
Appreciation Of Life Quotes

There are 183 quotes

"Facing the raw power of nature, we are reminded of our vulnerability and the preciousness of life."
"Life is pretty amazing. I think you and I are pretty lucky we get to live on this nice little Earth."
"Nothing makes you appreciate existence more than the fear of oblivion."
"Enjoy people while they're here; show them your love and you care for them because they're not always going to be here."
"Life is such a gift, it's such an opportunity, but we have to move through it with our eyes open."
"Life is so precious that I want to experience the whole thing. I will take no shortcuts. Every breath He gives me, I'll take it because life is the most precious thing I have ever known."
"Breathe lightly when needed, deeply when able, and treasure the air, a force of life."
"A person of knowledge chooses a path with heart and follows it and looks and rejoices and laughs and sees and knows, knows that his life will be over altogether too soon."
"I'm truly grateful for this life, for the years, the days, the minutes, the seconds I've gotten to live on this beautiful Earth of ours."
"One is to not take life for granted and live today like it's your last. Always treat everyone with kindness."
"Every moment is a joy. Every day is a joy. So everything to me feels great all the time."
"The beauty of life is like reawakening in you guys."
"Life is wonderful and is that simple truth which has driven me."
"Every fiber of my being screams, 'You're alive, you're living!'"
"Never underestimate the power of being alive."
"The only way you know you're alive, you're not a machine, is if you like variability. That means you're alive."
"We don't realize how freaking amazing daily life is. Like, it is unbelievable, just all this stuff that we take for granted in our life every single day."
"Even though I'm aware of the futility, I'm glad to be alive. I like it. I'm glad my children are alive, and my wife, and I'm glad to be talking to you. And this was all very nice."
"Life is great, life is amazing, I'm living for it, I'm loving it."
"Life is amazing let's take part of the amazingness of life every day."
"Your life is wonderful because you have life. You're alive."
"I want to be a police officer to serve the community to serve the country that I'm living in even though I'm Brazilian I believe the principles that America was following on right Liberty freedom of speech."
"Life is beautiful, life is amazing, life is passionate, life is peaceful, life is happy."
"Live in the moment and cherish every moment that you have — friends, your family, the place you live. All that can change in an instant."
"He loved life and cherished it and cherished life around him."
"Life is a precious gift, a chance to breathe, feel love, experience, and connect. Let's honor this gift by living with purpose, kindness, and gratitude, making every moment count." - Herbert Wigu
"Waking up every morning is a little things some people take it for granted."
"Those little things make the day we're enjoying one of the best days of our life."
"I love the sense of smell because it allows you to enjoy the day even if you close your eyes."
"It's cool to be alive and this place is no exception."
"Life is good, there's always time to go out and smell the flowers."
"We have these amazing bodies and we have wonderful taste receptors that can taste a thousand different explosions of flavor as we sit down to a meal."
"This pandemic has showed us to appreciate what we have."
"Life is precious man and kids are still cute and sex still feels good and food tastes great and the sun still rises and the rain feels wonderful on your face."
"I love when I wake up and genuinely feel excited to live and exist."
"This right here, right now, this is life, man. This is where I just really feel alive."
"Whatever awaits me in the future, I will not be afraid or fearful; however, I will trust in you, King Jesus."
"Life is beautiful man, you try to live your life especially when you've seen a lot of death like I have, you learn to appreciate each and every second."
"Look up to the stars and appreciate every single moment you're alive."
"You can't put a price on nice food. Life's too short."
"Life's fun, like it really is, like I could get emotional about it right now just thinking of it and it gives you goosebumps but that's just my opinion."
"Every year that you get is truly a blessing."
"Life is that awesome that here I am and I'm talking to you."
"We should in a word move on with our lives the lives that we are blessed to be living."
"Cherish each day cuz you never know when it's gonna be your time."
"What a strange, wonderful world, what a beautiful world."
"You know, I'm just happy we're alive. Let's put it that way."
"Life is beautiful and we should value every moment every day."
"Life is beautiful when we constantly learn. You are what you know at every point in time."
"Life is beautiful if you're watching this, you're alive and that's a beautiful thing."
"Life is a great gift, life itself is, just that we're here and we think and we can share things."
