
Malfunction Quotes

There are 216 quotes

"The company alerted pilots about handling a potential malfunction."
"The CPU will never work again once the fuse is blown."
"We've officially broken something because there's like an engine handle or my arms or something floating in front of me."
"While it did return a single image, it was simply a grey screen with no real discernable details."
"We literally broke the game we just broke the game there was so many people going out at one time that we literally just broke the entire game dude."
"If you wanted my thoughts on that odd story my door would just open on its own turns out Toyota has a shear bolt in the door that has a strength of paper."
"What we've been told is that this was all just a big mistake that it boils down to an app that malfunctioned."
"Oh my gosh, he's literally in the vent. Yo, tase him! Josh's taser did not work."
"That's really sus. It's just completely and utterly seized up."
"This AI doll literally turns freaking evil and goes on a rampage."
"Accidents do happen. In this instance, when the missile was ejected from its tube, something malfunctioned."
"Only the starboard stabilizer fin has extended."
"When an escalator stops working it's just stairs."
"Well, I love this watch. It was really fun until the issue with the chronograph."
"The most infamous example was that time an m247 ignored a passing drone it was supposed to be targeting and instead locked onto a nearby latrine exhaust fan."
"Oh, it's not going! Oh that's right! It went through!"
"It's a pretty common situation: people get their first e-bike, it works awesome, they're super happy, and then something breaks down."
"My experience was disastrous, and on its first use, the drill emitted smoke and burned itself out."
"If you don't understand how a network works... how can you understand when it's not working?"
"Seeing this a class action lawsuit, no one would sue the Ford company if there weren't malfunctioning vehicles."
"Dude, what a shame that the freaking jenny don't work."
"We have no call for Y1, why is that? The thermostat should be calling."
"Engine 4 is giving us weak thrust."
"The markets aren't working right."
"We showed 5 miles or of of uh distance out to the exit and we showed 13 Mi of range and the truck died."
"That's a heck of a purge cycle right there."
"It's a lot, 1998 Lamborghini and the e-brake stuck."
"Muscle cells can literally shrink and potentially start to malfunction."
"That charger is not working annoyingly."
"Just a shy of 600 miles and my heated gear stopped working."
"If the carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide levels become too high due to a malfunction in the scrubbers, the entire crew could pass out and eventually die."
"Power tools are awesome, and it really sucks when they don't work right."
"All this crap appears and then something crashes and now it's booted."
"Elliott's car is still under power but smoking heavily."
"Damn it, Reynolds said, punching buttons on the console. It's all screwed up."
"That's got as much brakes as when I wrecked it probably."
"The engine just kind of cut out on me."
"I got a power stroke on the channel and not just any power stroke, the worst one I think."
"My airbags are letting out well maybe they ain't let up yet."
"...the batteries we got these Walmart everstar batteries I did just replace these but they just do not work very well from the jump brand new off the shelf they sucked let me show you."
"What happened is after David replaced this part in here, he said he powered it up and it did not work at all."
"No robots. Robots don't think for themselves. Robots break down. Not robots. Rob. Robot. Montage it clip the ground."
"The entire arc reactor just went boom."
"Just like before, there is no video. Without any filament voltage, which should be about 12 volts, we're getting nothing."
"This machine is actually not even booting."
"The GM seal won't work on this aftermarket tank."
"This was such a bizarre and frankly such a rare malfunction to witness."
"Our truck is back and no, it is not fixed."
"It can’t be flashlights because they keep going out after a second."
"Do we get anything when we push the power button? No, completely dead."
"I would have preferred it if there was like an accident that happened to the Chucky doll, whether he got electrocuted or fell down the stairs or something happened that messed his programming up."
"My three navigational instruments were all malfunctioning, and even the magnetic compass was slowly rotating counterclockwise."
"This board is super, super bricked."
"Why do they have to burn out all the time?"
"Either characters – and writers – use it for wish-fulfillment, or it malfunctions and threatens the ship, and usually both of those things happen one after the other!"
"Your oscillator variation control is out, your audio analyzer is burned, and that TV filter, well, that's all shredded."
"This one just has what looks like a dodgy HDMI port."
"It's clean, wait, my phone's freaking out. Oh my God, I have missed calls from Elena. Oh no, dude."
"Is it actually... Dude it’s broken."
"Throttle actuators... eventually you light up like a Christmas tree and it's going to let you know that things are not going well for you."
"Not dieseling. It's got a vacuum-operated solenoid that shuts the fuel off, and it's not working properly."
"It's like having your healer with you or something like that, you know like what if there's a malfunction?"
"We'll be limping home on backup power."
"So, that's the nail that she fixed, the camera's acting up."
"I think I figured out how they malfunctioned and turned against us after analyzing our encounters studying their behavior and cross-referencing it with my data I can only conclude that life finds a way"
"It looks like his day is done. The broken shifter apparently could not be repaired."
"So, operation-wise, and that was it. Wow, that was at 5,800, that it's bogging that much."
"Even if the animatronic of the indominous Rex is not working and it's in B mode, the drop itself gets people going."
