
Acquaintance Quotes

There are 477 quotes

"I wouldn't say we're close personal friends...but we have met in person."
"Most women who are raped, it's done by people they already know."
"I've come to know you, and you seem pretty cool."
"It's just an honor to be able to, you know, me getting a chance to know you a couple of years ago."
"I don't know her, I don't know her, I don't know her like that."
"The best way to get to know someone is still up relaxed fully and just let it take its course."
"One second you barely know this person, and the very next, they're like your pal for a good majority of your life, if not forever."
"I've known this girl for four years and she is over 21."
"It's going to be more friendly and collaborative, people actually getting to know each other."
"By the end of the video, you will be well acquainted and have more information to use on your end."
"I no longer consider you a stranger."
"I feel like especially these past two years, I've gotten to know you a bit better."
"Maggie was just about the sweetest person I had ever met."
"I was pretty glad to see someone I knew and liked coming onto the team."
"I've come about my car inspector I had a long talk last night with Madame Mion whose acquaintance I hope you'll make before long."
"This afternoon, four days later, a neighbor I have never met before showed up at my door."
"I've actually known Simon since I was 12 years old."
"I feel like James does everyone. I mean, also all the Toronto gays know each other, like, of course. So, yeah, that's so funny."
"Thank you sister and nice meeting you."
"I invited him for lunch, just you know, by the way, we met for the first time like three weeks ago."
"For me being able to spend time with with Steve uh oh you kicked it with Steve Austin for a first name basis yeah I've been to his house a couple times."
"I met a popular story, is well, I don't know if it's popular, but people that don't know Prime, uh, the homie Prime Kno's right-hand man amongst many other things."
"I've been wanting to have a chat with Miss Carrington anyway. I've heard so much about her recently from whom? From a friend of mine, a film director called Vince Langham."
"Don't worry, I had this chance to meet with old Mr. Hes."
"I just ran into my friend yti yachty."
"So it's been 30 hours since we first met Thomas."
"I've seen behind the curtain, I've known her when she was working at Wendy's in St Louis."
"You know, the standard that I held to the other girls of like, 'I didn't get that, per se.' I don't know this person."
"Over the years you just figure that stuff out and get to know people."
"I mean truth be told, it was like five or six years ago so I don't really know him anymore."
"When the dots were connected, I ain't know Rex and I ain't know Mook."
"I knew Murph, but I didn't see him day to day. Training cadre did."
"I know she said because I checked. But I'm kind of curious now that I've met you. You were just a name before."
"I'm not radioactive," he said. "I know she said because I checked. But I'm kind of curious now that I've met you."
"I've known Jane for a couple of decades now, and she, in fact, wrote the forward to my book."
"...but I think I do know the other guy who was one of the guys who was in Dream Team if I'm not mistaken."
"I've known him since 2012. We're about to hit 2019. That's a long time."
"You can work around someone for years and still don't know them."
"I do actually know the literal guy who runs the YouTube algorithm. His name's Todd."
"It was great to meet all the people."
"How about we just push through the awkwardness and get to know each other?"
"I've known Dan for a while and I have a ton of respect for him."
"Luckily, we had so many kind of common friends."
"I was picked up by Jimmy Walk. I'd never seen Jimmy."
"AIMEE introduces herself as AIMEE, and the two become acquainted."
"They may have forgotten to answer to their own names, so short had been their acquaintance with them."
"I didn't know you... until I met you."
"That's not the point. How do you know Luke?"
"Loving somebody without knowing them is fake love."
"It was really nice getting to know you. I just got more of like a friendly vibe at that."
"I just feel a connection. But you've never met him."
"Sarah, I went to school with her, she's really nice, she's hot."
"I never had a sense of who he was as a person. Getting to know him last night, I was like, 'This guy's pretty damn cool.'"
"I loved getting to know people, getting to know you, it was amazing."
"I was over at LJ's house, you guys know him as No Clutch Garage."
"They're very intrigued by you and wanting to know more about you."
"When I first moved here, I didn't know anybody."
"I really just want to get to know you all much more."
"I had a cousin...I knew someone years ago."
"When you're in the inner side with James Brown on a first-name basis, that's pretty cool."
"He's such a honestly really, really nice guy from day one when he sent his first email."
"He can be a real sweetheart once you get to know him."
"Shane's obsessed with numbers, Trisha P told me that years ago."
"Camilla Parker Bowles became known to other members of the House of Windsor, including the Queen."
"He's the most accessible guy I ever knew, he's the easiest touch I ever knew."
"I'm definitely gonna make it a point to get to know Coach."
"And you were friends with Apatow."
"You know what I know I don't really know you but like I'd honestly love to have the opportunity to just you know get to know you take you out sometime."
"Chance meeting on a flight to Las Vegas put New York's Cole Young and Detroit's Anthony Blackburn on each other's radar."
"We've known each other for about two years now."
