
Free Market Quotes

There are 276 quotes

"The entrepreneur is the elementary unit of the free market."
"In a free market system, you're supposed to bear the consequences of the risks that you take."
"The free market is the fix for not only the financials but some of the cleanest markets in the world are run by free market governments."
"The free market fundamentally relies upon the non-aggression principle and a respect for property rights."
"In a free market exchange, to the two parties who voluntarily exchange, are by definition better off because they have both chosen voluntarily to perform that particular exchange."
"Capital development, the motivation for innovation, the drive to work harder, and the efficiencies of the free market are all touted as major benefits of capitalism."
"The Internet is the greatest free-market innovation in history. It's changed the way we live, when we play, the way we work, the way we learn, the way we speak."
"Markets should be free because the more that people are allowed to trade freely with one another, the more they can specialize and count on others to specialize to deliver all of the goods that they need."
"Government intervention in free markets should be limited exclusively to making sure that contracts are upheld and fraud is not allowed to take place."
"The individual consumer should be concerned about economics and economic theory because... they would like to have the largest choice of products at the best possible price and there's one system that tends to satisfy that, and that's the free market system."
"The free market, as a distributed computing system, embodies a form of pure economic democracy that no centralized planning could hope to replicate."
"Economic prosperity lay not in the hands of interventionist government but in the unrestricted actions of individuals buying, selling, and producing in an open market."
"The free market... is the best and most efficient system that we have."
"Anybody can make something of themselves in a free market society. That is why I am a conservative."
"I believe in free markets, I believe in competition, but without competition, there is stagnation in politics."
"The free market alone gives everyone the same rights."
"Millennials and younger generations are hyper individualistic in many ways. They do like free market products and services."
"Free markets are a beautiful example of decentralized self-organization."
"It was the invisible hand of the free market... a thousand autonomous decisions operating seamlessly all at once."
"One of the beauties of the free market, if there's a company today that says I refuse to serve Jews, there will be another company that says I will serve Jews and that company will outcompete the first company."
"The pillar that holds up the foundational stone that holds up Western civilization, holds up free market economics, holds up innovation, holds up prosperity, is the family."
"The worst thing about a free market is it's in people's best interest, whenever they're in a free market, to make it not free anymore."
"Bitcoin is free market money that runs on the internet and isn't controlled by a political entity or central bank."
"You need a true fair free capital market in order to have a vibrant economy."
"In a vibrant economy, you need a true, fair, free capital market where most especially interest rates are set by the voluntary interaction of buyers and sellers of borrowing and lending money."
"Actual classical liberals think that the government should stay out of anything whatsoever that the free market is able to handle."
"The free market is the most democratic system of property ownership ever devised by humankind."
"The boldest move the Chinese government can make is to convert to a free market and democratic rule of law."
"I'm a capitalist to the core. I think the free market will create solutions to problems."
"A free market means, if it means anything, a situation in which all the buyers and all the sellers are large in number so that none of them can influence the market in any way other than by what they buy and by what they sell."
"You wouldn't want to have just one car company, one airline. You want them to compete."
"The free market idea, which is really that you own your own labor and that you are able to alienate that labor, you're able to sell it, you are able to work with it, and then use the products of that labor to buy other things, comes down to fundamental human dignity."
"You can't have liberty if you don't have a personal responsible individual, and you can't have pure liberty if you don't have people who are mentally tough and able to compete in a free market."
"If you guys don't believe in the free market, if you guys think that the government should be in charge of regulating the media, that's cool. I don't like state-run media and I don't like the state interfering in the media."
"The real, true, pure democracy is the free market itself, with honest, undistorted money."
"Let the free market function, and we will have an optimal allocation of resources, and we will all collectively benefit from a higher standard of living."
"A genuine free market requires restrictions on the ability of predator multinationals to create monopolies."
"A free nation, a nation with a market system, can only function with a virtuous population."
"That's what's so great about the United States and the freedom and the free market."
"The beauty of the free market is it made both heroes and their antagonists stronger, revealing each other's weaknesses in the process and forcing the competition to new heights."
"This is the good thing with competition free market capitalism, that people can buy something from who they want."
"The free market way to do that would be to allow cannabis and psilocybin to handle the mental health issues."
