
Guardianship Quotes

There are 707 quotes

"They are wardens of forests, protectors of isolated villages... a sort of predator working their way through the untamed wilds of the world."
"He may have been your father, boy, but he wasn't your daddy."
"Spirit is watching over your connection; spirit is protecting your connection and both of you."
"Forsaken has made it feel good to be a guardian."
"Under the rule of these immortal custodians, civilization took root with intelligence and producing craft and architecture humans of the modern era could only dream of."
"We are the city of angels; we are guardians, we are protectors. It is our job to make the space better for everyone around us."
"You will live in happiness, you will live in glory, under my guardianship."
"Hermes, the master of the road the sun drives upon and the guardian at the horizon gates."
"There are some that say, 'Think back to when you were a baby,' how your guardian would stroke your hair."
"If the guardianship is hurting her, if she feels controlled and manipulated, is that any better than just letting her make her own decisions?"
"She's the one I looked at as she's the one who's protecting me."
"The broken ones are closely guarded by the chapter as if any one of them was ever able to escape the result would be absolutely catastrophic."
"We are keepers of the flame. It's our responsibility."
"From this day forward, the defense of our world...of all we hold dear...rests with you."
"They're our secret guardians, our dark knights that are watching out for us."
"Bred into its nature is bravery and a territorial attitude which made it the perfect dog for livestock and people guarding."
"Spirit is definitely looking out for you guys."
"I and the one who takes care of an orphan are like this Anjana."
"An angel watches over you with patience, love, and perseverance. All will work out fine."
"I am your defender. Continue forward with determination, and I will protect you from those aiming to harm you."
"It was the expectation that Hamza (RA) was going to be the guardian of the Muslims in these early days."
"We must be certain of for Sean, who's manipulating that loser is the very man entrusted to care for this innocent child."
"The spirit tree sustained the three elements of light and in turn they brought balance and kept Nibble safe."
"Rottweiler: Described as being calm, friendly, and good-natured."
"Extremely docile, calm, and level-headed, they are instinctually non-aggressive and are natural guardians to those that they consider to be part of their pack."
"Time isn’t running out for you, not while I'm on watch."
"The world is healing but her fate is yet uncertain, together we shall be Azeroth's protectors once again, here the new age of dragons shall begin."
"Your angels are protecting you guys, you guys are very protected."
"That is how you connect a creature from another planet to be the caretaker of earth and make it matter make it emotional."
"How cool do we look? We must serve as guardians of the twilight sepulcher."
"Rangers: Silent guardians of the wasteland."
"If your courage fails you, you will forfeit your guardianship." - Unknown
"The final cinematic of Cataclysm was a sad scene of the dragonflights fulfilling their guardianship of the planet."
"He became like my dad, he raised me my whole life."
"The storm isn't going to like wash away um everything that you have but the storm is a test to see how strong what you know like how strong um is it that you have that you're building up on."
"Your duty is to physically protect them but you're also there to shield them from many things."
"But more importantly, the Eddystone rocks were once again guarded."
"Be wary heroes for if this construct has been warped by Fel, her charge to safeguard the chamber may compel her to destroy anyone that attempts to bypass her."
"We take on Divine tasks and roles of watching over somebody here in this world with those same challenges or struggles."
"SCP-3631-1 was the man’s guardian angel. Or maybe more a devil on his shoulder."
"Infernal Spirits are not evil they're actually very protective of you."
"Obi-Wan Kenobi spends 10 years watching over Luke Skywalker."
"Thank you all for being guardians of the world."
"They feel very protective of you and want to watch out for you, take care of you as much as possible."
"I'm gonna be your legal guardian and your therapist."
"The Knights of Saint Pelin are the consecrated protectors of the Bankerai Garrison."
"They are the guardians, the gatekeepers of the light."
"Maybe without Paimon, the state of the stars goes into... I don't know, the state of chaos."
"You've got the world's best looking after you."
"Nobody will care for that kid the way Groot cares for that kid."
"You're protected, and there's a lot of protection coming your way."
"Are you not under my shadow and protection?"
"I'm going to protect them no matter what."
"They are the guardians of peace and justice."
"Guardianship and tradition may guide you."
"He guards the weak and he represents the protection of the family, he also gives us all the stamina, energy, willpower, and courage and endurance we need."
"The Galaxy still needs its Guardians."
"Two snakes are carved into the door and are said to be guarding it from any trespassers."
"This person is very reliable and once you're in their intimate circle, very protective of you."
"If the dogs come circling around, I also see them as protector energies, almost like Guardian Angels."
"The island is always under the protective watch of Peterson, the friendly neighborhood Driederman."
"Guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy."
"My fairies and I watch over them, and when someone needs to remember what's important, we help them."
"It was comforting knowing that she was still around looking out for and watching over us."
"Thankfully, Bubby was a good character, took a watchful eye over Flapjack and kept him safe."
"I'm the only thing that boy's got."
"Son, what in hell are you doing out here all on your own?"
"You were protected from all evil."
"Being a guardian is life or death and you can't afford to fool around or you might get killed."
"Guardians are by your side to assist you. You are not alone."
