
Superficiality Quotes

There are 285 quotes

"You can have all of these superficial things, but if the core is not there, it's not going to necessarily be sustainable."
"Beauty is vain and fleeting. Don't build your relationship on somebody's physical looks."
"At the end of the day, your physical appearance will only get you so far."
"Like a gold ring in a pig's snout is a beautiful woman without discretion."
"Be present...otherwise all you're gonna have are these sad and stupid shallow relationships which are just pointless."
"Oftentimes, what's the old saying, 'Shallow brooks are noisy.' The people making all the noise often are the people who don't have anything to say."
"Disney's ideology is ultimately pretty hollow, and yet its cultural reach is so expansive."
"Beauty and all that stuff means nothing without character."
"Taking off the makeup isn't treating the problem, it's treating a symptom of the problem."
"Beauty is only skin deep but Terror lasts forever."
"Being less superficial in a social sense can be helpful, not only because it'll make people less judgmental but also because it'll encourage everyone to develop their personality and social skills."
"That's why you're getting tons of superficial and garbage relationships from dating apps."
"Idiotic takes and facile points of view dominate the media."
"Life was just a succession of fur coats and invitations to dinner, that's all."
"It's just so surface level that people aren't actually thinking about the music."
"My body, intellect, it takes you further than, you know, the women that is just the body."
"Being pretty should not be enough to warrant you committing to a woman."
"I think sometimes they just leave out the meat. They just leave out the stuff that matters and handle the outside, the garnish."
"If you're not seeing the supernatural, then you are living superficial."
"Reducing diversity to superficial differences robs us of its true value."
"They hate superficiality, I mean they are up there with Scorpio."
"Looks can get you in the door but it can you can also get the [ __ ] out of that door."
"Not all that glitters is gold once the shine wears off sometimes it really just looks like a lot of stressful company policies drama broken promises and some brainwashing mixed in."
"True beauty sprouts from within, what's a look with no character, no heart?"
"If you don't add any value you're just a pretty face and a pretty face can always be replaced."
"Some of your celebrities are just icing-covered turds."
"Maybe men should stop chasing after women based solely on their looks."
"No one wants to be around the girl who's only good looking on the outside."
"You may feel like you are dealing with a lot of surface-level people, conversations, interactions, careers... you want more of your time or your day to feel purposeful."
"This person is missing a chance with you because they're being superficial."
"If it weren't for your good looks, I wouldn't even be chatting with you."
"The modern dating world seems a superficial Quagmire."
"Just get to know people outside of the aesthetics and the trinkets and the sayings."
"We're all just going to be living in this world where we have to label ourselves with these superficial identities that mean nothing."
"People respect you more for who you are, not really what you're wearing."
"Spectacle becomes entirely hollow without a deeper human connection."
"Skin color is superficial, okay? It's the least interesting thing about you."
"Whenever you see child sexual abuse, if you're a victim, it affects you too."
"Everyone has different preferences and so many people try to make this whole thing of like, well, see, I'm not superficial, because so are you! It's like- no, some people just do put personality first."
"Avoid a worldly lifestyle. It looks good on the surface but inside, it's rotten."
"Looks are not the end-all be-all. That's the fucking point of dates, guys."
"It's stupid to judge anybody by the color of their skin or their gender."
"Stop chasing women with superficial preferences; focus on who sees your worth."
"They dropped you to pursue something that was flashy and shiny, very surface level."
"People commenting on others' relationships based solely on looks need to stop."
"Don't say love and light as an excuse to not have to deal with negative."
"You gotta be a little bit more superficial and cynical."
"Beauty, body, all that [ __ ] means nothing without character. It means nothing."
"I'm a dollar thirty [__], you know what when the makeup comes off for both of these girls, not good-looking."
"Your look is only a small, small, small, small, small portion of who you are as a human being."
"Anything you put on a resume is not who you are. It's just attributes of your life."
"He can see that she is easily influenced, heavily persuaded by flashy things, money."
"All of these started out as surface level shallow pursuits. That's how it starts out for everyone."
