
Positive Wishes Quotes

There are 246 quotes

"May your Wi-Fi be strong, may your family be well, may your toilet paper and peanut butter be plentiful, and may the odds be ever in your favor."
"May your Wi-Fi be strong, may your toilet paper be plentiful, may your family be well, and may the odds be ever in your favor."
"They're focused on their happiness and they wish you the same."
"Take care, take it easy, and enjoy the rest of your day."
"As always guys, may you be filled with loving kindness, may you be well, may you be peaceful and at ease, may you be joyous."
"If you're feeling good in your practice lately, I wish that feeling to grow golden and glowing."
"I hope you have a wonderful, beautiful, safe, and amazing day."
"A lot of blessings and love and light to you all. Namaste."
"Have an amazing week, I want to say have an uplifting week."
"Guys, stay safe, take care, and you guys have a great remaining Friday."
"We are behind you and wishing for the very, very best."
"I truly appreciate you, thank you so much for the seed. I pray that the Lord gives you a thousand-fold return in Jesus' name."
"Thinking about you and wishing for good health and happiness for everybody."
"I hope you have an amazing beautiful spectacular fantastic week."
"Grab your popcorn, all that jazz, have a wonderful and safe day, everybody!"
"Sending your brightest blessings, peace, healing, love, and light to every single one of you."
"Thank you guys so much for hanging out with me hope you guys have an awesome rest of your night."
"I hope to see you in the next one. Take it easy."
"Hope you have a brilliant Sunday ladies and gentlemen, I hope you have an amazing day."
"I hope you're having an absolutely fantastic day today."
"I wish him all the best, no hate, all love here."
"Hey everyone I hope you all had a really good day."
"Wishing you love, light, and abundance now and always."
"I hope you have a great day thank you so much for listening and I hope you make a ton of money."
"Thanks so much for watching today. I hope everyone's doing great. Have a good one, goodbye!"
"Have a great week, everybody! God bless you."
"May you be showered with deliverance, healing, and triumph."
"I hope you have the greatest day of your life."
"We close with good night, good luck, a merry Christmas, and God bless all of you, all of you on the good earth."
"I pray the blessings and the favor of God over your life."
"I pray that God will overwhelm you with wisdom, with knowledge, with understanding."
"Have a spectacular day, that's what I wish to all my people."
"Much health, much wealth, and much love."
"As always, I'm rooting for all of you every day and wishing you all the best health, wealth, and happiness."
"I wish nothing but the best for all of you in chat."
"Sending you good vibes and nothing but the best."
"I hope everyone has a wonderful first week back at school."
"Thank you all for watching, have a blessed, safe, and happy Father's Day."
"I wish you an amazing day and I will see you in the next one. Peace, keep dressing."
"Thank you for spending time with me... I hope you have a lovely day."
"Happy Spring, happy Tuesday, happy Ramadan, Happy Easter!"
"Namaste and have a great day, have a good evening wherever you are, and good luck to you."
"Thank you all so much for watching, and I hope you all have a wonderful day."
"I hope you guys have the most amazing day and I will see you in the next one. Bye guys!"
"You'll have instant success, and from all of us here, I'd like to wish you happy painting, god bless, and I'll see you next time."
"Thank you very much for watching and um I think it is about time to end today's stream so have a lovely day."
"Have an amazing week! I'm sending you lots of love."
"I pray that this would be simply the most joyful season of your life."
"Hope you're gonna have a great day whatever you're doing."
"Hope you guys are having a lovely wonderful fantastic day."
"I love everybody and I want everybody to have a good day."
"I hope and wish you all the success in the world."
"Anyway, thank you so much for watching. Take care and I hope that you have an absolutely fantastic day."
"Hope you guys have an amazing day and I'll talk to y'all soon. Peace."
"It's Friday, so I hope each and every one of you have a lovely weekend."
"You're blessed to have found each other and you deserve all the good things in life as you are both good people."
"Thanks again, and I hope this is a big hit with everybody."
"I just want everybody else to be happy for you also."
"Have a double great weekend because you're awesome and you deserve it."
"May you be happy, may you be healthy, and may you always remember you are free."
"Lots of love and many blessings to you all. Have a great day."
"May Ashley and Bogan be with you and have a great day!"
"We send light and love to you and your household."
"I hope you guys have a wonderful, wonderful day."
"May the hardships be overcome, may the pain be healed, the broken be rejoined, and hey, you be happy."
"Thanks for watching and bye... Have a great day!"
"Stay happy guys, stay blessed, have a very blessed day."