"There is only one who is destined to hold such darkness: the guardian."
"He was watching her every single step, making sure she was safe."
"God will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways."
"Their Uncle became their legal guardian and started managing all of their legal arrangements."
"They are the guardians of the threshold, the ones who walk between worlds to keep the balance of all things."
"These Sorcerers clearly don't have all the answers on these beings they call them inscrutable and note that they have but one clear purpose and that is to safeguard their crystals unto the end."
"They were the inheritors of the human Legacy, the Guardians of the Omega protocol."
"Everyone needs someone to watch over them."
"You are our protector, you are the one who shields us from everything that threatens to destroy us."
"It's my responsibility to protect her."
"Woke up this morning and found my cats guarding my basement like this."
"Together they would stand against the darkness, a light in the void, guardians of the innocent and champions of the just."
"I am the Watcher, the multiverse, every single world, every story is my home, and I will protect it to the end."
"We are guardians of our heritage of freedom and liberty. We are gatekeepers. We are guardians of our faith."
"One in a position of trust includes but is not limited to any person who is a parent or acting in the place of a parent and charged with any of a parent's rights duties or responsibilities concerning a child."
"The great apes were an ally Mothra, a guardian, and Gojira, a god. They coexisted, developing telepathic Communications with the Titans."
"It's the role of us adults to watch over children like them."
"Lamplighters were more than just municipal workers, they were the nightly guardians of public safety."
"Sysadmins: the guardians of digital integrity, ensuring that technology serves the organization seamlessly."
"The fate of the universe depends on us assembling the Guardians and securing the artifacts."
"You need someone to look out for you, and you've appointed yourself my custodian."
"It's about having to be on your toes and you know be aware of the fact that there are rings of insane alleged doctors lawyers judges who put people in a room and say you're incapacitated we now have full ownership of you."
"We have been decimated it is just my sister and I as Guardians now."
"How many people are guarding the timekeepers?"
"Our role is to be guardians of the sacred earth what do you think Guardians do they take care so we're not going to have the little plant voices they don't hear them they have to hear our voice and we have to say no to the ownership of life-forms."
"So, the creativity of the preacher must always be guarded."
"It was his duty as their Guardian to pay more attention to them."
"The Scythe sound like the original a Dem that founded the schools, they also share the same goals to guard, to hunt, and to protect."
"We are the gatekeepers of our children's souls."
"The Jedi would be few and far in between but they would nonetheless dedicate their lives to protecting innocent civilians... They'd be the silent watchful and mysterious guardian angels of the galaxy."
"Every universe will be safe for a few more million years.. It is his DUTY as head of the Celestial Guardians! The Divine Protectors of the Multiverse."
"Guardian Force, a task force with the sole purpose of maintaining the peace."
"...manwë sent his mightiest servants to keep an eye on them."
"Metallic dragons hold a deep sense of responsibility towards the world, perceiving themselves as a powerful race tasked with preserving and protecting the many races that share their world."
"You have Divine protectors around you."
"Are you someone who's watching over the boy, taking care of the boy?"
"We can do something about that though. Instead of accelerating the extinction, we are witnessing, we could become the guardians of life and preserve it where we find it."
"The black eunuchs were charged with guarding the women and often rose in rank, occupying many positions in the palace."
"...every man is now his guardian."
"Venom sees himself as a guardian of the innocent."
"I'm just her guardian, why don't we get her right now?"
"Now that I'm a guardian, I can bang anyone I want."
"We were the dogs of the sea guarding their land."
"Masters day of the Sun, power ever unseen, yet the guardians of men."
"The veiled one was more than just a legend; it was a warning, a guardian of the forest's darkest secrets."
"We're all guardians of the galaxy."
"We are the Guardians of the template, and their journey, however it ended, was far from over."
"My job isn't to protect the paintings; it's to protect humanity from the paintings."
"Our father went to prison and Amy became my guardian."
"Generations of working as guardians of women and children have produced a character of fearlessness tempered with patience, loyalty, and extreme stubbornness."
"Guardians should not get intimidated by things that you shouldn't be intimidated with."
"We were hoping that you two would agree to be the new guardians."
"The bell keepers are their eternal guardians, for that is their love, that is their curse."
"these archangels form a Pantheon of guardianship"
"The shadowkeepers are devoted to this grim responsibility, patrolling the dark and silent corridors and vigilantly watching over the last terrors of old night."
"The solar watch swear binding oaths to keep guard over the outer bastions of the throne world, seeing themselves as the first true line of defense for the Imperial Palace."
"'If you are seeing this, then things didn't go as planned.' I'm giving the helmets to Rocket and Gamora. Whatever you do, trust them."
"Hurley is ruling over its shores as a peaceful guardian."
"The angels of God who were called the Watchers or the Guardians... they came down to earth to watch over the humans and to teach them all kinds of things."
"The only able guardians of the people's Liberty are and shall always be the people themselves."
"We're meant to be Mama bears and Papa bears. We're those who are going to say, 'We're going to take the children of Canada, the children of the United States, and the children of our Nations, and we're going to say Satan, you're not going to pollute him on my watch.'"