"The pretty lady responds that she only likes rich and powerful handsome guys, implying that poor guys are not even worthy of carrying her shoes."
"It's shallow but we'll fill you up with that Christmas wholesomeness."
"Intrinsic characteristics or values is always gonna be superficial characteristics superficial characteristics are your clothes your body your looks your car"
"I think the world was craving realness, as so many people go to Front Street and they are... they just... they act like there's something they're not. Smoking mirrors, right?"
"Imagine how awful it would be to live in a world where everyone's obsessed with appearance."
"The celebrity world is superficial, portraying an image instead of reality."
"Stop fishing for Instagram likes with your bloody 4-wheel drive. No one cares."
"Undefined left adheres to left values in a very populist but superficial way."
"All this superficial stuff in life that you know you chase when you're younger it just doesn't really mean anything right."
"There's the actual definition of health and fitness and how it works, and yours is a little bit more superficial."
"He'll be fine. It's superficial but will bleed a lot."
"It's like nothing even happened and it actually still looks good"
"They feel like what you're focused on is fickle and fake."
"It's pretty and it looks like a lot but once you take a bite it starts to dissolve in your mouth and you realize there really isn't much there."
"The show provides critique towards performative activism, being down for every single cause but superficially."
"It's all about the show, less about the go."
"In a world where the excess and superficial often overshadow the meaningful and fulfilling."
"It's a movie that simply happens. You experience it and then you forget everything about the movie."
"It's a superficially speaking, there's a bunch of stuff here that I just enjoy."
"You know, blowing up and being famous is very easy 'cause people are focused on dumb stuff."
"They're not trying to see what's special about you. They're trying to see how your booty looks."
"It seems that the world of Instagram influencers, as well as those who are attracted to its veneer of perfection, are just as prone to becoming victims of its vapid, plastic culture."
"I love stuff. I'm so completely shallow."
"This person hides behind money or their looks."
"You have a lot more in common with most people than you have because of superficial differences."
"It's just very superficial, isn't it? If you're only into someone because of how they looked and that's pretty poor."
"They thought they were going to get this gift, but it was all for superficial things."
"There's also a nice veil of fakeness about the scene everyone clearly being a bit too chipper and polite to one another."
"I just wanted to be a dude of what people drinks and pulled up with a Maserati and he was a cool dude that's garbage."
"As long as you look good, it don't matter."
"Yeah, I just think the whole night is talked about, 'Oh my God, look at you!' And like, you're not really talking about life anymore, it's all talking about your outfit or your costume."
"Effie is representative of the Capitol and how she embodies all of its superficiality and emphasis on smooth punctual performances."
"I genuinely feel like this had the depth of a very shallow puddle."
"As deep as you can go, you can also be as shallow."
"No, She-Hulk is great because all the things that Jen thought she valued, all of this, this massive superficiality, the careerism, the sort of the typical single woman professionalism, all of that is actually deeply unfulfilling."
"Most women nowadays, as soon as they see you, they will box you up, they'll box you up and reject you not for all of the things that you've got and you know maybe not hitting good standards but for the one thing that you're missing, the one major flaw that you have."
"I imagine it'd be easy if any white person walking through San Francisco to imagine that everything was at peace because it certainly looks that way on the surface."
"The image is only 15 percent darker than the background of the linen cloth itself and it's very superficial."
"Is everything just so shallow? Is it all very surface level now?"
"Superficiality won't define characters. It's the content of your character that carries."
"It's just when you go about it in a way that's a bit roundabout and you do kind of superficial things like purchasing things or hanging around with people that you wouldn't have otherwise. You're actually not getting to the core of the problem."
"Some girls might be stupid enough to get wet over flames coming out of the exhaust."
"The show was trying to make is that other people around her have The Superficial view of her and a romanticizing her and not seeing what's underneath and the struggles beneath her like exterior."
"Keep the differences skin deep after all part of what makes discrimination such a human concept is that it often comes down to focusing on small portions of a person's character."
"Society is fixated on appearance rather than what's on the inside."
"They don't really understand energy or anything like that, they just try to copy like your appearance, or the way that you speak or something like that."
