
Meritocracy Quotes

There are 1169 quotes

"Sports is as close to a true meritocracy that there is, but outside of that meritocracy, black men struggle to find the same accolades and celebrations."
"It is not the color of your skin, the god you believe in, or where you were born that will determine your success but just your own hard work and endeavor."
"The meritocracy suggests that there should be objective metrics by which we succeed or fail."
"Not everybody should feel good about themselves. We never used to have self-esteem movements because self-esteem was earned."
"I don't care what color you are; are you good at the job? Cool, you have it."
"A highly competent person from a poor family has a lesser chance at life than an incompetent person from a rich family."
"The crisis of whiteness is what he terms the effect of the meritocracy being undermined by people being privileged enough to be given positions without earning them."
"America is all about the best idea wins; it's not about egos. It's all about productive collaboration."
"Competence and meritocracy are good for everyone."
"It's one thing to earn your spot somewhere. It's a very different thing to just be given it because I feel bad for you. It's like getting a participation trophy."
"Capitalism is inherently a hierarchy of merit, where people will rise and fall within a marketplace based on three factors: one, how much effort they put into it; two, how much of that effort becomes victories; and three, how much they're able to learn from the effort if that effort becomes defeats."
"The only basis for promoting somebody should be their skills, talents, and their integrity."
"Meritocracy and individualism... just reinforce hierarchies that end with disparate outcomes."
"The door was always open for women... video games are perhaps the ultimate meritocracy."
"I'm really a 'best idea wins' kind of person."
"Sports is the ultimate meritocracy. If you are the best at what you do, you get paid the most and you are allowed to excel. That's what should happen in all of American society."
"Bridgewater is an idea meritocracy in which the goal is to have meaningful work and meaningful relationships through radical truthfulness and radical transparency."
"I grew up poor, literally, worked my ass off in high school, got a full ride merit scholarship, and did everything humanly possible to land my current six-figure job."
"I need the best person for the job... None of that matters; are they going to help me achieve that thing?"
"Meritocracy was invented as the handmaiden of equality of opportunity but it's become an enormous obstacle to opportunity in the United States today."
"We've constructed a social and economic order with massive structural exclusion... and meritocracy recharacterizes this structural exclusion as an individual failure to measure up."
"Our tradition calls for success based on meritocracy."
"Meritocracy has a dark side because it generates hubris among the winners and humiliation among those who are left behind."
"I wanted to build an idea meritocracy in which independent thinkers would challenge each other."
"We're a nation built on basic ideas like the rule of law, like free speech and open debate, that we embrace meritocracy over grievance."
"I believe in meritocracy. I want the floor to be a reasonable floor so I want people to have the basics met."
"Equality is equality of opportunity, meritocracy."
"A society that does that will not long survive, at least not if it's a society that preaches to its people concepts like equal opportunity or meritocracy."
"America is the greatest social experiment in the history of the world... because it is an argument for merit before diversity."
"The American people get the president that they want, the president that they deserve."
"Our goal is to reward the smart and to reward the people who work hard."
"It's not limited to just their race, which is why that would be an equal policy if you allowed people to be judged based on their merit and not based on their skin color."
"Careers should be open to talents; there should be formal equality of opportunity regardless of the accident of birth."
"What we're responding to in sports is the belief that the best players are on the field, regardless of their background. We trust the meritocracy of sport."
"The danger in abandoning the meritocratic principle... you end up completely destroying the meritocratic principle."
"Meritocratic societies have higher levels of productivity. If you take family companies and compare them with public companies that appoint people primarily on merit, you will see that public companies are more productive."
"Meritocracy is also essentially a form of liberal individualism. It says that individuals should be judged on the basis of their own efforts and abilities."
"Meritocracy, in my mind, is super duper important."
"Meritocracy doesn't exist but it should, so I will try and contribute any little way that I can."
"Influence, wealth, prestige, whatever your aspirations, in a meritocracy, the rule is that the only way to get there is by doing something of merit."
"I want Britain to be the world’s great meritocracy – a country where everyone has a fair chance to go as far as their talent and their hard work will allow."
"We have a system in which truly bad luck, that is to say misfortune that does not arise from bad decision-making, can ruin you. That's very bad from the point of meritocracy."