"One of Sheila's friends when they were kids once went round to their house after school and she saw the inner workings of Ronald Simmons."
"I barely knew her but she was there to lift my spirits up every day."
"I got to know her through her dance more than anything"
"This is not a problem, it's been a pleasure getting to know you."
"I have been one acquainted with the night. I walked out in rain and back in rain."
"Are you cool with Kodak Black? Uh, I don't know him. Okay, no, 'cause I saw him posting Young Miami, saying, 'I don't know.' I don't know what's all that about. Like, I don't know him."
"I think I just met a cool person right now."
"Damn I think I just met a cool person right now."
"I guess I don't know Mike very well, but he seems nice and funny and also loyal."
"I happen to be on very good terms with both Earl Patron and Mary Newal."
"I knew her well, I actually know the Grammy people really well."
"Andrew never knew more than my first name."
"You should know at least one logger."
"He wasn't a stranger to the police force nor the villagers."
"He was thinking about someone you don't know. Well, maybe you know him by sight, and that's about all."
"They see you in a different light and they want to get to know more about you."
"What's your name? Oh, nice to meet you!"
"Ah, there goes Major Murphy on the other side of the street."
"I saw Carl and I tapped him on the shoulder and I said, 'It's nice seeing you two back together again.'"
"I'd like to thank you for joining me on my Star Destroyer. It was certainly great to make your acquaintance."
"I'm glad to have become better acquainted," he said and kissed her hand with a flourish.
"Every day she felt like she got to know just a little bit more about Stuart, and even though she tried not to admit it, she liked him more and more every day."
"I knew Troy all during my growing up years, especially high school. He's the same as always, he's better, he's incredible."
"I haven't met you properly yet, like this is crazy."
"He didn't know everybody. He didn't know Buntry, he didn't know Neck Bone."
"Everybody was honestly getting to know each other in a deep way."
"Do you know her?" "Yeah, we met a few weeks ago."
"You folks, you're telling your friends and relatives, at least listen to John and Mary McDougall. You know, come and spend a little time with them, get to know them."
"This person sees it as taboo to think of you as anything more than an acquaintance."
"I went over and met with David Kenner."
"She felt like an unexpected guest at someone else's dinner, learning that she and the saint didn't really know each other."
"This is Shanks buddy it's Shanks."
"I know someone. You know Sam Martin's... hole, right?"
"I want you to meet a former resident here, Tommy Jarvis."
"Everyone knew Michael, they all went to school with him, everyone knew Rita."
"The two were old acquaintances from the private investigator's days in law enforcement."
"Oh no disrespect, I just know boss personally."
"To be clear, I didn't even know that she had already been filming with the girls. Candy seems cool, we've been in similar circles prior to this AllCast event."
"Squad, before we bring Zadie in here, we need to get to know the princesses better."
"I'm heading out to the plane right now to fly out, be praying for my uh uh, y'all might know Roy Holton, was at my uh uh, book and tape table."
"When you meet someone and they're a total stranger, there's no one to hold them accountable."
"I'm really nice if you get to know me."
"Guess who I ran into at the gym back Strickland he watched me do Tabo and he thinks that I'd make a great boxer."
"Have you met Brandon Carter in real life? He's [ __ ] awesome, bro."
"Just saying, have you protected Tracy? Tracy and Elizabeth, who's uh drawn into, let's know, he's actually listened in Northern Ireland. So we've gone international, sure now."
"A dude who used to go to the skate park that was in the mall where Justin and I used to work uh he was arrested."
"I met Dom on the Twitching Tongues tour. Then it was after."
"Our friend Ricky runs a website called Tasty Chomps."
"I knew Tom pretty well, I knew his family, knew of his wife, knew that he had two kids... He was an extremely likable person, extremely knowledgeable and caring, and hardworking."
"You met someone at an event about two weeks ago."
"I've done more than one. I remember when you first came in, we came in to do, I came in and I was also sick and I didn't really know you all that well at this point."
"Pay attention to the red flags in the acquaintance and casual friends stage, before getting emotionally involved."
"I've known Steve about 10 years now."
"Mark Ronson is one of the nicest people I've ever had the pleasure of getting to know."
"That looks decent. Fortunately, I'd Steve Carey who was DNA, yeah, he was in the next Peg at the time."
"Hey, Adam, you know who knows this song? Dave Cooley. He loves this song."
"Yes, we know each other! He's a friend from work!"
"I know this boy very well. He is an architect and he also has a doctoral degree. Go and have a look. It's no big deal."
"It's been my honor over the last year to come to know Joyce."
"Somebody said can we eat with an acquaintance? Absolutely."
"I got someone who's younger who's 20. I'll call him right now."
"It is such a privilege just to get to know you."
"...it does help us to have a more Vivid image in our minds of okay who is this person we just met"
"He met and he, I mean, there was like, I just remember always walking away going, I can't believe I know this guy."
"I am delighted to have made the acquaintance of a young man with such a promising future as yours."
