
Vegetarianism Quotes

There are 437 quotes

"Vegetarians are 25% less likely to die of heart disease."
"Mushrooms are the ultimate food experience: meat without meat, vegetable without vegetable, a sin without sin."
"Strict diet... other habits which lead to the Shaolin masters' childhoods being pointed towards success later in life is the vegetarian diet they strictly stick to."
"Switching to vegetarianism will reduce your carbon footprint by at least one and a half tons of carbon a year."
"Like a vegetarian barbecue, there's just no stakes."
"Can we compassionately take the life of an animal if we don't have to?"
"People often choose to become vegetarian because it is considered to be more ethical than being a meat-eater."
"Are you a vegetarian, or why don't you eat meat? And my argument is like, why shouldn't I be a vegetarian?"
"I think it was a very natural progression for punk rock to embrace vegetarianism because Punk Rockers are very conscious and very mindful."
"Meat is murder because the killing of animals for meat is needless in most of current society."
"Different cultures have practiced various forms of a meatless diet for thousands of years, most notably Buddhist societies in India and China."
"It’s clear that vegetarianism in the United States was popularized by just one guy for reasons that had nothing to do with animal welfare or climate change."
"Sylvester Graham is the Elon Musk of vegetarianism."
"Indian cuisine is the best vegetarian cuisine hands down because 30 percent of India is vegetarian."
"One of the major reasons for being vegetarian is you're going to live longer."
"I almost didn't eat any meat, it was basically like fruits and vegetables and beans and rice." - Valentine_domeJoanne
"As we become better digesters as we become less stressed by living Ayurvedic principles in the lifestyle that the diet will change naturally people will aspire to less meat and more sad pig lifestyle on a cyclic food."
"I think it's absolutely great if you can avoid buying meat."
"I think that's absolutely what's happening here yeah but i think this sort of like superiority that people who eat these plant-based nuggets and burgers is misplaced um and not all vegetarians are like that."
"It's totally counterintuitive. People imagine if I'm gonna bulk up, I've got to be eating meat."
"I don't think it's weird of me to point out that eating meat is wrong even if I'm still doing it."
"Surprisingly for a lifelong vegetarian, I like my video games meaty. And they don't come rarer than this. It's Mortal Kombat 11."
"They are mostly vegetarians, but they might occasionally consume animal foods."
"If people stopped eating animals in mass, we would dramatically reduce our risk of the emergence of killer pandemic viruses."
"There's no doubt that being vegan or vegetarian is a more ethical option."
"We committed, we said let's go 40 days with no meat... and in fact, we both felt better than ever."
"I'm vegetarian but I made lamb, that's one of my favorite quotes of all time."
"We have the potential to change the world, if you believe that carnism awareness is an idea worth spreading."
"We can reduce and ultimately eliminate our consumption of meat, eggs, and dairy."
"The case is pretty clear that less meat eating is good in almost every way."
"This would be really good too, vegetarian without the ground beef."
"Nothing will benefit human health and our chances for survival more than the evolution to a vegetarian diet."
"Opting for something that is meat-free is a great way to help your budget in the long term."
"I'm a vegetarian now, so you can't even say [ __ ] about me. I saved the world [ __ ]."
"I realized I'm a pescetarian, so I can't actually eat those."
"If most of us become vegetarian, the people that can afford it right now, then those around us will notice."
"The health halo effect also applies to vegetarian options."
"Vegans and vegetarians with higher homocysteine levels do not have increased risk of cardiovascular disease or diabetes or death from those or from cancer."
"I think just trying to build the habit of meat free being the go-to um instead of the exception would be an incredible Habit to build."
"Tempeh, a heart-healthy protein alternative."
"Tempeh: very versatile, delicious with grains, in soups, salads, or as a meat alternative."
"All else equal, I would rather not kill an animal for my culinary pleasure."
"Humans weren't made to eat meat, our digestive systems are not made to digest meat. We should be eating plants, fruits, vegetables."
"One of the best ways to save money on groceries is going meatless."
"If abattoirs had glass walls, we'd all be vegetarian."
"Whatever flesh eating served in the past that era is over."
"The more you can reduce your meat consumption, the better."
"Meat is disgusting. I'm a vegetarian and have been for years."
"We are designed to be vegetarians. Elephants, hippos, they're vegetarians."
"Go vegetarian for 30 days and see how it goes." - John, British ethologist
"Meat-eating is morally unjustifiable, oh yeah."
"Pets are friends not food. True, true."
"It's made more ethical than eating animals against their will."
