
Crime Solving Quotes

There are 305 quotes

"The crime that has played out for decades, intriguing a lot of fans with its mystery, has now finally been solved."
"This time, instead of toxic fandom, it's about the phenomenon of Reddit detectives who try to solve crimes on their own and usually just end up making things worse."
"Offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrests of the perpetrators."
"The DNA evidence can solve a substantial number of crimes nowadays."
"The public are so critical in solving crime and that's why the relationship between the police and the community has to have some cohesion to it."
"As a search for the woman progressed, investigators uncovered a web of lies and false accusations designed to hide the real perpetrator."
"Part of the proceeds Hunter the Killer makes goes to an organization that solves actual cold cases in real life."
"There's a really cool angle if you take it the way of like the cops going 'We need to think like the robbers'."
"Private laboratories like Parabon NanoLabs claim that they are currently helping police to crack these cases at an unprecedented rate of one per week."
"The most important part of policing in solving crime is connection with the community."
"In every murder you the same can under arises: it's where plus when plus how equals who."
"Androids have it better in my opinion. They can actually reconstruct a crime scene, scan everything with their eyes, detect residue. Pretty cool."
"The toughest moment for any investigator is not what they do to solve the crime."
"Investigators would not have been able to solve this crime without genetic genealogy."
"For more than a century, fingerprints have proven themselves a reliable and irrefutable way to link criminals to their crimes."
"It is vital we find the man in the dark green stocking cap to take that next step in this investigation."
"Searing temperatures and torrents of water are the enemies of crime-solving, but even in the blackened rubble, arson investigators can fan a few smoking embers into flames of justice."
"When killers are cunning and the truth is elusive, Vidoc Society experts provide the new perspective to bring cold cases back from the brink."
"A clove hitch is not unique, bow line is not unique but when you see those knots tied with the same type material in three different places it focuses in on the same person tying the knots."
"Solving a murder is not a matter of quote; it is a matter of getting the right guys and then being able to prove that they did it."
"More cold cases than ever are finally being solved, bringing relief and closure to the bereaved families."
"This is the process that was used to solve the Golden State killer case and it's one of the biggest breakthroughs in modern crime investigation."
"Investigators pieced together the burglars' intricate plan to breach the vault."
"Your DNA will hit the database in a matter of days. It's going to connect to all those files, all those missing unidentified persons."
"Without a victim, how can police catch the killer?"
"This case was pretty much solved within the first 24 hours because of technology."
"Advances in forensic science bring even the smallest details to light, revealing the fatal impressions that lead killers directly to justice."
"Just as a cold case can be solved using existing evidence even though the crime can't be observed today."
"A crime scene is a puzzle that has to be solved."
"It's about the details, small mistakes, that's how they get caught."
"It's only going to get worse, they're trying to destroy everything we used to love."
"America's Most Wanted is a vital tool to help us... catch a fugitive."
"One DNA test could solve this 45-year-old case."
"They were able to find bodily fluid male semen... a match to McCurley."
"For any unsolved crime, the answer could always be in the file."
"This is a horrific crime and it deserves to be solved, the police need to do their job."
"We were able to put pieces and pieces of information together... who perpetrated the crime."
"No piece of information is too small; every tip could be the one that leads to something very important."
"Mind-reading: this power could actually be pretty useful; you could find out if a girl likes you, find out someone's pin number, and if you used it in conjunction with the police you could actually help them find and stop dangerous criminals."
"He would almost be the PHD in criminal justice who found a way to solve his own crime and he got to be the star of his own show."
"Respecting the culprit's intelligence is crucial in solving this case."
"He essentially got him to confess to the poisoning."
"LA Noire uses its own detectives to solve the case, but the criminals and how they get caught are unchanged from the 1948 film."
"Sophisticated tracing of Bitcoin transactions... track down these disgusting organizations and bring them to justice."
"Sometimes it takes one psycho to catch another."
"The DNA matched. It was the connection they needed."
"I instinctively knew I had a second murder on my hands."
"There's currently a $3,000 reward for information that leads to an arrest."
"Perhaps, someone somewhere has that one vital clue that can help solve a mystery. Perhaps, that someone is watching. Perhaps, it's you."