"I don’t pretend this change will be easy – change rarely is – but this is the change we need if we are to make Britain the great meritocracy I want it to be."
"In a true meritocracy, we should not be apologetic about stretching the most academically able to the very highest standards of excellence."
"This is the plan to deliver them and to set Britain on the path to being the great meritocracy of the world."
"Sports is the only true meritocracy in America because when you put two guys on a football field or in a boxing ring or on a track or on a basketball court, it's obvious and undeniable who's the best."
"What do we lose when we penalize Asian American success or just American success because it's not just about Asian Americans, it's about anybody who works hard, studies hard, tries to be successful."
"You take away meritocracy, and people earn things not based on merit but based on identity."
"If you study hard and you work hard, you can be the best of the best of the best."
"Meritocracy, man. If you earn it, if you can do it, then there you go."
"If we succeed, this is going to be the most productive and meritocratic moment in the history of our species."
"The pro gaming scene likes to present itself as a meritocracy where pure talent is all that matters."
"I think that it helps everyone if they end race-based affirmative action in college admissions. It restores merit in the United States."
"Not giving people unfair advantages encourages merit. It encourages those people who want to succeed."
"Wouldn't we just want merit? It doesn't matter what race you are if you're good for the job."
"Meritocracy is very important; it's almost enshrined in our national pledge."
"Americans are united by shared ideas and commitments such as the ideals of equal opportunity and individual merit. Our military functions as a reflection of our national meritocracy."
"I would love to see America embrace a little bit more meritocracy in their system."
"Meritocracy as a way to get ahead in America—that's deeply personal to me."
"I want my successes to be linear with how hard I work, who I am, how much I learn, rather than 'Oh, we're giving you extra points because we know how hard it is for your people.'"
"I want the team to pick itself, but on merit, not just, 'Oh, I'm such and such a person, I play in this position, of course, I'm going to be selected.'"
"Meritocracy is almost impossible but is often touted as a solution."
"Committed to meritocracy, a fundamental value of course of Chinese government since Confucius."
"I would just be pissed if I won the greatest award you could win in my craft, and all they reported was my ethnicity. How about she was just the best one?"
"The idea of just moving away from coercion as the prime mover in human affairs obviously leads to a more meritocratic world."
"I live in the world of meritocracy and jurisprudence."
"Sunisa Lee just came up from the dirt and took it over. She doesn't have a gatekeeper. It's a meritocracy in sports."
"Football is about sporting merit... we are seeing that sporting merit is becoming less and less important."
"I've never hired anyone based exclusively on race, gender, or religion. I only ever hire the person that will put my business in the best position to succeed."
"Once you give people a fair race, once you give people a free education, once you give people free healthcare, once you give people a living wage, once you give people an opportunity, well then you can fairly say in a society that is somewhat of a meritocracy in a social democratic setting, 'Hey, it's on you now.'"
"We need meritocracy. Someone who's got proven skills, who's worked in the industry, will be invited to come speak and share their knowledge."
"Capitalism is the foundation of what...Meritocracy."
"We live in a meritocracy. If they really go for it, then they can achieve just as much as men, and more women are now graduating from college as compared to men in a lot of areas."
"We need to be very cautious about anything that is anti-meritocratic and anything that results in the suppression of free speech."
"The woke mind virus... is often anti-meritocratic. You can't question things, even the questioning is bad."
"The fact that an illegitimate immigrant could achieve such heights at the age of 22 was a reflection of the American meritocracy that Hamilton would forever remain grateful for."
"You deserve the success because you put the work in."
"He said, 'You're here on merit, you deserve to be here.'"
"If you and I work the same job for the same number of hours with the same skill set but you do a better job, you deserve to be paid more."
"Democracy dies without meritocracy." - Tim Cast
"We need leaders who believe in the merits of science."
"I think it means you get ahead not on the color of your skin but on the content of your character."
"It's about what works and making money and it's about meritocracy."
"You have to earn it, you have to work for it in some way."
"Your race doesn't decide how successful you are going to be in this country. You decide that. Your qualifications."
"If you work hard, you can succeed. It doesn't mean you will but there is nothing about tom brady being a trump supporter or being a white man that guaranteed him this victory."
"Those who have landed on top have come to believe that their success is their own doing, the measure of their merit, and by implication, that those who struggle, those left behind, must deserve their fate as well."
