
Defensive Strategy Quotes

There are 288 quotes

"Morocco, they topped it, not conceding to Croatia, beating Belgium, not conceding there either."
"Everywhere he's been, those defenses have been pretty darn successful."
"Once you've got two center halves that you can trust, it gives you a little bit of stability."
"There's no defense in the NBA anymore." - Mike Malone
"With the shield you have a lot more protection now, a lot of survivability on the front line if you use the shield well and surprising DPS and control."
"The best offense is to claim you're doing what your enemy is actually doing."
"We have no intention of fighting Russia, but we want to send an unmistakable message that the United States, together with our allies, will defend every inch of NATO territory."
"Hippowdon was more unbreakable than ever, one of the best walls and support Pokemon around."
"That's a beautiful defense, an ace to close up the round with."
"Pillage gives you all those Shields back and then a lot."
"He fits how they want to play on defense, they want to be more aggressive, you have to have aggressive corners in the secondary." - Bucky Brooks
"it was full of mistakes it was like uh one of those games on FIFA where nobody can defend and you so as a result just because you can't defend you have to keep attacking and you just the last team that has the ball wins the game"
"It lifts you up, so if someone's trying to approach you, you can actually dodge their approach and then interrupt them with this."
"He's swinging man, he's coming out swinging trying not to get nailed on this because they're just about to get him in that corner where he can't get away."
"We should do is defend the castle and slowly clear the zombies out over time."
"He just made so many defensive plays to even get to this point."
"We took pride in not conceding goals as a team... because if you don't concede, you just need to score one in order to win."
"England haven't conceded a goal for seven matches now, including all six at the finals in the summer."
"David Curier, what a statement! He took a lot of shots, kept shelled up, defended well, but then it was those right hands."
"Enough is enough. We've got to start fighting back." - Governor Ron DeSantis
"That's it. That's why the queen is the worst defender."
"Your defensive decision making will set up your offense."
"I've never seen Dame so frustrated... tip my hat to the New York defense."
"A true lover of peace will not allow the enemies to have any kind of stronghold."
"Playing an idol on yourself or your ally is about the most basic defensive move you can get."
"Ignorance can absolutely be used as a defensive tactic."
"He earned us that. I think today Gabriel shows why he needs to be in the team. We are definitely better defensively with Gabriel in the team."
"I thought the way that they played defensively was kind of brave."
"A good defense is the best offense, the anime has pretty decent fights."
"When you attack, you want to be able to remove the defenders."
"Spurs just not evenly they're back there but there we go."
"What's changed defensively because back in the day I couldn't reel off defenders from Nesta to yourself to Cannavaro all across the world there was always good defenders."
"He is one of the smartest defensive players I've ever seen at his age."
"Steph's relentless and perpetual motion off the basketball is constantly warping the defense."
"Sooner or later we'll get like that AK, you know what I mean? We'll be able to really defend some drakes."
"Seeing no way out of this, Gina admits that the only offensive attribute magic she can use is ice."
"The manager went defensive with rubbish defenders. That's on your manager, mate."
"Frost adds another layer of protection to your defense."
"Puff is a good character, has one of the best edge guards in the entire game."
"Mayweather is so slick, his hands are so fast, his defense is so great."
"We just tried to shut them down and yeah I think this is the result."
"The best way of defending is not conceding any chances."
"Russia is both an offensive and a reactive and defensive actor."
"It was their first Chelsea's first premier league title they conceded only 15 goals."
"Pittsburgh is playing very well on the defensive side of the ball over the last six weeks."
"This is an awesome recruiting class, particularly at quarterback and particularly on defense."
"Shields get a bit of a rough time, but in role-playing games and video games, shields are pretty popular."
"Can't attack you, can't try to remove stuff, super annoying."
"Let's get as many people behind the ball as we can to make it difficult to score against, then let's hit teams on the break with pace and try and win set pieces."
"Christian has definitely adopted the attack is the best form of defense."
"Football is defense against attack, but you want to see the intent to attack."
"Every team we play puts 10 men behind the ball so it's another day at the office for City."
