
Motor Skills Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"Our sense of balance, our ability to learn new motor behaviors, as well as our sense of timing."
"Parkinson's disease... has to do with uncoordinated motor stimulation."
"Motor memories get stored differently than lots of other memories, making them harder to lose."
"And though children can get a basic grasp of spatial reasoning by 18 months, to be able to do this sort of precise, dexterous movement with their hands and fingers, these are fine motor skills that a child masters no earlier than the age of 3."
"He reached level four of the motor skill. Good job, buddy."
"The process of peeling tape is actually a really great fine motor activity."
"Humans have fine tactile motor skills compared to other animals."
"Balance is a hundred percent key isn't it because you can go fast and you can just be there balancing."
"The cerebellum fine-tunes motor movements like learning to hit a golf ball or baseball."
"Walking is a motor skill we gain through repeated practice."
"If I decide to pick up a cup my brain is predicting how my motor signals will fire and then it sends those predictions to my muscles and then I perform the task"
"By like eight to nine months they start developing their fine motor skills, so you start to see them grab stuff like this."
"A baby can draw a straight line by two years, make a plus by four years, and a circle by three years."
"Cerebellum controls balance, posture, and muscle coordination."
"Kids on the spectrum tend to have more motor delays and motor planning problems."
"Cycling increases motor cortex by 20-30%."
"We can change, for example, the frequency with which we recruit motor units, rate coding. We can change movement coordination. We can hand synchronization, which is quite important ballistic movements."
"German parents they let their children take risks and experiment and explore and by doing this I have noticed that German kids have very very good gross motor skills at a very very young age."
"We did this for the first time a couple weeks ago and Rowan caught on to it so quickly and I was amazed by his motor skills."
"Lean a little bit to the right if you're turning right."
"Remember lean right if you're turning right."
"Lean into it to the left, lean to the left."
"Your handwriting, your signature, your dance moves, all of those complicated movements, all those sequences that you've learned are stored in your cerebellum."
"It's all about feel. Do I feel the bike lunging? Do I release the clutch too fast? Do I release it too slowly? It's all about the feel of how you think."
"Pointer cancellation helps people with tremors or mobility impairments."
"Ribbon weaving is really great for fine motor work and coordination."
"Exercise elicits change which is repair, plasticity, neuroprotection, or development of new nerves and thus improves motor control and thinking."
"When their hips are stable, they're able to use their hands better."
"Movement does not originate in the cerebellum, but what the cerebellum does is it basically does a lot of trial and error to get it right."
"Especially during this lockdown, when we have no garden, it has been key for us to help him burn energy, develop gross motor skills, strength, and balance."
"With more tongue movement comes more jaw movement, which then begins to develop the facial muscles that babies need for more advanced eating."
"Motor skills are anyway obviously presupposed by the very idea of intentions to do things like crossing streets."
"It's really helpful to nail down those fine motor skills and really to build that strength in our hands before we get to the writing stages."
"Clothes pins are an excellent fine motor tool because you are working on using both that pointer finger and that thumb to open and close it."
"Each of the cerebral hemispheres is going to receive information from and send motor commands to the opposite side of the body."
"Your muscles that control your fingers are some of the smallest muscles in your body and they have the most fine motor control."
"The best thing we can do for motor development is allow our child floor time or practice on the floor."
"Floor time is amazing. Floor time is going to teach them a lot of motor skills without you really having to do much."
"As their brains develop, they actually learn how to quiet their system down a little bit and inhibit certain muscles so that they can move out of those synergy patterns and crawl and walk."
"The child has to work on their wrist rotation to get the carrot to the bunny."
"Throttle control, clutch control, weight in the foot pegs, and understanding about the balance of a bike... you just pick up so much."
"The cerebellum plays a key role in coordinating skeletal muscular movements."
"Motor learning leads to a relatively permanent change in a person's ability to move well."
"The cerebellum stores recipes for commonly done things."
"Tics are a very common part of motor development."
"Brain imaging studies are beginning to shed some light on why children with BCD struggle to learn motor skills."
"Coordination is the ability to use two or more body parts together smoothly and efficiently."
"The motor cortex is responsible for coordinating movement."
"The movement accuracy becomes more automatic with continued practice."
"Imagination is a huge thing for motor learning."
"The actions that you can perform help you understand other people's actions."
"Gross motor skills are movements of large muscles required for mobility."
"Diversity, above all. Various sports shape motor skills."
"In childhood apraxia of speech, the focus of treatment is the movement and making that movement more accurate."
"The primary motor cortex is the voluntary control of skeletal muscles."
"The cerebellum... controls your coordinated movements like when you're playing sports, body control, it's sort of your muscle memory."
"Variability is an essential feature of human motor behavior, affording the necessary flexibility and adaptability needed in skilled performance."
"Motor learning is just learning a new skill, basically."
"By just listening to roughly a hundred or maybe a couple of hundred of these neurons, we can tell a lot about how to move an arm out, grasp objects, and take them back."
"Some of the most notable benefits are helping babies to really improve their fine motor development, fine motor skills through this process of feeding themselves."