"Meritocracy, even a perfectly realised one, is corrosive of the common good, because it enables those who succeed to believe that their success is their own doing."
"The tyranny of merit in our politics, in our public life, in our economy."
"It could be the beginning of a way back from the harsh ethic of success."
"Meritocracy is not only a myth that is impossible to achieve."
"Let me be clear: your nomination is not about filling a quota. It is about time."
"To get what you want, you must deserve what you want."
"If you're not hiring based on merit alone, one system failing starts other systems to start failing."
"I support freedom, individuality, and meritocracy."
"We all, all our experiences, all our interactions serve a purpose."
"People are judged by their merit, not by their skin color."
"The right of command bred chaos but also ensured the strongest rise to lead."
"This isn't about sexuality, this is about ability."
"Applicants should only be judged based on their performance and qualifications."
"The biggest thing, you come in through merit and you have to come legally."
"Nobody cares about your gender, your age, your color, the language you speak, or where you live. It's all about what do you bring?"
"You just do good work and then you get recognized."
"You should give the job to the qualified person because they would do a better job for the community."
"I don't care if you have a degree or not I care if you have a portfolio you're passionate and you can prove it."
"How can you call those people racist but you can't call someone racist who literally believes that black people are incapable of succeeding in a merit-based system by their own words?"
"It's not about gender, it's about greatness."
"If you work hard and you and you and you show that in your performances you're to get a chance."
"I urge you all to remember... Thank God for meritocracy."
"We must agree on this fundamental principle: all of our views should be judged on their merits, not on the color or sex or sexual orientation of the speaker."
"He didn't let anyone off from that. He didn't say it would be a free gift. He said, 'You must work at it.' And that's what you could see from these three, how they were working at it."
"They have a sense of fairness, so when they're... there is someone who works for this person then they will see them for their skills and what they're capable of and not for them being under them when it comes to career."
"Merit, no matter under what skin found, is in the long run recognized and rewarded."
"You have to earn it, you have to work for it, and that's something that I see a lot of people missing."
"He cared little of title or rank. What mattered was performance."
"Let everybody in, be included. Let the motto be meritocracy."
"The meritocracy piece, the equality of opportunity, not outcome."
"You got to earn your way in, I don't like all this other, you know, top eight everybody else go home."
"The more meritocratic the system, the less racism it will have built into it."
"You went for a reason, you won your games, and you know they wouldn't be here if they don't deserve it."
"Scientology is a meritocracy. There are no glass ceiling limitations based on race, gender, ethnicity, or similar criteria."
"Meritocracy is the system where you are able to achieve the maximum of your god-given potential."
"Sports is a meritocracy. It inculcates the idea that you are part of a team and there's something larger than you."
"Truth is under assault... Merit is under assault... any kind of objectivity or reasoning is under assault."
"You have to have a system that encourages people to behave to the limit of their abilities and puts them in the right place."
"It doesn't matter what your name is, if you're good enough, you'll be given a chance."
"Trust me, I do not discriminate. If somebody's got the juice, they got the juice."
"Why can't we have a merit-based type of immigration system?"
"To me, it's just about merit and happiness. Practical optimism."
"Statistical disparity does not necessarily mean discrimination. Meritocracy rules from the NBA to the halls of academia."
"If we had truly equal chances and if we deliberated about what social contributions really were worthy, then the greatest rewards and honor should flow to the people who make those most valuable contributions to the common good."
"It felt like they earned everything they got."
"Gender is irrelevant, hire based on talent and merit."
"Merit-based arguments, not gender-based decisions."
"Representation here you go. Ready, hear me out: Does not matter. Contribution does. Actual talent does. Hard work does. Family does. God does."
"When you put race over meritocracy and hire a politician just because of their race, you're not necessarily gonna get a good one."
"Democracy was supposed to be a reflection of meritocracy but it had become ocracy."
"Bernie wants to make it more of a meritocracy give people an equal opportunity give people the basics don't burden them."
"There is no meritocracy that we have in this country and that's the point and that's the point."
"Empowerment of any community to be American and to succeed based on your own merit."
"You want the best people in office, you don't want people in office because of their race, religion, or creed."
"Collaboration is king and the best idea wins no matter who it's from."
"Success is impartial to who steps up and does the work it's just that simple."
