
Working Class Quotes

There are 279 quotes

"We need a party that's going to be there for the people, for the working people."
"We need to listen to the legitimate grievances of ordinary working people, men and women who feel excluded, who feel left out."
"You wanna unite the working class, you have to stand up for the whole working class. All of them!"
"Capitalism accounts for personal liberty. It allows all people, including the working class, to have the choice to do whatever they like with their lives, as long as they're able to do it themselves."
"If you have to work for a living, then you're working class...the sooner we realize most of us are in the same boat and we have more to gain from solidarity than division, the better off our country will be."
"Obama at once betrayed working people instantly. He was elected in 2008, lots of enthusiasm, wonderful person has come. We can put our faith in him. Working people voted for him. We're going to have change. It will all be great. First thing he did was stabbed them in the back."
"At what point is the working class going to say, 'You know what, we don't want to be lied to by either side'?"
"We need to get student debt forgiveness; it's about the working class."
"Inflation is extremely high and it is hurting the working people of this country badly."
"New York is a city that relies on everyday working people to make it great, but it's becoming so much less accommodating to those same people."
"What we've got to do is roll up our sleeves and fight for the agenda that working people throughout this country want."
"A proletarian democracy would better represent the working class than a bourgeois democracy."
"The truth of the matter is the American working class became increasingly impoverished by Reaganism."
"The backbone of the American economy is actually not billionaires; it's workers, it's working-class Americans."
"Because if the central concern ordinary working class people have is that their children will not enjoy the same opportunities they have had in life, we need to ensure that there is a good school place for every child."
"I'm interested in bolstering the power and autonomy of the working class so they can be empowered to democratically push for policies."
"The working class is that class in society which has the most fundamental interest in ending the capitalist system."
"The idea that we would actually hear from the working class of this country is in fact radical."
"The collapse of the neoliberal order...gives us an opportunity to throw off the chains of working-class people everywhere."
"We shouldn't be penalizing families and working people with unnecessary tax increases."
"The fact that so much of this bill went towards working-class people or made that child tax credit refundable... that [stuff] is awesome."
"Spider-Man should be the working man's hero."
"It's time we paid attention to the needs of working people."
"I'm still writing songs for that dude in that trailer park or that apartment or that run-down house or a middle-class neighborhood that's busting his ass and working his ass off and trying to figure life out."
"Sometimes the working class has a little bit of trouble recognizing who and who is not their enemy."
"Proud I am of the stand he's making for working people. Keep up the fight."
"Democrats seem to have spent too much time policing a lot of cultural issues instead of fighting and making lives better for the working class in particular."
"The majority of working-class people in America don't want this war."
"the republican party is in the process of transforming itself into a working-class party."
"For once, it seemed that the working class people were transferring wealth from the one percent to them as opposed to the other way around."
"Donald Trump will continue to fight for every American regardless of party affiliation and continue to stand up for the working class."
"The economic Prosperity wasn't just confined to boardrooms; it trickled down to the working class too."
"I think it's the most beautiful movie about the American working class that I know."
"When you open up competition internationally, you pose a tremendous threat to the current working class."
"The stories of the working poor and even the working class are invisible in the media landscape because commercial advertisers don't make money from them so the media doesn't report them."
"It's going to have a serious negative consequence on the working class and people's jobs."
"The only position at the moment that's really speaking to the real needs and interests of the regular working men and women is right-wing populism."
"The working class needs to be the agent of its own emancipation."
"How are we going to rebuild equity in the Working Poor in this country?"
"Working class today is in more desperation than at any time since the Great Depression, and we have got to provide help and we've got to do it right now."
"Our state is a people's Democratic dictatorship led by the working class."
"The Democratic party has got to reclaim what it once was - the party of the working class."
"The Republican Party is now the party of the working class."
"The ultimate aim was to enable the working classes to lead better lives."
"The goal is to realign the Democratic Party around a multiracial working class."
"I grew up in a working-class family, my dad was an auto worker."
"The working class is back... if we don't stand up for working class people now, they're going to pay the price for it."
