
Favorites Quotes

There are 4718 quotes

"The X-Men, the children of the atom. Charlie's Angels, kind of. They're my favorite anything."
"This is probably my favorite palette. It's one of the most unique ones that you can get your hands on."
"This is one of my favorites; it's definitely one of the prettiest color stories as well, if you ask me."
"This spray has been my Holy Grail for probably about six months now."
"The Red Dead Redemption series will be one of my all-time favorites."
"This one is definitely, actually by far my favorite."
"It’s been one of my favorite movies for a long time."
"This is my favorite Christmas cookie of all time, and he knows it."
"These are fantastic. This might also be my favorite naan."
"Loved those this year, one of my favorite pieces."
"This is probably one of my favorite scenes from the entire film."
"Luigi, my favorite Super Mario Bros character of all time."
"Of all the weddings, this one touches my heart the most."
"Let me just say, Multimac is still, to this day, one of my favorites."
"This is the ultimate combination of India's most loved treats."
"Favorite COD all-time? Call of Duty 4, opened so many gates."
"Another pay-to-win clip, these are my favorites."
"Probably my favorite item in my entire collection."
"What's your favorite card from the set? It might be Showdown of the Skalds because I want to just ex out four cards and play them."
"The Marc Jacobs Iconic Eyeshadow Palettes were definitely my top favorites."
"Which is your favorite car from this five car premium set?"
"Let me know in the comments down below which is your favorite car from this five car premium set."
"Considering the game one of your favorites of all time because of these small parts would be strange and perhaps even requires you to ignore greater flaws with the games in more significant areas."
"Last night I was thinking, my favorite animal is a bear."
"These are movies that I really resonated with, I really love them."
"Banjo Kazooie is without a doubt one of my favorite games of all time."
"Definitely like in my top 10 for all-time favorite makeup products."
"CAD Bane is genuinely one of my favorite bounty hunters in the Galaxy."
"These are some of my favorites from that formula, I think she kind of nailed it."
"Honestly, my current whip is always my favorite project."
"This might not be my favorite ending of all time but it is certainly the ending to one of my favorite anime of all time."
"Pillars of Eternity 2 dead fire really expanded on everything from the first game... one of my favorite games overall."
"Pathfinder Wrath of the righteous... an insanely replayable RPG that is hands down one of my favorites."
"Hank Aaron, Willie Mays, Babe Ruth - my top three."
"Comparing them is a little bit like comparing two gold bars... they're both favorite kids."
"The feature set, the overall package with the Sony product was kind of, it was my favorite of the bunch."
"These games were some of my favorites growing up."
"Legitimately one of my favorite designs for any ship in all of science fiction."
"Let me know in the comments section who's your faves."
"Samsung Galaxy S9: one of my favorite phones ever released."
"I like the fact that we're bringing joy to people... I'm happy that I'm making that [ __ ] happen."
"Lucario's like one of my top, probably my favorite Pokemon."
"Pikmin 3 is not only my favorite installment in the Pikmin series thus far but also one of my top 10 favorite games of all time."
"This is warfare 1917... and it is just one of my absolute favorite flash games of all time."
"Outcast is incredible... Audrey and big boy are my favorite."
"If I could choose my absolute favorite sneaker, it's the Nike Air Force Ones."
"All my favorite colors, yes, sir, all my favorite colors, right on."
"If you can pick any player in NBA history that you've never had on your team to play for you, who would it be? Well, Chamberlain."
"So it's one of my favorites for a native tree and now some of your big going are very pleasing."
"What's your guys's favorite battle pass skin that you've seen?"
"Oreo cookies quickly turned into everyone's favorite cookie."
"One of my new favorite Pokemon of this entire generation."
"Definitely get this one, it's one of my favorite heavy tanks."
"Parasyte ended up being one of my favorite shows in the mid-2010s."
"That corner piece is really where it's at, oh my goodness gracious."
"Exotic quests and missions have always been some of my favorite pieces of Destiny and Destiny 2."
"Supplanted for me han Solo saying Chewie were home as my favorite moment in a trailer."
"Shake Shack fries are my favorite fast-food fries."
"If I were to pick an all-time favorite contemporary it would probably be either this one or Aristotle and Dante."
"They activate really easily. That's maybe my favorite thing about them."
"There's just so much to appreciate. That's why when I say my favorite, I'm like, now there's just so much."
"As you see we got the last one uh Roshan III with dono says blue fusions are best units in the game."
"It has my favorite line in the whole series."
"Well, my favorite chase card is gonna be Rainbow Quartz."
"It's crazy, that's actually one of my favorites."
"Aside from Bob's Burgers, Benjamin's favorite burger joint is Shake Shack."
"The ending of Code Geass r2 still to this day is my favorite ending of any show I have ever watched."
