
Facade Quotes

There are 452 quotes

"Many of these YouTubers are similar to celebrities in that they want to sell you that facade that they have a perfect life, a perfect face, and a perfect body naturally."
"The greatest distance is between people, whether a man alienates himself from society with a facade of cheerfulness or two friends fail to communicate their feelings of betrayal."
"The Seven Deadly Sins is all about that jovial facade concealing massive mental turmoil."
"It's okay to talk about it because if you don't, it only accumulates. You put up such a happy front."
"That's a 10... he built an entire lobby just as a facade."
"Under the shimmering veneer was a woman troubled by an unhappy marriage and personal insecurities."
"The validation it gives them is a complete facade."
"They ask you how you are, you just have to say that you're fine. You're not really fine."
"Be a happy person, maybe it must just be pretending to be happy."
"They lived their life acting all strong and tough like there was no tomorrow, but one day they lost the only thing they could rely on."
"Damn they ask you how you are you just have to say that you're fine when you're not, really fine."
"When you try to project an expected version of yourself then you're putting on a facade and the facade usually gets pushed through because people are intuitive or people dig so just be yourself."
"Act as if. Put on a facade. Zip yourself into the suit of someone who doesn't care."
"FTX's demise would ultimately reveal that this image of wealth and philanthropy Sam had constructed for himself was a facade."
"You just have to say that you're fine when you're not really fine."
"It's not really a roof but it looks good, it's a facade from the front."
"Potemkin village: fake construction or facade that creates the illusion of prosperity."
"I'm only laughing on the outside. My smile is just skin deep. If you could see inside I'm really crying."
"I'm sorry I lied to you, I'm sorry I wasn't honest with you, I wore a mask with you and I wore it very well."
"Everything's great, we're fine," and inside we were just crumbling.
"The idyllic facade of our peaceful life began to crumble when the first hints of discord arose."
"She comes across as a very confident person but she isn't, and I think she tends to buy things and when she goes out it's like a mask."
"Do you just feel like you're behaving like someone you're not even if someone in my family dies tomorrow I have to put a smile on my face and work like the other days?"
"Most people lie about how they're doing when someone asks how they are."
"We all wear masks, some emotional, some physical."
"Someone feels stuck now, stuck in some type of facade, illusion, masquerade where someone was pretending to be unaware, blinded, clueless to their manipulation."
"The first 18 months of a relationship, you are dating the person's representative."
"Someone views you and sees you especially if they're around people who put on like a lot of facade."
"Have you ever stopped to think about the untold tales behind the dazzling facade of celebrity?"
"The covert narcissist can actually appear both fragile and charming."
"He seemed so normal. He didn't seem afraid, he didn't seem anxious, he didn't seem like anything was wrong."
"Life was good, I had the wife, I had the kids, I had the degree, I had the job, I started a business. But what a lot of people don't know is that Instagram-filtered, curated image of what people saw couldn't have been further from the truth."
"The sicko cut a mouth open only to stitch it back into a smile."
"A wolf in sheep's clothing, Lauren Malvo is capable of blending into society with a well-crafted facade."
"Palazzo Blue boasts a stunning facade painted in a striking shade of blue."
"That day in London revealed how hollow things were behind the veneer."
"You knew how horrible it was. You knew that you bled, you knew that you're in pain, you're in agony but everyone around you is smiling."
"None of it was ever glorified and under the surface of these wild parties were kids struggling to deal with the hand they've been dealt."
"All these strong independent happy Single Living my best life women you see on the internet have the same sad story behind close doors."
"You know, those masks with smiles printed on them, fooling people into thinking you're happy."
"Walk out the door, you see someone that you know and they ask you how you are, and you just have to say that you're fine when you're not really fine, but you just can't get into it because they would never understand."
"A facade masking his true intentions."
"My smile is just skin deep. If you could see inside I really cry for a weep."
"This mask we put on when we go out there is a mask, and we are mummers and performers, you know? We put on this air of being happy and carefree and gay, and of course, we have this other river of emotion that is running through our lives all the time."
"Sometimes a wall of pleasant is really important."
"First impressions of the property were really positive. I'd like the facade, I love the."
"You put out an image of having everything fine, but in reality, your love life is incomplete."
"I've never seen someone smile through sadness like that."
"The most refreshing thing for me... is to see how much of it's just a facade."