"If you can find the joy in music, and first of all, life is a great gift, life itself, is just that we're here and we think and we can share things and see what's beautiful, hear what's beautiful, music first among all of the sounds."
"Life may find a way, but life is also wonderful. It's a gift to be alive, and at the end of the day, there isn't really anything else."
"I officially declare that life is wonderful."
"I'm just thankful to see people and thankful to have the friends and thankful to be alive."
"We forget that we are in an exquisite miracle of beauty every day."
"He really loved life, he loved his family so much. The thing he loved most, the thing he loved most was living, he loved to live."
"Miracles happen every day. Don't take a miracle away from your life."
"It's really an amazing gift to be here, no matter how difficult and traumatic and dense it is here."
"Life is good, it really is the little things, isn't it?"
"Every day is a gift, every day is a journey."
"This moment, it makes absolutely no sense. But here we are. This is somehow condemned. And this is beautiful."
"Life is sweet, okay? We have to hold on to that because it's actually the truth."
"Appreciate life. Nothing is guaranteed, nothing is promised."
"Waking up is the gift, walking, seeing, touching, hearing, all your elements in alignment."
"Every day is a blessing, you can't take any day for granted."
"I think people really do need to realize that every day is a blessing."
"Traveling has taught us to be open, to be tolerant, and most of all to appreciate life."
"Life is good it really is we're lucky to be here we have a finite time of of we have a finite time on this planet and maybe who knows what we move on to that's different for everybody."
"We are amazingly lucky to be here, privileged, and we must not waste that privilege."
"Nevertheless, it is worthwhile, also, from time to time shaking off the anesthetic of familiarity, and awakening to the wonder that is really all around us all the time."
"Cherish this time while you can, because you don't ever know how much more of it you have left."
"The most important lesson that's uh difficult to say I mean there's so many things but really that life just is Life is Beautiful."
"We need to be grateful for the fact that we're alive and healthy and old age might be a beach to clean up the word slightly but it's infinitely preferable to the alternative."
"What a beautiful day to be alive. Oh my god, I thought he was gonna die."
"It is up to you to see the beauty of everyday things."
"They say that emotions cloud the mind, but I think that to see the extraordinary in the ordinary... it's a different kind of seeing."
"You need to find what makes you happy, you need to find what makes you feel good, and you need to appreciate the beauty of the world around you."
"Your full potential lies within your appreciation of beauty, your ability to have fun, and to appreciate the small things."
"Live for yourself, man, every day to the fullest. You never know, that's why it's called a gift."
"I love this beautiful life, it's pure miracles."
"Life is short, and I will never take it for granted."
"Happy to be together and most of all happy to be alive."
"I'm happy about every little thing no matter how mundane that gets a new lease on life."
"Gratitude is about appreciating everything that you have."
"Appreciate everything you have: your friends, your family."
"Every little good thing is like a great thing."
"Every single day we get is a gift, and I became, in that moment, not afraid to age. Aging as a gift."
"Explosive birth. Does everything start with an explosion? You know what I mean. And I'm not ungrateful. Don't get me wrong. But that's just a question of mine because it always seems to start with some type of explosion."
"I never take that for granted, man, men, we definitely overlook how amazing childbirth is, I tell you this."
"All you have to do is look around to see the peace and beauty already in your life."
"It's a beautiful time to be in, and I'm glad I'm able to share..."
"Remember the little things, the ones we all come to appreciate, perhaps a little too late. Those little things just might be everything. So see them while you're in them and hold on tight."
"Honestly, you have to thank God for life. So beautiful, I cannot. I actually can't."
"I live for the rainbows. I live, hi, I'm living."
"It's great for any patient to get better but one that's been through so much and now loves life so much it's really special."
"You have to learn how to love being alive because that's truly the gift."
"Life is a gift and today feels like an amazing gift to me."
"The love of living only comes from releasing the fear of death."
"Recognize the miraculous things happening around us all the time."
"You're going to find yourself having lots of moments like 'oh I'm so happy to be alive, oh this is a pleasure in daily existence.'"
"Breathing makes me happy, you guys. I'm just so happy to be."
"Once you can see that, those basic things that you take for granted, that you can breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth, all of that stuff once you start seeing how miraculous it really is."
"I was happy to be alive, broken leg or not."