"Mac and cheese and what? PB & J. PB & J. I gotta go with PB & J, I just have to." - Rhett
"In a landslide, hamburger and fries." - Rhett
"Probably two of my prize pieces in my collection are my carded Bespin Luke and Yoda, they're two of my favorite figures from the vintage line."
"What is your favorite Pokémon movie and why?"
"This is one of my all-time favorite figures."
"Above all else, Psychonauts 2 tops the list for me."
"Materia is one of my favorite mechanics in a Final Fantasy game."
"I think these two are my favorites of the minis when it comes to color stories."
"Banjo Kazooie is a great game, it's one of my favorite platformers."
"You've got my favorite Pokemon ever right now bro, you take good care of that little monkey."
"This definitely has been one of my favorite series of the year in FIFA 22, like top three."
"Bloodborne has ended up as one of my favorite PS4 exclusives."
"What have been your biggest, the most fun thing you saw today, Persia? Warioware."
"I love all the connectors on this board. This is still my favorite Pi in many respects..."
"One of my favorite series ever though, one of my favorite fantasy series too is the Queen of the Tearling."
"Haley is TCB... I love her videos she's very well-spoken and I love all of her favorites..."
"If WE makes it into this group, they're the favorites."
"That was genuinely I think one of my favorite games in a long time."
"There's a certain performative quality of being in college where you are like I am being in college..."
"I'm super stoked about this, I'm a huge fan of GTA5 and GTA online is definitely my favorite thing to play right now."
"The ending ranks as one of my favorite endings of all time since I first played it in 1998."
"Advance Wars, I love that game and I think it's one of the best Nintendo IPs in the entirety of existence."
"It's easily one of my favorite movies of all time."
"Will of the people is on my repeat playlist."
"I just met him... but he's definitely one of my favorite characters."
"This one's like a 10 for me. Yeah, yeah, this is one of my favorite ones. I [] love this []."
"This is my favorite legendary, this is my favorite legendary, this is S tier."
"My number one for the lightweight division is Charles Oliveira."
"My all-time favorite movie is 'Man on Fire.'"
"The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time in my opinion is not only the best Zelda game created but also the best Game I have ever played to this day, and that is saying something."
"My favorite movie? That's so hard. It's a toss-up between 'Hot Fuzz' and 'Shaun of the Dead.'"
"Bimini Bomb Lash, how, where do I begin? Maybe one of my all-time favorites ever of Drag Race."
"At the end, I do think this might be my all-time favorite Empire."
"My number one favorite mount is probably this one with the different coloration."
"What Remains of Edith Finch is one of my favorite games of all time."
"Guilds and Oblivion were my absolute favorite part of the game when I played through it before."
"Among all the deserving places, there's no question that somewhere in your top 10 you'd probably have Thailand and Japan."
"Skate 3 was amazing, one of my top ten favorite games of all time."
"Evil-Lyn, that was the shocker. She became one of my favorite characters too."
"Together forever... that's one of my favorites."
"Absolutely love the skin, top 10 favorite for sure."
"My favorite fights from the series would have to be Ornstein and executioner smo father gascoigne lord of cinder the fume knight lady maria of the astral Clocktower the bell gargoyles the pursuer dancer of the boreal valley orphan of course."
"Lollipops are pretty much the best things ever."
"Spoiler warning here, this was my favorite collaboration of the season by far."
"Peanut butter really just is the best food ever."
"What's your favorite monster just like off the top of your dome? You've got no time to think about it as much as people aren't gonna like this answer Selena, man. Slenderman."
"Chapter two season three, one of my all-time favorite seasons."
"Chapter two season five, this was actually one of my favorite seasons of the chapter."
"Some of my favorite pieces of music I've ever listened to, they've stuck with me for a long time now."
"Celeste is probably up there in my top five games of all time."
"Magic Archer really revealing why they're one of my favorite cards in Clash Royale."
"These dimensions are really, really cool. They're one of my favorite parts about the game."
"The album is fire... my favorite album of the year."
"They earned that, which one's your favorite? We won't tell the others."
"I personally liked all of them but if I had to pick favorites it would probably be Gabby, Avery, and Aubrielle."
"It's like one of my favorite times of the year."
"Pokemon Pinball would be on this, I had that on my list."
"Book five happens to be my favorite book and I was so excited about jumping in to getting into this book and getting into this season."
"Let me know which food hack was your favorite."
"I love these eyeshadow palettes, especially the classic eyeshadow palette."
"I was floored by it... the movie's fantastic."
"Alola may have my favorite soundtrack with the most unique and diverse themes in the franchise."
"Guild Wars 2 is easily one of my top three MMORPGs right now."
"This is still one of my favorite farms that we built in the Minecraft Survival Guide."