"We have a certain front we put up before the world."
"Dooku may seem sharp and cold on the outside although he does genuinely care for Qui-Gon Jinn and all of his friends."
"For a seemingly Jolly Mall Santa to be capable of such atrocities makes you realize you never really know what kind of person somebody actually can be behind closed doors."
"Believing in yourself is not just making it as a facade."
"Dudes talk a real good game while he locked up."
"Depression can be invisible. Just because she's acting happy to you doesn't mean she's actually well."
"Futaba plastered on a fake smile and thanks him."
"We're in a society now where everything's a show."
"Sometimes that's us. We put a smile on our face and we go out and we make videos."
"People like Percy in real life, all the facade, all the aggression and everything they put forward is just a pH like it's just a mask."
"She's willing to smile in public even if she's bleeding inside."
"The facade controls the views into the interior of the building the same way in which a villain wants to control what they see and what they don't let people see."
"This person may feel a little bit like they're trying to pretend I feel like that this doesn't that the separation doesn't bother them and it really does."
"She presents to herself and others the appearance of happy acceptance."
"Even though we had to look brave, act brave, and smile because we thought we were the baddest of the baddest, we all were scared inside."
"So when they hear about you coming to church or even volunteering, they think the whole house is clean. But it's not. It's just that one room."
"They're trying to come to you with this happy smiley energy but they're wearing a mask."
"You don't have to exhaust yourself trying to keep up a facade."
"You can only be content in this world, it's all a facade."
"Relationships usually go wrong because people fall in love with or relate to the facade."
"We all have a facade... it very often misrepresents who we believe we actually are."
"Behind these perfect smiles, there were honestly vulnerable people."
"The man with a plastic smile can make me happy. I have a plastic smile too for a price."
"I wish everyone could have a plastic smile. Soon we'll all be smiling, soon we'll all be happy forever."
"Wearing a mask. Still acting like everything's okay."
"They prey on people's emotions. They sell the dream, but behind it, it's all facade."
"Hold on. Be strong, Yori. What would a cool, reliable upperclassman do in this situation? Yori takes a bite, calmly saying 'it’s delicious' but we can clearly see her face is red."
"Despite the glamorous facade of her life, she battled demons."
"What he says in the very first chapter is that he has really spent his entire life crafting this image achieving these goals so that he could hide from the world what was really going on inside his soul."
"The perfectionist mindset is a mask."
"It surprises Narumi that her senior at work is afraid despite his tough exterior," Hanako.
"We're all cars turbocharged and there's a direct link that I know I put on a smile. Maybe that's why people who testify us are usually by one."
"The Watts family appeared to be the picture-perfect example of happiness."
"These people have remained safe for so many years behind these facades they display to the world and the mask is finally being taken off."
"They hide their emotions but are actually the most sensitive mofo you'll ever meet."
"Instagram is just a highlight of what we want others to see. Life is not a game."
"Control has been taken away from him so he fixates on small minute details such as the fly in order to create the facade that he's still in control of something."
"People only show you what you want to see."
"All that remains to do is perpetuate this facade until it becomes truth in everyone's eyes. Absolutely everyone."
"She puts out this strong, self-confident, rebellious outside, but on the inside, you know she's definitely dealing with a lot."
"It's not just another pretty facade; it's a sprawling mansion with a past as riveting as the finest screenplay."
"The government wants the international community to see one version of itself, a manicured, beautiful, thriving, happy society, a utopia."
"Life is a highlight reel. They only put out what's good."
"The story of Jean tiy is a poignant reminder of the hidden struggles that often lie behind a facade of celebrity."
"It's the veneer of a perfect American Dream Suburban idyllic and underneath just underneath there's this rage brewing in every single person."
"He was ostensibly happy about the news, but deep down he was really worried."
"But what I'll say when you look at them, they will smile and what will they say? 'I'm fine.'"
"Steven puts on a brave face acting like everything's cool."
"He had a very calm facial expression, but it seemed like the kind of calm you witness when someone is about to lose their mind."
"Mary Winkler appeared to have had what appeared to everyone a marriage made in heaven, but behind closed doors, it was a living hell."
"Sometimes your person needs to hide their true emotions behind kind of like a mask of logic."
"He put on that face for the fans, but inside, he's burning up."
