
Holistic Living Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"Wellness is... living well in every capacity... financially well, relationships are well, everything about it as well."
"The kingdom of God is supposed to touch every part of your life."
"Ultimately, when people do a lot of these domains of integration... when you do this, you start becoming open to realizing, 'wow, I'm not just a noun that lives in a body as a separate entity.'"
"If you want to have a truly rich fulfilling life, you have to find joy in every part of it."
"Strength comes from many sources, staying strong brings confidence, conviction, and a balanced body, mind, and soul."
"Trust your heart to lead and allow your mind, body, and spirit to follow."
"You are creating a balance between the head and the heart that will influence your whole life in a powerful way."
"Your environment should be an extension of your soul if you really want to experience your true full self."
"I'm living the most balanced life I ever have."
"Approaching life just from the physical standpoint is a waste of time."
"Life has to move, you have to move your body as well as your mind and your spirit."
"You should embrace all aspects of your life."
"Believing in Jesus and letting the life of Christ flow into all the areas of our life."
"You need to live the life that will feed your mind, body, and soul and bring eternal happiness from within and around you."
"Health is harmony, a delicate balance and adjustment between spirit, soul, mind, and body."
"When your attention is focused on either of these modalities of Pure Living, you tap into the present moment."
"Live in love, in alignment and make choices that is congruent with the mind body and spirit."
"Creating a beautiful home, mind, body, spirit."
"This energy is about your intuitive self, your spiritual self, everything else that composes you."
"Doing everything for the benefit of nature, the Earth, the animals, the trees, the plants, the snails, the slugs, everything."
"You are what you eat, you are what you speak, you are what you think, you are what you watch."
"You're learning how to live more fully, not just be consumed by one thing."
"I'm now living a full complete life Mind Body savings act as a magnet to draw more money."
"We can not only survive but really thrive in these new energies of the earth through tuning different parts of our brain and our energetic systems in our body to live in harmony with the new electromagnetics that are present."
"Our environment also has to be healthy in order for us to have this overall mental health."
"You are what you eat... You are also what you listen to... everything that comes into your body affects you on a cellular level." - Anthony Browder
"How can we stay healthy in a more natural way?"
"Devotion encompasses every aspect of our lives."
"I can't live my life like that. I got to live my life holistically and happy."
"And Earthship Biotecture has said this you take care of the house and the house takes care of you it's it's like a living breathing part of us now."
"He must have a major and a minor in his living."
"Holistic Purity 101 is going to help you walk in purity in every area of life."
"Everything is health and harmony and love."
"The Fifth Dimension opens up a range of possibilities for a fuller, more connected, and harmonious life."
"Most of what is necessary for you to live a whole, a wholesome loving creative beautiful life."
"Whole food, let everything work together like nature planted."
"Men needing to invest in all balanced areas of life."
"I want you to live a life free of anything that hinders mind, body, and spirit."
"Abundant life will affect finances, relationships, what we do, and where we go."
"Prayer is to be the activity of our whole life, a dimension present in everything that we do."
"Life is all about relationships, but I think a lot of times we put so much focus on romantic relationships that we miss all the different relationships there are. Your food is a relationship."
"I'm nourishing my body the way it was meant to be nourished."
"If you do it the right way, if you do it the spiritual way, a holistic way, you end up feeling love for everything and everyone. You're able to let go, you're able to stay in your own lane."
"It's about finding this healthy balance in your life between those two hemispheres because you're a human being with a whole brain."
"In housing a community within one large structure, humans could live more holistically, not only with each other but with the environment."
"Prosperity is more than about money, it's living abundantly."
"It was a multi-faceted approach to living the best life that you could."
"Live well, why hurt yourself, why hurt the planet, why hurt the animals? Be kind to yourself, and then turn to everybody else around you, including the planet and the animals."
"The life of holiness is the best life for us, physically, mentally, spiritually, and eternally."
"I'm super healthy with the way I eat, I'm very holistic with my nutrition."
"Prioritize that alongside... you could have a good financial life but bigger than that, I want you to have a holistic wonderful life."
"I've always been passionate about health and wellness and I always want to feel the best that I can mentally, physically, spiritually."
"If your inner garden is unhealthy, then you're more likely to get not only digestive symptoms but also gain weight, get diabetes, have allergies, asthma, autoimmune diseases, depression, anxiety, ADD, dementia, and a lot of other things."
"This holistic approach ensures a life lived in harmony with the universe, where manifesting your desires becomes a natural extension of your being."
"To be a full human being, we need to be in healthy relationships with one another but with the land at the same time."
"The name of the game ultimately is being able to live on all levels."
"So much of living in integrity with ourselves is to look at our lives holistically."
"Clean air, water, and soil thus food, freedom of spiritual belief, to work towards a guarantee of meaningful activity for all."
"Its founders are dedicated to caring for people and the earth by learning, living, and demonstrating a holistic, sustainable culture."
"What ails us is very much related to our disconnection, our divorce from the food that nourishes us, the movements that maintain us, and the natural rhythms of our bodies and the planet."
"All things holistic, slow, and intentional living."
"Take our sovereignty, our Wellness sovereignty, and live a holistic life every day of your life."
"Life itself is yoga, the whole of life is actually yoga."
"It's a collaboration between mind, body, and spirit and soul that really puts you on the playing field for saying 'I'm going to live well'."
"Your body is an ecosystem, and great health starts in the gut."