
Kabbalah Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"The ancient mystical teachings known as Kabbalah, which for millennia has been unknown, obscure, hidden, secret, has recently become almost a household name, even fashionable."
"The mode of Kabbalah is 'I'm an empty receptacle, an empty channel, channeling something greater than I am.'"
"The true meaning definition of Kabbalah is to receive, is to free yourself, to empty yourself, to shed your sense of self, in order to absorb and channel and receive something greater than yourself."
"You can't go there, it doesn't let you in unless the door opens, and the door can only open by you putting yourself aside and allowing it to emerge."
"Kabbalah breaks its students out of a strictly logical way of thinking and pushes them to uncover new modes of contemplation."
"For Kabbalists, Hebrew is a divine language, and the Torah is a living divine document."
"Judaism calls it Kabbalah. We find that trend through all of them; it's opening oneself to a deeper sensitivity about the universe in which we inhabit."
"One is filled with admiration on penetrating into the sanctuary of the Kabbalah, at seeing a doctrine so logical, so simple and at the same time so absolute..."
"The deity of Kabbalah is the god over their antichrist organizations... thus not the God of the Bible at all."
"Unlocking the power and the meaning of the Tree of Life according to the wisdom of Kabbalah."
"Kabbalah leads a person to the highest degree of holiness."
"For a more practical and easily digestible book on kabbalah, I recommend 'The Chicken Kabbalah'."
"One way of thinking about Kabbalah... is to imagine that Kabbalah is basically dedicated to the emergence, the development, the dynamism, and the external and internal relationship of the Sefirot."
"Cabala is essentially science. It's astronomy, it's metaphysics, it's learning about the elements of nature."
"The powerful wisdom of Kabbalah is not only powerful, it's also practical."
"Albert Pike actually mentions Kabbalah several hundred times and he has some really, really strong, bold comments regarding it."
"All of these sephirot, they're built like this: Chesed to Tiferet, Netzach to Hod, Yesod to Malchut."
"These upper three, they include in them the entire structure of the tensorfurot."
"The upper light works in Keter, it works in Chochmah, and from there it penetrates the lower seven sephirot."
"Keter is the crown, it's the thought of everything, and it aims to raise everything to reach its complete state of connection with the created being."
"Chochmah is the purpose of creation—it includes in it the light that is destined to fulfill everything and everyone."
"Binah is the correction of creation—it requires the correction of Binah."
"Malchut connects all the Sefirot together."
"Italian Kabbalah is going to be a big part of that, spreading zoharic ideas into Italy."
"The Zohar is the greatest work of Kabbalah. If Kabbalah is to be retrieved, the Zohar will have to be at its center."
"...love and fear... love of God and fear of God... it's the balancing between love and awe... that the Kabbalah is really aiming at."
"Kabbalah is ubiquitous in modern occultism. Without kabbalah, we wouldn't have the system we have today."
"Understanding this tension between a physical world which we inhabit and the spiritual realms which is God is the focus of theoretical Kabbalah."
"Kabbalah means to receive, reception."
"Kabbalah is always about relationships."
"According to Kabbalah, God is incomplete without our active participation."
"The goal of the Kabbalistic mystic is nothing short of the metaphysical reparation of both the cosmos and the godhead."
"The soul of the Kabbalists clings to the divine."
"Receiving for the sake of bestowing is the eternal state the Kabbalists call the endless world."
"The term Ain Sof literally means without limitation or beyond limitation or no end."
"The 22 keys of the Tarot... are the 22 letters of the Kabbalistic primordial alphabet."
"Each of those 10 decadence is said to be also ruled by a planet, and those go through a revolution going down the Tree of Life."
"A Kabbalist works against his will to receive, a Kabbalist works to change here and now."
"The rise of Kabbalah, the rise of Jewish mystical thinking."
"The wisdom of Kabbalah is open to everyone, to all nationalities, all ages, all genders, all religions, all sexual preferences."
"The wisdom of Kabbalah describes all the Bible stories as processes taking place in the concatenation of spiritual forces downward from an original Source force of bestowal and love that created this entire reality."
"Mind in the Hasidic teachings of Kabbalah is one pathway of consciousness and emotion is a separate and distinct pathway of consciousness."
"If I dominate the secret of Kabbalah, I will stop being a puppet."
"I'm so happy I'm in the Kabbalah center. I learned so much."
"The mystical wisdom of Kabbalah can be applied by anyone seeking spiritual growth and understanding."
"The Tree of Life is divided into ten spheres or sephirot, each representing a different aspect of the Divine."
"Kabbalah is not a religion; it's a method, it's actually a science."