
Quantum Mechanics Quotes

There are 1611 quotes

"You develop new intuitions... It's to the point where me and many of my friends find it easier to think quantum-mechanically than we can classically."
"In quantum mechanics, we approach reality differently and see everything as probabilities instead of certainties."
"Gravity has to be connected to the other three forces in a quantum regime and I think it is quite likely then that gravity as we know it is some sort of emergent phenomenon."
"Quantum mechanics is the most powerful, most successful, most important theory in the whole of science."
"All of modern technology that we rely on and take for granted today simply wouldn't exist without quantum mechanics."
"Quantum mechanics describes the building blocks of reality of our entire universe."
"If you're not astonished by quantum mechanics, then you've not understood it."
"Quantum mechanics works, and it's beautiful and it explains so much."
"If any of those mutations relied on proton tunneling and you could somehow control the probability that a proton would tunnel from place to the other, then understanding mutations quantum mechanically would be something very important in cancer research."
"Soft photons and gravitons... are able to store an arbitrary large amount of information."
"Einstein famously said, 'God does not play dice.' Niels Bohr told him, 'Einstein, don't tell God what to do.'"
"The general character of quantum mechanics is that you cannot do measurements on systems without disturbing them, and disturbing them can change completely the character of a question."
"You cannot determine both the position and the momentum at the same time."
"Quantum mechanics you're always stuck by the fact that the energy of a light wave comes in these discrete packets."
"The laws of physics don't play dice, at least not in the standard sense."
"In quantum mechanics, states are vectors in a vector space."
"To understand the logic of quantum mechanics, we have to understand the mathematics of vector spaces."
"Duality, viewing particles as sometimes like particles, sometimes like waves, is one of the biggest leaps of imagination that quantum mechanics made."
"Gravity is in our universe, quantum mechanics is in our universe; they both, together, somehow should work."
"Heisenberg's uncertainty principle is one of the crowning achievements of quantum mechanics."
"This is a fundamental uncertainty; it talks about what can be known and what can't be known about the universe."
"Once you get down to the quantum level, the atomic, molecular, the single particle level, you've got to start taking in this weird and it is weird term characteristic the particles start to behave like waves."
"The first time people come across the uncertainty principle is the idea of position or momentum: that if we know the position of something with a certain accuracy, we have less accuracy in measuring its momentum, and vice versa."
"I've not mentioned an observer, I've not mentioned quantum particles, I've not mentioned collapse of wave function. I've simply showing you in the everyday world around us, this is the uncertainty principle."
"Bohr's suggestion was earth-shaking because it would also imply that a planet that goes around the sun cannot orbit the sun just at any distance."
"The electrons in atoms can only exist at well-defined energy levels—and they cannot exist in between."
"When electrons fall from higher energy states to low energy states, it's not kinetic energy that is released, but it comes out often in the form of light."
"Atoms and molecules can only exist because of quantum mechanics."
"You and I can only exist because of quantum mechanics."
"According to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, there is a limit to how accurately we can simultaneously know the position and momentum of a system."
"The minimum energy of a quantum oscillator is equal to half HF, known as zero-point energy."
"Every particle in the universe is a tiny quantum mechanical ripple of the underlying relativistic field."
"The universe we experience seems to be constructed of singular particles with well-defined properties, but this intuitive, mechanical reality is emergent from an underlying reality in which the particles that form matter arise from the combination of an infinity of possible properties."
"The uncertainty principle is most often expressed in terms of position and momentum."
"The uncertainty principle is a statement about how much information we are ever able to extract from a quantum system."
"Quantum mechanics is predicting future behaviors of quantums or little quantum particles."
"Many of us still want it to also give us a deeper understanding of physics and of the universe."
"Hermitian matrices are the quantum version of observables."
"It's Schrödinger's cat. You hear me, John? Schrödinger's cat. The cat is neither dead nor alive. Open up the box, find out if the cat is dead, move on with your life."
"One of the biggest paradoxes in physics is the black hole information paradox, a puzzle that results from the combination of quantum mechanics and general relativity."
"Our world is quantized; it's made of pixels, it's made of individual atoms, space is quantized, time is quantized, energy is quantized."
"Probably if you did a survey of physicists today, the thing that they would say they want to know the most is how general relativity and quantum physics can be merged together into one self-consistent theory."
"The principle of precedence in quantum mechanics... is testable because I got to go to my friends at IQC where they make quantum systems which are so complicated but still quantum mechanical that they've never been made before in the history of the universe so there is no precedence so then anything can happen."
"We don't have to think like that anymore. That's quantum. That's Jesus. You are an eternal being. You have eternal life."
"Quantum mechanics is such a big topic that it's going to be more than one idea."
"Quantum mechanics is so radical, so different, it's such a big break from the previous way of doing physics."