"Free market is great but sometimes it fails."
"The free market is the best model of the environment we can generate. It is and will remain the best model that can in principle ever be generated."
"Free competition works so well for everything else... why not for government services too?"
"I'm for like monopoly busting laws or anything like that... there's no good reason to tell two consenting individuals they can't exchange money for a service."
"Don't be confused by the free market... there is always somebody making up the rules to the game."
"Bitcoin is just a free market money. It exists outside of the central banking system."
"The end is nigh, the beginning of the end for Donald Trump. This is the beginning of the end."
"We who live in free market societies believe that growth, prosperity, and ultimately human fulfillment are created from the bottom up, not the government down."
"Suppression of new technology would be an obvious play in the idea and strength of a free market system, yet it still seems to happen right in front of our eyes."
"The economy is not an oven. The economy is a bunch of consensual transactions between free individuals."
"Dr. Ron Paul: He knows what the free market is all about."
"Monopoly in a hundred years, that's just not the way things work and it never has been the way things work when you have a free market economy." - Diana
"I love the free market. I love the fact that in a free market if you don't like a product you can simply start a startup to compete with it."
"In a healthy free market society, a company like Boeing probably deserves to collapse."
"You can survive in a free market system understanding that most people are kind of dumb."
"By and large, the free market system has brought prosperity to the country who practiced it."
"I think there should be the free market with government interventions."
"Environmental problems get solved by recognizing a problem... letting free enterprise in competition find the solution."
"We need a pro-growth free market agenda that will unleash the economy."
"There's a version of Politics... that seems to say we can get away from [free market capitalism], it's not as important."
"The free market is this tsunami that already decided that Bitcoin is the best form of money in the world. I guess the question is, what are the brakes like exactly? How are they going to stop?"
"Bitcoin is viewed as the ultimate representation of free market Money."
"The free market only works when there are rules of the road."
"Do we want to be an English-speaking country with a free market that trades with everybody and tries to avoid wars?"
"Providing a viable alternative to Chinese goods and services through free market enterprise, transparent local partnerships, sustainability, and high quality end products is surely something most leaders can get behind."
"All they care about is choice, production, and exchange."
"The free market will do a much better job than any individual or group of individuals trying to centrally plan an economy."
"Companies should turn a profit; the central function of the free market and capitalism is that it can deliver goods and services to the economy according to what is demanded at an equitable price."
"Interest rates need to reflect the free market."
"In a real free market, corporations and individuals are allowed to fail."
"The free market is just incredibly vibrant and doing an amazing job."
"The free market is really at its best when you're not necessarily doing what you love, you're doing what you love serving other people."
"You're a markets guy; you want markets to figure these things out."
"Bitcoin is kind of the truest free market asset that we have."
"You can actually leave it to the free market yes regulate remember all free market depends on regulation."
"I'm really big on free markets... but you have to acknowledge the shortcomings."
"Libertarian guy with a free market solution, you got it every time."
"Individuals who claim to uphold free market economics are using all their power to crush it and destroy it."
"The market works without anyone overall in charge."
"It's not just that you're just doing an experiment and collecting data... you're trying to affect people's opinions right you're trying to if you're in the free market you want people to buy your product and there's something called advertising."
"At the end of the day, these are private companies in a free market economy. And that's, you know, that [ __ ]'s just bad for business."
"The problem there is a government that is acting as a backstop for bad decisions in the free market by profit-driven corporations."
"Stakeholder capitalism makes no sense, capitalism is the free exchange, the free market."
"President Reagan liked the free market and believed that capitalism would solve the nation’s problems."
"The best thing about a free market is that if people don't like this they can solve the problem very easily."
"We believe in free-market solutions for health care while protecting people with pre-existing conditions."
"The free market, if you just leave it to its own devices..."
"Neoliberalism is basically the idea that society should be shaped by the free market and that the economy should be deregulated and privatized."
"A true free market promotes efficiency, which means the elimination of waste."
"A free market system based on competition ends up resulting in an outcome of greater prosperity."
"I believe in free market, I believe in free trade."
"Competition, free open competition, is the guarantor of Liberty."
"Welcome to the club, Bernie Sanders. I'm so glad that you've decided to come around to the free market perspective."