"Give it to Frodo, and I will look after him," Bilbo stood for a moment, tense and undecided.
"Who's looking out for them right now? Yeah, who's the guardian angel?"
"My mom's name isn't on any of the special guardianship paperwork... she's the only one that can actually come and pick her up."
"If you are an applicant under the age of 14 then your legal guardian or your parent can sign on your behalf."
"Is this child applying with you? ... If the child is a principal applicant ... you will answer no."
"God created angelic beings to look after these places."
"Murphy here believe it or not as a puppy he won't turn a year old for another two months and they are great livestock guardian dogs."
"Generally, Tibetan Mastiffs are much more human defensive than most livestock guardians that the average person is gonna interact with in the United States."
"Guineas will actually alert us before the dogs will."
"I got two attack llamas, I mean, they're not attack llamas, but they're guardian llamas."
"They are the trustees of his Secrets, shelter for his Affairs, source of knowledge about him."
"Not everyone here is lucky enough to have the Power Rangers watching over them."
"Throughout the ages, I’ve always stayed with the guardian and blessed them with the power of creation."
"If we don't look after them, who will?"
"Certainly not a general probate conservatorship."
"Your loved ones absolutely go back to doing their own thing, but their own thing is also watching over you, just like you watch over your kids here in this world."
"Dojima is your guardian. He can tell you yes and no, but while he is trying to help raise and teach you, he finds himself learning just as much as you do along the way."
"To those guardians of this most sacred practice of what keeps us human, we owe a lot to them."
"All they want is to protect the kids."
"Their job is to protect people who can't defend themselves."
"Your parents named you his guardian. In the event of something like this."
"He is an amazing Creator, He is an amazing maker, and He is a great keeper."
"We're educators and guardians of freedom."
"As a Catholic child, I was brought up believing I had a guardian angel."
"Time Keepers protect and preserve the proper flow of time for everyone and everything."
"He watched over in meditative silence, a sentinel keeping faithful watch."
"You are a guardian of the galaxy."
"You are in fact a guardian, not just of this world but of the Galaxy."
"We're here to take care of the next generation."
"The hobbits are protected and defended by the Dúnedain and Gandalf."
"Everything that I did was to protect you guys."
"With both as our guides, we can serve as vigilant guardians of the sea."
"The most ancient protector of this city."
"He was once the high priest, the guardian of an ancient Kingdom."
"...for sure know something out there someone is looking out for you."
"Noble Hound archons embody the virtue of diligence, serving as soldiers in the thick of battle or acting as Sentinels assigned to safeguard specific strategic locations or holy sites."
"Tahitians are the proud guardians of their cultural heritage and therefore represent the beauty of timeless tradition."
"We're custodians of culture, custodians of who we are as a people."
"I carry the prized sword of the king; he's entrusted me to protect his realm, and I will."
"I'm honored to look after them; kids are great."
"High Elves were once the Guardians of the forest, and everything in the forest was their friends."
"I- will be watching over you, I'm gonna help you see it through, I will protect you in the night, I'm smiling next to you, in Silent Lucidity."
"Who says the Guardians' rule is what should be the law of the galaxy?"
"The Dark Tower protects all realms from darkness."
"He said he will always watch over me and Benjamin."
"They are the silent guardians who operate in the shadows, ensuring the safety and security of the Israeli people."
"They formed a covert society known as the Brahmanche, energy-wielding guardians sworn to protect the austras and use their given powers for the greater good."
"Don't worry, I'll protect those two if it's the last thing I do."
"You are the eldest Baudelaire child, and as the eldest, it will always be your responsibility to look after your younger siblings."
"You need to guard those children not just their physical health but their mental health."
"We need to be the Guardians of our civil liberties."
"He's strong and resilient. As his guardian, I think he deserves to know his roots, his story."
"Only Anna's close friend Pamela Bon has expressed willingness to take the boys in."
"We are responsible for Melanie, we are all she has."
"Between sunrise and moonset, day and night, there is a group of guardians of taste and spreaders of gustation."
"I feel as though we were being watched over by those Native Americans that lost their lives there, a strong but calm and protective presence."
"We're not just looking after this thing; in my opinion, this thing is looking after us as well."
"For He shall give His angels charge over you, to guard you in all your ways."
"Lasers are the ultimate guardians of the sea, with the speed of light as their ally."
"The angel of the Lord is around me, protecting me daily."
"That project is called Kindred Guardians."
"That is their job, and they know that's their job, is to watch over their livestock."
"For now, Antias and his Gods guard the secrets of Mount Nemrud as they have done so for the past 2,000 years."
"I am LAX, the most powerful lizard warrior on this planet, and its guardian."
"I always took care of my brother... so the feeling was closer to being a guardian rather than a sister."
"There's a silent strength in their stature, a Timeless watch over the lands that have birthed countless stories."
"Demons became kindly ones haunting the earth, being guardians of mortal men."
"It is your destiny to feel the force, you'll forever be an honorable, brave, and trustworthy guardian of peace and justice throughout the galaxy."
"The tall trees stood like sentinels, their branches reaching towards the sky, seemingly hiding secrets within their rustling leaves."