"We should judge people based on their qualifications, their merit. We're not just, we're now openly judging people on their race or their sex." - Andy Puzder
"I didn't get what I don't deserve. I got what I earned."
"Nothing makes me happier than when entrepreneurs on merit out work, out succeed me, 'cause that's the game."
"The very idea of considering people based on their qualifications is now anathema to the left."
"I'm a big believer in hard work should get rewarded, and I love meritocracies."
"We really believe that it gives more people the opportunity to showcase and get rewarded for how talented they are."
"Best man plays, best man gets paid. It is a meritocracy. That is what America should be."
"I think Disney has brought in so many of those [resentful narcissists]. Whereas if you hire somebody who believes in meritocracy and wants to do the very best they can, you're going to do swimmingly well."
"It's all about, I think, it should be based on merit. Tenure does speak to merit."
"We should be here on merit, not on a whimper, it's cowardice."
"The best way to get what you want in life is just to deserve what you want."
"Every job should have a much higher cap on how good you are at that thing, we should reward competence a lot more than we do right now."
"You get ahead in this country not on the color of your skin but on the content of your character and your contributions."
"A lot of Americans believe that we live in a meritocratic system, and we really don't."
"But at the end of the day it's such a cliche but the cream does rise to the top, the best will eventually just be seen as the best."
"Kids who put in the time academically or athletically, thousands and thousands of hours studying and training and actually earning their grades were positioned in their sport."
"Focus on Merit. What matters is how good is your work."
"You don't get what you want out of life, you get what you earn out of life."
"Do not put a woman in a position she did not earn."
"No Society can ever achieve its potential if there is no rule of law because Merit is also associated with rule of law."
"I just believe in a meritocracy. If you're good for the job, I don't give a shit."
"A world of ideas competing nations competing, where the best ideas win."
"Equality of opportunity is what you strive for, not equality of outcome."
"This is the freest and fairest land where you and I can go as high as our character, our grit, and our talent will take us."
"Do we live in a meritocracy? Well, Bret Stephens still writes for the New York Times."
"I think the best people always surface, you know?"
"The good stuff rises to the top no matter where it comes from."
"Meritocracy: getting ahead based on character and contributions."
"When you admit based on merit, there's going to be certain racial disparities, but it's whether the disparities are just."
"It's not about being deserved, it's about the obvious upgrade."
"You can truly get rewarded for your efforts, your talents, and your abilities."
"Earn your spot, earn the respect. Don't wait for anybody to give you anything."
"Nation of Victims: Identity politics, the death of merit and the path back to excellence."
"This club here Chelsea is about to be ready. We have no promises to make to no players. We have no gifts to give. You have to fight hard."
"The best and the brightest are not the most popular."
"When you start hiring people based on political ideology instead of talent, merit, skill..."
"I've got to earn it when I'm in the movie, so I gotta earn it."
"Income tends to persist across generations instead of a more meritocratic approach."
"You end up where you deserve to be at the end of the season."
"When I think about who I want to be, I would prefer to succeed or fail based on those merits."
"That's how the stimulation falls, yeah, I mean, I personally, I want my doctors, my lawyers, my accountants to be judged based on merit, you know, what they actually perform like."
"What matters is how good your work is, not your gender, race, or beliefs."
"The Oscars are both a result of and also feed into our really messed up cultural narratives about meritocracy."
"People who are willing to put in the work to be better deserve an opportunity."
"If meritocracy won out, you know, what do you do? What do you do if that winner is decisive? The winner gets probably a title shot, right?"
"The cream is still going to rise to the top."
"You get what you deserve in May and there's still an opportunity."
"Ultimately, I think that it is. All American kids deserve it if they put a key in, but Australian kids only deserve it if they're smart enough to then flip the switch too."
"You should not feel junior or sub-junior, whoever trains hard will succeed."
"I just love it when the good guys, the guys that you see work for it, get to go out there and benefit from all they've done."
"It's a meritocracy now when it comes to media."
"Public officials shall be chosen not by votes nor by secret cliques, but by their own ability."
"The meritocracy of the internet is a very good thing."
"We want strong borders with people able to come in through merit, through a legal process."
"Sometimes you don't always get what you deserve; you get what you work for."
"You have to put something out of value... because we're still living in a merit-based system."
"If you deserve to play, you're going to play."