
Communication Issues Quotes

There are 206 quotes

"This show has this perennial problem with the flow of information."
"There's no communication between the bar and the dining room, so people get served drinks but no one remembers to charge for them."
"When our needs aren't being met within a relationship, our tendency is to close off, shut down, and become less communicative instead of more communicative. This is the death warrant to a relationship."
"You're escalating, you're like just not turning around."
"I was just trying to get on the same page, but it felt like we were in different books."
"There is perhaps no more insidious a killer of relationships than miscommunication."
"I think we should focus more on the fact that this family has an issue with not being on the same page."
"Boundaries and it... boundaryless very quickly here."
"In today's day and age, people are more concerned with saying things the right way versus saying the right things."
"It's just terrifying to even allow this in or they feel very guilty that they didn't admit this that they didn't talk through things with you."
"It could be the best map ever, but it's just not communicated in a way that it should be."
"This person thinks about you constantly, but it's like they don't know how to reach out."
"There clearly is a disconnect in communication between whoever is writing the guidelines and rules and the enforcement team who are enforcing them."
"Communication's not gonna cut it with the allegations of deleting comments, not getting in front of this the moment people were complaining."
"I was informed this morning by my agent that I have been terminated by CNN. I am stunned after 17 years at CNN I would have thought that someone in management would have had the decency to tell me directly."
"There's a lot of them in there... and one of the things that happens is when... something is wrong something's profoundly wrong..."
"What's up? I'm not really happy right now. I felt like you not coming home last night was unacceptable and it hurt my feelings that you didn't feel like the need to communicate to me like your plans or the fact that you weren't coming home."
"So, she was like speaking out about it. Dracula started responding to tweets I was attacking people initially but then deleted the tweet and claimed she didn't see other complaints and issues and that's why she was so rude in her responses."
"In our society, communication is not the first choice when a problem occurs."
"I don't condone in any way these types of comments I don't understand why these guys don't just simply tell her why she's wrong."
"Cheating is the end of a long story of relationship problems because neither either her or her husband didn't have the skills to communicate that stuff."
"He's in clear emotional mental distress... it's the medium that is the problem as opposed to the effort that either party are putting."
"Is it he's dragging his feet yeah and I think I have a lot to do with my reactions to a lot of stuff but that's what he says."
"Do you understand how crazy that sounds and how incredibly and deeply hurtful that is?"
"I've been trying to contact you all night. Just what the hell is wrong with you?"
"This vagueness and this reluctance to communicate leads to this situation where the community can only speculate on what exactly is and is not allowed."
"They're not really saying what it is that they really mean."
"Low-key, it does work, but then like I said, like Devin said too, like it gets to a point where like if they keep doing that, you're like nah, that's not worth it, you know?"
"I feel like that communication piece was never really understood at a level to really push people to action."
"Patents are like door locks they only keep the honest people out."
"The communication is so off, despite efforts to express and take action."
"That's just like me giving you a book you've always wanted but inside it all you find in the way it's fucked you scrawled on every page. It hurts."
"Long-distance relationships put all the pressure to talk on the phone, and when it's all on the phone, it's not real. And when it's not real, we don't treat it as real."
"Definitely moving on from something, it could be blocked communication between the two of you."
"Why can't she just tell me if she likes me or not? What is with all the mixed signals?"
"If our relationship can be ended by you just because I don't want to participate in a messed up conversation dynamic, then the relationship never existed."
"Acknowledge that it's happening and try to understand."
"You feel like they went cold on you, they're being super harsh, you may feel like they're not communicating because they don't know how or what to say."
"It's getting to the point now where it's been lingering for too long and nobody's really made a decision. So, if you want communication, you're going to have to do it. If not, time to move forward."
"I think most things in life that you can look at on a grand scope and in the day-to-day comes to bad communication."
"There is stuff they haven't discussed with you."
"I've never done this before, there's someone in his ear and he's just like 'huh', like they can't hear."
"I feel like you're really missing the point here."
"They have these feelings for you but they're unable to express it for whatever reason."
"I have no choice because Pureology hasn't emailed me back in over a year, and I'm getting desperate."
"There's no denying that something weird is going on in terms of the communication between Congress and the Pentagon."
"Ever told your truth to someone and they refused to believe it because it was so outlandish to them?"
"I'm tired of throwing darts at this can phone book because you never seem to be happy."
"Nuance tends to get lost in these conversations."
"Stop with the 'that's not what it means to me.'"
"They're struggling with communication but want to figure things out with you."
"They're viewing you as someone giving them mixed signals or false hope."
"It's like there's a giant elephant in the room and nobody is talking about it."
"We're living through a kind of epistemological Apocalypse where we are aware that we're locked into ways of engaging with each other and ways of talking about the world that might undermine the very problems we're trying to solve."
"Pointing fingers and talking about how we feel rather than explaining is a big problem."
"The biggest problem is misunderstanding metaphorical language as literal."
