
Fitness Strategy Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"Most bodybuilders keep some reps in the tank to do more and more sets. That's how people get the biggest."
"The top end is can you do a certain workout and still recover enough to have another productive workout after that."
"By arranging your diet and training in a specific periodized fashion throughout the entire year, you can have it all."
"After you're done with a cycle of unilateral training, go back to your heavy barbell... watch what happens because not only did you not lose strength, you'll feel more stable."
"When your body and movement are symmetrical, risks of injury are lower, and your ability to build muscle, gain real-world strength, and boost metabolism is greatly improved."
"Instead, I use diet as the number one way to manipulate body fat and body composition."
"It's better to be get really good at that incline press because if your incline press goes up, you'll be strong in everything that involves pushing."
"Carb cycling is extremely effective at holding on to muscle mass while losing body fat and really keeping all your hard work, your gains."
"It's perfect - fasted cardio burns nothing but body fat and still carves you up for hardcore training."
"Training big, fasting long - that's the formula for staying shredded and eating carbs."
"If you want to get toned, you need to build muscle first and take the fat off."
"Doing a bunch of doubles and singles can be perfectly fine."
"Those transitions certainly add up over a workout this long."
"Your overall strategy... is to try to gain more muscle while losing fat or at least minimizing fat gain in the process."
"Instead of hitting the cardio super hard, we need to focus on weight training."
"It's called bulk and cut because you're trying to have an unrealistic body image."
"More isn't always better. Just enough to grow is what counts."
"Focusing on intensity over volume saves time and promotes healthier training."
"Prioritize muscular endurance over cardiovascular endurance for optimal results."
"Big picture intermittent fasting for losing some body fat is going to potentially help you build more muscle in the long run."
"It's not so much periodization, it's exercise sequence. So I've talked a lot about structuring your exercises so that you put compound movements second in your workout."
"Any body part you're really trying to focus on, they should be training in some type of way where you're either doing them first in the session where you're fresh or doing them on their own on their own day when they're fresh."
"Choose the exercises that have the most stimulus and the least relative fatigue."
"Anytime you customize technique, you should be looking for the technique that gives you the most stimulus and the least fatigue."
"Pick the ones that work best for you and make your stimulus to fatigue ratio as high as it can possibly be."
"As we dive into this video, I'll be showing you how to maneuver through the chessboard of nutrition and training, strategizing and adapting ultimately to achieve that lean physique you've always wanted."
"Each meal takes less than 10 minutes of your time, adds up to 200 g of protein, and has me easily losing 2 lbs of fat per week."
"High intensity interval training... that's going to be really the key."
"Staying injury-free should be one of your top priorities."
"Strength train to turn your body into a fat-burning machine."
"People think they need to run to get lean, but walking is the secret weapon."
"When you started off with the assault bike you didn't want to go above your threshold because then you had to go into the swim and still do those other movements at a nice fast pace."
"Training stress must be appropriate for the desired adaptation."
"We use these exercise variations as a tool to manage fatigue, to manage stress, to manage the total volume."
"Volume and intensity days are superior for best results."
"You don't have to go that hard every day in training with the high intensity sessions, you're building the cake."
"High-intensity interval training... is amazing for fat loss."
"Leaving one in the tank, probably two at maximum, four though."
"Most of the time, volume would be our appropriate answer here. Cut the intensity, keep the volume."
"The secret to improving: right workouts at the right intensities at the right time."
"Don't choose the split you think is optimal every split has pros and cons choose the split you can be the most consistent with as this will lead to better long-term results."
"Bulking then cutting approach actually leaves you with less muscle and more fat in the long run."
"There's a good rationale to train body parts much more frequently."
"The most optimal way for muscle growth is to train a body part more than once a week."
"Last month I was bulking... this month I'm cutting like Arnold Schwarzenegger."
"Bulking and cutting method, not just main gaining in your protein and eating as much food as you're hungry for. If you do that and combine that with hard weight training, you are going to grow muscle slowly over time for sure."
"Choose the hardest progression you can do, then lower as you get tired. That's the secret."
"It's about the muscles you're trying to hit... the big picture."
"You wasted all this time bulking up when you didn't need to...don't get fat in the hopes of getting more muscle." - Coach Craig
"Resistance training plus high protein intake means you lose fat and very little muscle."
"Once you've gained the muscle, losing the weight will be easy."
"In order to lose fat and build muscle at the same time, you must put your body in a calorie deficit."
"By choosing the right exercises... we can pack a lot more into a shorter period of time."
"Avoid pre-workout meals if you want to tap into your fat stores."
"Including isolated lat training may be worthwhile."
"Training each muscle only one... He just lets it there he just gets mogged by Mike he's not going to give a counter argument he just okays it and then quits Destiny Real Talk."
"Run it in a bulk so give yourself a calorie surplus while you're really trying to build and then go to a cut afterwards and reveal."
"The heavy compound lifts, we kind of think of like there's some basic movements that you actually could get very buff from very few movements really."
"The slower you diet down for the show, the more muscle you will keep."
"This individual is definitely lean but a hundred percent needs to go into a bulk."
"Active rest is probably what we go to more often than not."
"Letting your fitness drop may actually make you faster in the long term."
"It does all sound rather appealing."
"While I increase calories, I also increase steps, so it's a slower, more gradual gain on the scale."
"Bulking, in order to gain as much lean body mass as possible, you want to be in a calorie surplus."
"This is a fantastic off-season, that is why I am embracing the bulk."
"There are ways to delay the occurrence of plateaus."
"There's one way to more than triple your odds of long-term fitness and health success."
"I layer on purpose so that I can hit and target all levels on the reformer."
"You could literally stay just on a lat pull down and just by changing your body position and changing your hands, you're going to feel different muscles in your back working."
"If you can do one really heavy set... followed up with a more hypertrophy set... you've covered all angles."
"It's consistency, so how do you do these workouts, right? You could do one day push, one day legs, one day pull, rest, and then repeat round again."
"I recommend first getting lean before we start bulking."
"I think you'll do better off having a higher frequency and you'll be able to split up some of your volume that way."
"Work out a muscle group at a time; it gives your body time to recover."
"We're going to be pre-exhausting the back before we move on to the major exercise."
"This hybrid split actually solves a lot of the issues with both the Arnold split and the push-pull split."
"The leaner you start a bulk, the harder and longer you can bulk for because you have a bigger buffer."