
Age Difference Quotes

There are 181 quotes

"The level of stupid I was at 18 versus 22 is so vast."
"It is absolutely inappropriate for a then 23-year-old to say things like that about a 16-year-old."
"Any guy who goes after a girl significantly younger than them is severely lacking in their life...it's ultimately predatory."
"It's scary to kind of date younger people because if you start dating like a 23 year old and you're like 30, by the time they hit 25 they might realize I actually don't want this type of relationship."
"This person is older than you, wiser than you."
"You shouldn't worry so much about the age difference."
"Age is just a number and as long as there is love age isn't a problem."
"You see you're 27. when you the only difference between you and me is 48 years of life."
"It's not wrong at all and it's only made even worse and creepier given the fact that you know that Drew was 13 at the time of when they were first interacting and Shane was 22."
"Imagine if you dated someone and they were like, 'By the way last week I turned 18' it was controversy at the time."
"I mean, she's been a gamer longer than I've been alive. It's crazy."
"You're gonna have a new person too, it could be a bit younger."
"How can I admire you beating up a man who, if you were the same age as him, he would rip your head off?"
"Now he is going to marry her because, oh let's just say after a couple of months she dies of old age."
"What I saw was Donald Trump, but he looked young, very buoyant, and more youthful."
"Blame them, he's currently 55, I'm currently 30."
"I actually really now finding somebody that likes you like you like them could be your age or a little bit older."
"I'm 82, and he's in his 60s, and we've been together for 38 years."
"Men love dating older women. What lifetime is this?"
"Go for people who are slightly older or understand your depth."
"If you're dating to get married, date at least 10 to 15 years older."
"I'm 22 years old but you are old enough to know better."
"If you have 16-year-old friends and you're 22, maybe rethink that."
"This couple has 20 years between them but they hardly ever notice."
"You have to follow your feelings. I think a lot of people don't understand that age gap relationships can be genuine."
"If a 50 year old woman can pull a 33 year old man and he's loving up on her and she's enjoying it, you better enjoy that."
"Sometimes a relationship with an age difference can be a beautiful means towards self-understanding."
"Anyone is thinking about getting an age Gap relationship, I'll just say go for it."
"It's actually rejuvenated me to be with a younger wife."
"We need to talk about how age gaps like this are legal. The difference in lived experiences and wealth strips away any facade of consent. This is borderline pedophilia."
"It's not always about age, it can be more about soul knowledge."
"We have a bet. Does he win an Oscar or does he date someone over 26?"
"Our age difference shows because Tim is five years older."
"Regardless of the age gap, making a sixteen year old kid have to defend the relationship between him and his girlfriend days before the biggest moment of his life is just shit."
"The difference between saving at 25, 35, and 45 is like the difference of millions of dollars."
"I mean like the only thing is that we accept as a society so much an older man marrying a younger woman."
"He did things to these folks who are 15 to 25 years younger than him that I can't even imagine."
"At 36, you can't take three years off and then expect to beat the guy at 33."
"I don't care if he's 25 or 85 or 95, maybe 25 is a young liar, if he's 85 he's an old liar."
"The later you look at your chart the better because if you're 20 and 18 and you're looking at planets... it wouldn't be a totally different analysis of what they saw when they were 20."
"I do everything you do better, and I'm almost double your age."
"This is practically the same age gap as Diddy when he met Cassie Ventura."
"Wow, she's like my senpai. She's three days older than me!"
"I will try to make sure that you never unsubscribe."
"Shut up! I'm not going to argue with a 22-year-old virgin!"
"Women older in relationships are the most frowned upon."
"When you see me in person, don't act fake. Don't play me like I know you're older than me."
"My wife is 12 and a half years older than me. Yeah, my wife is what they call a cougar, which means that when she caught me, I was the slowest of my herd."
"No one bets an eye when an older woman dates a 20-year-old dude."
"My wife is not 40 years old I love her to death."
"Age Gap relationships are more popular than ever."
"...they're going to be wise beyond their years and they may be much older than you to be honest with you even if they're younger than you."
"Despite this age difference, their performances were so convincing that it didn't detract from the film's charm."
"I have no reason, have no interest, have no desire, there is no part of me that wants a relationship, a friendship, anything with someone 10 years younger than me."
"That's what I love about these high school girls. I get older and they stay pretty much the same age."
"I love how meta this is. You know, I'm older than you. 15 months, but it's pretty significant."