"The only thing that will keep them from taking advantage of other businessmen and the public in general is a competitive market."
"The free market would have eliminated the bad politicians eventually."
"Discovering what your gift is, and then going out and doing it—the only place that you have the ability to do that is in a free market."
"Piracy for me is a two-fold thing, lots of morality issue. I believe that for the free markets to continue to exist, one must pay an appropriate and fair price for a product or service."
"The citizens would be protected against the state by the existence of a free private market and against one another by the preservation of competition."
"Messing with a free market is gonna cost you."
"Let markets take care of it. You know what if at Kirk Industries you're dumb enough to say we don't serve uh women and don't hire blacks people will boycott you."
"Free markets are good and that they're inherently moral."
"Climate change is a problem... there are ways we can address it, particularly nuclear power and other free market solutions."
"The free market is the most effective system we have discovered to enable people who hate one another to deal with one another and help one another." - Milton Friedman
"MAGA is about American opportunity, free market, and competition."
"Let the market do what it does. Don't interfere."
"I want all digital assets to succeed if they can in a free market on a level playing field."
"Maximum prosperity can only be achieved through free markets, free people, and sound money."
"Make sure you're always standing up for freedom, liberty, free market capitalism. See you in the next video."
"Starting our own businesses, that's a free market capitalist perspective."
"A belief in the free market and the idea that anybody could make it if they tried."
"The most effective way to end poverty is to free the market."
"Bottom line, free market. You want to resell something that you bought, you should be allowed to do so without feeling the psychological pressure glooming and looming above you of that brand like whispering secretly into your ear."
"In America, you can believe... we have free markets... the most abundant, prosperous, opportunity-filled society in world history."
"Less government and less regulatory is the natural thing to an open and free market."
"Capitalism only works if it's aligned with free market principles."
"It doesn't really matter. Yeah, I mean they can say anything they want. The natural course of economics and business cycles are going to happen. Free market, you can't stop the free market forces."
"It was a triumph of the kind of free market system but also of American grit and determination and the pursuit of excellence."
"Unless you have total totalitarian censorship, you cannot have the free market of the form that mainstream economists talk about."
"Does the free market even exist if tech companies can't build platforms without being cut off at the knees?"
"You need a pricing mechanism in the free market that combines energy and creates, instead of an incentive based on manipulation of money."
"Let the free market allow good money to emerge."
"The trade war with China highlights broader debates about protectionism versus free market capitalism."
"Cooperation is the greatest thing that comes out of the free market that people co-op they are able to have to help each other to profit by helping each other and it's a tremendous it's a tremendous thing."
"It's the government's role to get out of the way so that people can create competition on their own."
"I love competition, I love the free market, and people should decide what they want."
"It's all about choice and let the best assets win."
"President Trump is doing what I believe is the biggest free market reform of healthcare in a generation."
"We want lower, broad-based flat taxes, spending restraints, sound money, minimal regulations, free trade, and then get the heck out of the way."
"A free market is a market free of economic rent."
"There's nothing that can't be done by a free market."
"I view Bitcoin as pure Humanity in the sense that it's one of the only free markets we have left."
"This is capitalism working at its best; this is the way the free market is meant to work."
"The most effective protection of the consumer is free competition, free competition at home and free trade throughout the world. It's the free market, free private market, with free competition everywhere that is his best protector."
"There is no such thing as a free market without government setting the rules of the game."
"A free market needs to be a fair market too."
"Conservatism is trying to grapple with the fact that the sort of free-market bromides about you know the market business growth entrepreneurship aren't exactly cutting it to the average Republican of voter anymore"
"She absolutely adored the free market."
"When individuals are free to trade and compete in the market, it leads to efficient allocation of resources, innovation, and wealth."
"They found, in fact, a free market, and most of them thrived on it."
"If you want to see how the free market really works this is the place to come: Hong Kong, a place with hardly any natural resources."
"When you have a free market, there are dangers that go along with that market."
"Free market, yeah, capitalism, capitalism."
"Left to their own devices, the free market can produce extreme levels of economic cyclicality, which is considered undesirable by governments."
"The vast majority of the world has a free market for protection from violence."
"The free market, by enabling people to compete openly, is the most effective device that has ever been invented for making people pay for their prejudices, and thus for making it costly for them to exercise them."