"All those followers don't amount to [__]."
"She's only the pictures, that's all they have."
"Men approach women to sleep with them with no ring and for the cheapest price, most likely in the fastest way. So, don't look at them, baby. Look at their bank accounts."
"The focus is more on the externals nowadays. ... So even when you go to your Guru, your Guru may not be very helpful to you. But all along, you're not making much spiritual progress; you're just going through the motions."
"She's literally a Renaissance woman, but all they care about is looks and money."
"Somebody's mad because they rooted their whole persona and self-worth in superficial things."
"Diversity hiring is definitely one of those Trends it's a supposed Act of inclusivity that when you boil it down is the most superficial Act of trying to make your company and projects look more diverse quote unquote"
"But if the whole attention suddenly becomes, 'Wow, those shoes are really cool in this video,' or like, 'Oh, you did your makeup really well in this video,' oh my god, your dog is like amazing right now."
"We as Muslims need to criticize ourselves first. We should look at more substantive issues rather than looking at the superficial issues."
"Your mate choices should be based on foundational qualities, not cosmetics."
"She was ushered into a room for photos, apparently they were afraid she wouldn't look as good after the ceremony."
"Your race and your skin color should not matter in 99% of cases. I think it doesn't matter. It's superficial."
"This thing really is... it's like lipstick on a pig. Like, the place is beautiful, everything's... you're just doing it as trashy as you possibly can."
"They just won't, they won't be thinking anything other than damn you're [ __ ] hot like literally that's it."
"Narcissists don't really know who they are everything is an act with them they're empty superficial and shallow."
"Superficiality is the curse of our age."
"The real issue here is different from how it seems on the surface. This seems like just about engagements, weddings, and babies."
"They only care about money, but deep down, deep, deep, deep down... they care about people."
"Sometimes things aren't that deep."
"You got people who like pictures of castles, phoning it in."
"Maybe I'll just never be as superficial as the rest of you because I value who a person actually is."
"The human race has always been fascinated by the idea of achieving the superficial glory of fame."
"Looks are a form of instant gratification."
"We can't let superficiality break the back of something so strong."
"...shallow Minds thirst for superficial gratification but deep Minds hunger for things that endure the test of time."
"Are you gay, are you black, are you trans, are you this, and the actual characters have all gone. So that's why they divide people. They divide people because they're putting them up against each other on a superficial level."
"Beauty is only skin deep. It fades with time."
"Some people have to be fake with you because they're superficial and they want what you have."
"It's not enough to be pretty on the surface."
"We're gonna go even more superficial today."
"People are using this for their own purposes without really delving deeply into what actually happened."
"For someone very specific, this person has a damaged aura. They have body image issues and a damaged aura and a [__] up point of view. And they're only concerned with like their outer self, and they're only concerned with people liking them."
"Sometimes, a thick coat of gloss is needed."
"I just think the people here are a little superficial, like they only care about money or the perception of having money."
"But the most beautiful parts of the people on the inside where they can't be seen, then this beauty contest is just a silly charade."
"It's superficial and it's beside the point, but this sweater... is it salmon? Is it pink? I don't know. But it was $2,000."
"That icon fits the one-dimensional period we live in the only thing that matters is image and there's nobody behind that image."
"It's surface visuals with nothing really underneath it."
"If you don't get past this superficial part of your life that is very difficult to scrub away because it is so indoctrinated into our society, I'm telling you, you are a future potential candidate for divorce."
"Is it possible that despite our inventions and progress, we have remained on the surface of life?"
"It's only superficial people who do not judge by appearance."
"People are so surface level because it's like the easiest thing to process."
"She's just blonde and tall like it's like why am I watching?"
"It's all very superficial depiction of a workplace when the story is kind of half taking place at the workplace and has workplace drama in it."
"Don't let superficial standards diminish your dignity."
"I think when people are genuinely interested in knowing more about me and my experience in a non-superficial way, that is very easy to tell."
"Honestly, it's amazing to see who you guys are as people. With all the content, you know, it's prank videos or it's partying and stuff, and it's like, people can get lost in the superficial."
