
Competitive Analysis Quotes

There are 514 quotes

"So, how good was Zygarde actually? Well, its debut generation wasn't a bad one as it found itself dominating UU."
"I think club football's harder, more competitive, and better than international football."
"His ability to move and reposition with the deadly flourishes into these masterful curtain calls just shut down anything the top esports wanted to do."
"Shanghai played better around his Echo and his Echo Ultimates than New York was able to do."
"SK Telecom maybe the best squad to ever play League of Legends, but they are not the best squad at Worlds 2017."
"This is the difference, this is high quality Overwatch match."
"Before the 2022 season began, only three teams had better chances of winning the Super Bowl than the Rams."
"Yuki Sonoda, almost the fastest man today. Well, on Yuki, good stuff, very solid."
"Absolutely it's all about the fact they're having to attack and defend."
"I think this is a top contender for potentially one of the best players."
"Morgan Le Fay is S+ tier, top pick, top ban."
"What can he do differently against Floyd Mayweather that no one else has? That's the big question."
"That's a problem, they rarely make mistakes, they're positioning, their executional teamfights, and their engagement. It's just so, so very well thought-out and so precise that it is hard to get control back against the Titans."
"It's only a testament to just how incredibly strong the Titans were in the series."
"Boiling it down... the first place overall..."
"The battle between FSR and DLSS 2.0 is more complicated. In the best cases, FSR is pretty competitive with DLSS 2.0."
"There's no reason for them objectively worse and they're and they're performing better."
"Your global stats don't matter; there's definitely some relationship between your matches and your past performance."
"If you could know the pages that are driving the most search traffic for your competitors, then wouldn't you want to get in on that action?"
"We focused on the competing people using competing products."
"If you look at the meta I feel like G2 are the ones who came in with the best meta read in the playoffs even."
"Prost interest and belief in the Williams car and what it was capable of was correct. It proved to be the title winner."
"I think it's a very tricky situation here for for xqc already and he needs to kind of not use too much time really importantly he's not let's trade I have a good game I'm confident my late game is a solid."
"This isn't really awesome Overwatch, yeah, I mean this has been just back and forth, really the hallmark of a close game."
"When you compare this operating profitability across companies in the same sector and industry, you see which are best run and have those competitive advantages."
"BBG make me eat my words... man for man, BBG is out fragging Sentinels."
"On their day, United will beat teams next season."
"You must benchmark Tesla. You must know what they're doing, their technology, the materials, everything that's going into their products."
"I do think he's definitely a top dog for now."
"I think it's gonna be a pretty close series."
"On Split, the most popular team composition is Omen, Sova, Cypher, Jet, and Raze, which means you have no dedicated flash agent."
"I think it's safe to say the Saints are the team to beat."
"You said earlier in ready check frost i'm just going to repeat it it's been a couple of hours right now mad is the team that g2 wishes they were at this point in time."
"In reality, Gumiho managed pickoff and a mistake there. Oh, that hurt."
"This is the game of the season. It's as simple as that."
"Finka is 100% an S-tier. Finka is just like a Doc with nades with the LMG on attack."
"Pyrrha and Mifra for sure at this time are like the top two because they're freaking absurd."
"All these characters are good. If I had to order them, I think the first and second one is either Min Min or Pyra/Mithra. Those characters are stupid, they're really, really stupid."
"All hypothetical matchups showed that Bernie Sanders would have whooped Trump's ass."
"Starbucks with its vast footprint, McDonald's with all day breakfast and the regional but beloved Tim Hortons and Krispy Kreme."
"Luca. You think they'll let John win the MVP?"
"Two teams that are definitely gonna make some noise this year."
"It's the power of God at work, don't let this moment pass you by."
"How can you watch what Nurmagomedov did tonight and say to yourself, yeah, I don't think Conor's got much for him?"
"We're playing checkers one jump at a time, they're playing chess."
"France or Portugal are the two strongest. I wouldn't rule out Belgium though."
"I don't see anyone playing better than Rekkles in a best of five of the carries."
"If those two teams were in the mix, dude, we'd have like five teams deeper than here."
"That's incredible really, but you look at how close it is. What is it, one tenth of a second separating the top ten? Insane, isn't it?"