"Be me 23, this older girl she's around 30. Get busy coming, go or get busy dying. True."
"Of course Alice has issues she's 28 marrying a man who's 14 years older than her."
"You're old enough to be her grandfather."
"I know you're 17. I know I just turned 13. the same age as your little brother but soon RH difference won't even matter which is good because I'm pretty sure you're my soulmate."
"I think it really goes off a if they stay around cuz like I'm So Young I'm way younger I'm like 11 years younger than now."
"A young woman being infatuated with an older man story is all the time."
"She likes me, but she thinks she is too old to start a relationship with a younger man. So, she should have never even told him, 'I like you.' So, with that saying... and no disrespect, but what that says to most men is, 'I want to [__] but I don't want to be with you.'"
"Colin met Hazel, his future wife, at a dance in March of 1944 when he was only 16 years old and she was 48."
"You have to see Christy. She looks like a 16-year-old kid next to this living legend."
"I feel like I haven't seen this before, older woman, younger man, he's a pop star, she's, you know, uh just a normal person. So I mean it's a certainly a setup we've seen before but I think this has themes and some stuff that I've never seen before."
"Are you willing to take care of him? He's older than you are. You're really going to take care of him."
"She had gone along with him being 18."
"Wow, you're really pretty. If you were older I would ask you out."
"I'm definitely struggling. I hate to say it. There is that age difference, even though I want to feel like it's non-existent."
"Good for you, again, to your place, you're doing her a favor having her with you not the other way around she's 18 for God's sakes next time pick an older girl."
"I genuinely would have thought about two years at most. They're ten years apart? Crazy."
"As soon as they turn 25 and regardless of that he's with a 19 year old."
"48 year olds with 19 year olds, that's crazy."
"Get you a older man that has money and don't need yours."
"Love knoweth no boundaries, and even though there's a significant age difference between us--"
"I've never been with someone younger than me."
"No 50-year-old has any business trying to date or be in a relationship with a 17-year-old."
"It was a May-December romance. I was 20 when we met and he was over 50. But from the first moment I saw Ned, I knew he was the one."
"Relax, oh he's laughing. Maybe I shouldn't be dating such an old man."
"He was in his 50s and she was 27 the marriage lasted for 29 years until his death in 1986 three years after me and Cindy and he began starring in another hit TV show Matlock."
"'I know so many men who have similar age differences in relationships, and it's never an issue.'"
"It's kind of a nice mix of the older than you and I think it works really well."
"She had a rejuvenation. Maybe she wanted to try out her 18-year-old poom poom on you know a 23-year-old man."
"I'm 46 talking to somebody who's 30. That's a 16 year age difference. So what? Who cares? Why is that a big deal?"
"Back then when we were, you know, [ __ ] 9 years old and she was 17, 18, 19."
"everyone understands you now uh and doesn't care but what I'm saying is is the guy in the audience has got to be 10 years younger than Michael Jordan"
"everybody should date someone 45 years older than them"
"There's a certain pattern that I believe most people are disgusted by, which is the idea of a wealthy man trading in the older model for a younger one."
"I was actually on your apartment once and I was looking at one of the picture frames... 'I'm like, so 18?' She's like, 'Yeah, like it's not a big deal.'"
"the age difference if if a woman is older than you in a relationship guys please expect things to go a bit more difficult than usual right"
"Can we stop blaming young girls for their creepy old boyfriends?"
"He's so hot. He's so hot, and I'm a cougar."
"I don't care about the weight loss part I just want to get over to the 65-year-old Sugar Daddy part."
"The fact that she's older, maybe that's good for you because I think your mindset is more mature than these younger women who are like 23 and stuff."
"The man in front of her was quite handsome, he was a bit older, probably mid to late 40s. 'Hi handsome, would you like to have some fun tonight?' Abigail asked."
"In conclusion, there's no empirical problem with age difference, it's a total social construct just like difference in height or difference in whether or not you go hiking or not, it's just a difference."
"I do like older men I do I do like them because they're more they're again they're more."
"I love it, man. It's so funny because when you're an older dude looking at a younger dude and to get that like, 'Wow, this guy,' you know what I mean?"
"Oh honey I'm so sorry I'm about to be 25 like I can't I can't talk to you."
"...the underlying physical mechanism could be generally the same but unlike the filament in the Milky Way galaxy are only visible because first of all they're much larger but they also seem to be much much older."