"Without loss and without death, you'll never truly learn to appreciate life."
"What it does do, getting that close to death and then coming back from it, is it gives you an immensely increased sense of the value of every day of life."
"I have a very Mexican vision of death, which means that it is a guarantee. We will all die. But it actually gives you a finality that makes you realize the second thing: we're all alive. We are all alive in this room, and that's absolutely remarkable."
"A place where life unfolds every single day."
"I like the cold," she said. "It reminds me I am alive."
"It's a good day. It is a good day. What a life, man. Good to be alive. What a life."
"All around you are things that want to end your life or maybe even devour you."
"Hannibal sees life as something precious, something to be savored to its fullest extent. He loves fine things, and so does Villanelle."
"The scary part of death is escape. The scary part of death is, first of all, I love it here. I've so loved being here."
"Teeth, I'm gonna be catching teeth falling out of my mouth, wheelchairing it. That's why we gotta live for every day, bro."
"I still get great glows of warmth and satisfaction from seeing children, sunny days, things that are going right in the world, and beautiful buildings."
"I breathe in the fullness and richness of life."
"Every day, every minute is a joy."
"Life is wealth, and to wake up and see yourself being alive, that is wealth."
"I'm sure you will think it's wonderful to be alive."
"Welcome in, ladies and gentlemen. What a beautiful day to be alive."
"Life is so beautiful, and we are so privileged to live the lives that we do."
"Oh, what a life, man. What a life."
"I like it," he said. "It's full of life."
"It's amazing to be alive and to experience little things like this, little moments of joy with something as simple as just some little bit of snow."
"It's a beautiful day to be alive, so we're all here together, and that's what's important, isn't it?"
"It's good to be alive, now is one of them times."
"I love stories like that though, I really do, it just makes me happy being alive."
"It's the kind of a day when it's great to be alive and out in the air."
"Life is beautiful, that's all I'm gonna say."
"Life is a blessing, life is amazing, and I love it, but I want more to it."
"Life is beautiful and was beautiful when it's right in front of you."
"We're so blessed just to be here."
"It's a beautiful goddamn day to be alive."
"Life is beautiful, and I enjoyed it, and I am enjoying it."
"It's a beautiful family, beautiful day."
"It's good to be alive these days."
"Goddamn, man, isn't it something to be alive at this moment?"
"I love life now, even though there's always going to be that darkness."
"Life is really a beautiful thing, man."
"Life is really cool and really precious."
"God, I love this life and how quickly things can change."
"Life is a beautiful thing. We need to remember that."
"There's a beauty in being alive, my beautiful friends."
"After you have survived the storm, thank God for the rain."
"Enjoy what God has presented you on the earth."
"Life is a special thing; every day is a gift."
"Don't be afraid; this grim ghoul will make your guests appreciate life by scaring them to death."
"I do like being alive; I enjoy every moment of my life."
"We kind of need to really remind ourselves how lucky we are, kind of every single day, and just to flipping be alive."
"If there are days when you fall in love with being alive."
"This sort of thing, it makes you feel blessed just to be alive," the red-haired woman said.
"It's good to be alive, and not only is it good to be alive, it's good to be alive and know that you are alive."
"It's a beautiful day, the sun is shining, isn't it great to be alive."
"I love everywhere that I've been, everything that I've seen, everything that I've heard."
"What a good day to be alive, we are here to celebrate life."
"This is what loving life looks like."
"Isn't life wonderful? Is being alive amazing?"
"What a great morning to be alive."
"What a beautiful time to be alive."
"If you're breathing, if you woke up today... that's a blessing."
"Just the joy of feeling anything, of having a body at all, of being capable of movement at all, that is so profound."
"Count the beautiful things around and be glad to be alive."
"Life is beautiful. I love seeing my family."
"I'm alive, thank goodness I'm alive."
"Life is beautiful, enjoy to the fullest."
"It's beautiful to be alive, it's beautiful to be breathing."
"Life is beautiful, bro. Life is beautiful. We got free will, and free will is such a beautiful thing, bro."
"It's a beautiful life, really wonderful."
"Any time is a beautiful time to be alive, as long as you're breathing."
"Life is a blessing, and if you don't live life to the fullest, you're denying that blessing."