"With the help of Dr. Lee Goff's insect analysis, authorities were able to identify the victim and his killer."
"A special thank you to Anthony Redgrave of Redgrave Research Forensic Services for his team's extensive work in helping identify Christine's killer."
"If anybody knows anything... we implore you to call Crime Stoppers."
"Identifying a killer through a DNA match increases the chances they may be linked to other unsolved cases."
"The best way to catch psychopaths is to tell the story backward."
"Personally, I really want Bruce to go through a grueling time trying to solve the crimes in this movie."
"This case serves as an example of the amazing potential of modern forensic technology to solve cases which were long considered hopeless."
"Everything that has to do with like solving a mystery or a crime or just mysterious I love it."
"It helps us identify perpetrators and find Justice."
"And with that DNA sample, law enforcement might just be able to end this 40-year-old mystery."
"The crime scene is a puzzle that has to be solved."
"After all this time, it came down to a cigarette butt to finally identify who murdered my mother."
"They went to work and this case is solved because a gentleman saw the information put out there and went to work looking around his media area where he lives."
"This is the mind-blowing science that is done in forensics to help solve crime. It really is an extraordinary field."
"The bubble wrap silencer explained how the square of plastic adhered to the bullet."
"Thirty-two years after her murder, authorities announced they had identified the killer."
"You've had an accomplice, and I know who it is."
"The Snohomish County Sheriff's Office had a brilliant idea: they put together a deck of playing cards of unsolved crimes and circulated them around prisons in the area."
"This case is personal for him... Working around the clock to find the killer."
"The cameras were crucial to the conviction of the killer."
"The breakthrough in the case came with the identification of Forest Clyde Williams III as the perpetrator."
"It's very difficult to solve the case if you don't know who it is."
"This was the absolute biggest and probably like only lead that they'd had in this whole investigation."
"I think it really enriches the gameplay for werewolves."
"Was it the hard work of detectives and advancement in technology that could possibly help solve some of the world's greatest cold cases in the years to come?"
"When you have DNA evidence, it's really the golden ticket in most cases."
"Someone out there has to know something about this person."
"Noreen Renier had proved vital in solving the case."
"Let's pray we catch that or somebody catches that guy."
"Most homicide detectives agree that the first 48 hours of a murder investigation are the most crucial."
"The carpet fibers found on the victims traced back to Bobby's car. They had found their killer."
"Hopeful we might actually catch him soon, wouldn't that be wonderful?"
"Some of these super like historic you know cases and stuff yeah like how much does the timing exactly really add to a case being solved or not you know yeah you wonder if someone would be able to get away with these types of crimes today."
"The challenge to us is to find and to establish the link from the crime scene to that individual."
"One person to come forward to help to solve this case."
"The records matched the dental remains: Paula Doherty had been found."
"Through perseverance and determination, these sleuths eventually uncovered the killer who had been hiding in plain sight all along."
"Concern of Lloyd Allen's neighbors brought a cunning murderer to justice."
"I think with how far we've come with DNA technology there's really no reason that this case can't be solved."
"Bloodhounds: the unsung heroes of crime detection."
"We were able to solve this cold case mystery."
"Motor Vehicles are the keys to so many solving so many crimes, and people don't even realize that."
"These cases prove that everyday normal people can help solve cold cases."
"We solved the crime, guys. This is the proof right there."
"It takes a split second for a gun to deliver death. Solving the crime takes much longer, but with increasing speed, expertise, and accuracy, forensic detectives are zeroing in on their deadly target."
"A crime scene is a puzzle that has to be solved, a who done it, a scattering of clues to be deciphered by clever detective work and the power of science."
"Without the public's help, a lot of unsolved cases will stay unsolved."
"There is no substitute for good old-fashioned on the street investigation."
"Finding her killer will also more than likely save lives."
"Thanks to forensic science, the mystery had finally been solved."
"Detective: Modern Crime Board Game is the game to get if you want to have someone unwrap something impressive."
"Your information, whether you believe it is significant or not, might be the piece of the puzzle that helps investigators solve these murders."
"Remember, your tip may be the key to solving this case."
"People have cameras up. You got millions of eyeballs and cameras. It worked with finding Gabby."