"Real men, i.e. truckers, do eat veggie." - Son
"Cutting out meat products for a while... wasn't that bad."
"I remember when I was a little girl I told my grandmother that I wanted to be a vegetarian because I just love animals so much."
"Why would you choose to kill another animal and eat its flesh when you could choose not to?"
"You don't need to eat animal foods to get the protein."
"I think if you stop eating meat, you talk about it, you create awareness, you just try to make the best."
"Why are we committing such a heinous and spiritually reprehensible crime by killing these other creatures when we don't have to?" - Dr. Milton Mills
"Don't worry if you're a vegetarian, there's plenty of options."
"For me, vegetarianism isn't about scarcity, it's about abundance."
"It's not about constriction but about liberation."
"Vegetarianism is a great gift you can give to yourself and your family."
"Vegetarianism: arguably the most ethical diet, just so happens to be the most environmentally sound diet, which just so happens to be the healthiest."
"If slaughterhouses had glass doors we'd all be vegetarian."
"These plant-based burgers just blow a regular burger out of the water."
"There are three to four million vegetarians in the UK today."
"Nah, I don't crave meat at all, dawg. That's good."
"Vegetables are nature's magic. That's why we don't need to eat animals."
"Birth control pills leach vitamins and minerals from your body."
"Do you guys know what I'm talking about? I think it's when Lisa's trying to become a vegetarian and everybody starts doing the conga around the living room."
"You would stop affecting the planet in a negative way by you know killing the animals and eating it you would move on from that."
"Vegetarian nutrient intake and its alleged effects on birth rates."
"Be thankful because this meat did not come from an animal."
"If you’re eating properly, leafy green vegetables have more protein by calorie than even meat does."
"I think it's wrong to rob someone of their life for a five-minute meal when I can eat plants."
"If we stopped eating all shared animals all around the world, would there still be enough food for the whole population?"
"You don't need meat to be healthy."
"Ever since I became vegetarian, I kind of feel like I look at the world slightly differently."
"India does vegetarian food better than any other country in the world, in my opinion."
"I've been eating a lot more vegetarian meals lately, and I've been really enjoying it."
"Community and vegetarian seem very connected."
"I'm just gonna consider this the first day of me being a vegetarian."
"I'm actually really happy to cheer people on when they're like hey I'm gonna try like one day a week not eat meat. It's like that's fantastic, you know, that's a great start."
"I don't eat meat anymore; I'm just sucking on them."
"Plants have protein, Leah, you don't need to eat animals."
"You're not eating someone, you're eating plants."
"And you know what? I find it really easy. Like, people--yeah, people like--you will think, like, oh, when you go to a restaurant or whatever, but I find it really easy. Like, you can make anything vegetarian."
"Lentils are very high in protein and they're such a great meat substitute."
"I converted to the Hindu religion to get a vegetarian religious layup."
"Go meatless two times per week and replace the meat with beans or just go vegetarian altogether."
"Kill less animals, eat less meat."
"I would go vegetarian for these vegetables. They're that good."
"People shouldn't be eating animals because actually, you know, it's compassion to animals, we shouldn't be killing animals."
"If God wanted you to eat animals, why do you feel bad when you see them be killed? It doesn't seem like they wanted to be sacrificed."
"...there just needs to be a global shift of consciousness surrounding eating animals like..."
"The source of the problem of hunger is various forms, for instance if we would all switch over to a vegetarian diet, 90% of the crops, just for meat production, there suddenly would be available, there would be no hunger basically."
"You know what God's word says? Originally, Adam and Eve and the animals were vegetarian."
"I just genuinely went vegetarian for, in my eyes, the right reasons."
"Some lions are actually vegetarian."
"Especially as somebody that doesn't eat meat, you get a full actual experience. That's like not your ordinary, not your typical, you know, like the crust, everything. It was sick, it was bomb bread."
"A vegetarian, including a vegan diet, can be profound medicine."
"My dog's a vegetarian by choice. So, I'm gonna bring her out and we're gonna see which one she likes."
"Not the asshole. No one has to eat meat at every meal."
"Eggplants, they are used as a substitute of fish or a substitute also of meat."
"Most of my clients are vegan or vegetarian, so for them, if we avoid legumes and lentils completely and the source of protein is literally gone."
"Eating vegetarian was associated with being slimmer, having better blood sugars, better cholesterol, and less than half the odds of fatty liver disease."
"These burgers were absolutely fantastic Julian loved his ate the entire thing and they're not like veggie burgers are never going to taste exactly like a regular burger but the key is that they're flavorful they're delicious and that's what this was."