"I want to get to know you guys a little bit better."
"I've never met you but you're my new friend."
"I knew him to speak to, but we weren't best buddies."
"This book is also about caring for people you barely know."
"I have an acquaintance monitor him on Facebook."
"Every day I talk to you, I kinda get to know more and more about you, a smart girl."
"Mr. Brooks is literally one of the most smartest, the most interesting people I know."
"Susan is not a fashion icon. What Susan is is probably one of the funniest people I've personally met."
"It'll be a lot better if you just get to know each other."
"I've never seen you before, I didn't know you lived in the building too."
"I knew him because he went to the Bible college ahead of me."
"In terms of people who I knew when I met, it was those two imams."
"Who are you with Dead Happy? What, we should hang out more?"
"Kyle's an acquaintance that I seem to be making very frequently these days"
"Alex is the locust incel that I know."
"It's been truly lovely to get to know people here and how quickly I have gotten to know my neighbors here."
"I first met Scotty Levy, I think, maybe on his way to his first TV shot in WCW because he and Diamond Dallas Page were friends and had known each other, I guess, for quite some time. And that was my first interaction with this guy."
"I met Mr. Potts in town the other day."
"I know we just met but I'd like to get to know you better."
"I'm Adrian you're Adrian nice to meet you"
"Everyone seems to be trying to get to know him," Gladys's grin was wide.
"I know Johnny a little bit. He's such a nice soul."
"I think perhaps you know that now that the panel has had a chance to meet you."
"Thanks for letting me know. I really enjoyed getting to know you too."
"...small talk for me, to put it in a simple way, is the way that you get to know somebody before you get to business."
"Your wife, she did an interview with this chick named After, right? So, I didn't really know her that well but she was friends with this girl named Amber that I knew and I seen her bitten, I seen the video she did, it was weird."
"He was a rookie who had actually gone to school with Anita."
"I wanted the opportunity to have some alone time with her and get to know her better."
"Carmine knew who I was because I was taking care of Jojo Russo when he was in the hospital."
"But I would like a nice talk. Sit down, honey. Let's get acquainted."
"I'm just so excited you guys, I'm so excited to get to know you."
"I know personally, I know. I've worked with AJ a lot over the years."
"You're good. So, you got a name, newbie?"
"I'm sorry, but I don't know who you are. Do I know you from somewhere?"
"Chris, do you and I know each other?"
"You're cute but I don't know you like that."
"You talking to me now. Now me and Sir ain't never had no business going on but man that man done caught me with phones before and done let me keep it."
"We gotta get to know a person before you can understand if you like them or dislike them."
"You're looking at Tim, there's one."
"Nice to meet you. Let's be friends."
"By Gad, sir, you're a chap worth knowing."
"Well, hang on a second, we haven't even been introduced yet. I'm Cowboy Jack, I'm Madison, nice to meet you. I'm Kindle, nice to meet you, Kindle. Very nice to meet you."
"The minute she knew that I knew him, she just knew everything about me. That was to know. She knew exactly what type of person I was. The whole picture I was trying to hide, she just knew it instantly. He was like, 'I'm George's wingman.' I was like, 'Great, great.'"
"They were merely partners, they barely knew each other."
"He is one of the nicest people I have ever met in my entire life."
"When you meet Ryan, wasn't he like a New York stockbroker? Yeah, he was like a finance guy from New York, yeah, like super smart, very accomplished, knows his stuff."
"And it was cool, getting to know Jerry Moore, getting to know Louis Moore, Caswell Jose."
"That was pretty amazing, guys, when you discovered Van Halen and then you knew Randy before this, right?"
"I start having more conversations. It's only week one. My big thing is get to know the person before you work with them."
"No sooner did the truth of God come to our soul's sight but our soul knows her as her first and oldest acquaintance."
"A candle is always a really safe bet so maybe that's for someone that you want to show some appreciation for but maybe you don't know them that well yet."
"He sounds just like Clover's ex who just started here."
"So you know, we met and we hung out and had a good time together, so I got to know him then."
"Did you see Julie Dwyer last night at the video store?"
"It's so good to finally meet you."
"Well, I'm not unknown amongst the people who are making the appointment, Uncle Albert."
"Let's face it, I've heard a lot about John's, so I'm actually looking forward to meeting him myself and getting a chance to know him better."
"Friendship is something you shouldn't take lightly. People, you see I'm trying to say, like it's okay to have like acquaintance and you know, but know who is an acquaintance and who is a friend."
"Why would you have started a conversation with me? I don't really know you that well."
"Sue wants to learn more so she volunteers to help, saying she is acquainted with Zon."
"You know, you really shouldn't judge someone before you get to know them."
"You know we are almost relations, sir."
"It was fantastic getting to know you."
"I'd like to dig a little bit deeper into the world um I have an acquaintance a philosopher who I wouldn't call him a friend even that would even stretch the Facebook definition of friends."
"Got to meet a very nice hopper, she was very sweet."