
Win-win Quotes

There are 130 quotes

"Negotiations are not just about winning or losing; they're about finding the best possible outcome for all parties involved."
"There's always a third win-win solution that works for everybody."
"It's a win-win situation for companies to actually utilize this for their employees."
"When the US and China work together, the entire world wins."
"In order for me to win, you don't have to lose."
"Sometimes there doesn't have to be a winner or loser. Sometimes you can both win."
"I feel like it's a win-win...people are coming there for you."
"Americans got it in their heads that everything has to be a win-win."
"We don't always have to have a winner and loser in transfer deals. Not always."
"Every 30 seconds the balance grows because if someone sells, hey I earn money. If the price goes up, hey we earn more money, so win-win for all."
"Learn the art of negotiating with win-win steps and clauses that actually work for everybody."
"Don't ever be afraid to figure out how can you put like win-win situations into your contracts."
"I think this is a great move; this is a no-lose situation, this is all win." - Christian Harloff
"It's better if we can think find the non-zero sum answer... it's a win-win situation."
"This is how marketing should be done, where everybody wins."
"I'm playing a long game, one where all three of us win."
"When you stretch those time horizons out over 5, 10, 50-lifetime kind of measurements, I think you have the opportunity to play win-win games."
"You win, I win, and the tool maker wins when something awesome gets made."
"It is just up to us to find those win-win situations, and then work together to unlock those rewards."
"It's fun to be able to give away stuff like that to people where like you and I don't want to put in the work to pull them out, and so it's kind of like a win-win."
"Work toward an agreement where everyone wins."
"Win-win relationships are better than lose-lose relationships."
"So just doing that process we're reducing the amount of carbon in the atmosphere."
"We want all this stuff because we want nice healthy plants, we want less carbon in the atmosphere so it's a win-win situation."
"It's a win-win for both sides if the situations are right which is why it works."
"Value is the fundamental goal of healthcare. It's a win-win goal."
"It's almost like a win-win scenario."
"...everyone wins, the consumer wins, Six Flags wins because they were saved from demise..."
"Again, I encourage you, look for a win-win when you're buying your machine and, uh, you know, go in with a little knowledge and ask your dealer, 'Hey man, how can we find a way for this to work for the both of us?'"
"Ultimately, you want to make the person feel like they got the better end of the deal."
"It's like win-win everybody wins."
"It's like giving charity, helping the country, and making some money. Everybody wins."
"Life is just a matter of those particular choices and there are win-win relationships and they're a lose-lose relationships and win-win relationships are a lot better than lose-lose relationships."
"They make great team players and will always seek to achieve win-win situations."
"That's a win-win situation really."
"But, it's really about if we can get everybody to kind of win, the beauty of it, it's driven by the people who pay for his food and eat it."
"It was a win-win scenario for us all."
"It's great for everyone. It's a win-win. You have a great product and if you have a great product, customers will enjoy."
"It's really a win-win for you I mean you get a shirt 100 is donated no-brainer."
"It's not altruism. My whole philosophy is to have a system of mutual benefit where both parties gain, a society based on win-win."
"World-class negotiators understand that... it does not have to be that... in order for you to gain, they must lose... and in order for them to gain, you must lose."
"It's a win-win. They're spending money to attract girls, and the girls are seeking opportunity and getting free drinks."
"It's a win-win for both parties because they get the same deal and you as the affiliate marketer get a small commission."
"Worst case scenario I die and you get to rid yourself of me so like what's there to lose here right there's this literally win-win."
"For society to win, shareholders don't have to lose, and for shareholders to win, society doesn't have to lose."
"...how do we create a win for other people and a win for myself so that there is a sustainable fair exchange."
"Warren is the master of the art of the win-win."
"It's a win-win situation for a very very good cause."
"This is a win-win for Josh and the ownership group, but also for the fans and the city too at the same time."
"You know, if I can do something but again at the same time do something that actually helps people, people want to use, then it's a win-win."
"It's a competition but both sides end up happy like a win-win."
"...as opposed to some people who believe that if I win, you gotta lose, my attitude has always been the fact that I win is terrific it's even better if both of us win..."
"I think this is a win-win situation for everyone."
"You know something is from the Lord when it's a win-win because God loves all of his kids."
"All I know is that this is a win-win for me."
"You don't have to end up playing this zero-sum game where everyone loses."
"Negotiation should be a win for everyone."