"Being a working American is a life or death work, and while there is a disproportionate impact on Black, Latino, Asian Americans, and Native Americans, working-class communities, white working-class communities are being hit hard as well."
"Working-class voters defected to the Tories in droves."
"Local journalism is a way that aspiring working-class journalists can get."
"If you don't want a fascist Victory here then that's all the more reason you should be attacking the Democratic party for its failure to deliver to its working class constituents." - Norman Finkelstein
"We want regular people, we want working people."
"We need people who are unapologetic about implementing policies related to the working-class issues."
"Joe's going to want to be Union Joe against all these elitists like Trump and stuff. This is about the national message about them supposedly being a working party."
"If you are for the working class, use your platform for the people."
"Creating this type of vigilante surveillance state is going to do absolutely nothing to help working people."
"I fundamentally believe in a politics that brings together a multiracial working class coalition."
"Tourism is the number one industry in Iceland right now."
"I don't think it's impossible for the working class to learn to do better."
"If working Americans are too busy fighting with one another, we'll never address the very real problems our country faces."
"I think I'll probably vote for Bernie. I think he's looking out for the interests of the working people."
"One of the great tragedies...is that for working class people...wages in this country have been stagnant for decades."
"I'm the dream everybody looking at me like I'm like I'm like I made it like I'm like nah bro I'm I'm the most I'm I'm [__] America bro I am working class America you dig."
"We are truly looking at a tidal wave of working-class revolt from coast to coast."
"How can you possibly Implement policies that are going to work for Working Class People if you've never met one?"
"We're talking about the American worker, but here's what's interesting about that: I thought Republicans said that they were the party of the working class. Hmm, that's sort of wrong."
"For 150 years, capitalism in America gave more real income to the bulk of its working class."
"Donald Trump's pitch since 2016: a broad working-class coalition."
"Great night for working-class candidates and the working class in the country."
"It's a disaster for the working class to have the party of the people center itself around affluence."
"I grew up quite working class, and thankfully with, you know, as long as I maintained an A average, I enjoyed the benefit of a scholarship."
"They're grateful that he's sticking up for them and for the working class and for average people here."
"The working class must do labor for someone else to profit off of in order to survive."
"Sanders channels a certain part of blue-collar America that most democratic politicians simply don't."
"Wages for working people are finally, after 22 years, rising again in our country."
"Fetterman being a fantastic candidate both in terms of platform, in terms of how he has fought for the working class..."
"For too long working people in this nation, the middle class in this country, the backbone of the country, have been dealt out. It's time to deal them back in."
"Thor is a working-class hero, with a working-class weapon."
"People in unions and working-class people that aren't in unions are literally scraping to get by."
"It's just getting harder and harder if you're a working-class family."
"The Bernie Sanders movement is strong, broad-based, based out of the working class of America."
"This is really one of the rare clear victories for the working class."
"There's a total neglect of the working class in America."
"What we need is a renaissance of the working class."
"Government starts representing the needs of the working class and the middle class." - Senator Sanders
"We are going to invest in the needs of the working class of this country, trust me, I wrote the damn bill." - Bernie Sanders
"Join organizations that are working towards building the political program necessary to unite the working class under a single banner."
"The media is broadly out of touch with the core concerns of working class Americans."
"Strong, clear advocacy for working-class Americans isn't just for the Bronx."
"I think it's just showing that people can thrive in a place that's been hit by de-industrialization, job loss, economic breakdown, then austerity, and that's true working-class spirit in a way."
"Don't write off the white working class, there may be possibilities ahead."
"Every time we flex the collective muscle of the working class, some rich asshole has a very bad day."
"Trump won big in working-class New York City districts."
"The greatest political problem we may have in the years ahead is how our working class copes, reacts, and understands to a long-term secular decline in the standard of living here."
"We have an opportunity to build a multi-ethnic working-class majority."
"Bernie's long and consistent track record as a champion of the multiracial, multi-generational working class is unflinching."
"Some of the best job opportunities in America right now are roles that people associate with the working class."
"We need a party of the working class advocating for labor rights."
"An anti-war movement rooted in the working class, not only to fight the wars, but to reach out to each other."
"Working families need someone on their side in this nation."
