
Cosmic Exploration Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"It's only in our lifetime that humanity finally has the tools to reveal how rich and potentially vast our cosmic vista truly is."
"The mysteries of the universe are endless, referred to as our final frontier into discovery."
"The more planets there are, the more moons, the more asteroids, the more solar systems, the more solid life's ability to continue into the future will be."
"When they saw tens of thousands of galaxies out to the very limits of what Hubble could see."
"If Interstellar travel is possible, then you should end up with civilization being capable of exploring every place in the entire galaxy."
"Whether through scientific inquiry, philosophical contemplation, or the integration of diverse perspectives, we are driven by an insatiable curiosity to unravel the secrets of our Cosmic Origins."
"We are attempting to explain the universe as a whole, and by the universe, I mean everything."
"Our destiny is not just Earth, it's the whole Cosmos."
"2012 marked the opening of a new area of the galaxy, not the end of the world."
"Turning every star into a Dyson sphere and harvesting the galaxy, that is what the ascended is all about."
"Humans on their way to the center of the galaxy would be spacetime travelers."
"The great crusade was the golden opportunity for humanity, a chance like never before to seize true enlightenment from the cosmos and bend it for the good of all."
"The cosmic ocean concept often evokes a sense of wonder and curiosity about the universe, inspiring scientists and individuals alike to delve deeper into the complexities and enigmas of the Cosmos."
"Thankfully for my scientific endeavors and what I've uncovered, our hope is in the cosmic nature of our existence."
"That's the ultimate goal for me, just making everything I can to help encourage and lift up those that are pursuing the cosmos."
"The Miri instrument on the James Webb opens up an entire new way for us to investigate the reionization period of the universe."
"The Hubble Deep Field is a journey to the edge of the visible universe."
"We have so much more to learn about this universe and who we are and how we relate."
"It was a time of miracles, we stared out at the galaxy and knew that it was our destiny."
"Raven people do not fear the darkness; the vast unknown is their storehouse of cosmic forces."
"The JWST has broadened our window into the cosmos and has now unveiled the first ever real image of 'Oumuamua."
"Now all eyes are fixed upon the James Webb Space Telescope, the vanguard of cosmic exploration."
"I've seen so much of the universe, and you're the best thing in it, John," Superman tells his son.
"Planemos are solitary wanderers, sentinels of the galaxy."
"The universe is a never-ending Quest, driving astronomy."
"Tom DeLonge's commitment to investigating the mysteries of our universe is a testament to human curiosity."
"It is amazing, so get ready for a market increase in human entity's understanding of the cosmos."
"The mushroom said to me once it said this is what it's like when a species prepares to depart for the stars."
"I realized that this is a black hole, I was transported to the event horizon or beyond of a black hole."
"Computing suggests that we can go below this level of the particle universe and tap directly into the CPU of the universe."
"Euclid represents another leap in the cosmic self-discovery, a way of the universe knowing itself through these incredible scientists and Engineers from all corners of the globe."
"Comets are the most distant bodies in our solar system, but astonishingly their story sheds light on our own."
"Start with a big picture. A good resource would be watching Cosmos."
"Even though there's a huge probability of extraterrestrial civilizations existing, we still haven't found any clear evidence of them."
"The incident sparked renewed interest in the possibility of advanced life, inviting questions about Humanity's place in the universe."
"Having lived on this wonderful planet for over 71 years, I feel my proudest achievement has been to inspire people to think about the cosmos and our place in it."
"Thousands of souls from one century to the next up into the present moved by an invincible faith and enlightened by absolute certitudes have made the ascent into the heavens from star to star and from sphere to sphere."
"What if there are others in the cosmos like us? Let's examine the voyages of Voyager 1 and 2 as they discover some quite scary things in the universe above us."
"Fortunately, astronomers today have the tools we need to develop and test theories that reach as far back as the beginning of time and as far forward as the end of everything."
"Even extraterrestrials have only mapped a fractional portion of the universe."
"It'll be okay, there's other planets out there."
"Humanity is going to be introduced now to the entire star system."
"When you're born from above, you can go into the cosmos anywhere and frame up the blueprint of beauty, the blueprint of joy, the blueprint of life."
"...despite its emptiness, the Bootes Void offers valuable insights into the large-scale structure of the cosmos and the processes that shaped it, inviting further exploration into the mysteries of the universe."
"Enthusiasts are still convinced of its existence and believe it is only a matter of time before we celebrate the discovery of Earth's new cosmic cousin."
"When the history of science is written, what's being discovered about our universe will be one of the most exciting chapters."
"'Star Maker' spans billions of years, offering an incredible journey through the universe, with stunning prose and profound philosophical themes."
"By changing the way we look, we're closing in on the origins of planets, stars, and galaxies, on the full symphony of the cosmos."
"The purpose of this project is to prove that we are not alone in the universe."
"The worst part about inventing teleportation is suddenly you're able to travel the whole galaxy, and the first thing you learn is you're the last guy to invent teleportation."
"So let your imagination run wild and keep on pondering the wonders of the cosmos."
"Every day we get closer to understanding more and more about the infinite vastness that stretches out beyond our own planet Earth."
"The more we study galaxies like Andromeda, located in its namesake constellation and just 2 million light years away, the richer our comprehension of the universe becomes."
"Hubble discovered some of the most amazing secrets that unlocked our understanding of the universe."
"This could be the origin of the species that established a vast galactic presence and overcame a bunch of things that we always thought were laws of physics."
"We wanna discover and confirm the first light-emitting objects in the universe."