
Biomechanics Quotes

There are 208 quotes

"Muscle growth benefits a lot from definitely both eccentric and concentric actions, probably a little bit more from eccentric actions than concentric."
"Mechanical tension is probably the primary hypertrophy stimulus."
"Mechanical tension, muscle damage, and metabolic stress are the main factors driving muscle growth."
"Flexibility is passive static, and mobility is active dynamic."
"Keeping a muscle contracted all the time isn't strong. It's not how muscles work."
"Unless you have a very specific reason to limit range of motion, I want all my testing done through a full joint range of motion."
"You get a real cool range of motion there... amazing."
"Pronation means the feet go inwards they fall inwards and when you walk your toes for they're out and when they flare out this starts to wear down those heels much quicker."
"Tendons are there to help generate movement, ligaments are there to help limit or prevent or define the movement."
"The simple story is that there's something making it bounce... then there's a part that you decide where to put the foot... and then there's a third part to keep the body at an attitude that's upright." - Mark Rober
"It's all about the kinetic chain of the body."
"Biomechanics of archery: the impact of hand positioning."
"There's a symbiotic relationship between the activator muscles in your mouth and the turgor pressure in the specimen you are biting into."
"That landing on the ball of the foot is the way that we were adapted to run."
"So depending upon the individual rider, if they're a massive heel drop or a toe, there'll be a point at which when the cleat gets far enough back on the shoe, their calf muscle will go, 'Oh, that's better.'"
"Midfoot, if you've got a person who's really struggling with foot numbness, yeah, it almost always works."
"To maximize upper pec growth, we likely need an exercise to preferentially train the upper pecs."
"Tension and activation are what actually trigger muscle growth."
"The most efficient position is to have the cleats sitting directly under the ball of your foot... you're using your legs to the best effectiveness."
"Stability is the capacity to transmit force from the body to the outside world and vice versa without injury."
"Fundamental movement patterns like the lunge, hinge, and squat integrate the active Arch."
"As chapman begins to violently rotate, the elastic properties within the collagen matrix of the fascia begin to kick in."
"...any imbalance is going to cause one joint to work harder than the other..."
"The muscles of the foot and ankle play a crucial role in transferring force and generating propulsive force."
"The first factor to consider is the anatomy of the target muscle and the biomechanics of the exercise."
"The body is a strain distribution machine, not a strain localizing machine."
"Elevate the heel because remember when I said you can bias a pelvic position via a foot position?"
"If your arches are collapsed, think about just as a stacking process if you lean just a little bit over too much, it falls over."
"When you lack ankle dorsiflexion, you have to absorb more force through the knee and hip."
"Jump on a call with an RTS coach, with an expert in biomechanics, with an expert in injury rehab."
"Strength is one thing, but you also need to know the body position and the biomechanics to do the one arm chin up."
"The reason why I like the trap bar, especially for athletes, is it puts your body in a good position to produce force."
"Now the goal here is, because of the bar sits in the midline of the body, it's kind of it doubles as a squat and a hinge."
"The carrying angle is exaggerated on a trap bar."
"The spine supports the appendicular skeleton, transmits the downward force of gravity and the downward force of your head and your trunk, transmits that through the sacrum through L5, and it allows for body movement."
"If you can relax the biceps fully while throwing a punch, it'll make the punch faster and stronger."
"Eventually you want to get into a standing position and be able to really sense those foot contacts properly and learn how to shift our body weight not only on the ground but in an upright environment that mimics the gait cycle."
"If you can grow hamstrings as well or better without any knee flexion, then we should take that same premise and be able to apply it to every single other muscle."
"If you take away a little bit of the resistance from the bottom from the beginning of the range of motion here you're going to add it slightly later in the range of motion when your mechanical advantage is better."
"If you're not loving watching that single-plane motion of Bryson, you don't love golf because that is absolutely the biomechanical easiest way to play the game."
"When you land on your forefoot, you got all this nice bounce in your Achilles tendon."