"It's a false dichotomy. They've turned their back on the working class."
"There's much more critique that needs to be brought to bear, and Bernie is more and more pulling from folk in the working class."
"If you compromise the Working Class People, it will do nothing but pull the economy down."
"For too long, working people in this nation, the middle class, the backbone of the country, have been dealt out. It's time to deal them back in."
"The fact that they have never paid attention to those plans is proof positive that they don't actually care about working-class people."
"The working class believes Bernie Sanders will actually deliver for them."
"If the working-class movement is to displace... it must ground its project in the construction of a new economic order."
"Bernie was the strongest expression so far of the burning desires that working people have."
"If you represent working people, if you cater to their issues, their policies, if you run on that, you win elections."
"Is the Democratic Party actually worth fighting for on behalf of working people? Is that even possible?"
"We're at this very exciting tipping point where we may actually see some major changes in favor of the working-class Americans."
"Joe Biden understands working families because he has from one. He understands that work is about more than just a paycheck, it is about your dignity."
"He was absolutely against the Poor Law; he was just the darling of the working-class person."
"I just don't see any other way, and I think that the tragedy is that when the working class was betrayed by the Democratic Party, those of us who care about working men and women didn't challenge the Democratic Party establishment."
"This is a capitalism that fails to deliver a decent minimum standard of living to the majority of the working class of this country."
"We need to restore dignity to the working class, we need vocational training."
"The benefit of new technology is the spectacular increase in leisure for the working class rather than a spectacular increase in profits for the employer class."
"...the workingclass revolts... are saying we matter, our economic needs matter, our cultural values matter, our community matters."
"Imperialism... victimizes the working people of your own country."
"This is a working-class movie, this is about the lack of hope if you're at the bottom end of the working class."
"We want a man who will stand up for the working man."
"No conservative party can win a majority in the western world without blue collar support. It's just as simple as that."
"Just remember this, Mr. Potter, that this rabble you're talking about, they do most of the working and paying and living and dying in this community."
"We've got to restore hope to the American people, working class, the majority of people in this country. They are hurting."
"LOVES is for the people, for the [ __ ]! LOVES is for the working man, for the dumping man of America!"
"The white working-class who were being left behind and finding themselves priced out of the jobs market by open-door immigration."
"Being from Flint, Michigan, being from the Detroit area, you know, it's very working-class, and you were a band that was beloved and is beloved by the working people."
"The bartender is the aristocrat of the working class."
"Things should be a little easier for the working man."
"Thompson made an effort to recreate the life experience of the working classes, and by doing so, he gave a voice to a people who were typically viewed as an anonymous mass."
"The struggles of the working class continued for decades. But piece by piece their hardship and sacrifice brought us the free world we live in today."
"The strength of the average everyday working American is in their worth and value."
"Corbyn of all the politicians in the labor party probably had the closest political position to Historic blue color workers who vote labor who don't do that anymore."
"Therefore the working class should be in the driver's seat of this [ __ ] thing."
"...the vast majority of people would, it would resonate with them. So, it's on the working-class movements of the US to see what they can do about utilizing the situation as best as possible."
"There's no moment where lowering the tax burden from the working class is still going to be an adequate solution."
"Even if you're part of the working class, you still have to pay taxes."
"We allow ourselves to be divided along these lines that make no sense to the working class as a whole. Red States, blue States, all of that, that doesn't benefit the working class in this country."
"Exactly. He's just a working-class man trying to make ends meet for his family."
"The referendum was a victory for working-class power."
"Working-class culture makes women strong, okay? I mean, in my goodness, they can be fierce. It's really a class issue, I think, rather than race or ethnicity."
"White Sox represent the south side pride, that blue-collar man. Like the south side is way better than the north side."
"It's made by working people for working people."
"The great thing about Coronation Street is it's deeply and profoundly working class without any sloganeering or banner waving."
"We're all working-class kids that thought we hit the lottery when we got a civil service job like this profession of ours."
"Silkwood is a real triumph, a portrait of the working class."
"I appreciated seeing the working class portrayed honestly in Hollywood movies."
"I'm proud of him. I'm proud of the people who work hard and get there, normal working class people."