"Quantum mechanics is simultaneously absolutely central to all of modern physics and yet something that we don't claim to understand."
"What quantum mechanics seems to be saying is that there is a fundamental divide between what nature really is and what you see when you look at it."
"Quantum mechanics is drawing this distinction between what we see and what is."
"Quantum mechanics is a place where we haven't yet figured out what the science is trying to teach us about the real universe."
"Quantum mechanics is absolutely necessary to understand why the sun shines or how transistors work or why this table is solid."
"No local theory... can match the predictions of quantum mechanics."
"Bell's Theorem is one of the most important results that you should have in mind because you better be able to match the prediction."
"Hugh Everett is the one who invented the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics."
"Quantum mechanics is too big to have just in one video."
"Entanglement is a basic feature of quantum mechanics."
"Entanglement just means that wave functions, quantum states more generally, associate amplitudes with the entire configuration of a system."
"We don't have all the answers to what quantum mechanics means, but we do have better questions."
"Quantum vibrations mean our noses listen to chemicals, enhancing our perception of the world around us."
"Richard Feynman was very pragmatic... he was sure that nobody understood quantum mechanics."
"The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics... one set of rules for when you're looking at it, one set of rules for when you're not."
"Many worlds... doesn't add any extra worlds, anything like that. That is just taking seriously the prediction of quantum mechanics."
"The Schrodinger equation is obeyed... electrons will never convert into protons."
"According to the Copenhagen interpretation... quantum mechanics doesn't permit us to say anything with confidence about reality beyond what we can measure of it."
"Everything we call real is made up of things that cannot be regarded as real."
"Einstein famously said, 'Does the moon cease to exist when I don't look at it?'"
"Quantum mechanics thrills and frustrates me; it's capricious, counter-intuitive, and yet it still surprises us every day."
"A century of discoveries in physics reveals a strange, counterintuitive microworld of atoms and tiny particles that challenges our intuitive understanding of the world around us."
"Quantum mechanics only tells us the probability of a particle's properties, like location. Laws of nature were no longer definite statements about what's going to happen next; they were just statements about probabilities."
"We were left with conclusions about the universe that make no sense whatsoever. Science is stepping outside of all our boundaries of common sense, so it's almost like being an Alice in Wonderland, where everything is possible."
"Truly understanding quantum mechanics will only happen when we put ourselves on the entanglement side, when we stop privileging the world that we see and start thinking about the world as it actually is."
"Quantum mechanics should apply to the entire universe, but it becomes unmistakable when you look at little tiny things."
"The fundamental mystery of quantum mechanics... how we describe the thing when we're not looking at it is different than what we see when we look at it."
"Quantum mechanics and gravity were compatible, they have to be compatible; the world has both."
"I've always felt that the puzzles of quantum mechanics... would only eventually get solved when we understand the connection with gravity."
"Einstein believed that quantum mechanics was only a provisional theory, one that would ultimately be replaced by a deeper understanding that would not rely on probabilities."
"In the end, we just have this quantum mechanical world. There's no space anymore. It's like being in Alice in Wonderland; everything is possible."
"Why doesn't gravity completely win?...It's quantum mechanics that we need to worry about."
"Degeneracy pressure, which you only get from quantum mechanics, is an extra pressure that occurs which pushes outwards and stops gravity from winning."
"We want to close the chasm of ignorance because we know that there are issues that we can't deal with yet because of the difference between quantum mechanics and relativity."
"What lies at the heart of black holes?...What we actually think is that there's a missing ingredient within our theories which is quantum mechanics."
"What I'm interested in, though, more is the big picture and the ramifications of quantum mechanics."
"The consequences of quantum mechanics are too radical so radical that the human mind cannot cope with them."
"Entanglement...is the feature of quantum mechanics that distinguishes it from a classical worldview."
"I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics." - Richard Feynman, 1965.
"You can't measure anything without disturbing it, so the human observer can't be extracted from the theory; it becomes unavoidably subjective."
"Quantum information theory... a new way of talking about quantum mechanics itself."
"The quantum mechanical description is more fundamental, and spacetime looks like something emergent."
"Quantum mechanics tells us that the universe is fundamentally probabilistic, we don’t know exactly where the particle will turn up the best we have is a probability of where it will be."
"Quantum mechanics...is a fundamental part of the universe."
"Quantum field theory is the most comprehensive description of reality we have, combining quantum mechanics with special relativity."
"According to modern physics, the world is made of quantum fields."
"Quantum mechanically, fields are everything."
"If you're not astonished by quantum mechanics, then you haven't understood it."
"Quantum locking. It’s a wonderful application of quantum ideas."
"In quantum mechanics, an electron can be both here and there at the same time."
"Quantum parallelism gives quantum computers their power."