"Investigators don't waste a second of their time."
"This was a case built against Jason Carter instead of a case trying to solve a crime."
"CCTV footage is often one of the best types of evidence alongside DNA when solving a crime."
"It's not investigators who solve crimes, it's citizens... you guys are gonna solve a lot of crimes and you're gonna bring a lot of peace to a lot of people."
"With DNA evidence the public didn't know existed, detectives found their man last month--Jesus C. Mezquia, a 48-year-old Cuban native."
"It's one of those where it takes just one person to come forward with information or to recognize a suspect that could change everything."
"Authorities are dedicated to solving these crimes and terminating the careers of those who are out to kill."
"Turns out, there were a lot of people interested in solving cases like this, and online, a lot of heads are better than one."
"They released it to the media to solicit help from the public."
"My whole objective in life anymore is to help solve cold cases. It's been my life over half of my life that's all I know how to do."
"We'll solve any crime by dinner time."
"Every year, New Scotland Yard's experienced detectives unravel the twisted truth from the tragedies that unfold across the bustling capital city of London."
"To solve crimes, to detect the guilty, we must use our brains."
"Australia has told many stories of how dogged investigators and clever forensics have tracked down killers who might have otherwise got away."
"Every contact leaves a trace. It's down to detectives, crime scene investigators, and forensic experts to piece those clues together."
"If you put it in and you get a hit on a serial killer right or one of two other people who killed Asian women within a year in Baltimore... well now we've got enough to charge and convict somebody."
"Only forensic science can trace and with it the silent killers come to light and their heinous crimes become all too clear."
"People solve murders for us, especially with cold cases, people are the key."
"And that's how you catch a criminal."
"The suspect is still out there and I believe that my American audience especially we can help solve the criminal because I personally believe that this could have been an American suspect."
"We'll hear how some of the toughest and most disturbing crimes were solved thanks to the tiniest fragments of evidence."
"Detective Monty Beuttner was part of the investigative team that finally brought an end to the happy face killer's reign of terror."
"Thankfully Savelli now had a new tool at his disposal... forensic genetic genealogy."
"Justice in the form of DNA coming back to solve cases decades later."
"Forensic artist Karen Taylor had turned a single blurry photograph into an image that helped unmask and apprehend a bald-faced killer."
"A dog just helps solve the crime."
"Dead bodies plus everyone having access to the internet equals a large flow of amateur detectives who have taken it upon themselves to solve the crimes that authorities could not."
"Welcome to the program where you can help solve crime."
"Advances in forensic science... can be used to solve crimes that were once considered unsolvable."
"The following case could not have been solved without the most advanced crime tool of the 20th century."
"Utilizing these technologies can be the final spur needed to crack these cold cases once and for all."
"The dog was the difference, yeah, you know. I'm not saying we wouldn't have caught those people, but, um, we might not have, and it definitely would have taken a whole lot more risk."
"CCTV may feel like an intrusion of privacy but sometimes these CCTV Clips may even solve a case."
"Sarah's case would take a shocking turn when a surprise arrest was made and the damning CCTV evidence was released."
"It was by chance and good detective work by detective Hospital Anderson at Reading that actually broke the case."
"...go to the scene immediately after you get the case, go there more than once, speak to neighbors, speak to witnesses, look around for pod cameras."
"Solving a crime's not easy at all, but it looks like a lot of fun. I think it would be so cool to go solve a crime."
"Solving a crime is not easy at all, but it looks like a lot of fun."
"Viewers have so far led to well over 500 arrests on important cases."
"Advances in forensic science in the hands of inspired investigators can be used to solve crimes that were once considered unsolvable."
"It's just crazy how you can dead watch some s*** on camera. Me and wifey was looking at Citizen's app the other day and I straight solved the shooting."
"Can you help put police on the right track and name the man responsible?"
"The myth of the perfect murder was dispelled long ago."
"The truly amazing advances in technology that are now making it possible to solve cases."
"Witnesses thought he was driving a white van with a bus at taillight. Good job, witness."
"The new forensic techniques have been absolutely key in this investigation."
"...more than 30 hours after that scream, Gulfport investigators had already reached several conclusions about the murder of Karen Gregory."
"An analysis of his stomach contents put the murder closer to 10 p.m."