"Gold clamps, silver anchor, Hall of Fame chase... this build is a beast."
"Even a very small number of defensive fighters, perhaps as few as a four-ship flight, could have a disproportionate impact countering even a multi-squadron attack."
"We're gonna pick up spirit shield...a really fantastic tanking ability."
"That's why great offensive coaches understand defense. Bill Walsh said the best thing he ever did in his career was spent a year coaching defensive backs at Cal because he understood how they were teaching the defense."
"What move defends a bishop and defends the g2 pawn? Yeah, Bishop f1."
"The field of thorns as we're calling it is going to stop enemies in their tracks."
"Nidorino attack suddenly, like all Pokémon in the Nido family. If you're talking to one and let your guard down, he'll pounce on you, bite, trample, scratch, and stab you with his horn."
"You've got to constantly be monitoring what the pieces can take."
"Caustic's gas traps are insane at keeping enemies off of you, and the gas grenade is still good at getting the drop on enemies."
"Caring for your friends counters the enemy's attack."
"I think you need culture and a solid defense."
"Build that defense and have some playmakers on offense."
"Ironwood admits his goal isn’t to defeat Salem, but to escape."
"NATO member countries continue to build up and modernize their offensive capabilities."
"If you're able to play this without outcast, you get to attack two minions and you take no damage in response, and that is just amazing no matter how you look at it."
"The regenerating walls were definitely the MVP this run."
"As a defender, you can still be competitive... don't allow them to get into a rhythm."
"The honey badger is everywhere - do not throw near him."
"Mass represents our ability to fight, to defend ourselves, and to impose ourselves in a very combative way if necessary."
"The best defense can also be a strong offense."
"As the defender, it's almost riskier to try to attack in some situations."
"Swimming towards them so they retract their thorns cancel their attacks and run away is one of the most valuable strategies."
"Put that pressure on the person, make them sit back there and try to figure out what they gonna do when they come out. That's what I would do."
"He's now in a position to be the tank the G2 need him to be."
"Make sure all your pieces are secure and that should absolutely be what you focus on."
"Bisaka deserves praise to make the manager think that you don't need a right back."
"Our defense sucks... we gotta change something up."
"Sometimes the best defense is the best offense."
"Memphis tracking back and helping on defensive duties is absolutely crucial in modern football."
"You cannot give him a clearer picture of your defense. You have to muddy the waters and make him hold it."
"You're incredibly good at just holding the tower by yourself and stalling the enemy's ability to snowball."
"Whenever we used to play the Colts, quarterbacks wouldn't sleep at night, offensive line wouldn't sleep at night because they knew 98, 93 are coming and coming and coming."
"They're being aggressive, they're contesting the footballs, that was their goal and for three quarters they've done it extremely well on the Colts defensive side."
"Wearing gear matters, you want to have extra defense on your units."
"If we want to improve as a football team, we need to concede fewer goals."
"Man City's defense this season has been a massive part of their success."
"Eli doesn't win without his defense becoming elite."
"San Frans might chase them all game sacked him seven times and destroyed any hope their opposition had when they were in the Red Zone the score does not do it justice this was domination."
"Credit where credit's due, he went over to Atletico Madrid to study their defensive system."
"Robert Sala is one of the top defensive minds in the league."
"The defensive line is the defining strength of this team."
"Sometimes the best way to protect your allies is by killing the thing that's trying to kill them."
"Overall, if you're a player that likes to make a lot of towers or castles to defend yourself from raiding while you boom, the Teutons are definitely a civilization you'll enjoy."
"Clodsire, the new Quagsire form, basically getting 130 HP. Very, very bulky."
"They always play that card, right? You know, remember they used to say, 'Oh, he's going to give up.' So at first they said I was going to be in a war within the first week. Whatever happened to that, right? Just the opposite."
"We got some pieces to work with defensively, call me crazy but we might have some studs here."
"He improved the entire team; he improved the defenders."
"Just not dying is more important than uh killing people right because your presence is more than enough."