"Quantum mechanics is the most spectacularly successful theory that physicists have ever devised."
"Any reasonable person, when first told about the many-worlds picture, has an immediate visceral objection: it just doesn't feel like I personally split into multiple people whenever a quantum measurement is performed."
"Quantum mechanics is an intrinsically awesome thing to talk about."
"Einstein, Podolski, and Rosen brought quantum entanglement to the uncomfortable attention of the quantum mechanics community."
"Nature utilizes the strange rules of quantum mechanics."
"Quantum mechanics tells atoms the electrons how to arrange themselves...how atoms fit together into molecules."
"How did life form in the first place?...Can quantum mechanics lend a helping hand?"
"Anyone who thinks they can talk about quantum mechanics without getting dizzy hasn't yet understood the first word of it." - Niels Bohr
"The weird thing about the double-slit experiment is that it seems in various ways to be doing both of those things at the same time."
"Quantum mechanics today is the best we have to do the calculation, but the best we have doesn't mean that the calculations are extremely accurately correct."
"I would not call entanglement one but rather the characteristic trait of quantum mechanics, the one that enforces its entire departure from classical lines of thought."
"Quantum mechanics never loses information... this is why that holographic insight is so important."
"Space is somehow a manifestation of quantum entanglement in the underlying holographic system."
"General relativity, electromagnetism, and quantum mechanics are unintuitive, but this is in no way reason to doubt the force of their explanatory value."
"Everything is quantum mechanical; quantum mechanics is the theory of physics that describes things at their most fundamental level."
"Quantum hanky-panky occurs when things are using quantum mechanics to get an edge up on their fellow living things."
"It's not just quantum mechanics; it's something more outrageous than that."
"The equations of quantum mechanics... are deterministic. The math of quantum mechanics is just as deterministic as the math of classical mechanics."
"Quantum mechanics yields the most precise predictions that we have ever had... to the tenth decimal place. That's pretty damn certain."
"Gravity may be the observer and the way in which you avoid a Schrödinger's cat problem... whatever gravity field you throw up always pulls back data from a different space."
"The quantum measurement problem is the gaping hole in the theory of quantum mechanics."
"We can't yet even imagine the advances that quantum mechanics will bring."
"Our sense of smell is fascinating and mysterious as it is, but to think that when I encounter a particular scent, and that sets off a whole wave of memories and emotions in my mind, that is underpinned, that it's triggered by quantum mechanics, I think makes it even more remarkable."
"Real scientific experiments leave no doubt: the strange hand of quantum mechanics has shaped the entire living world."
"Can we fully understand the bedrock laws of physics? And there is no bedrock more firm than quantum mechanics."
"Quantum mechanics is the great intellectual accomplishment of the last century."
"It's universally agreed that [quantum mechanics] is not properly understood."
"Our civilization quite simply depends on quantum mechanics."
"Without quantum mechanics, our civilization would fall apart."
"In quantum mechanics, if something can happen by two routes, you add the amplitudes, not the probabilities."
"The quantum interference term is what makes quantum mechanics special."
"Quantum mechanics is one of the most amazing intellectual achievements in human history."
"The theme of death and the intrinsic meaninglessness of life and inevitability of failure is extrapolated further by the way the game integrates gameplay mechanics centered around quantum theory."
"A theory of everything must unite general relativity with quantum mechanics and a black hole is where these two theories converge at their limits."
"A quantum system remains in a superposition of states, existing in all possible states at once, until it's observed or measured."
"The holographic principle...drives general [relativity] and quantum mechanics."
"The Born rule is how we find the probability of getting a particular result when we make a measurement."
"The question of how to fit together our understanding of gravity, space, time, and cosmology with quantum physics is central to modern physics."
"The future is in the foundations of quantum mechanics."
"The double slit experiment...the electrons would change how they interacted based on whether or not they were being observed."
"Quantum mechanics works pretty well, and everyone agrees about that."
"Quantum mechanics actually predicts a comprehensible universe but at the cost of forcing you to believe that what you perceive as physical reality is not actually real; it's actually an illusion."
"Spooky action at a distance is no more and no less mysterious than the 'spooky action across time' that lets us perceive the universe as consistent from one moment to the next."
"There is a fairly big disconnect between what you read about quantum mechanics in the popular press and what the actual underlying truth is."
"Quantum mechanics extracts a toll on your intuition."
"Entanglement and measurement are the exact same phenomenon."
"It's an extension of classical information theory with complex numbers and if you run through that math you get some very interesting results."
"We stabilize the atom by making electrons be two places at the same time."
"If you think you understand quantum mechanics, you don't understand quantum mechanics."
"The more you understand about quantum mechanics, the weirder it gets."
