
Spiritual Alignment Quotes

There are 325 quotes

"When we trust completely, our physical, mental, and spiritual planes of consciousness harmonize with the heartbeat of the Earth."
"Every time any of us respond with love and align with our true nature as connected, unified beings, it turns up the light."
"You're in the process of being in alignment with your soul and divine plan."
"If you trust that the universe has your best interest at heart and is going to deliver you to your highest good, then you can give yourself a gold star."
"God wins, and I want to be on His side. I want to be found on the Lord's errand because if we already know God wins, then if we're combined with Him, then we also know the end that you win too."
"It's reminding you of your divine right to be happy, your divine path which hopefully you're aligning to."
"Embrace the lessons and the changes that come; they are working in your divine alignment."
"According to alchemy, when you align all five alchemical planets along with the Sun and soul and the moon and spirit within a hermaphroditic body, you create perfect Azoth."
"I see someone that can help you achieve your goals and has that same divine energy that you do."
"Your growth has been acknowledged by the universe."
"the only way to be aligned with the universe is to serve because then you're acting in alignment because the universe is serving so when you're serving you are now in the universe you're now with the universe."
"The connection is congruency. May we elucidate? The identity of the vibration Ra is our identity."
"Abundance is about attunement to its energy."
"When I'm connected to my joyful presence, I attract support from the universe."
"Alignment with our Soul's purpose and maybe even alignment with the universal will of the whole."
"Stay strong, have patience... stay true to your heart, your soul, your aligned connection."
"Our standard needs to be: Do they love Jesus? Do they have a job?"
"If a relationship no longer glorifies God but instead glorifies itself, it's time to move on. It's time to look forward."
"Write your own destiny and realize that it all happened in divineness."
"Truth is truth and it's not that I think was Ronald Reagan that said he kind of lovingly rebuked somebody who said we need God on our side and Reagan turned and said we don't we need to get on God's side."
"We were there for Jesus King, we were there, oh my God, we're imagine by accident by accident because our energies are aligned by on purpose by God's purpose."
"You don't have creative power. You can agree with life or you can agree with death. You can agree with God or you can agree with the devil."
"When you're in alignment, doors of opportunity open based on your vibration."
"Loving kindness is aligning with the truth of interconnectedness."
"You're being guided to step into your power here and speak your mind because it's aligned to your spiritual integrity."
"You are matching up perfectly with your higher self."
"This new moon in Pisces is an opportunity to get out of our own ways, to get out of our own ways."
"One's likeability can also be seen as a spiritual validation aligning with advanced Souls with their higher truths."
"When I live and act from a place of spiritual alignment, I can entrust that everything is working out for me, even if I don't know when or how it will happen."
"God never called you to do it... anything outside of the will of God will make you unhappy."
"Your frequencies are rising, you're tuning into the frequencies that are meant for you."
"2020 was not a year of keeping your schedule; it was a year about coming into alignment with His presence."
"When I live and act from a place of spiritual alignment, which is focusing or following what feels good, I can trust that everything is working out for me."
"Your chakras are going to get more in balance and alignment, which is going to make you feel so much better overall."
"It's like you're done with the things that don't feel right."
"Ultimately this is actually going to fully align you with a brand new higher vibrational timeline that is going to set a trajectory to victory for you."
"When you are in alignment with God's plan for your life, even the bad times will actually be a setup for his good purpose."
"The minute you find authority and get under it, heaven opens over your head."
"You're really syncing up with your guides, with the universe, with Divine, with your higher self."
"Move forward in complete blind hope, blind faith, to trust the energetic realignment you are feeling."
"People from our past can re-enter our lives at a point when we are both spiritually ready."
"They're going to start to do what God is doing and you're going to do it his way."
"If you're not standing where God wants you to stand, it won't make any difference."
"Let this mind be in you that's also in Christ Jesus."
"Stay in alignment to your heart, nature, and the oneness of God."
"Right now, you're trying to make clear plans about your path and this is a way for you to basically keep in tune with your higher-self."