"Not the a-hole at all they have yet to reach out period."
"I tried to call you on your landline but you were not picking up."
"You are constantly disappearing and not answering your phone."
"Arguing about something based on a misunderstanding... Sorry about that."
"No matter how you feel on the subject, if somebody's emotionally wrought over it and you're still trying to mansplain, it's not a good look."
"They feel like you're cold, detached from them. They want more communication or messages, basically they want this to start."
"Their mixed messaging and ever-shifting rules and regulations have caused confusion."
"You read my messages and don't respond, frick you."
"This has nothing to do with them personally, and they just don't understand."
"This is not normal. It is not healthy. It is not acceptable."
"Just kind of smashing their feelings down and telling them that they can't have the feelings that they have, like that just crosses an unhealthy line."
"I think it is more of an indication that she probably didn't send that text."
"Allan still rarely communicated with his family."
"When somebody's not heard or valued, they're stuck in that mindset."
"Shooting the messenger won't solve the underlying issues."
"Unfortunately, we have emailed and called the detective that's in charge of the investigation, and he has not thus far spoken with us."
"He's crying because y'all aren't listening, that's why."
"Their awful handling of communication was rather egregious."
"The downside of valuable conversations is just people who spew these words repeatedly."
"This honestly made me realize that wow miscommunication is really really a big thing."
"Imagine being gaslit like you're trying to talk about what your feelings are and it's like according to all of the biometric data that we're collecting on you in real time you're lying to us."
"People yell at each other because people aren't listening."
"Most men don't even realize when a relationship is over, because they don't understand how to read their girlfriend or their wife or whatever. They don't understand how to read behavior, they don't understand that the medium is the message."
"People have a problem with talking, I 1 million percent agree."
"Not the jerk. You tried talking to him and being reasonable and turned your problem into a bigger problem for him when he basically told you off."
"Cracks were beginning to appear in their six-year marriage."
"The things he said kept getting crazier and crazier."
"Recognition for them—they want success, victory, and attention."
"This person does love you unconditionally, but they also feel like there's a lot of unnecessary drama between the two of you."
"She proceeds to tell my wife and I that this is not a conversation like I'm having a casual conversation."
"A lot of issues are only issues because of a lack of conversation."
"So many problems in our lives come from simple miscommunication."
"This relationship is already done. He was cheating on her already."
"You're dealing with a lack of communication."
"It's fine just talk over me it's okay I'm enthusiastic I'm sorry metal he's crying now nice one he's always crying oh my goodness now I'm leaving or something."
"Cody's okay with having conversations about Christine but won't call his kids?"
"Almost every unkind word we've spoken or unwise decision we made could have been avoided if we had been more patient or less impulsive."
"Confusion and illusions with the way we think, with the way we talk."
"Assumption is the motherfucker of all things."
"If a chick is not doing that and you find as a guy you're the one who's texting all the time, there's a big problem. It's a big problem."
"If a girl doesn't ask you any original questions and just deflects yours, chances are, she doesn't really care to get to know you."
"We both agree that we don't have this clear vision on whatever the hell this is."
"Unseen, you know, message unsend. Yeah, so I was thinking like the 20 new messages that she sent me back-to-back, I thought she, like, realized what she was doing."
"The failure rate of communication is not the height of concern for most of the American people."
"Chris is struggling through his explanation because it doesn't make him sound good to say that shenan wanted to work on their marriage"
"If this was a former Biden communications chief, this would be the single largest scandal of his entire presidency."
"I don't know if it'll be fixed that fast but I said Phil Spencer said Sony has never contacted him back."
"I feel like this has been an abusive conversation."
"They start talking real vague, there's just been an overall attitude changing you over the last couple of weeks."
"Banking with Capital One is the easiest decision in the history of decisions."
"Dirty talk is usually a little sexy. You should note guys, that was you talking nerdy. TMI. He's never talked dirty to me in our entire relationship."
"I didn't get anything back... and by March, I realized that they were avoiding my calls and my emails."
"Y'all missed it, we had to make things easier because most people just missed a lot of this stuff."
"I'm confused why you don't see what just happened."
"When he speaks now, it's like watching someone drift off. It's incredibly sad to watch."
"I told her how I also don't want to end our relationship but I am hurting."
"He ended up calling me on a private number, questioning me, grilling me."
"You don't understand the definition of soon soon would have been after the first three years not here when we've got to seven years but also come on now nobody talks like that."
"The number one cause of a relationship ending? Uncommunicated expectations."
"Mapimi Silent Zone: Where communication mysteriously stops."
"Isn't it funny how all this started over some [ __ ] highlighted text because she just couldn't keep her mouth shut because she just had to talk about it her ego get the best of her"
"Dealing with spam communications can be time-consuming, deeply frustrating, and sometimes even quite scary."
"I felt like I was talking pretty loud, but it seemed like you were just ignoring me. I honestly, this is not that bad, but I think me and you could do better."