"Everything for me was challenging, social skills, you know, my friends were 10, 11, 12, 13 years old, and I felt I had the social skills of maybe nine, ten-year-old when, you know, I was 12, 13 years old."
"I never would have thought a relationship with a 28-year gap could work like this, but to me, we're just two souls that were meant to connect."
"My mother always said that younger men made enthusiastic lovers but often took themselves far too seriously," Miranda laughed.
"Bob's sister is three when Bob is six."
"Remember, I've been your age, you've never been mine."
"I was the youngest member of the production managers and executive teams by almost two decades."
"Yes, I can get boys my age, but I don't want them. You are the one I fell in love with. I don't care if you're older than me."
"You're still very young, and he's also young, but not in the same way."
"Age is just a number; you shouldn't let that get in the way of us getting to know each other."
"Well, if we're talking about age difference, I don't think it matters one bit."
"I adored him; I simply didn't care that he was 32 years older."
"Evan Porter, 13 years old, younger than everyone by 2 to 3 years that is playing tonight, he's been very dominant."
"Building a strong relationship with people that are much older than you that have a strong and healthy marriage."
"Building muscle after 50 is a hundred percent possible, but we need to train and eat and recover differently than you might have done in your 20s and 30s."
"When Donna and John met on the 4th of July, fireworks lit up their eyes despite their 13-year age difference."
"How do you call someone a good 40 years older than you by their first name?"
"Please do not date an older man who cannot provide for you, otherwise he will be robbing you of your youth."
"Don't hang out with people your own age because they're boring, for chrissakes."
"Urit thinks their age difference caused their relationship to end."
"Age gap relationships aren't that uncommon nowadays."
"Being pregnant in your 30s is definitely harder than being pregnant in my 20s, for me."
"I laughed and told him I'm happily married with sons that look older than he is, but thank you for the flattery."
"I'm married to a younger man. I do like a younger man."
"It's been wonderful. I'm really flattered that you like me; I think that you're a fantastic girl, but I'm 12 years older than you."
"A guy in his 70s or 80s would feel young around her; she has a generosity of spirit."
"Women look at older guys differently."
"I actually really liked Sam because despite being so much older than me, he treated me with respect."
"We all find something that we all relate to each other no matter the age difference."
"The age is usually compensated by maturity."
"We could have waited, I wasn't Russian, differences in ages; you're old enough but you're still a baby."
"Despite him being twice her age, it turned out that they actually had a lot in common."
"It's a May-December romance, as people say."
"He was just 38 years of age when they got married compared to Agnes being a few months shy of her 50th birthday."
"Is it okay to date a woman older than you by six years or maybe more? Who am I to even tell you what is right or wrong?"
"I always hung around people older than me for sure."
"She is too young for me, but I can't control myself when I'm next to her."
"You have people 10, 20 years older than people, but they're in love, and they make it work."
"I wonder what reason you'd find to disapprove if I was marrying somebody of exactly my own age."
"It's a 10 year old playing against 12 year olds, it's a huge gap."
"Mika and I are a great duo; big age gap between us, but she's the best business partner I could imagine."
"It's a really beautiful look at an age gap for a woman who really didn't have any good prospects."
"The insurance that you can buy at 20 is far cheaper than what you can buy whenever you're 50."
"It's mad how in a year group we've got 50-year-old parents but we've also got 30-year-old parents. That's a 20-year difference."
"Prophet Muhammad married his first wife Khadija when he was 25 and she was 40, 15 years older than him."
"Effect modification is when the magnitude of the association between exposure and disease is different among the children compared to the adults."
"I'm older than Jeff; I'm sure my life I've accrued more financial success than Jeff, so I'm happy to do it."
"Age ain't nothing but a number, but that can still go to jail."
"You know that I love you, regardless of what anyone else thinks. Our age difference doesn't matter to me, and it shouldn't matter to you either."
"Age isn't a problem when they're just three or four years apart. Besides, it's all about fate."
"Despite the age gap, this man wants to have a future with you."
"She's a senior that I really love because she adores me like a friend, even though our ages are six years apart."
"Jane, will you marry me, a poor blind man with one hand, twenty years older than you?" "Yes, sir," I replied, "my darling."
"He's starting to realize that 10 years makes a big difference in maturity."
"You may find that a girl is 23, her reasoning is so impressive to you, and you're 35."
"Have you ever had that experience where someone you know comes up to you with something old, and asks you to identify it because they're younger than you?"