"Your inner World creates your outer World by aligning your thoughts with the divine Essence within you you bring forth the life you desire."
"Just knowing is not enough, you have to align with the Christ force in your heart."
"You are aligned to soul tribe energetically, and you guys give each other support and love."
"When you are with your twin flame, you feel at one with the universe."
"One ceremony was a deception, smoke and mirrors, the other ordained by God."
"Prayer isn't just getting God to do what we want, but aligning our will to His."
"We're stepping into alignment with who you say we are we're not gonna back down in this fight."
"When you align yourself with the spiritual qualities of the divine mind, you will also implement your powers of soul perception."
"Authentic empowerment is found on the path of alignment with your soul's purpose."
"Yes you are on the right path you are doing what your soul came here to do."
"Turn your faces in its direction, the first part of it was rasulullah saw salem."
"All mystical experiences are actually taking you out of a dissonance and forcing you back into resonance with yourself."
"I desire the Divine ideas only to come to pass under grace and in perfect ways."
"Living in alignment with your Soul's path is meant to feel good; you're always expanding, always growing."
"Your Universe picks your Direction; every decision either aligns with your higher self or your ego."
"Let go and let the universe align things for you."
"Confirmation that you are tapped in, you are tuned in, you are being led down the path that you feel."
"Put your mouth in alignment with what God says and not the circumstances."
"Combining your spiritual Mission and purpose with material success."
"Authenticity means that you're not fake, you are who God wanted you to be."
"Heaven conspires with earth to bring the blessing."
"We can now merge our physical and non-physical selves; it means that we can walk the physical shoes of a master."
"We start to align more of the divine to flow through us."
"I'd rather be on St. Michael's side than on Lucifer's side."
"Alignment of energetic bodies is crucial for manifestation."
"Recognize how your soul is maneuvering you onto your true path."
"Plants and ceremonies meant to align my spirit and bring it into harmony with the earth energy and the spirits of the natural world."
"Be mindful of your words; what you say matters. Align your words with God's word and declare His promises over your life."
"Be authentically you... truly connected with your divine purpose."
"Breaking pride because the Bible says, 'where your treasure is, there your heart is also.'"
"This year is more about your true calling, connecting to things that resonate with your soul and heart."
"It's almost like you're being brought together, your energies are on the same frequency."
"If you're not right with God, you've got nothing."
"Deja vu occurs in your life when you are on the right path or when you are doing exactly what you're supposed to be doing in that moment."
"Choose you for once, because we cannot shift into a higher vibrational frequency without you coming from a pure open unpacked Connected To Source place."
"Pray for God's perfect will to be done in your life, not your own."
"All of this now puts you in line with revelation."
"Don't you want to spend your one shot on earth doing the thing that God is doing while you're on earth?"
"For those that are aligned to Christ, it'll be good... Those who were walking close to God, no matter what they faced, came through because God was with them."
"Their heart and crown chakras are in alignment, opening the heart and mind for new beginnings in love."
"You are in total alignment with yourself, with the universe, and things are unfolding."
"Your light is helping divine timing. Right place, right time. As above, so below, you're increasing your light."
"Step into an energy alignment, and watch for signs."
"I am aligned with you at a soul level, but I am vibrating on a higher timeline."
"What you need to worry about is yourself making sure that you are right with the most high."
"Gemini energy, a match made in heaven blessed by Archangel Raphael."
"Don't do anything against your spirit. Listen to yourself."
"Move with faith, everything aligns perfectly when we move in faith, that's true."
"Trust the universe to align you with what you need."
"The faithful practice of the preceding steps should here now have brought you into perfect accord with this process."
"We're entering a new chapter of life, and it's gonna be fun, it's gonna be great."
"Prayer is not the means of exercising your own will; prayer is the means by which we cause earth to come into alignment with the Heavenly Realm."
"Our prayers are not the voice; our prayers are The Echoes of his voice."
"Pray for more of Him, aligning yourself with His will."
"When you speak the word aligned with God's will, it produces power."
"The presence is with me wherever I go. Anything could happen right now."
"If your spirit ain't right, nothing will fall into line."