"Your best biomechanics, your most efficient biomechanics, are the mechanics that you use when you don't try to change anything."
"If you ran with really horrible efficiency and you're flapping around everywhere, it actually is the best way for you to run if you were to race right now."
"You don't have to push off the ground in order to go into leg extension... often like there's golf posture, so I have some sort of flexion in the knees."
"Biomechanical Studies have provided support that the Tyrannosaurus was capable of closing its jaws with the bone destroying bite of 8,000 to 61,000 newtons."
"The root cause is that our Center of mass is being pushed forward onto our toes."
"For those of you who don't know Kasim, he is the creator of NF1 which educates and coaches people on individualized biomechanics program design and nutrition."
"Guys if you ever seen a Barefoot Runner it kind of looks like they're running trying not to get injured."
"Biomechanics is science, you know what I mean, and sometimes the difference between a neutral spine digging in your lap and then just a small arch in your spine, you go, you can feel those subtle nuances and create such a difference."
"It's normal for your shoulders to rotate opposite your hips."
"...after your leg is in the air it hits the ground and what happens at that point when it hits the ground is what we call a ground reaction force."
"...posterior kinetic chain of structures that does allow that body segment or allows the body to become a little bit more rigid and then push back into the ground."
"...ground pushes into the foot body responds by pushing back into the ground via the posterior kinetic chain."
"Just as simple as this doing this movement watch what goes on with this toe as they get the heel spinning out to do that if he's doing this chances are lacking total mobility there's nothing sexy about a mobile big toe line."
"The change of form you use is a reflection of the loads on your body."
"The loading of the body is critically important in training program design and preventing injuries."
"So, we've done a lot there in theory of what the correct biomechanics are from both a stress fracture point of view in terms of what's bad and what's good from a performance point of view."
"It's called coupled motion, but the vertebrae rotate back to midline."
"You're kind of using gravity to fall onto that side because your pelvis is already tilted downhill so why not use gravity to help make this shift automatic."
"The ability of Moe, and this is a discovery too, that because of these tilts and positions of his body, he now is able to plane the golf club."
"I think it's really interesting is the biomechanics where they intersect with information Theory."
"Your body is built on levers, and when they go right, it's a beautiful stable structure."
"The shape the human fist makes when it's balled up tightly into a punch also helps protect the hand and forearm from damage."
"It's very important with that stable floor that we also have a stable foot to be able to transfer that force optimally."
"Muscle contraction is a result of the sliding filament theory, where myosin heads pull actin filaments, sliding them closer together."
"This whole idea of having this double curvature type of system gives us balance, allowing us to distribute the weight of our body and remain on our feet, increase our strength and resilience, and also with some flexibility of the spine."
"There's a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes that allows the body to seamlessly transition from different terrain."
"Mechano transduction is taking mechanical energy, converting it into chemical activity to create change."
"Mechano transduction is all about receiving forces."
"This machine actually allows you to take a nice full rowing stroke; it biomechanically works very well with how proper rowing form should be."
"The foot and ankle has to provide enough mobility to adapt to bearing surfaces... and then finally to act as a rigid lever during the push-off phase of gait."
"The body is remarkably adaptable and robust and to think that one lacks or stretched kind of static stabilizer is accounting for all the problems of the foot and ankle is probably a little bit too minimalistic of a viewpoint."
"As the first ray moves into an extended posture, the arch height increases and it increases the overall stability of the foot."
"Your feet are direct correlations in my opinion to the glute hip extension pattern."
"Biomechanics is one of the three foundational exercise sciences, often ignored, yet essential for optimal performance."
"Correct exercise, by definition, is trying to fix biomechanical weaknesses, imbalances, and deficiencies."
"Trained well, trained smart, use biomechanics."
"When you run and this muscle can stretch the tendon more, you get a return of free energy."
"If you get the hips working correctly, the core will fire correctly."
"The normal curves of the spine are thought to help us absorb shock and absorb force."
"The Achilles tendon... acts a little bit like a spring; it stores the energy and then releases that energy quite quickly."