"Take care and have an absolutely fantastic day!"
"I hope the rest of your day is an absolutely fantastic one, and take care everybody."
"Goodbye to everybody, I hope you guys have a great Thursday."
"Good luck on this month of course and have a fantastic rest of your day."
"I wish you a day filled with love, laughter, happiness, and joy with the people you love to be with."
"Sending your brightest blessings... lots of love, healing, peace, and light."
"I appreciate all of you. I hope you have a great day and I hope I get to draft with you tonight."
"May everything that concerns you be blessed."
"Thanks for watching I will see you next time - have an awesome day."
"I wish you so much love and light on your journey. Keep seeking your truth."
"Thank you guys for 2.8 million subs, I hope you did enjoy and I hope you have a wonderful, beautiful, safe, and amazing day. Goodbye everybody."
"Hope you guys are doing well, sending you all of the best vibes for your month ahead."
"Until we meet again, I wish thee every possible Fortune, health, wealth, love, and above all, problems worth solving."
"You deserve it all, and I just hope you have a wonderful time."
"Thanks for tuning in, guys, and whatever you get up to, I hope you have an awesome day."
"Thank you all so much for watching. I hope you all have a wonderful day." - Closing gratitude and well wishes
"Best of luck and a fan-freaking-tastic time along the way."
"Love and light to everybody, thank you so much, have a wonderful weekend."
"I wish you nothing but health, happiness, and success in 2024."
"No pressure, but I hope you have a very lovely rest of your day."
"Hope you enjoyed today's video... take care bye hoping you have an absolutely fantastic day."
"Take care have a really wonderful start to your week."
"Like, comment, and subscribe and have a lovely rest of your day."
"I'm sending you the brightest blessings, love, and light."
"Wishing you love, light, and happiness now and always."
"I hope you have a great rest of your day, trade green!"
"Thank you goodbye have a lovely day to take care and until next time... Toodle pip."
"Wishing you all a beautiful and inspiring day."
"I love and appreciate y'all, I hope you all have a blessed rest of your day."
"Have a brilliant day, see you next time, thank you."
"I hope you guys have a lovely, wonderful, fantastic day and I'll see y'all next time."
"Have a wonderful beautiful day. Chill man, you're going to."
"God bless you guys, have a great week, I'm out."
"Thanks for watching have a super day be safe out there guys."
"I never prayed on nobody downfall, I wish everybody nothing but the best success, bro, I've always been a good friend, a good brother, I ain't been a snake, and that ain't even in me."
"Thank you guys so much for hanging out, hope you guys have an awesome mess your night I'm out of here."
"I'm wishing you guys nothing but the best in today's video."
"Take care of yourselves! Have a wonderful day!"
"I'll see you soon, I will talk to you soon, and I hope everyone has a really great weekend, a great day."
"I'm still wishing nothing but the best for you in terms of the game in terms of having an awesome day."
"It's all good. You're good. And I pray that God's richest and best will continue to be yours as you seek Him First. Have an amazing Monday!"
"May your Wi-Fi be strong, may your family be well."
"Hope you all enjoy the video, hope you all have a nice day. Thank you very much for watching."
"I hope you reach 1 million subscribers soon, best wishes."
"Crit hits harder. This does a lot of damage over time, but crit does just straight-up hit harder."
"Have a great weekend, my friends, and be well."
"I hope you guys have a great day, I hope you guys have a great start to your summer... I hope you guys enjoyed this video and I will see you all again real soon, bye."
"I hope everyone enjoys the day. Have a lovely Monday, and I will talk to you again soon."
"Have a really good day everyone, see you next time everybody!"
"Thank you, like, I just wanted to say that I really appreciate you and just know that you deserve everything that's like coming your way."
"Other than that, I will see you guys on the next video, and I hope you have yourselves a great rest of the day. Take care."
"May you have abundant energy and strength every day."
"Hope you have an amazing day and we will see you guys tomorrow for Hump Day. Goodbye."
"Anyway, all right, see you guys next time. Hope you're having a great day and thanks again for all your support."
"That's it for me, man, have the best day of your lives."
"Have a great day, guys, and I'll talk to you soon. Adios."
"Thank you guys so much for watching hope you're having a really great day."
"Have a wonderful day and a very very much profitable week ahead."
"Have a wonderful day, and I promise I'll be back very soon with another video."
"Thanks for watching, thanks for supporting, have a great day, and Yo Joe!"
"Until the next one, y'all, take it easy, have a good day, bye guys, see you next time."