"It's time for us to realize, with the internet and global awareness now, the whole planet can come to this: The age of meat eating is over."
"Once you taste it you will not miss meat at all."
"I once fed someone ordinary sausages, sort of vegetarian, once because I was too lazy to check the packaging."
"Tofu is my favorite plant protein source by far."
"By the time I became a teenager, I had heard of vegetarianism but I had no idea what a vegan was. And then when I was 20, I moved to Los Angeles, and that's where I learned what a vegan was."
"She's a vegetarian... That's right, no meat. Or say, bones?"
"If you're a vegetarian or vegan and you go to a doctor sometimes, they'll tell you that you're not getting enough vitamin B12 from your plant-based diet."
"Don't make me do it, and I'm not gonna make you eat meat."
"First it was the animals themselves, secondly it's healthier to not put all that meat in your body, and then thirdly, you know, environmentally it's unsound, it's unsustainable."
"Another big form of progress is that there are many more vegetarians and vegans. There were virtually no vegans in 1975 when the book was published."
"These recipes, meatless recipes, are very affordable, healthier, and they're really, really good."
"Substitute meat with beans or lentils for cheaper meals without sacrificing taste."
"Jains believe in nonviolence toward all living beings and strict vegetarianism."
"I lean toward a vegetarian diet, but I do eat fish."
"Also, they have vegan and vegetarian supplements available to match your dietary needs."
"Make your stomachs not graveyards for animals by eating meat ethically."
"Pythagoras strongly encouraged vegetarianism. 'Stop,' he's reported to saying, 'Don't beat that puppy. It's the psyche of a man, a friend of mine, I recognize that psyche.'"
"For the first 1,600 years of human history, we were all vegetarians."
"The biggest animals with the biggest muscles and the greatest energy needs in the world eat a vegetarian diet. Why couldn't you or shouldn't you?"
"Culturally, a vegetarian or vegan diet wasn't invented in the past six or seven years, I mean this is something that goes back."
"Tofu and tempeh, soy products, have benefits."
"Let me tell you no one does vegetarian food like Indian restaurants."
"You don't have to eat animals you're an animal you can do the things that other animals do just as well you're even better than they are good grief."
"He wants to rid our galaxy of meat."
"Will the program work for me even if I'm eating about 80% vegetarian?"
"With the right swaps, you won't even miss the meaty counterparts."
"I feel like there's something for everyone there's vegetarian options."
"During the millennium, animals will no longer be meat eaters; they'll go back to their original state as they were created in the Garden of Eden."
"I became a vegetarian when I was 30, and it was really for the animals. I found out what happens to animals, and I thought, 'Oh my god, I've been eating meat.' I grew up with it, I just can't do that anymore."
"Forty-nine people were compared: regular athletes, vegetarian athletes, and then just sedentary vegetarians."
"Those who eat meat... are doing the work of the devil."
"I'm so impressed by this dinner that we're going to make. We've never done this before. It's a vegetarian chili."
"It's cool when someone comes up and says, 'I stopped eating meat because of you guys.'"
"When you eat meat you are actually killing the [ __ ] animal to eat it."
"By 2018, the latest meta-analysis on veganism, vegetarianism, and bone mineral density, was up to 20 studies, involving tens of thousands of participants, and, again, lower bone mineral density was found in studies of vegetarians and vegans compared to meat eaters."
"India has more vegetarians than the rest of the world combined."
"India is like the only place you can go to eat vegetarian all day and not even really realize it."
"I didn't eat any animals today. Wow."
"People meet me they often ask me if I'm a vegetarian which is a creative way of saying hey you look pale and weak."
"That first T-Rex would have been vegetarian."
"Even animals that we tend to think of as meat eaters like lions, will occasionally go vegetarian."
"I'm a vegetarian now so I will eat pastry from now on."
"But god the vegetarian plant they would just ruin dishes."
"Similarly packaged it up, sent it away, where it's sold in the supermarket somewhere. Why should that carrot be sacrificed? Why should I sacrifice its innocent life to be sold like this? Why is it killed for me?"
"If you want to be a vegetarian, we can do everything with a vegetarian diet that you could possibly imagine nutritionally."
"If you want to get amped up on it from an animal protection reason, that is something, if you are a person who just does not want to consume animals, there's no conversation here."
"i felt like maybe i should be a vegetarian because is this how it feels to be cooked?"
"I think that's the most important thing with the ital food or vegetarian, just to encourage people to eat more plants."
"I find, when people eat so much meat, it’s just because they haven't had the chance to find their favorite, good, vegetarian thing yet."