"I believe he's the toughest fight for Habib... he's dangerous." - Daniel Cormier
"I think Chelsea have got a very good chance. I would say that the favorites are Man City, Bayern Munich, and PSG, and I think Chelsea have got a good chance."
"Nobody can check Dame all the way, man, that's dangerous."
"Sancho gives us a chance, others make the gap bigger."
"I think G2 can beat Gen.G so this is one where uh I think that they really do have a shot."
"Wendy's clear understanding of its strengths and the areas in which it wanted to compete helped the company settle on a clear target market."
"I think it's important to also look back at SKT vs. G2... both Styles can work."
"The iPhone 10 actually won the speed test by a lead of 20 plus seconds."
"He made it look easy. It was not a tough fight for him."
"We've got a five-way championship fight on our hands."
"Looking at this chart, we can see that the three of them are astoundingly competitive for their overall performances."
"U6 Light came out on top in every single one of these tests."
"They have next to no damage going up towards him, that's not enough."
"The AMX M4 54 is still sitting with a 52.47 win ratio."
"The result doesn't matter it's more about performance it's more about whether these players can take their opportunities."
"I think this is one of the few teams in the league that can beat [opponent] in a best of five."
"I think what we saw in the finals first broken blade is like terrifying."
"If you're not the first one there, then your information becomes dated."
"It's honestly an amazing support Pokemon one of the better in the format."
"In terms of strength alone, Zoro does take this category. It is a tough fight, and I don't think that Zoro comes out on top by much, but with everything we've seen, I would say that he has the general edge in raw power."
"I don't understand why people don't think this character is broken. This character is insane. They have the best neutral in the entire game. They have an insane punish game."
"In single-threaded tasks, Tiger Lake's prowess shines, outperforming even AMD's fastest Renoir design."
"It might not be my greatest design or my most well-built piece but... to actually feel like I did one-up myself feels pretty good."
"We're going to be looking at this first match here. So, for the first match, we have Mr. Moonism versus Chancellor aka Lionheart."
"Unbelievable skill expression from both of these teams."
"Against many teams, T1 would have converted that pick into a win, but against JDG, it was just not enough."
"The headline in this match, Carpe versus Saya player."
"It's not just about how many goals you score, it's who you score against. Well, Harry Kane's done it everywhere."
"The GTX 1660 won with a graphic score of 5600, beating the 5500 XT by a full 800 points."
"The Ryzen 7 4800U wins in all three major categories for a U-series APU."
"New York didn't play perfect but they'd still be what everyone predicted would be the best team in the league."
"He's hitting historic highs in damage and laning prowess."
"On a single lap pace, Charles has been incredible."
"Definitely, yeah, he's quite a tall fighter."
"Even when he doesn't play great chess he still is still the baseline even when he's not playing at his best is still higher than everybody else."
"I beat all the North Americans again, right? I'm doing badly against the Europeans, but against North Americans, I'm crushing it."
"We need to know whether we are doing everything we can to win."
"Light is the only person that I say, 'All right now, you're facing him. We're gonna have to watch that battle five times.'"
"I think this is a really good match-up for him."
"Overall, the 5600 XT with its updates is fairly competitive. It's a big change from what we would be saying if that update hadn't taken place."
"It's a fundamental overhaul of AMD's mobile offering that makes them much more competitive with Intel's powerhouse lineup."
"The Ryzen 5 4500U delivers impressive performance far outstripping Intel's U-series parts."
"Kassadin now has a positive win rate in all 10 of his most common solo queue matchups."
"Talon is now heavily outperforming Zed and solo queue and is the best 80 assassin you can play."
"The Craftsman moves into the lead with a very impressive 3516 grams of pressure."
"I personally think he's the best number six in the league."
"At the end of the series, Neji just cannot win. Gara is simply superior."
"Every point gained or equal to Man City is absolutely huge."
"I thought it was intriguing theater I thought Austria put up a really good fight if they'd just taken their chances they could have won it."
"Starmie's influence on Generation 4 truly cannot be overstated."
"Understanding the complexity of competitive Pokemon."
"I think we were able to compete with all the Chinese teams, at least from practice and just playing and scrimming on stage."