"So I think you're gonna see you know military working class a lot of the middle class all in favor of sort of this america first."
"Bernie was the best chance to reconnect the severed nerve endings of the American working class."
"Perhaps I am the only one here of working-class origin. I can't say that I've understood everything you've said just now, but I can say one thing: when I began this course, I was naive, and when I found out how naive I was, I started to get critical."
"A working-class hero is something to be."
"Working class involves a lot of things, it's shorthand for a lot of things."
"Most of these people are regular working individuals. They don't have substantial extra cash flow to sit on or tie their money up with these particular types of cards."
"When the workers voted for Trump, what it showed was that both Democratic Party and the Republican Party had lost the working class in the United States."
"The Democratic party has been seen as the party of the working class since FDR, since the New Deal."
"...those who work by hand or by brain and those who own control every delegate in here belongs to the working class..."
"The GOP will be, from now on, the party also of the American worker."
"I think he wants to be [on the side of working people]. But he's got to find a way to be and he's got to be able to tell people what he means."
"I think nationalism is one of the things that keeps working people feeling like they can't work together, that keeping them apart."
"the question is will this working-class turmoil congeal into its own notion of where the future lies because if they do they will be able not only to reshape the world economy as it emerges but they might be able to finally realize their dream."
"The working class is back at the central stage of politics."
"The White Sox reflected the city's diverse working-class personality."
"It goes back to a tradition, usually connected with Working Class People."
"The whole country knows that the economy is not working for working people under the conservatives."
"He's a regular working guy like you and I, and he's young."
"Working class solidarity in the pit villages of County Durham came to be something more than a phrase."
"The only people who can change the working class position are the working class themselves."
"It's just a shame there's not more money circulating around the working class instead of around the big bosses."
"I trust American people and working-class people."
"The role of trade unions has got to be to go back into working class communities and put the values that we stood for."
"It's hard for me to imagine any Democrat... who doesn't understand the need to go forward right now in an aggressive way to protect the working families of this country."
"The working class and immigrants are going to actually save us."
"Unvarnished and deeply emotive political imagery that both brutally and poetically depicts the torments that come with poverty, hunger, and war on the working class."
"The unity of different sections of the working class... that's good."
"In its heyday in the 1930s, Youngstown called itself the city of homes, a place where a working-class man could be the master of his own castle."
"It's generally ordinary working people that suffer the most."
"If I wanted to ever sketch out my most fantastic vision of human salvation, my most indulgent notion of how we as a species could get our stuff together, get on the same page, it would be the newly energized and desperate working classes."
"The working class's only weapon is numbers."
"It's the sound of the man working on the gang."
"We have our differences in our party, but what unifies us is we are there to work for America's working families."
"She's not on Team Blue, she's not on Team Red, she's on Team Working Class."
"Every working class adult in this country receives another 1200 direct payment plus 500 for their kids."
"It feels like the South Side, it feels like it rocks, it feels like the people, blue collar, this the Sox."
"Working-class history gives insight into today's circumstances, putting lives into a deeper and broader context."
"He loved working-class people genuinely, genuinely. He didn't pretend to."
"These stories are about the muffled anguish of the tired American Pacific Northwest working class."
"Working class solidarity, as they say."
"He views himself as a working-class champion."
"I still believe in my country, I know that the working class of this country is what this country is really about."
"For me, the Terriers, we have spirit; it's a working-class community, it's just incredible."
"It can be beneficial to the economy, to working-class individuals, etc."
"Working people are hurting everywhere, and this is the most significant economic relief package to benefit working and middle class families in American history."
"We need to fight back, we need to organize through the struggles that we all share as part of the working class."
"The truth is working-class people aren't lazy; they're fed up with being left behind and stripped of dignity as wealth inequality in this nation spirals out of control."
"The objective of our economic policy is to support ordinary working families and to build an economy that works for them."
"It was rougher, rawer, and had an edge to it that resonated with the working-class people."
"We have to learn the lessons of the strugglers of the working class in the past, we have to look at their failings as well as the victories."
"Never underestimate the working class; there's a lot of very smart people out there."