"Anytime you see an animatronic malfunction you should always let a cast member know."
"We're gonna turn off the cameras because they are dying."
"...this thing shut itself down because it ran redlined overheated."
"The circuitry is completely fried. I've seen a lot of hot wires go bad before, but nothing like this."
"Well, there's no denying cylinder one is not working at all."
"Everything's blacked out on this model as well."
"I do remember that it would turn off sometimes, and I wouldn't know why."
"According to this diagnostic, this used failsafe got tripped causing it to shut down. What? Luke not injured in some way emotionally at least."
"The transmission mechanism is not working properly. Somehow, something between the money, the problem, and then the transmission mechanism is broken."
"Why did it do that? And the block is junk. So that's cool."
"Something happened with the engine."
"The magic smoke escaped. Well, there you go."
"The further we got down towards the 900 foot level, the more the cage started acting up. It was chattering as if it was stuck, but it was free from any obstruction."
"...the UV lights in the control room...one of the bulbs is failing, he goes over the breaker and touches it, it's pistol hot and it's in fact fused...the power of the control has dropped like 20 percent and the breaker can't break because it's fused."
"...the one that I paid for myself arrived from aliexpress... had locked up solid but this time it wasn't terminal."
"The problem we have right now: the boiler is turning off way too soon."
"I got a look at the satellite that attacked us while I was out there. Apparently it was designed to shoot down spy satellites and got its programming fouled up when it came across our HQ."
"Definitely got something wrong with my brakes. They're catching very hard."
"So, both the drivers and passenger side doors are so messed up that they won't even close."
"It's often because switches get stuck on."
"Why would that cap just decide to die, blow up, explode, stop working, and cease to be a working MacBook?"
"Another Jackson Merill, number to 299. It was at this point that Striker realized the microphone wasn't working the whole time."
"The television was on the floor, laying on its side and actually sparking."
"A pump is a very simple device and it's one of those simple devices when it acts up people get all kind of crazy about trying to figure out why it's not doing things."
"The aircraft nose wheel remained in the air and would not come down even with both control columns forward."
"Unfortunately, it looks like we have another blue light of death."
"So we got a device which is gonna disconnect in 14 seconds but the cable is gonna degrade and possibly catch fire within eight or nine."
"I won the whole thing! My controller's broken, I wasn't even... my controller legitimately isn't working."
"The blippy mobile wasn't working because there was a toy stuck in the gears."
"So, it looks like the battery is completely discharged."
"It's not even scratched yet and it's no longer working."
"If one of the cocking cam Springs is broken the gun will experience light hit misfires on occasion."
"Most likely the laptop is also killed."
"...I was so surprised that a gun coming from a manufacturer like that, coming from a store like Shields, had that many malfunctions right out of the box."
"So it's playing right now but it didn't reset any of the scores, which usually it shouldn't be able to start if it didn't reset the scores."
"...bizarre instances of well-maintained vehicles breaking down spontaneously and refusing to restart..."
"This is not good. We have a short on the dreaded CPU cap."
"Extra mags are essential. Magazines are intended to be disposable, so you need extras, especially on you, because a lot of times, when you have a malfunction, it is magazine related."
"The internet is broken until later this week."
"Even supposedly healthy dragons may have been malfunctioning on the inside."
"My keyboard's all sticky, the keys are not they're sticky."
"It's almost as if the mechanism keeping people in heaven and hell is broken."
"You're supposed to just be a stuck open injector."
"It's so it should move like this. This is the other side, but on the other side, it's stuck."
"The gimbal is just scraping against the top."
"Most mag failures are not going to cause engine roughness."
"This is so pretty, oh it's not working, Amira."
"It's not working very reliable because you see there, it seized up that time."
"Imagine the face detection not working one day."
"Who made that so it doesn't work? It's ridiculous."
"It's working again... so there's something going on with either the lace making Carriage or the needles."
"...the whole thing was smoking. It feels like the engine just blew up, basically."
"The fan is constantly running inside which is annoying because it gets warm I I don't know why but the fan is constantly running."
"Four flashlights that worked perfectly fine on the way there, and now none of them will turn on."
"The odometer stopped, but the speedometer is working."
"Apparently, the word is the water that's used in the wipers just won't spray under the windscreen for some reason."
"When the wiring goes wrong, you can have extended periods of darkness."
"...little flash light again no battery."
"It was only on the return trip back to JFK that the TriStar starboard engine suddenly began to smoke with a serious fire developing and spreading out along the wing."
"I just sat there and I spooled it up and then all of a sudden something just snapped."
"The anchor solic c1000 cannot start the dryer tumbling."
"All the music playing, never mind, stopped."
"The custom withdrew the vehicle, it was running perfectly, got to his house, tried to start the vehicle back up, and it just cranks and doesn't start at all."
"Dirty knotters won't work either."
"So yeah, her human behavior chip is a little off in this clip."
"So what I'm going to do is unplug this so you can see exactly what happens as if it was to break so we're just going to pull one of these wires loose and the scary side is this system did not shut off so this system has been bypassed."
"Did I hear something wrong with a charging port?"