"The best case for Mississippi State this year nine and three."
"The main thing is their Ray tracing performance just hasn't been competitive enough, and in the PC space, where you're always trying to push for more advanced graphics and new technologies, that's the kind of stuff high-end buyers want to see."
"I do have a very good read on the meta; IG and Fnatic have had the best reads in the meta so it's a treat to see them both in the final."
"This is one of the reasons why the Rogue continues to sell so well because rivals simply do not offer this."
"The smart way of creating your title is to use the highest volume keywords that your top competitors are already ranking for."
"They have so much dive potential and so much engage that I think Wunder is just gonna kind of get... they're just going to dive past him straight on to the Rekkles."
"Man, this deck is somehow out-grinding control decks, which is very odd but it's working."
"It's about the hits versus the bars, and the bars have universally just won."
"She wins every single time, this is her fourth time doing this, and that takes an extra level of fight IQ, an extra level of mentality."
"Tesla wins in almost all categories against competitors."
"Man, you know what the crazy part? That was the easiest kills they've ever gotten." - Bushka
"He resides as a top tier threat in competitive play and solo queue, depending on who you ask he might even be the single strongest champion in the game."
"Super Saiyan blue kaio-ken versus Super Saiyan blue evolution, huh? Should determine which power boost is the stronger increase. Then let's see if you can handle me at my absolute best."
"Edin Jager being that low down he'll be taking number one soon Shanks overtaking what the could that be how did Shanks overtake the top spot maybe for um maybe for uh the movie."
"I think gx has what it takes to really turn things around and i think their best chances if they can take a game off of rrq that in itself is a huge huge statement."
"Sonic is also one of the characters that has fallen from Grace's I think he was an incredibly strong top tier in smash 4..."
"If he catches you, he does hurt, I mean, you gotta look what he did with Tyson in the last fight."
"Understand what your competitor is doing that is working really well for them."
"And I think that’s also a big reason for why these are the winners."
"At the start of the game we can tell they're pretty physical and athletic."
"I think this is the most stacked top four in world history."
"These players on Team Liquid should be internationally competitive. If they lose, it means they are less than the sum of their parts and NA is doomed."
"Alabama's points per game scored in the first half is almost better than every other SEC team's points per game scored in the full four quarters."
"In truth, Hop's team lacks a good counter to Leon's."
"The rus is in my opinion the strongest civilization in the game at the moment."
"Donkey Kong is very good, the only thing that holds back DK is his disadvantage."
"I think us and City are probably the top two teams in terms of squad depth and ability."
"Sonic's flexibility will never be argued... him and Steve have the best game plans in the game."
"But the reason he isn't in that S tier is because a lot of his worst situations you're going to run into when you go to a major tournament."
"When it comes to driving enjoyment, there is absolutely no question, this is simply more fun than any of the competition with which this competes."
"The Giulia is significantly faster than many of these competitors; it's half a second to three-quarters of a second faster than all the entries that you're seeing on your screen."
"We get much better performance out of its base engine than we see in the Jaguar XE."
"If you're really focused on the driving ability of the vehicle... there really is very little competition in this segment."
"Pex is just Pex. I don't really have much to say about it. It's obviously deserving of being this high. It's one of the best."
"Kartana is amazing. It's like one of the best mods ever."
"Melmetal is incredibly good. It's one of the best support mods ever."
"Dragonite is at the top, no cap, he's amazing."
"Bisharp is just good at what it does, it's a very good mon."
"Reuniclus is a good mon regardless, definitely belongs in B."
"There ain't a division in this world anywhere like lightweight."
"I'm gonna go with Arizona, I think that's a pretty easy one."
"Ruptured Crystal tears are absolute S tier, probably the highest on the ladder for me."
"Absolutely a very clear candidate for S tier."
"People love Legoland... Maybe they looked at Legoland's stats and they were like, 'Let's get in there.'"
"Monster, we have an absolute tournament on our hands. Let's see, we're gonna have to radio in for some support here because Commandment, my friend, you are putting up the numbers for the team."
"Drive it and just think about how different it is now... compared to their competitors."
"Things that your competitors are doing wrong and ways that you can stand out are usually our opportunities."