"When everything's a show it really plays on that narcissistic quality of superficiality."
"The concept of everything being a show in narcissism is very much related to that idea of superficiality and shallowness."
"Say all the right things but don't actually change anything."
"Scores are operating on a very surface level now, and they rarely dig below the surface."
"I don't have time to go into full details now, but these comparisons are superficial at best."
"You know, love isn't about looks, of course, but these men, so far, all they're doing is making it about looks. And if you're gonna make it about looks, then you might as well look at yourself. Am I right? Am I right?"
"What matters is what's on the inside because all that exterior stuff does not last or stand the test of time."
"Popularity is often so superficial."
"It's eye candy versus soul food; someone's upset that depth and integrity won over superficiality."
"People are only nice to you because of numbers."
"The change in America was superficial."
"Whoever masters the superficiality rules the world."
"The superficial cosmetic aesthetic part of this person to reign supreme in your decision making."
"Once you see that now, you don't need to argue, no need to fight. It's time to get up out of here. It's time to pack my stuff and roll up out of this bad boy. No. So you don't go jump and marry them because the superficial stuff. No, no, no."
"It's all about looking good, who cares about the performance?"
"People tend to focus on superficial issues instead of addressing the real underlying problems."
"One of the greatest dangers in our age is superficial Christianity. We think, 'I've put in my time, I must be a Christian.' And heaven laughs, a sad laugh."
"Purpose takes guts, glam is just for the show."
"A scab is a scab even if you smear honey over it."
"But at least you can tweak the image of it to me and I'll make you feel better for about 30 seconds by pressing the like button and then going on with my day."
"It is better to look good than to feel good."
"They want to plaster over society's flaws by having a lot of attractive Instagram influencers, right?"
"The narcissist needs shiny objects or people, their cup can never be full."
"It looks spectacular at a glance."
"This was a very straightforward survival monster-type movie. It was all very surface level."
"These were hollow men who lived flamboyantly but were in the end just hollow men."
"This world around us is preoccupied. It's celebrity weddings and videos of cats."
"Looks don't mean everything, honey."
"We should not evaluate anyone by only their looks."
"I don't really have a certain type of look. He doesn't have to have a six-pack or something superficial like that."
"It's the fake tan filled by money man."
"Looks aren't just it's not that looks are everything now it's that in the methods people meet looks are everything."
"Disconnection to us is being in a state of not being conscious, not being aware, kind of living beyond the surface, away from our own emotions, away from our own experiences, and living on a level of surface."
"The world, the universe, is that big. We are on a floating rock, and you are holding yourself back because you are insecure about the way your physical appearance is. Do you realize, like, that [ __ ] is so superficial, like, at the end of the day?"
"The article cherry-picks examples and lacks depth of understanding."
"I was a lot more superficial when I was younger."
"Be authentic, be real, and don't be superficial."
"You could be gorgeous outside, whatever color, but if you're nasty inside, who cares?"
"Inner beauty is what matters. What's outside doesn't matter—age, color, none of that."
"The comfortable people want only wax moon faces, poreless, hairless, expressionless."
"Our life should be Supernatural; if our life isn't Supernatural, it's superficial."
"When it comes to the fake, beauty is only skin-deep."
"A relationship based purely on looks never lasts."
"We are gaining sophistication, we are gaining smartness, but at the cost of honesty and depth."
"A shallow brook babbles the loudest."
"I think too many people go on looks, and then you soon get bored of that."
"After all, what more do you need to get through life than a pretty face?"
"I wish more people were like that. I see a lot of superficiality out there."
"Ideas that are attractive on the surface but empty in content override the most basic human values of human life, freedom, and rights."
"Superficiality is the curse of our age. The doctrine of instant satisfaction is a primary spiritual problem."
"Is fashion superficial? Kinda, yeah. But most things are superficial."
"Mystical explanations are thought to be profound; in fact, they are not even superficial."
"Instead of producing the kind of wisdom compared to which our current outer knowledge is a mere trifle, we only have the vestiges of all this."
"Young girls are gonna do this... you're dating for fun, you're dating for looks."