"Because we think we're the only ones struggling with this particular thing, we get pretty good at covering it up, leaving it hidden, and then putting out a good front."
"The people who you think are winning are just very good at not showing their losses."
"Ultimately, the narcissist sacrifices life itself for the appearance of life, and then all that's left of him is a wispy apparition, smoke and mirrors, and then nothing."
"Beneath that friendly personality you're trying to keep with me because I'm a stranger, but deep down we're all capable of terrible things."
"They project images of being strong and independent and yet they suffer in silence, yearning for that one compatible mate to share in their daily struggles in life."
"It is truly heartbreaking to see how far some people are willing to go just to maintain a facade."
"The only time he was happy was when he was just acting like he was happy to manipulate people."
"I don't understand. It is to the point where you have to try to keep a smile on your face, but deep down, it's like a burning pit to where it's like you don't know what to do, your emotions are just bottled."
"A cat can look at a king," she said. "Not with that expression," I believe," said Vence, he waved graciously at the assembled company just as the Castle's clock began to strike midnight."
"That's the best con in the world, is that you can wrap yourself in that veneer of respectability so that nobody sees the rot at the core."
"They want to paint this picture that they've got everything under control."
"Basically, I'm Oz. I'm the funny guy behind the curtain."
"The sooner he forced his mouth to believe that anything less than an unequivocally pleased expression was not acceptable, the better."
"I feel like like I I'm having a terrible day and this total facade right now like total tot act."
"I'm the same way. I'm very pet the puppies and hello the kids, and you know, and then I'll go over here and I'll cut your f***ing throat out. Okay?"
"When you have a facade, you're not talking to me, you're talking at me."
"On the outside, we're a perfect family, but on the inside, we're not the best."
"It's easy to watch our show and think everything's all honky-dory. But it's not. There's a lot of dark [__] going on."
"Every man on this planet has a power and that power is they have a smile on their face when their whole world is shattering within."
"She may judge everyone around her, but she's as fake as they are. She also smiles and pretends to like people to save face."
"I'm always smiling. It's a lot behind the smile, but right now it's all smile."
"The Smith family was an image carefully crafted to look like the perfect family while it was an utter mess on the inside."
"Discussing the coping mechanisms she employed Applegate mentioned her Reliance on humor as a shield to maintain a facade of normalcy."
"They like to advertise themselves as an open book, but it's a facade."
"The face that you show to the world is very rarely the face that you feel."
"You know how you want to be happy in front of them."
"No matter how perfect any family looks on the outside, there are always struggles behind the scenes."
"Everything is controlled in its place and it feels nice but underneath there's some fire."
"Everyone possesses a delicate ego that remains concealed beneath a facade of security on the outside."
"The handsome footballer with the picture-perfect family was just a facade. Chris Dawson was capable of pure evil."
"It was a deep hole that I was getting into, really deep hole, because you manufacture some happiness and it isn't real, you know what I mean? But I had to keep, I had to keep the facade because my mum was really struggling."
"This pursuit of a seemingly perfect facade is kind of dangerous if you think about it."
"The chemistry that you're feeling is a facade. It's not real."
"This person uses spirituality as a front."
"Each day she had to muster the strength to show up at work, donning a facade of happiness all while contending with personal demons wreaking havoc on her life."
"Mona's behavior as the 'It Girl' was a facade."
"They can barely get through their day without obsessively thinking about this whole time trying to keep up this facade that they're okay."
"'Potemkin village' is actually a term that is used everywhere in the world to describe when somebody has an elaborate facade designed to hide undesirable reality."
"It's a shiny happy presentation of something that's actually kind of dark."
"Jason is an example of how the carefree and positive people you see creating content on YouTube are potentially the ones with the most to hide."
"Inside, they might seem cool and collected, but there's a lot brewing beneath the surface."
"Governments are more like a surface veneer. They're like the top of a thin layer of ice or like an iceberg, whereas the real iceberg is down below the surface of the water."
"Often, depressed people compensate their depression by appearing overly happy."
"Sometimes zeal is simply a disguise for an angry heart."
"To fall in love with someone's mask, to fall in love with maybe a perfectly painted picture of who they are, to kind of gloss over the reality of a situation - to just believe in what someone is showing you is not really something to be ashamed of."
"The fact that Dallas had a network of supporters in Nevada and Idaho gave agents the first glimpse behind his Mountain Man facade."