"My front line is so incredibly tanky from the shadow locket, I cannot praise it enough."
"Last time I'll say it, I swear, Shadow Locket makes us so tanky."
"When you love it, you just keep up with it. I ain't trying to lose."
"Man's a quarterback hunter. Yeah, he's making all the appearances in the backfield."
"This defense is is going to carry them like they're going to be top five in both categories."
"I think they have the best defensive back court in the league easy."
"Smoke Screen is designed to be very versatile and capable of making space in a number of situations, be it pushing into the enemy team or covering your own hasty retreat."
"That castle will secure both sides of the water."
"You want to mess with my family? Okay, I'm gonna put my family over here and now I'm gonna deal with you."
"He excelled as a defensive general, able to pick his ground and force the enemy to attack him."
"Playing retake is when the defenders have to take the objective back from the attackers."
"Having that team shape is key, one of the things that you really want to ensure that you're not doing in this sort of instance is grabbing this center defensive mid and being too aggressive there."
"Just play safe till six; his little one-sided invincibility shield won't help him."
"Fight if you can't, fly. Something bad will happen to Jenny if you don't."
"We've been putting some good hits on Watson."
"To deter China, Taiwan must prepare for war now."
"Liverpool go into every game and the defense is on the other team, thinking how do we stop them?"
"Game ball goes to our defense, they were sensational."
"Martinez and Varan played off each other perfectly, perfect foils for each other and it was cracking."
"You watch a player like Chandler Jones have a free shot like he had on that play against Marshawn Lynch, and he barely slowed him down. You know? And as you get into the second half, defenses and defenders, especially the big guys, get tired."
"Shield can be used as a reaction to increase your armor class by five."
"Our defense has been so clutch inside the Red Zone."
"Let's go ahead and finish these guys off and then start fortifying."
"They've recorded 14 takeaways on defense this year, that's the most by a Pac-12 team."
"If my family was in danger, no, this armor may not give me life, but it may give me the time to win and end the threat."
"Time for me to add some walls to my Tycoon to keep you out of here."
"Stay with what you know and never get into that place where they're able to dismiss you."
"Jump and place walls above you as a decoy for a free opportunity to peak that angle."
"Imperial Fists, resolute defenders excelling with disciplined gun lines and unparalleled masters of siege warfare."
"That was a long fight that Rainer, I guess you could say, kind of won on the defensive."
"Yami's Black Moon spell allows him to absorb magic and discriminate what gets absorbed."
"The Wizards need defense more than anyone in the league right now, which makes this selection pretty much a no-brainer."
"Club Brugge topping their group and securing their place in the next round with their draw against Atletico Madrid, securing their place in the next round and still not conceding a single goal."
"Azrael is bringing a crazy amount to the table for just 105 points, with solid melee, defensive buffs for his unit, and generating command points as he goes."
"A 4 cost 2/6 taunt with Enrage +3 attack, a very strong card for warrior decks."
"The active gives you a shield, I'm such a fan of this because it adds a lot of skill expression to the tank class."
"They can't get through the construct, they can't get through the construct."
"Fantastic performance, they've been so tight."
"Timur really defended well I mean he put up like the most fortress-like defense imaginable."
"This counter kamehameha is perfect for when you're going up against a lot of opponents."
"The ultimate is we call it an interception pylon that shoots down bombardments incoming grenades stop star spam and it charges your team shield."
"Defense is just almost always the best in slot."
"Nothing is more invigorating than stopping your opponent at the one-yard line."
"He plays like how we want to play on defense and he's a very selfless player."
"This kid is for real, and as long as Washington's success as a team depends on their defensive line's ability to be the biggest, meanest, ass-kickingest dudes on the block, I think they're in pretty good hands."
"The Dolphins defense has also been just so bad, but they're getting better and better."
"It's even more so just keeping RNG in their own base."
"The Chiefs defense will always be suspect... but Chris Jones can wreck some [ __ ]."
"Defensively again just stepping up at the right time."
"One defense is enough, then I think you move on."
"Harlequins' defense became a way to score tries."
