
Human Enhancement Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"AI won't replace humans, but humans using AI will."
"What they plan to do is make technology become part of you."
"Should there be a limit on our ability to change what kind of people are in the human population?"
"In the future, I think Neuralink wants to basically boost human capability; it wants to be an enhancer for humanity."
"Elon Musk's brain chip successfully implanted in a human for the first time: What does it do, and what role could it play in humanity's future?"
"The religion is not just surface and amplitude, but it is depth as well, and it is about an enhancement of our humanity rather than a capturing of our humanity within a particular exoteric paradigm."
"Mjolnir would approach enhancing human ability from an entirely different angle, using a liquid metal crystal piezoelectric."
"Good super intelligence can widen or enhance what it is like to become human."
"The iconic Space Marines, genetically enhanced superhuman warriors, represent the pinnacle of human modification and military power."
"My biggest fear is that in this attempt to upgrade humans we will actually downgrade ourselves."
"The movement today is often called 'h+', which certainly means humans plus."
"It wasn't artificial intelligence for them, it was augmented intelligence."
"Once those things get a little bit smart, they're not going to stop at a little bit smart for very long."
"Enables the Spartans to continue to operate above and beyond all possible human standards."
"AI will massively enhance human ability... like a massive amplifier."
"If for whatever reason you guys want to see me continue to try to build the perfect human and see if we can get it to walk I would love to do another one."
"Efficiency of speed, informational breadth, and intrapersonal networking make for an enhanced human AI biodigital system."
"We want to be the machine, seamlessly integrated biologically for convenience and efficiency."
"We are basically learning to produce bodies and Minds. Minds bodies and minds are going to be the I think the two main products of the next wave of all these AI technology."
"We're already cyborgs. Our memory is overwhelmingly outsourced to computers."
"The race for human enhancement and AI control."
"Genetic modification has by far the greatest potential for human enhancement."
"My massively transformative purpose... to develop artificial intelligence to amplify our own intelligence."
"We're getting one hell of an upgrade, a superhuman upgrade. Our DNA is going to change."
"Transhumanism is like boundarylessness, you're out there in cyberspace ultimately while you're getting there it's an upgrade in humanity building yourself with machines."
"If we have billions of people with a high bandwidth link to the AI extension of themselves it would actually make everyone hyper smart."
"Are you ready for me to become superhuman? I'm already used to it since the day we met."
"Transhumanism seeks to artificially create those abilities and return humanity to a more god-like or higher state using technology."
"The desire to become a superhuman cannot be separated from supremacist ideals."
"Technology will eventually make itself as natural a part of our bodies as our own flesh and blood."
"Transhumanism is a very real goal of theirs."
"Spartans represent cutting-edge human augmentation technologies."
"Human enhancement may, in fact, be degradation."
"Perhaps the superintelligent AI will be glad to elevate humanity to a new level."
"Future humans wouldn't just have better technology, they'd be technology."
"How would you like to become a cyborg interfacing your brain directly with a computer to gain technological superpowers?"
"Transhumanists: anything that makes us stronger is desirable."
"All of the marvels of Science and Technology are just so many millions of tons of junk unless it enhances the lives of men."
"AI gives us cognition at scale, the ability to amplify the human brain."
"Artificial enhancements of existing human beings begin to meddle in the very definition of what it is to be a human being."
"Biotechnology lets us alter the human itself, for better or for worse."
"...there's a way in which you can define transhumanism as just the imperative to use science to improve the human condition."
"I'm always in favor of technology tools to augment humans' capabilities."
"AI is ultimately a tool for humans to do things in the world."
"We should also look at how AI can make us as humans better as well."
"Imagine resurrecting extinct species or making humans immune to all viruses."
"It’s an interesting aspect of Transhumanism and posthumanism, that it’s mostly focused on improving the human condition."
"So I’m quite sure we will see a future, and arguably already are in it, where we see science and technology applied to enhancing the human."
"Through collaboration, machines can help make humans smarter or more effective at what they do."
"Groundbreaking technologies aimed at leveraging and extending human cognition, perception, locomotion, and resilience."
"The trend for human beings is to make technologies that enhance our capabilities."
"The idea of a computer is supposed to be a bicycle for our minds."
"The destiny of computers is to become interactive intellectual amplifiers for all humans on earth, pervasively networked worldwide."
"Moore's law represents a tremendous amount of effort from a large group of people over decades to make us cyborgs."
"The human enhancement revolution is the next arms race."
"We are already a cyborg to some degree; you've got your phone, you've got your laptop."
"Nothing wrong with augmenting your intelligence and using technology to expand what it means to be human."
"We are going to merge with that technology."
"This biological technology linkage with the human body is coming and it's going to serve a lot of good features."
"With neural engineering, we can change ourselves; we can change human nature."