"Surprise surprise surprise Usyk was considerably better than Bellew in every area of the fight."
"Who do I think is a better team right now? TSM."
"An organized offense is gonna beat a disorganized defense every single day of the year."
"Goku clearly has the best speed Feats out of all the saints."
"I think CLG is going to win. Is it because they're the best team in the league right now? They're so good."
"Single-thread performance per watt is astoundingly good and destroys its competition."
"Tia Toomey and Matt Fraser, side by side, I mean it's basically a mirror image."
"Styles make fights, and these two styles are going to jail for any." - Adam Smith
"The SMG 11 is arguably a top five gun in the entire game because of its statistics."
"The Chengdu Hunters just shutting out the NYXL in that series."
"Seemingly the strongest out of the core Space Marines at the moment."
"Death Watch do seem to be doing rather well but also seem to be the army that we've probably got the least data on out of any of them."
"Overall, they're still an enormously strong army."
"Kind of crazy that a single sub-faction can do better than armies with their entire codex."
"Who in the heck in this world can give Canelo Alvarez a tough fight below 175? It's David Benavidez."
"Looking at every single strike, it is pretty clear that Valentina Shevchenko absolutely won this round."
"Maps goes to Black Ops 2 hands-down, no competition."
"I would love to live in a world where Z whoo, Kenny S, Shox, whatever teams they're in are all at peak form and playing amazingly."
"I mean we all want that stereotypical good games but it's just the story as always through the second half of this year as being who can stop Cyril, can they stop him?"
"I thought he clearly won the first two rounds."
"Tekken 8 destroys Mortal Kombat in every single way."
"I give a slight win here to Samsung based on all of these factors... however that shouldn't be the only deciding factor."
"I think cooler is going to be able to cook. I think that overall I'm going into this in my mind I have cooler as I think the third best unit in the game."
"For mango, melee isn't a game about matchups, it's a game about mix-ups."
"This is not the kind of early game deficits that we know them to find themselves in. 2k along with two drakes, DAMWON Gaming total control."
"You know this is going to be one of the most crowded and competitive spaces on the internet."
"It's a job very well done, but the Audi Q3 takes the crown in this comparison."
"Nero Bride: An amazing alternative support even in an era where others reign supreme."
"If you're in the market to buy a truck, this is a serious contender."
"Spence has a better jab, body puncher, better chin, more power, higher land percentage, and better defense."
"There are cases to be made here for at least four of the five nominees, but it seems like it's Frances McDormand and Carey Mulligan who will be going head to head for the award."
"Jordan was simply better at beating tougher teams."
"It's not six-three, it's not six-two, it's not six-one, it's an absolute annihilation."
"The Ultra has almost an unfair advantage with Ultra features like the S-Pen, additional charging options, or the controversial 100x super zoom that the iPhone just does not offer."
"I think Liverpool are going to win and I think they might win quite comfortably."
"Acknowledge these strengths and weaknesses of the enemy."
"One play can create a 14 point gap between teams."
"Here are 87 reasons why the Tesla Cybertruck will outsell the Ford F-150 by 2024."
"Spec for spec, model for model, the Cybertruck will be cheaper than the competition, period."
"I'm 100 confident actually that BNB will flip Ethereum."
"It's hard to say who's the best football player, just like who's the goat in the NBA."
"It's good to see these things being added in to games to try to catch up with the support because DLSS is currently ahead in games supported."
"In terms of the contenders space for bitcoin and the cryptocurrency niche I just don't see very many coming out."
"If Top Lane is really weak this year, then it's possible to have some of the best top laners in Europe."
"At worst you get a 50-50 split... a lead back is a 65 back." - JM
"This CSL DD is blowing away all of its competition in the mid-range."
"NEO both the highest ranking premium brand and the highest ranking overall brand, beating out legendary companies like BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and even Tesla in the process."
"Yellow is only played as the poles, you think that's good pierce armor for a unit that's as cheap as it is with a civilization that has eco that good and has unique tech and cavalry that good?"
"They're moving on to the showdown between these five amazing mid-range watches."
"Yugi Season Two Season three, he's an S tier character."
"I think whoever wins and whoever loses, just on that point, they're still two of the biggest names in this division."