"The storm of creative thought that launches quantum mechanics, the special theory of relativity, the general theory of relativity, completely rewriting our understanding of space, time, matter, and energy."
"Quantum mechanics predicts something called quantum entanglement."
"What we call curvature of space and time is in some sense just an illusion because underlying is this more quantum description."
"Matter is made out of little small particles that behave according to the laws of so-called quantum mechanics."
"We're trying to find...a theory that describes space-time at the quantum mechanical level."
"Life is a game of chance played by quantum rules."
"Quantum mechanics is essential in explaining many of the important processes in life."
"Quantum mechanics describes the composition and behavior of matter in terms of its elementary constituents."
"Quantum mechanics, those waves now, extended 3-dimensional objects, underpin this thing called the standard model of particle physics."
"Quantum mechanics is weird. Einstein called it spooky."
"Quantum mechanics is important in intelligence; consciousness is weird and strange, but they're not weird and strange in the same way."
"You can't really have a cat which is dead and alive at the same time."
"Quantum mechanics applies to everything because it's the underpinning of the physical universe."
"The wave-particle duality of quantum mechanics arises from the limited information, the inability to answer two complementary questions: 'Are you a particle?' And 'are you a wave?' at the same time."
"When the particle is observed, its superposition collapses down to a particle state. It's one of the weirdest things in quantum mechanics."
"The world exists and it's governed by various laws, quantum mechanics is among them, and all we should do is take the mathematics of quantum mechanics and calculate things about the world and test those predictions."
"It's astonishing...the fact that we can even begin to comprehend something as unintuitive as quantum mechanics."
"Entanglement is not spooky action at a distance at all."
"If you think you know how quantum mechanics works, you don't."
"We say that two particles with these sort of correlated properties are entangled."
"If an event is physically possible, no matter how improbable it is, there is hypothetically speaking, according to Quantum Mechanics Another Universe where that event is playing out in."
"The best way to illustrate quantum coherence is with the good ol’ double-slit experiment."
"Gravitational waves are a new amazing connection between gravitation and quantum mechanical processes in the early universe."
"Reality is just sort of this weird wave form of probabilities."
"The shape itself is designed to manipulate fields of quantum information at the very smallest level."
"Quantum particles exist in a superposition state, representing alternate versions of reality."
"The wave function can be thought of as a state in which all physically possible realities intermingle."
"It’s the prediction that Einstein refused to accept - the idea that two quantum systems can be entangled - bound to each other such that they can influence each other instantaneously over any distance."
"Until a Quantum particle is measured, it has no definite values, it only exists in the statistical probability."
"In the quantum world, particles act as statistical probabilities until measured."
"The building blocks of our universe seem to exist in multiple places at once. That way, you can do more with less."
"Things are quantized in quantum mechanics. They come in discrete integer quantities."
"Empty space is the thing we call a vacuum. From a quantum mechanics point of view, the vacuum is just a state of lowest energy."
"They're kept at temperatures colder than space... but if you think you really understand how they work... you're probably wrong."
"Niels Bohr, one of the pioneers of this field, once said that anyone who could contemplate quantum mechanics without being profoundly shocked, they haven't understood it."
"As Bohr said in response to Albert’s bit about dice and the universe: "it cannot be for us to tell God, how he is to run the world"."
"Particles can exist in multiple States simultaneously until they are observed or measured."
"Equally fascinating is underpinning Heisenberg's conclusion is that position and momentum have the same relationship as sound and frequency as."
"Another way of saying quantum mechanics is what the world is made of classical physics can emerge in different ways."
"You exist within a Quantum field and as the Observer, you directly affect the way this field behaves."
"Particles and their properties do not follow strict determinism but rather exhibit probabilistic behavior."
"The famous Heisenberg uncertainty principle captures this fundamental uncertainty."
"Superposition refers to the ability of particles to exist in multiple States simultaneously."
"Space-time ceases to be coherent; it has no operational meaning at that level. It's gone, it's doomed."
"I've never cared about threats, I've never cared about money."
"Quantum, you say? I mean, the future of technology in the MCU is certainly Quantum."
"Detection of the graviton would allow us to confirm gravity's Quantum nature."
"This could all be explained by this idea that DNA is a quantum emergent phenomenon."
"Everything that surrounds us ourselves included can be described as macroscopic collections of fluctuations vibrations and oscillations in quantum mechanical fields Mata is confined energy bound within fields Frozen in a Quantum time."
"Quantum mechanics presents a fuzzy, nebulous reality until measurement."
"Bell argues that if you do this experiment many many many times randomly choosing the detector settings on each run of the experiment, the results in which they are anticorrelated up and down at least five ninths of the time."
"The world cannot be local and have these hidden qualities. What we're really learning is the world has non-local qualities."
"We are led to the conclusion that the world is not local, that the world allows these non-local influences."