"The Achilles tendon itself is a tough band of tissue that connects your calf muscles to your heel bone and plays a crucial role in helping us transfer forces from the ground to our bodies during activities like running, walking, jumping."
"We're working on improving muscular endurance and postural endurance, actually developing and reinforcing the proper movement patterns."
"Walking is supposed to be very efficient, a lot of recoil and little effort."
"Biomechanics refers to the mechanisms through which components of the body interact to create movement."
"The sternoclavicular and acromioclavicular joints provide the link between the arm and the body."
"We can use biomechanics as a tool to influence neurology."
"We can use neurology as a tool to influence biomechanics."
"I think one of the benefits of knees over toes guy is really just changing the physics, changing the physics on traditional exercises."
"The windlass mechanism is just a great way to see if the foot can even get to this subtailor neutral, which is the ideal foot position inside a ski boot."
"Biomechanics is the physics of motion exhibited or produced by biological systems."
"Biomechanics relates highly to other disciplines in kinesiology because all of these domains require human movement."
"It's a biomechanical movement that's based on proper positioning and proper sequencing."
"It's very important for understanding load transfer through the joint."
"Your body slings the arm, it catapults it, it opposes it, as your arm goes this way, your body goes this way."
"We look at the anatomy, we look at the biomechanics, and we problem-solve how all that works together."
"Your body is incredibly smart because it can act as a spring, a damper, and an anti-roll bar without you realizing."
"Axial loading of the bone in general causes the bone to remodel itself a little bit stronger, a little bit thicker, a little bit more resilient."
"What's a moment arm? A moment arm is basically going to be the distance between the joint and the resistance."
"The body exists as a series of chains, so the movement at one joint will eventually affect the movement at another joint."
"Most of your force is generated from the ground."
"A propulsive impulse is defined as how much force you put into the ground as well as how much time for which that force is applied."
"It's a principle called rate of force production."
"It's a biomechanical effect on the brain tissue itself that sets in motion a series of changes."
"The bio mechanics of a circuit and the lung and ventilator are eerily similar."
"There is a highly underappreciated aspect of what helps us move forward in space and move through the gait cycle effectively with those biomechanics, and that is the ability for the visual field to help us sense where we are in space and move forward."
"The hinge design is a gliding hinge, so that's just going to help mimic the natural motion of the knee."
"The spring ligament stabilizes the medial longitudinal arch of the foot and helps support the talar head."
"The stiffness of the scaffold can affect differentiation of cells."
"In this video, we're going to be discussing the biomechanics of cervical flexion and extension."
"It's possible to change your body position and move your center of mass."
"If you can only move slowly and your hands are able to rotate on the bar, your center of mass would always rotate to a position directly under the bar."
"Once you get on a rower and you can feel the difference between these two, you realize how much more of a biomechanical advantage you have."
"The foot needs to be stable, the ankle has to be mobile, knees have to be stable, stacked in line, hips have to be mobile enough to maintain that proper alignment."
"A common pattern that happens is people learn to associate lumbar extension with hip flexion."
"The leverage player generates force through mechanical advantage, stretch, coil, and a centered and rotary action."
"The knee is really at the mercy of the ankle and the hip."
"The first thing that should hit the ground when we walk is the heel because that sets us up for a perfect next step."
"The ankle rocker is essentially how the foot functions during high-speed running or walking, or just sports in general."
"The human movement system is composed of the skeletal system, the nervous system, and the muscular system."
"The overhead squat assesses dynamic posture, core stability, and neuromuscular control."
"It's an exciting time to be in the world of biomechanics."
"During a contraction, the actin slides closer to the center of the myosin, making the muscle shorter."
"Who do you want to believe, the classics or just another biomechanics guru who is trying to reinvent the world?"
"All human movement is an application of strength and power."
"We develop this idea of the Meccano sensor, and it's just the structure within muscle fibers that senses tension."
"A high-tension contraction of the muscle is the initial primary initiating factor."