"Her ideal is the closest to the Heavenly principles."
"You can only be an inspiration, a beacon of light, and those who are ready and open can align with you."
"You guys are in tune at a higher level, guided to avoid the traps and pitfalls of the world."
"With each new morning, we have the chance to decide what truly matters, to focus on our relationship with God, and to align our actions with our values."
"When you find that Center place of the universe... you can start allowing everything that is truly yours to enter into your life."
"If our consciousness is right then that whole thing will fall into place again."
"God's will is for it to be on earth the same as it is in heaven."
"Life, whether short or long, is an opportunity to align with God's purposes and to treasure our days in accordance with his will."
"To confess is to agree with God. It's an absolute change from the inside out."
"Prayers are to be offered according to God's will, not our own will."
"Acting from intuition: aligning with the harmonious flow."
"Know thyself, because only when we know thyself will we be a frequency match to beings who are giving us beneficial and clear information."
"I'm in divine alignment and living my life purpose."
"I realized my biggest protection is alignment."
"Spirit, the universe, and the way that my planets are aligned... hinting at the idea of me preparing for some really radical changes, some really radical shifts. It all felt positive, it all felt motivating, and I am so here for it."
"If you're on the path that you need to be on, what you're created for, what your divine spark is, seems like the synchronicities present themselves more often."
"Love is the highest vibration in which we can attune ourselves to as humans."
"Your manifestation will come at perfect timing."
"Synchronicities will happen when you are aligned with them."
"Being in alignment with divine will is key to fulfillment and happiness."
"By consistently aligning yourself with the energies of the new moon... you can manifest your deepest desires."
"You have the power and the focus and the will of the magician and therefore you have a huge say in your path."
"When you're in alignment with the universe, you will not miss your mark. Get clear on your desires and intentions."
"You're not informing God when you pray. You are conformed to God when you pray."
"If your business platform, your whole entire life's purpose is connected to a higher purpose, connected to a purpose that feels connected to your soul, that feels more connected to God in the universe, I guarantee you, you will not fail."
"Numbers repeating themselves means you're in alignment with your life, the universe is speaking to you at that time."
"Jesus wants us to see whether we're being and doing what he designed us to be."
"You're very spiritually in tune. You're the king of wands, a defender, a warrior, very confident and secure in yourself."
"This is divine energy, divinely guided energy."
"You're going to be sacrificing something in this relationship, and if you're sacrificing something godly, then it isn't the right time for you."
"You're partnering up with the right soul tribe."
"Aliens are real, do they pose a threat to us? No, they only pose a threat to those individuals who are against the Creator."
"You're wearing the crown; the universe is pleased with the level of spirituality you practice."
"Taking the path that is spiritually aligned for your future growth."
"The only way you can truly transform and move into this energy of purpose and really step into alignment with your higher self is to change your environment."
"Things have no ability to keep you happy. The only thing that can keep you happy is being right with God."
"Remember, the journey of transformation is ongoing, and each step we take in aligning our physical space with our spiritual values brings us closer to the life we aspire to lead."
"When you really step into that divine flow, that's when you really open up to abundance."
"You're matching the frequency of your divine counterpart by paying attention to your own needs."
"Aligning with the galactic center boosts psychic abilities and intuitive insights, offering a clearer connection with divine consciousness."
"This connection is meant to come together to serve a higher purpose."
"We must speak in alignment with God's Will and word."
"Only when we speak in alignment with the word of God does then the words we speak have creative power."
"You're going either be on God's side or you're going to be on the world's system."
"Your heart space your mind your intuition is guiding you directly where it is that you are supposed to be."
"This is your perfect match and you both are here on a spiritual mission."
"Find your bliss: I am following a path I love and am fully aligned to my soul purpose."
"How to get in alignment with your true self at the highest level and discover who you are in truth."
"You're not only drawing it and magnetizing it towards you but you're also walking towards it."
"I just record, bruh. When I feel like it's aligned with how I feel spiritually, like how do I, where am I at, how do I feel, your message and where you're coming from, and you as a person, where are we at, are we aligning?"