"I'm not interested. Besides, I don't believe in the wholesale killing of animals."
"Maybe we're seeing this in vegetarianism, that it's not a food but it's a diet pattern that, at least the stricter forms of it, in the very elderly people, are protective for some causes of death but hazardous for others."
"You can do this on a vegetarian diet."
"The original diet of mankind was vegetarian... Adam and Eve were not permitted to eat meat."
"I can't eat this, like, if I think about the cute big puppy that I'm actually eating, it makes me really sad,"
"Many people that lived in medieval Britain were vegetarian."
"If you don't eat meat, try 'Stuff I Eat'! Oh, check this out, my husband wrote this song: 'If you don't want meat, try the stuff I eat.'"
"I'm the biggest animal lover. Like that's one of the reasons why vegetarianism is very intriguing to me. It really, it's sad. Like eating animals is sad."
"No, I don't eat meat. I haven't for five or six years. It's not for religious reasons, but it's still something I feel extremely strongly about."
"My taste buds are in heaven, I love Vegetarian Cuisine."
"If people grew up with a chicken that would cuddle with them, then people would be like, you know what, stop eating chickens."
"I don't miss any meat here. No meat, I don't miss any animal fat. It's all incredible."
"I just felt like every time I ate meat I was gaslighting myself because I knew what the truth was and I knew what was actually going on in the world but every time I sat down for a meal I was like, switch it off, you imagine that you didn't need to, that's not for you."
"We should celebrate that there are more people doing vegetarian and veganism."
"So um if you are vegetarian or not you know using these bringing these medicines into your um daily life as a food so that there's really it's imperceptible are they medicine or they food to support your foundational health"
"The beauty of Indian Cuisine is there are a ton of vegetarian dishes that are actually flavorful and delicious."
"If you are a vegetarian and you live in a tiny shack and you never consume or buy or anything, you are a smaller one 8 billionth part of the problem, but you're also not much of a part of the solution at all."
"There is no reason that menu cannot be completely vegetarian, probably vegan at a push."
"If you're a vegetarian and you want to try a burger, I totally recommend it."
"You can make veg taste so delicious with so little effort."
"I'm vegetarian so I don't eat meat but I totally understand the efforts that go into a regenerative farm and I think that if you're going to eat meat I don't because I can't actually ethically feel okay killing an animal so I don't allow someone else to do it for me."
"So what I'm thinking of making is like, burger wheat with some roasted cauliflower, roasted broccoli, I got this swiss chard, and then I'm gonna dress it in tahini and basically just have like a bit of a...oh, and I forgot, also roast some chickpeas as well."
"I don't care what time of the day it is for you or how recently you just ate, I know y'all want to take a bite of this. This looks so good, if you don't either you're a vegetarian or you're just lying."
"So if you're trying to eat less meat, you guys, this right here is one of the best dishes you can do."
"It's my belief that vegetarianism is something very important and something I believe that is very important to the evolution of human beings."
"We love pigs more than other people because we don't eat them."
"It's vegetarian but I'm not sure you've reduced any calories there? I might just eat that half."
"10 percent of Canadians are either vegetarians or vegans really that means 2.3 million vegetarians and 850 000 vegans really is that statistically like just makes me wonder about the rest of the world."
"This guy, he's the meat in the middle. Right, unless you're vegetarian, then he is the arugula or the rocket salad, depending on where you live."
"I mean, especially as a vegetarian, things like changing the color and the texture of the food just helps it feel fresh."
"...I also love vegetable lasagna and it's not just because I don't eat meat..."
"...if a vegetable is used properly worked with properly you will never know you are missing meat."
"Breakfast there was fantastic. I've never had veggie haggis before."
"The eggplant tofu really just seems like an afterthought like someone on the Panda Express menu design team asked hey shouldn't we have something on our menu for those weirdos who don't like chicken."
"I look after myself. I moisturize, I'm a vegetarian, I drink water."
"Vegetarian food needs to be full of flavor if it's going to be good."
"This is Lady May right here, she was going to be bacon and I saved her."
"Oh my gosh, that's a pretty convincing look of a chicken drumstick, but it's absolutely not chicken. It is made from yuba."
"What's the difference between vegan and vegetarian? Vegan: no milk, no cheese, no animal products, no egg."
"I became a vegetarian first because I was not aware of the dairy industry and how evil it is."
"We don't want to be a part of this cruelty if somebody wants to eat meat, they will come I can't control other people's life but I can control what I can do in my own life."
"The vegetarian options were really, really good."