"The lean mass of the trunk is the biggest contributor to estimated punching force."
"It all adds up to the efficiency and smoothness of the gait cycle."
"We're really considering inversion, e-version, plantar flexion, dorsiflexion, and how all these work in opposition and work together to let us stand on the foot."
"Our approach to trying to achieve this goal of having machines go everywhere that a person can go is to try and again understand what's going on with animals, understand these principles, and then demonstrate it on a machine."
"Range of motion should mostly be viewed as the degree of angular motion at each individual joint during an exercise as opposed to the movement of the bar."
"The study of injury biomechanics in crash testing has helped us learn what happens to the human body in passenger car crashes."
"This happens when physics meets biology in a field called injury biomechanics."
"The ultimate goal is to get a model of the skeleton of the person, so you figure out where their joints are in 3D space and what angles they're at."
"The woodpecker's beak... strikes at a speed of 6 to 7 meters per second and the impact of deceleration is of the order of a thousand G."
"The golf swing is two kinetic chains."
"When I look at the golf swing, I look at how the body moves naturally."
"The fulcrum is the joint, the effort is the muscle that contracts, and the resistance is the load being lifted."
"Reducing this distance here decreases your clockwise moment and therefore reduces your joint reaction force."
"If you can understand how joints move, then we can move people functionally."
"The shape of the joint determines what kind of movement is functional and safe for that joint to do."
"Walking is really not a muscular activity; it's controlled falling."
"What we need is a right side of the body and the left side of the body with equal forces through the ground and through occlusal surfaces."
"We have to improve the biomechanics so that we don't overload that tendon in the first place."
"The reason we want to maintain a normal or a neutral mechanical alignment is so the forces of the knee pass directly through the middle of the knee."
"The gait cycle involves seven main steps which include heel strike, loading response, mid stance, terminal stance, pre-swing, initial and mid-swing, and finally terminal swing."
"The arm is a class three lever, it is one of the worst levers for being able to move objects."
"The knee joint is the most complex joint in the human body."
"It's all based on your biomechanics and what you were born with, what God gave you."
"During acceleration, you're producing a lot of horizontal forces and those are being applied longitudinally through the body."
"The squat itself is ankle, knee, and hip movement."
"The more vertical you are with less hip flexion, the more knee flexion you're going to get."
"You can manipulate the exercises to suit your own biomechanics."
"He takes complex ideas and concepts about the human body and biomechanics and he simplifies them."
"What is important is that you get your body rotated because we're going to be using our body as part of our efficient biomechanics when we're hitting the ball."
"Titanium's Young's modulus is closer to bone and therefore it's more ductile."
"Sprinting is about ground reaction force."
"Our body responds to stresses and strains in the body, which is just like any type of building."
"Biomechanics is the understanding of how joints, how the human body works in literally a mechanical manner."
"It remains to be seen when, how, and why the specific biomechanics of modern human bipedalism evolved."
"The stretch shortening effect is primarily due to titan and the residual force enhancement that you have at the end of the stretch."
"Control is the basic fundament of biomechanic; if you have control, you are on the total."
"Every biomechanic needs anchorage; if you can't control anchorage, you control one-fourth of your principles of biomechanics."
"Improving lumbar pelvic control and mechanics can help with muscle-related injuries."
"Pictures are always good; we see the lateral movement and the twisting movement."
"It's the force demands of running where you're able to just think mechanically what it's like to really power myself up a hill with hip extension."
"Absorption of force is not a physical activity; it's a neural pattern."
"We have muscles attached to that skeleton, normally in pairs, and what those muscles do is they squeeze and they release."
"He definitely knows his stuff when it comes to biomechanics, physics, anatomy, physiology."
"As I make more complex models, I could actually predict really interesting biomechanics and aspects of the human body."
"The most efficient lever in the body is a second class lever because it has the highest mechanical advantage."
"The ideal situation is to create or to integrate our restorative material into biological and biomechanical environment."
"I've been told I've got good biomechanics, that my alignment is good."