"This is one of my favorite locations in the world."
"You need your little thrifted purses. My favorite ones are honestly from the thrift store."
"Character designs from Akira to Bebop are some of my all-time favorites."
"Let's talk about our favorite Yu-Gi-Oh! releases."
"And that song is… might be my favorite song."
"For this unboxing my favorite has got to be the jojo siwa bus."
"It's just a really unusual location and one of our favorite open world cities."
"Data packs are probably one of my favorite things about Minecraft as well."
"Gastronaut remains to be one of my favorite Pokemon."
"Favorite Indian movie? Munna Bhai MBBS, love the comedies."
"One of our favorite car companies of all time."
"Batman must be my favorite, and it's so boring to say, but he really is."
"I felt like Agrammar was probably one of my favorite fights in Antorus by far."
"For me, Watership Down is a movie that is forever going to be one of my favorites for its bravery and execution."
"I feel like that's probably a good spot to end the video I think out of the ones I've used now it might have changed from my favorite being the stormtrooper it's now I think the pulling sucker gun"
"Now that it's award season, what's your favorite movie you saw in 2019? Mine was Parasite."
"I did it again, it was one of my favorite days of work."
"This has been one of my most favorite updates in the game."
"Oh my gosh we got an EX Team Rocket returns as well this is one of my favorite sets of all time."
"Pink is pretty much my favorite color ever, so um that just makes me even more excited for this collection."
"Favorite movie of all time? Probably The Lives of Others."
"They would be the real favorites in the East."
"Chops Grill is just an all-time favorite among Royal Caribbean Cruise fans."
"Pizza is the best food ever, you guys know that."
"This is outstanding! This is like... my favorite ramen of all time so far."
"Leave a comment and let me know what's your favorite uniform."
"Super Mario Bros. 2 is fantastic, and I'd even go as far as saying it's my favorite NES Mario."
"This is one of my favorite hubs." - Bill Roseman
"Let us know in the comments below what is the coolest bike of all time."
"Just know that at the end of the day I adore this game. It's one of my favorite games of all time."
"This one right here might be one of my favorites from Juice."
"Dark Hawk, my favorite character in the game."
"This has got to be one of my favorite bloody moons too."
"Try this once and I promise it will become a favorite of yours as well for many happy years to come."
"I think France is still favorites of the World Cup and Brazil have a good shouts as Vignesh. I think Brazil's Squad looks really half decent."
"Luigi's Mansion remains to be one of my all-time favorite games."
"This game is absolutely amazing. It might even be my new number one of all time."
"Buzzwole is probably the best Pokemon in the game."
"I know my favorite photo is the one of the three of them."
"Master of Chaos, probably one of my favorite cards in the set."
"Tiny little frog is my new favorite character."
"This trailer, my favorite trailer of the year."
"What was the your favorite scene from like because Bronx I mean that's my one of my favorite movies what was your favorite scene."
"My favorite Drake album is 'Nothing Was the Same.' I feel like it's one of the best rap albums of all time."
"End of the year content... my favorite content to watch... love roundups... endings... new beginnings."
"I think it makes them the title favorites."
"How did I do basing on the original designs and which one is your favorite?"
"This is probably gonna be one of your favorite items."
"Final Fantasy 9: 'Final Fantasy 9 is probably my favorite Final Fantasy.'"
"This is one of my favorite pages in the planner."
"The king of that for me this year was everything everywhere because I didn't know what to think of that movie until I saw it and then it was my favorite movie of the year."
"This track is the best on here no question for me."
"When it comes to just the story, this is probably my personal favorite."
"This is my absolute favorite competitor ever."
"Super Mario Galaxy is like one of my favorite games of all time."
"What is your favorite OST from any game? Nier Automata. I think Nier is the best OST ever created."
"I think this is my favorite one. It had so many cool scenes, twists, emotions—everything."
"They are fabulous and one of my favorite things here."
"This is some of my favorite concept art ever."
"The simplicity of Kirby's Dreamland makes it one of my favorite games of all time."
"Definitely one of my favorite villains in this show."
"I think the ice cream is the best one, I love the ice cream."
"Barcelona are probably the favorites going into the game just because of how dominant they've been."
"This is easily one of my favorites, thank you so much."
"Picking favorite books is so difficult because I could easily talk to you about like recent faves but I never know which favorites are gonna stick around for long enough that they become all-time favorites."
"Absolutely one of my favorite shoes in my collection and definitely will not be leaving anytime soon."
"Aliens... it's one of my favorite movies of all time..."
"That was amazing. That is by far my favorite roller coaster that I've been on in this world so far."
"Castlevania Symphony of the Night is right up there with other games such as Super Metroid or Sonic 3 & Knuckles as being one of my absolute favorite games of all time."