"The more you align your steps with His, the more you will experience growth and transformation."
"You're not enough? Rewrite your story based on His story of your life."
"When we align our lives with God's word and put him first, we find clarity, purpose, and direction."
"Judgment is decisions coming out of heaven that are setting things in place."
"You're powerfully aligned with Jesus and other ascended masters at this time."
"Fasting realigns you, not physically, but spiritually. It brings everything into alignment, brings everything into perspective."
"By honoring God and following his Commandments, we align ourselves with a higher purpose."
"Take care of yourself, align the stars, follow your gut; it brings healing."
"When things seem to align perfectly ly and unfold with a sense of divine timing it's a testament to your higher self orchestrating the Symphony of your life."
"Circumstances are just the condensation of thoughts and opinions. But when you lift your vibration and know who you are, everything bends towards you."
"If one cannot attune their hearts to Christ, then the etherized process will work against them and solidify their devolution."
"The heart has the ability to take the trauma... and align it with God."
"As we align our hearts with his, the barriers of complacency and discontentment crumble... and we find ourselves walking in the Abundant Life."
"If you see something that's Haram or sinful, you find yourself resented, you don't find it appealing, know that alhamdulillah there is the pleasure of Allah with you."
"Moving in alignment with the spirit of truth."
"God loves you too much to give you something that goes against his will for you."
"There is limitless possibility here. Trust that anything arising at this time is for our highest good."
"Your heart, when your heart is right with God, when your heart is going after the right things, the Lord tends to favor you."
"This person is aligning with your highest good."
"Your soul is smiling with joy as you align with this truth."
"To lift the veil so that you can see the choices before you more clearly and can then choose to align yourself with the will of spirit."
"He was saying everything that I had been praying for... he was answering those secret petitions of my heart."
"When you're with the one whom God has truly created for you, there's an ease."
"To break free from The Matrix all you need is the knowledge of real you, align with your Divine self."
"Some of you might also be Piscean energy with the moon as well."
"Prayer for him is a way for him to align himself with God's will rather than trying to pull something from God."
"The gods of the new age, you have to align yourself with that energy."
"Your soul path being on the right one is important to you."
"Your fasting, sacrifices, and faithfulness align you with God's original intent for your life. Manifestation is imminent."
"Your entire life is going to be a train wreck if you can't tell the difference between your motives and Christ's motives."
"Quit saying what you say and say what God says."
"God's guidance unfolds in our lives: aligning our steps with his word, finding comfort in his presence, and trusting his direction."
"Islam is so unique, it's believing in your heart understanding it's part of your nature, but also agrees with the mind."
"When you start acting in line with the deepest rhythm of reality... you're going to unleash power."
"I'm trying to locate where is he, what is he wanting to do so I make sure I tune in to what God is doing instead of running with my emotions and then miss God and miss everything."
"You are divinely protected; trust in the guidance around you."
"You're both on the right track, a very spiritually mature couple."
"Those who have endured faithfully and withstood the fire and have endured the process will see things aligned in the spirit and in the natural which shall before your very eyes manifest the most incredible blessings."
"The minute that I acknowledge the truth that they are real they exist I fall into alignment of my holy path."
"The higher vibration... you are not here and you are actually vibrating and matching them more than think."
"Feeding the hungry to be right with God is to be right with the people."
"Another thought that I get from this degree is not only that we want to get to a more aligned Divine space and we are close to getting there, but there's a few things we have to get in order first, which is very frustrating."
"Uranus wants to liberate you from anything that no longer serves you wants to set you free from anything that's holding you back or is not in alignment with your true authentic nature and your natural frequency."
"Life is full of chaos and full of pain and heartbreak but god also knows that we have the ability to retune our minds in our soul to kind of align back to our greater purpose in life."
"Follow your inner vision while remaining true to your heart. Let your spirit dictate every action."
"This is a deeply karmic, deeply transformative energy that is going to align us with our beliefs, our integrity, and force us to let go of anything that is not in alignment."
"What you receive will be clearly meant for you, healthy, and supportive."