"But if you believe in the free market, a lot of your belief is that in a free market, assets flow to their highest and best use."
"It means that the free market decides economic decisions, directs economic activity not government."
"What is a free market? It's a wonderful God-given process."
"But in a free market, I think that profits can be understood as a measure of how much good a business has done for other people."
"Therefore, a Christian worldview understands buying and selling in the free market to be a way of fulfilling Jesus's command, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'"
"Defining the free market is at the deepest level a pointless exercise."
"Living within our means is seen as a problem with having a free market, but it's the opposite."
"A free market is a place where the biggest, strongest person bops you over the head and takes what they want."
"The essential thing about the free market is that it is voluntary trade between different people, voluntary exchange."
"The free market generally speaking, rewards inequalities in society. You have more money than me because you've created more value for other people than I have."
"You can't have a free market if one person is not playing by the rules."
"The possibilities from a free market in money, savings, capital, and investment are well worth looking forward to."
"I want the market to decide exactly what to do."
"Market competition is essential in a free market structure, my dude. That is how it works. You need competition."
"The free market brought about better treatment for women, racial minorities, and the handicapped."
"We now have the closest thing we have ever had to a free market for information."
"I think the free market can have regulations and still be a free market."
"Our government policies are terrible. We need to be more free market."
"We live in a free market Society. Free market should go wherever an investment pays a return, and if that includes space, let it be so."
"So basically copyright is dead and do we see a reduction in the supply of artistic creations today? We probably have more books being printed and published every year than in the history of mankind."
"The only system in human history to bring people out of poverty is the free market."
"Free markets are the best way to end global poverty, not government action."
"Regulation is in service of a monopoly, it's not in service of you. The free market is in service of you."
"What bothered me most about the Bush Administration was that the Republicans, here, the Republicans are supposed to be the party that understands the free market."
"The free market has taken everything that was once free and turned it into a commercial exercise."
"That's how entrepreneurship works, that's how fair and free markets work."
"A free market means you've got a lot of choices, you've got vibrant competition, no barriers to entry, and you've got an engaged consumer."
"Libertarian essentially means believing in the free market, in a small state, in fewer regulations, in lower taxes."
"Free markets where every participant is of equal stature and each participant can choose of their own volition to collaborate, to compete, to create a better life for themselves and their families."
"The free market is ruled by those who are able to see and plan long-range."
"Everybody knows that the way to develop and to improve a lot of people is through private markets, free enterprise, and small government."
"We need to unleash the free enterprise system, restore industry and frugality."
"The economic value of a man's work is determined on a free market by the voluntary consent of those who are willing to trade him their work or products in return."
"You sort of have the open waters where NFTs can exist in this free market environment."
"The fact that there are a million mutinies, million voices rising and saying 'I want to be heard,' that is the fundamental driver of positive change in a free market democracy."
"The private sector could contribute to a competitively free market."
"Bitcoin's failure will be used by government to further vilify the free market."
"A free market economy is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for a free society."
"Free trade is always a good thing."
"We have a socialist energy economy today, and if we recognize the reality of this problem, we can solve it in a way that promotes the free market."
"We shouldn't throw out the free market system; it's still the best system we have at creating wealth and creating freedom."
"Individuals who are free to pursue their self-interest will produce goods and services that others want at prices others are willing to pay."
"We want the free flow of Commerce because we believe in the free market."
"The only way to solve it is with the free market."
"We are a believer that free markets should prevail."
"Underlying most arguments against the free market is a lack of belief in freedom itself."
"The best way for us to unleash the free market and capitalism and innovation in the energy sector is for us to fully take into account all the costs that go into producing energy and using energy."
"If you let the free market system work, what will happen is that India as a country has advantages compared to the rest of the world."
"A free economy is an efficient economy, an economy that benefits all."
"The genius of a free market competitive economy is not that it always produces good things, but when bad things happen, as inevitable they do, it corrects for them."
"Competition within a free market is what it's all about."
"The belief in the free market system never carried with it the benign belief that some people won't abuse that freedom."
"The economic attitudes Tom Nook adopts, that of unyielding faith in the free market to fix potholes and end racism, can be called by another name: neoliberalism."