"Van commands to raise the bridge and prepare ballista because there can be bandits in the carriage."
"Brian Flores has invented a new way to play defense that's never been done in the NFL."
"Chase Young anchored one of the league's best defenses... to a surprise NFC East division title."
"Blackman was a rock in the young Indianapolis Colts' secondary... That's how you address the defense."
"It's almost always better to just be back behind your teammates."
"Protect your resources people, protect the map against Ace of emeralds."
"Killjoy is still more useful as a defensive minded agent and she still has the best ultimate in the game"
"We use pawns this game as a shielding mechanism to take away our opponent's comfort and space."
"Van Dyck is the kingpin of that defense and he sorted Liverpool's defense out."
"Luke Shaw and fit is gonna be, I think, bordering on being excellent for the team."
"The blur effect allows you to, you know, just let attacks pass through you just like a mirage you see in the distance."
"We will fight to the last man and in the end we will smash their plans over their heads."
"Broncos defense was absolutely torched on third down last week."
"When the hate don't work, they start telling lies."
"As you can see, we're here we're not really allowing him to get too much counter push or anything."
"Your back four should always be in shape because if you do, you're going to put yourself in a situation like this."
"Light up your village: None of the defenses matter if you don't do this."
"Lapras was released not too long ago in Pokemon United even though it's received a couple Nerfs this is still one of the best defenders inside the game."
"Don't bleed into the water for these crazy piranhas, these sharks, these monsters. Don't do it."
"Greek fire became known as one of recorded history's earliest secret weapons, playing a major role in the successful defense of Constantinople."
"Liverpool are incredibly solid defensively this season."
"Thanks to his defense, Hakeem is a two-time back-to-back champ beating elite centers like Shaq and Patrick Ewing in the finals."
"I want a clean sheet for sure because I think it's gonna be key."
"Yone's W is a very powerful trading tool. It allows him to deal damage while also shielding himself, and players are definitely struggling to play around it."
"Will they turn it into an island Fortress and fight for every City Block essentially on the west coast?"
"Keep your hands as a threat to him... keep it up here... just like in the spear position."
"If these season-changing plays are not Defensive Player of the Year kinds of moments, then I don't know what are."
"That's the most fun thing, is reading teams on defense, it's like one of the most fun things you could do."
"The honeycomb level one wooden wall strats are one of the most effective ways of protecting your base."
"Flashback Varane... the best send back in the entire game."
"This has become LeBron's worst nightmare. This is times 10 your worst nightmare. This is opening the eyes of the undisputed faithful to the fact that Jordan clearly was better than LeBron."
"It's not going to help me at all anymore, it's more of a defensive on my opponent's turn one."
"The walls are really important because otherwise the pillagers will be able to Tower up and just climb inside that would be horrible I'm not going to let that happen not on my watch"
"It's difficult for them to get results without trying to get them with 10 men."
"I'm less impressed by our damage output and more impressed by our lack of taking damage."
"Clean sheets can often be underestimated but if you keep a clean sheet it's very hard for you to lose games."
"Hitler's decision to personally lead the defense underscored the gravity of the situation and the extent to which he was willing to commit to the last stand in Berlin."
"Using player defense shapes level design: 'defensive capability is more important than offensive power.'"
"Teams are stuck in their nickel defenses and it gives the offenses an even greater advantage when you think about it."
"He caught it like he had a catcher's mitt on. I gotta lie, a whole queue to block. I don't believe in blocking for people whose offense isn't strong enough."
"Clean sheet, clean sheet, that's what it's about."
"Defensive does not mean offensively useless."
"Adesanya does so well at keeping him at bay using that straight kick."
"This is an incredible defensive ability... you just press that and they can't do a thing."
"We haven't got a defense you say no we need our defense starting before the thing we haven't got a defense blood we have not got a defense blood look at."
"A lot of their success was aided by just how dominant their defense was."
"When Waffenträger E100 is able to shoot you, you better run and hide."
"Barrett has the mentality and agility to attack hard closeouts."
"Spurs are actually good and they stop giving up as many shots."