigration is what built the entire country, that's true."
"They made the country beautiful and the people proud of their country."
"A literate African will build its own Nation."
"Help build a nation through education, support, and empowerment."
"We're not building a nation that'll be here I should the Lord carry uh for a year we want our nation that will be here for our children and our children's children."
"The hands and hearts needed to build modern America are willingly supplied by immigrants."
"You cannot build a country on your own. No political party, no human being has the monopoly to build a country or a company or a vision on their own. You need others to walk with you."
"You cannot build a country on your own. You need others to walk with you."
"America was built on Courage imagination and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand."
"'Italy is made. Now we must make the Italians,' said kavor's predecessor as chief minister when he heard the news."
"We need to re-establish the country."
"Many Americans feel quite differently; they support the idea of establishing a nation on a foundation."
"I was wrestling with Jacob. I wasn't trying to make a man out of him. I was trying to make a nation."
"What would we do without people, you know, labor workers who built this country?"
"We know America is what we make of it."
"A strong family equals a strong Nation."
"We are not college prep, we are not military prep, we are not trade school prep; we are nation-building prep."
"If you're building a young nation, you need to be able to do certain things in order to protect it."
"The more I'm here, the more I believe in the future of this infant nation."
"We are Africans who bled and sweat to build this nation."
"This is our land because we built this nation."
"We are Africans who bled and sweat to build this nation; even as Africans, this is our land."
"Unite or die, because we were becoming the United States."
"We built the country from scratch."
"A state cannot be created by decree but by the forces of a people and in the course of generations."
"If the Jewish people will go build Palestine, the Jewish state will become a reality, a fact."
"We are foundational Black Americans, ma'am. We built this beautiful nation."
"We were trying to build a brilliant country, and that is a brilliant country."
"As South Africans, we are going through a process of building ourselves anew as a nation."
"The things I see in my mind a mighty and recent nation rousing herself like a strongman after sleep."
"We all stand a great chance to build opportunities out of this and build our country and build our nation."
"The virtues of perseverance, hard work, and self-sufficiency laid the foundation of our nation."
"They found that by creating a nation, a symbol, a legal unity called the United States, they could take over land, profits, and political power."
"We are the generation that's gonna make our countries."
"Let's come together and build a great nation."
"Our ancestors braved the unknown; they built this nation brick by brick. They lifted up millions from poverty, hunger, and disease. They vanquished fascism and communism."
"Every nation aims to have a good road network to improve its economic, social, and even political agenda."
"They helped build Canada, and we have a wonderful nation."
"This nation was built by scholars and this nation will be maintained by scholars."
"If you want to build our nation, if you want to improve ourselves, there is no other thing other than knowledge."
"America was established as the first truly modern nation, consciously the first to dissociate its constitutional order from the political mythologies of a long disintegrating Christendom."
"We all became a part of building this country."
"Our work to build more homes faster across our country is quite literally an exercise in nation-building, a True Team Canada effort."
"It's cumulative; it deepens and expands with each day that you give your best, each day that you give back and contribute to the life of your community and your nation."
"We could have spent so much energy building this country, beautiful country, in a better world, better train, better schools."
"Nations are built upon certain pillars of righteousness, justice, equity; solid pillars upon which a nation is built."
"What makes a good country is all of us waking up every single day and deciding to build that good country with our words and with our actions."
"It's going to take some time for individual Canadians and the nation to decolonize their mind from that colonial mentality on which our country is built."
"I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing."
"Leave your country, your family, and your relatives and go to the land I will show you. I will bless you and I will make your descendants into a great nation."
"Then as the frontier of a fledgling American nation."
"Family, community, and nation. You cannot build a nation without the community."
"Now was the time for even greater endeavor as the pioneer's dream of a nation carved out of the wilderness became a hard reality."
"From that man creates a people, from that people creates a nation, from that nation comes the savior."
"Building a country is hard work, that's why Ford builds the Super Duty."
"I am nation building because I believe this benefits Canada and I love Canada."
"African nations should take their destinies into their own hands and build valuable nations."
"And the Lord said unto Abram... I will make of thee a great nation."
"These guys built our nation, forged in steel."
"We as young people have a responsibility to take one step closer to achieving our nation and making it a bigger one."
"Nation-building is just like building a house."
"They'll be safe in the nation we've made."
"You will all become leaders who bridge the two worlds and create a new country."
"We have to build back our country, and I'm gonna make our country bigger, better, and stronger."
"In the tapestry of a nation's progress, infrastructure is the sturdy framework upon which economic growth, social development, and transformative change are woven."
"This would be a great nation, Sophie, I'm sure of it."
"In the last 200 years, we've carved a nation from this sunburned country and we've carved it with pride."
"We establish a nation, and we have to have that window to dialogue among ourselves."
"Now we're building a nation, now it's time for new dreams."
"Nation-building is fraught with challenges and complex decision-making."
"Nation building is more of a longer process, one that can take multiple generations to carry out."
"North Korea has a chance to be a great country."
"A nation is formed by the willingness of each of us to share in the responsibility for upholding the common good."
"He helped to spur on the American War for Independence and once he had helped win the war, became one of the men responsible for the survival and eventual flourishing nature of the budding young country."
"The family is the key to a stable, productive, sensitive, and healthy nation."
"The creation of a national cultural identity is a very important move in empire building."
"This entire country, between descendants of slaves and Indigenous people and immigrants, this is how this nation was formed and built."
"It's going to keep us; it's going to make us as a nation."
"I think Haitians, given the chance, will do their best in order to build a nation that they can be proud of."
"Pioneers all, they were the ones who settled the land and built the roads and put up the cabins and made the homes of a future nation."
"We want to educate the next generation of leaders in our country who can reason, who can debate, who can build."
"What kind of nation have we really built for ourselves?"
"The only way to build a nation is to produce the little ones to make a nation because they are our future."
"Great cities build great States, and Great States build great Nations."
"Our work is to reassemble the dismembered... this is my space, this is my nation, we need to put it together."
"People could come together in the United States and forge a new race of man."
"What if online communities could use crypto to form their own nations?"
"We have managed, with great difficulties, to defend ourselves and at the same time to build a country which is more than decent, more than modern."
"You don't conquer a nation in a year or in a couple of years."