"Unbelievable that the first measurement was on the part that doesn't seem to be working."
"Look at how much that capacitor is pulling off, shouldn't pull any of that off, leaky."
"Tom Thomas, are you just getting up? Dad, the alarm clock didn't go off, it's broken!"
"Personal effects going missing only to turn up later in odd places, strange malfunctions with animatronics and rides."
"Water cannon water having a little trouble."
"So it comes down, probes each time, lifts up to the cut height, and then it doesn't fit."
"The reason that these RAM ICs go bad is pretty unknown."
"The camera won't switch. Why is it doing that then? It's because it's overrated. It's strange, innit? Right out of the room, bro."
"Except the servo mechanism doesn't seem to be responding as well as it should."
"If the ride was functioning as it should have during previous inspections, why didn't the water drain?"
"There was no EU, there was no EU and the thrusters did not turn on and so we just kept going at the same speed, no there was no slowing down we touched and kept going."
"Why is the power not going through?"
"All right, there we go. Five bad chips for VIC-20."
"The original 500 system I bought six years ago became bricked."
"It's almost certainly that whenever it's supposed to step up the bonus unit, it can't."
"Oh, it broke by the pressure, the equipment broke all these."
"Your name can't be hand though. Is your hand moving? Go ahead, move your hand for me. Just move it a little bit. Oh, dude, my freaking gimbal just died."
"Something very clearly isn't right with this elevator."
"Anything that prevents the proper supply of field current from the regulator to the alternator is going to cause the alternator to stop putting out voltage."
"Welcome to beautiful Hesperia, California massive install here we got one Touareg icing us up here multiple chargers offline this is pretty wild actually all of those are offline these are the only ones with lights on it."
"The bus system that would always catch on fire."
"Confused by his experiences, Javier remarked, 'It certainly seemed like a mere malfunction at first.'"
"Every once in a while something goes bad. It's not like a warranty situation."
"My phone got liquid inside of it, and I keep getting this message that says 'Charging not available. Liquid has been detected in the Lightning connector. Charging now may damage your iPhone.'"
"BMSs go rogue. The gods of electronic circuitry cause the BMS to shut down for no known reason."
"As for some other problems... the rear view camera gets stuck on or the screen freezes and blocks out."
"This has a bad habit of breaking down."
"Our thermostat is not working. I've got it set to 69, it's only 66 in the house."
"It was all caused just from that tiny capacitor that you can probably buy for pennies."
"...it ended up being a bad throttle body."
"It was like everything electrical had a mind of its own."
"...right here, look how three, he saw the fire come out of the right side that sealed off the throttle."
"One of the Valvoline cars was limping."
"I had one other one where I'm on an FCF, one of the ramps stopped doing about 1.7 and it started doing these uncommanded rolls."
"Well there's something wrong with it."
"This unit had gone from normal operation, to something entirely different."
"And with no screens, the operators had no way to determine what had gone wrong."
"A useful way to get extra understanding of a complicated system is to see what happens when it kind of goes wrong."
"It's my number one fan; the number two doesn't work."
"Dealing with a malfunction in your car can be frustrating, especially when you do not know what exactly is wrong."
"Goodness, I think our electric kettle is broken."
"It's now a Beyblade; it's swollen, it's a spicy pillow."
"Once in the air, any malfunction could prove fatal."
"I disconnected my mouse but the cursor continued to thrash around the screen."
"The storyline escalates when the robots malfunction, leading to chaos and emphasizing the potential dangers and unpredictability of relying too heavily on AI."
"I'm sorry for your inconvenience, ma'am, this machine seems to not be working correctly."
"If your car's gas pedal gets stuck, it's important to shift into neutral and steer to a safe area."
"It's not an emergency, actually yeah, kind of is an emergency, because this car is not usable according to the issue that it has."
"It's fun and things like this, even when they do break down, it's fun to see the crowd cheer."
"It weeps gas a little bit, so that's screwed now."
"It's not because the core of me is bad, I think it's that in the engine room of my mind there's a bit of it not functioning properly."
"GM34s make milkshakes, but McDonald's milkshake machine was always broken."
"It's the idiosyncrasies, the thing malfunctioning, the thing not working absolutely to its optimum that gives it this great sound that we've come to love."
"As I was about to cross into Pennsylvania, I realized that my speedometer had stopped working. Of course, this would happen right at the beginning of a road trip."
"The wheels of the carriage turned out to be loose."
"It just disconnected completely, oh my gosh, I almost had a heart attack."
"Wow, I can't believe the ride broke down while we were on it."
"Sometimes things don't work right, and just everything goes wrong. It's just like, you know, you have a bad day."
"Hamster wheel was turning too fast, causing the light to flicker, you know how it goes."
"He pressed the off button on the remote, but the TV didn't turn off."
"Confound it, the batteries are dead."
"Please give me a high five, oh we're glitching out."
"When approaching a junction where the traffic lights have failed, you should proceed with caution."
"Ah, that. Well, Kenny, I'm afraid it's more than a stuck record. Something isn't working right."
"We were going along and we lose power... then we look back and we have flames coming up all underneath the front of the motor."