"I don't want to have to figure out what are your intentions, what are you assuming, and then you get mad when I snap at you."
"If you feel like you can't say something to who you're gonna be with, that's a bit of an issue, a little bit of a red flag."
"You would think that we would be progressing quickly instead we're just arguing more."
"I can't talk to Rex, really weird. I probably already have all the clues I need."
"Honestly, feedback generally goes on deaf ears."
"Just because I don't read what you think you can clap."
"It's not a misunderstanding when you're playing human ping pong."
"It's the Prime Minister, he hasn't even had a conversation."
"No, asking questions while there's questions playing, but why? You didn't know the saying anyways, dude."
"Even if you think it's my fault, you're not trying to talk."
"That's the brick wall: translating what it is that people are actually saying to how policy turns out, and we're not there yet."
"There's little room for reasonable conversations anymore."
"The last thing I'm gonna say about this: The baby was wrong."
"Couldn't you have some kinda loophole here for when you're calling about your dying friend?"
"George drove me crazy only because he talked negative about me and offered just, you know, I mean, it's... you know he will deny it and say that I bet I don't."
"We didn't get that far into the conversation."
"You need to open up. There is some kind of communication breakdown in between you and the people that are very close to you."
"People get so frustrated by analogies and it drives me crazy."
"You're giving someone the silent treatment, that's that disconnect."
"The bulk of the Nigerian people even misunderstood what we were talking about."
"Majority of relationships that fail fail because of communication being poor."
"At the moment we have the phone turned off at the store. You know, there's things like that where popularity is a good thing for business, it's also detrimental."
"They feel that way towards you, right? They feel like, and I feel like they don't, they want to make things better with you but they don't know how."
"People hear you but they don't really listen, listen."
"If only there had been some way to warn Maui and Lahaina residents of the approaching blaze, some sort of warning system that didn't rely on cell service."
"What do you mean by woke? It's such an off, some are calling it a gotcha, but it's not a gotcha in that it's so obvious."
"I really don't like the word misunderstanding because it almost infers like I'm not sorry I'm sorry you feel that way"
"When you try to be rational, you try to explain, you think that providing facts will help strengthen your argument when really all it does is piss the other person off."
"They're not even taking what he said and kind of twisting it a little bit."
"There was a communication here where something wasn't quite right or you're waiting for this communication but there's love here."
"For some of you, this person detached from you in the past, you had to stop communicating with them."
"You just do not need it [chat], it is mainly used to flame, rage, and just honestly get you tilted."
"The fundamental problem is... Public Health oversold the vaccine."
"The Five of Swords is a mentally and psychologically painful situation or event. It's a conflict in your thinking or a conflict in communications."
"Miscommunication causes a lot of problems. Sometimes it's just as easy as a phone call."
"Those mixed messages will mess this kid's head up."
"We're losing the ability to communicate because people don't really listen."
"A lie can get halfway around the world before the truth can get its pants on."
"When it comes down to people making statements like that... they say things that they don't mean."
"They sometimes lose track of their statement."
"We miss you very much here and it's only getting worse each week that you do not respond."
"Things that just don't work like, um, could you pass me that purpley yellow pen?"
"They accredit people to saying things about them that they never said."
"Misquoting you makes it easier for the other person to feel like they're dominating you."
"He ended up texting me again and mind you at this point I had already noticed...weeks before."
"It is not about the nail... stop trying to fix it."
"I've been in this abusive relationship for over a year of my life"
"I just think it's different but but Maurice was not listening and I don't know if even at end of that conversation he got the point that Kimberly was just asking for some support that's it."
"Nobody's answering me, this is like a fucking first so I'm out of here."
"If they're just pulling back or walking away in an important conversation, those things aren't cool."
"That now seems a bit of distance, one or two spats on social media, and it's not great to see."
"YouTube rolled out a massive policy change without letting their creators know."
"I know many women who get extremely annoyed and upset and avoid any guy who tries to mansplain things to them."
"Maxine has changed a lot, she's become some kind of wild now, she won't even talk to me."
"There is an annoying trope in Hollywood where the entire narrative could have been cut much shorter had someone just explained what was actually going on."
"Yeah, that was a story. I honestly remember her not texting back to me."
"I ended up turning him down completely because I was getting creeped out and couldn't figure out how he wasn't understanding that I didn't want anything romantic with him at all."
"Sometimes we just want to cover it up and we're gonna, you know, just let's not talk about it and that's, that's, that's one of the problems."
"Shame, insults, guilt, the need to be right, lacking accountability, honesty, and apologies."
"I got issues in my head, I like you in my bed, but you keep me on read."
"Dysfunctional dynamics... being in environments where there is a lack of assertive communication."
"The lack of conversations lead to an overarching issue which just ends up wasting time or causing unnecessary conflict."
"The problem arises when there's no communication about the expectation."
"I think we're we got a problem with discussion in America, we can't discuss, discussion is out, and discussion is key."