"It has to be a win for everybody."
"It's really a win-win scenario and that's why we like affiliate marketing."
"The ultimate goal in conflict resolution is a win-win outcome."
"It's a win-win situation pretty much."
"God's will is a win-win. Nobody loses, everybody gains."
"You're offering a little bit of a win-win to the vendor."
"It's a win-win, I'm gonna get the house cleaned and I'll be able to relax the rest of the day."
"The best outcome is when both sides of the table feel like they've won."
"I love business. I can structure things up where it could be win-win."
"Your recommendation should always be a win-win, a win for the patient and a win for the practice."
"Your goal should be to create a win-win situation for you and the seller in every deal you do."
"I guarantee the positive press you'll get from doing it will be absolutely worth it, like win-win."
"Everyone can win, but human psychology finds it really difficult to think that everybody can win."
"When it comes to going to the gym and getting healthier, nobody has to lose for you to win."
"There are a lot of kind of win-win solutions that naturally exist in the mind of the securely attached person."
"If you're going to try to do a collaboration, you have to create a situation where they win bigger than you do."
"All of life for rationally self-interested human being is about win-win relationships."
"Why does it have to be win-lose? Can it be win-win?"
"Let's call it truth, both of us can win."
"Am I helping to create a world in which we can all win?"
"I just love win-win situations and that's the definition of one."
"This is the best win-win ever: we get to do what we love and we get to inspire other people to do what they love."
"It's a unique experience where we could extract resource from the land and kind of nobody loses and everybody wins."
"However, there's also been many win-win trade scenarios that greatly benefited each team in the trade."
"There's a striving to find what's often called the third win at every opportunity."
"It was kind of a win-win-win situation."
"It's a win-win situation all around."
"You're going to lose weight, I ain't get rich, then we all win. It's called a win-win situation."
"Think win-win; it shows different possible outcomes."
"Too Good To Go creates one of those rare situations where everybody wins."
"This is a wonderful situation where everyone wins, hopefully."
"If I disprove it, I win. If I prove it, I win. I'm happy either way."
"It's a win-win situation, you get a nice beautiful pepperoni pizza and also you're supporting a community."
"In the end, everybody wins, I think both services are great and Bailey's happy."
"Corporate social responsibility is all about showing company managers, their boards, and their shareholders that there is a way that everybody can win, and that ethics and profits don't have to be at odds with one another."
"I just don't believe in business where one person has to lose for the other one to win. I believe in a business where everybody wins."
"You have this incredible win-win atmosphere in your gym."
"It's kind of a win-win-win situation in my books."
"You're going to have to make deals, you're going to have to create win-win scenarios."
"Economics is not a zero-sum game."
"The goal of human relations is to create a win-win situation by satisfying employee needs while achieving organizational objectives."
"It's a rare case of you win either way."
"Remember that all of this is for your group, your people; win-win for your people, cooperation."
"Inside your own team, that's where you want win-win, that's where you need cooperation."
"Our general mission statement is to work as hard as we can to provide a win for everyone, a win-win scenario that is the ability to deliver more, deliver better, and hopefully exceed expectations."
"It's a win-win for you, for democracy, for everyone."
"There has to be somewhere underlining where it's a win-win; everybody has to win."
"The most important thing that we are not taught about life is that while life is a game, no one else has to lose in order for you to win."
"No one has to lose for another to win."
"By creating a good experience for the user and a good experience through to Facebook by driving results, it's a win-win."
"For the believer, there is no loss; it is not win-lose, it is win-win."
"Everybody wins: the developers, the publishers, and Sony all win because they're just gonna generate more income."
"It's a win-win situation right here, the animals are happy still, it's all that matters."
"If everybody walks away from the table feeling like they won, then everybody wins."
"I don't think I'm a villain... I always try to help everybody and I'm a businessman, I want everybody to win."
"It's a mutual benefit thing at that point, the animals win, the viewers win, I win."
"I feel this is a win-win proposition with the farmer; he gets some hay off the ground, and my children and grandchildren will have the benefit of a timber crop."
"How can we create a solution where everybody wins?"
"I'm very much focused on creating a win-win situation in which everybody is invested in expanding world trade."
"Thinking with the win-win mentality makes things more cooperative instead of competitive because both parties are mutually benefited."
"A win-win outcome is on the forecast."
"You are going to receive this balanced win-win outcome."