"These holiday meetings were only a facade of familial harmony; beneath the surface, there was a lot of unresolved resentment."
"Everything in Bloom’s life has been a façade – a deception that robs her of the most basic sense of security."
"They're entirely in love with you when they're alone, despite their fake persona."
"You're like the meme of, 'Oh, the curtain opens and you gotta put the smile on.'"
"each and every day they must wake up, put that mask on and fool not only themselves but others."
"What really goes on behind closed doors is often a very different story."
"... she puts up this front that she's always strong but they tend to be the weakest when it's behind closed doors..."
"... it's those people that we see a lot, they kind of put up this front that they're always strong but they tend to be the weakest when it's behind closed doors..."
"I put a big smile on my face to make everyone think that I was okay, but inside my heart, I felt like I was dying."
"Fulfillment isn't there, even though it looks good."
"Everything about it on the outside anyway, it seems so fun and friendly."
"He smiles to show the pain of Heroes so they can hide that pain inside of themselves."
"In the end, we finally see Takano for who she truly is: a straight shooting idealogue whose outward confidence masks a precarious psyche."
"Outwardly they're telling the people who they're surrounded by that they're very hopeful for their future, that they're optimistic."
"Like many masks, this smiling, placid one has become so tight a fit that it might be said to have rewritten the features of whatever true face once screamed behind it."
"...for just a moment Guts loses the facade he drops the mask and he shows his true self..."
"It has become fashionable for the individual not to discuss his troubles, not to mention his problems, but to put on a good face wherever possible."
"Pennywise chose to take the form of a clown, a sickly sweet facade it uses to taunt people with memories of loved ones or promises of giving them what they desire."
"He's the kind of person who can make friends with anyone, but never really mean it."
"Social media is a facade, people only highlight their wins."
"The brightest smiles can hide the darkest secrets."
"The narcissist projects outwardly an image of being a great person, but behind the scenes, they're treating people horribly."
"...the image of a kind, outgoing, successful businessman that Brian showed the world was nothing more than an act."
"Her eyes were red and her smile was forced."
"Despite the fame and glory, imagine if a person has to say this, so much suffering would be there in their personal life."
"... a lot of happy-go-lucky entertainers out there have a darker story going on behind the scenes that none of us would expect. That's exactly what we get with today's story."
"You pretend to be nice while doing the opposite."
"The beauty of Anor Londo is a thin veil that hides its tragedy."
"She may seem like this stone-cold killer bitch, but inside I think she feels like a little woodland creature who's got to get away from the wild cat who'll eat her."
"She smiles when everyone is looking but cries when she's alone."
"They liked to act like a bully, but the whole time they're weak."
"This is the serene above the water bit, but behind the scenes, our feet are paddling like mad."
"To outsiders, their lives seemed perfect."
"Fake it till you make it, but just social media edition."
"But underneath the bravado, the smack talk, the pearly white wolf screen, the bells, and everything else that comes together to make this character who he is, there's a desperate sadness too."
"There are people who are great at putting on a show to make you believe they are healthy, they are safe, they are not toxic."
"I feel like it is a play of being in a happy marriage to the outside world when in reality it's not a marriage."
"Everything looked okay on the outside, but again, I was still depressed and struggling on the inside, you know, suffering."
"Stop putting on the plastic face, walking around like everything's fine. Everything is... like you're hurting on the inside."
"I think this is great, you're operating your own self-interest but you're masking it as though you care about Jeff."
"A difficult, calculating, manipulative core of steel expertly hidden by a marshmallow exterior."
"But what was happening behind closed doors was quite different from what Misheard presented to the world, the exact opposite in fact."
"The world didn't know, the media didn't know, but behind the facade of smiles and waves on that palace balcony, there were two deeply unhappy young women."
"...the need to project a certain facade... is going to say something about the psyches of the individuals."
"Her cheerful demeanor was a lie and she is hiding something."
"Everyone is literally faking it. People look like they have it all, but they have stresses, they worry about certain things."
"I really did want to show that a lot of people don't have their figured out even if they seem like they do."
"Trying to hide the happiness under a calm face"
"Azuku's smirk, a mask of confidence."
"I can't believe it. He seemed so sincere, so caring. It was just a facade."
"Many adults who grew up emotionally neglected seem normal on the surface, seem like they have it all together."