"I hope you have a rocking day today, folks, and that you will try all this rocking food that I've showed you in this series."
"Let's send hugs, kisses, and positive energy to Victoria Henley as she leaves us."
"I hope you have a wonderful week and happy sewing."
"I'm sending you all the love and light from my heart to you guys."
"I hope you all have a very wonderful day, and I will see you next time. Bye!"
"I pray the Lord today will really richly bless you this wonderful Monday."
"I hope that you are having a great day thus far. Happy Friday!"
"Thank you guys from the bottom of my heart, have a wonderful day, peace."
"I'm wishing you guys the best, remember to keep your chin up and push through this with Chase."
"We're happy that you're okay because that was a huge impact, and we wish you better fortune."
"I am sending you lots of love and light, and I hope you have a great day or a great night, wherever you are."
"I really hope you do well when you take the GED math test. Have a super great day!"
"I hope you all have a wonderful day and as always, I'll be back tomorrow with more Reddit stories right here on the Story Time channel."
"Until next time, I will catch you guys on the flip and have a great week."
"Thank you for tuning in, have a great day."
"Have an awesome week, and I'll see you again soon. Take care, everyone. Bye bye."
"For now, ciao and have an amazing day."
"I hope you're having a totes amazeballs day."
"Have a great day, we'll see you in the next one. Later!"
"Peace, joy, happiness, and good health in all your lives."
"Thank you very much everybody, have a good day, and I will see you next time."
"Have a fantastic day, have a fantastic year, and I will see you next lesson."
"Thank you so much for the well wishes, and I hope you are feeling good."
"I just hope you're enjoying life."
"I hope you guys have a wonderful day today."
"You guys are awesome. I hope you're having an incredible day, sending you huge hugs."
"Thank you so much for being here, I hope this worked out for you, and I hope that you have a really great day."
"I hope you guys are all doing well, I hope you're all having a good day."
"Have yourself a wonderful day today, the best you can."
"I got nothing but love for them, I still love them and I want them to do the best that they can do for their life."
"I love you guys, have an amazing day, and I will see you in the next one. Bye!"
"So until next time, have a great week ahead and scratch on."
"Have a beautiful, wonderful, amazing day and I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye, love you."
"Have a great rest of your Monday."
"For my first live lady, I'm and I hope you agree he's either a charming and intelligent young man, a great performer, and I wish you the very best."
"Very good start to the day, I hope you guys enjoy your day and until next time."
"Thank you so much for watching, and I hope you're having a fantastic day."
"Hope everyone's having a fabulous Thursday."
"I want to thank you for watching today and have a great day."
"Thank you so much for watching my video, hope you guys have a fantastic week."
"As always, be safe, be prepared, and have a great day."
"I hope all of you are well, I hope all of you take care."
"I wish you all peace and happiness in your lives, and I wish you all the best."
"I loved being married, but I was young. We grew apart, we're cool, and I wish nothing but the best for him."
"Have a great week everyone and I shall see you soon."
"I hope everybody's having an amazing day; I will see y'all on the next one."
"Let this year be a great year for everybody."
"Have a beautiful day sister, much love to your face."
"Thank you so much for joining me for this video today, I hope you have a fantastic day ahead of you."
"I pray that this day unfolds with everything good and everything blessed in your life, for surely you are worth it."
"Happy Monday! I hope you guys have a great week."
"Thanks for watching and I hope you have an excellent day."
"I hope you are doing really, really well today."
"I hope you're doing well and enjoying the things that are happening."
"I love you guys so so much and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day."
"Thank you for joining me once again for Bonita's Kitchen, and you have a wonderful day."
"Until then, you have yourselves a great day."
"I love it so much, so I hope you guys are having a beautiful week."
"We've not said anything against him because, like I said, I wish for the best."
"I hope you are happy and healthy."
"Thank you very much for being here and watching. Have a great day and bye."
"We will see you all again, thank you so much everyone, have a great day ahead, thank you, and all the best."
"I genuinely wish good for buddy man."
"Sending you all lots of love and light."
"We appreciate all of you for watching, thank you, and we'll see you in the next one. Have a great day."
"Happy piano playing and have an awesome day."
"Hope your Sunday's scary's weren't so bad."
"Thank you all for watching, and as always, I hope this review was helpful and have a super wonderful day."
"I just hope you're having a good time."
"Until next time, have an absolutely magical day, we'll see you real soon."
"Hope you guys have an incredible day."
"I hope that you guys all are having a wonderful day, I hope you continue to have a wonderful day, I'm wishing you the best, and until next time, stay chill."