"To solve a crime, you've got to look at their lifestyle."
"Perhaps this was her true calling, applying her expertise in history to fighting crime."
"The more you know about the murdered person, the easier it is to guess who might have wanted to kill him."
"So the state also raised 12 million dollars for technology that would help Advance video evidence and other crime scene investigative tools."
"Karen expressed her thoughts, saying that the use of modern technology in solving the case was beneficial for her generation."
"A clever device, Watson. It is new to me in the annals of crime."
"Max and Sophie have caught the Rocky Rockford gang!"
"...the more eyes that we have on these types of cases, the more chances that we have of having them solved. You never know what thing you might see in one video and then pick up another clue from another video so I think that it's great."
"He enjoyed pursuing criminals and even studied psychology in his spare time."
"Thanks to the discovery of DNA and genealogy, more cases than ever before are finally being solved."
"With no forensic evidence, investigators hoped that the stolen items might lead to the identity of the killer."
"Take two characters with conflicting personalities and force them to work together, solving crimes and bringing villains to justice."
"Every month hundreds of viewers phone this program with information in the hope of helping to solve crime."
"We were actually changing the way that investigators were thinking of these kinds of crimes."
"It's not going to solve your crimes in a lot of cases. But it's going to give you that extra bit of information where your investigators have the opportunity of going out and continuing the case."
"I'd solved the crime of the century... okay, maybe it wasn't that big, but it was the biggest crime my city had ever seen."
"All it would take is just one person to come forward with a little bit more information, and we can break this case."
"Perhaps there's someone watching who can help solve one of these cases, and maybe it's you."
"For federal agents, the bank robbery became an intricate case in modern forensics and dogged determination."
"The new shape of crime detection is a double helix."
"With the help of reporter Ann Williams, solved crimes."
"With over half the cases of wanted fugitives being solved, more than 100 families being reunited, and even a handful of wrongly convicted people being exonerated and released."
"The purpose of the program remains the same as it ever has: to solve serious crimes with your help."
"On average, about one Crimewatch case in every six results in an arrest because of information from Crimewatch viewers."
"One of the key witnesses may be a Crimewatch viewer who, until she saw the program, had no idea that she might have been able to help."
"In the six years we've been on the air now, we've received more than 70,000 calls from viewers which have led to 251 arrests for serious crimes."
"Crime problems are best solved when three different but equally important groups work together: the police, the people, and the prosecutors."
"The community is tight on this and is actually with us in solving it."
"Crimes happen and you have a bunch of dots that need to be connected."
"The primary goals of criminal investigations involve determining whether a crime has been committed."
"Hello and welcome to the program where you can help solve crime."
"Sarah has quite a crazy TikTok story because she actually used the app to help solve a horrible crime that happened to her own sister."
"Sheer luck has prevented injuries, but sheer skill is what's needed to catch him."
"I always thought it'd be so cool like if I was like an investigator crime scene investigator or like works for like the FBI or something like really crazy and to be able to like solve true crime mysteries."
"When it comes to solving crimes or prosecuting criminals, you always want to look for eyewitnesses."
"Their testimony is the most trustworthy because of their unique first-hand perspective on what took place."
"Every clue, every piece of evidence, no matter how small, may be the key to solving the crime."
"There's somebody out there who did this crime, and we're going to find them."
"It's the totality of everything, you have to put all that together in order to deduce who is responsible for the crime."
"This is the first crime solved using wireless telegraph."
"I've got a name for the body, a motive for the murder, a murder weapon, and a suspect. That's not a bad day's work."
"We wanted it to feel very real; we wanted it to reflect what solving murders is really like."
"We're live and hopefully by the time we come off air with your help we'll be a lot closer to solving some of the UK's most serious crimes."
"Sometimes viewers come up with the tiniest scrap of information that helps to solve a crime."
"The fact that this case was solved by a simple Facebook post supports the idea that social media and online communication can be great contributors for solving crimes."
"This database has been such a boost to law enforcement to be able to help solve these crimes that otherwise would go unsolved."
"Let's see how his mind works, how he's able to solve crimes purely from a mental place."
"How did any crime ever get solved without today's technology? Honestly, I think about that a lot."