
End-of-life Care Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"The focus should be on making her last days as happy and bright as possible."
"What was most important near the end of life was really what's most important to us everyone during our normal days is, you know, you want to be comfortable, you want people to know how you want to be treated, and you want your loved ones to know specific things about you."
"It really gets to the core values and desires of how a person wants to be treated during those final days when they might not be able to advocate for themselves."
"The constitution ensures the right of people to make free and informed decisions about their care and treatment at the end of life."
"I've tried to divide this video into roughly three parts: one where I talk about what it's like to find out that a loved one is dying, the next about giving end-of-life care, and finally, what it's like to see that transition and deal with the aftermath for you and the rest of your family."
"You can provide support to the dying in terms of speaking to them, being next to them, and being strong for them."
"Everybody has the opportunity to age in dignity with the care they deserve at the end of their life."
"It's not a way to treat someone; let them die with a bit of dignity."
"It's paramount that we don't let patients die in distress and in an undignified manner."
"It's important for caregivers to know when an individual with dementia is close to the end of their life because it helps ensure they receive the right amount of care at the right time."
"Fortunately, his final years appear to have held some happiness for him, cared for by doctors and nurses who stopped at nothing to give him everything he wished for."
"I highly recommend every single human being on this planet to eat in and out."
"The most rewarding aspect... is to have the privilege and honor to care for people at end of life."
"We don't want people suffering before they die, and that's the aim. We have the potential, I think, to do this."
"The passing of somebody's life is more for them than you because you want to make sure that they have a peaceful end rather than you just get to have the convenience of not thinking about them in that condition."
"You matter because of who you are. You matter to the last moment of your life, and we will do all we can not only to help you die peacefully but also to live until you die." - Dame Cecily Saunders
"Let them have that final little bit of dignity."
"No one should die alone and no one should die without someone holding their hand and talking to them..."
"I'm very Pro that. I think I would not want a loved one to be a DNR person."
"A living will is specifically designed to deal with how you feel about life-ending versus life-sustaining procedures."
"Your loved one is not dying because they're not eating and drinking. They're not eating and drinking because they're dying."
"So I wrote this book because I really feel like if patients have this information and they know that that's what the goal is and that's how people can die, then they won't be so afraid of the process."
"It was described by the nurse and his doctor as a very peaceful passing."
"Dying surrounded by loved ones, achieving peace."
"I'm trying not to cry... why can't they just give her a triple dose and let her go, you know?"
"I was really lucky to be able to stand by her side these last few months and help her in her weakest moments."
"I wish we lived in a society that made end-of-life choices safer and medically monitored."
"Give us that Grace of final perseverance, Amen. Let there be a priest at our bedside to give us the anointing of the sick, reconciliation if you had to come, Amen." - Father Mike Schmitz
"The legal status and ability to access Assisted Dying is one of the most important medical ethical issues affecting us."
"Assisted dying is not an alternative to palliative care, but simply an additional option."
"People at the end of life still need mouth care."
"Many patients at the end of life choose not to have some treatments such as CPR."
"CNAs assist clients who are dying in order to enable a peaceful death and to maintain dignity and self-worth."
"I hope that we are able to make it more peaceful for the individual who's dying and for their family members."
"Conversations about end-of-life are good for people and their loved ones."
"He deserved to choose his own way out what he didn't deserve was to spend his last days in pain or under drugs his last moments our whole family were with him"
"Patients who had end-of-life discussions had better caregiver outcomes, with fewer instances of PTSD or complicated grief."
"It's hospice. They're coming in, they're dying, and then you know, we're gonna close down the hospice hospital."
"Hospice services are designed to support individuals towards the end of life."
"I'd rather die well than suffer through treatment."
"It is fundamental to inform family that the last sense to go when their family member is dying is hearing. Encourage them to continue talking to their family."
"No one should ever have to die in misery."
"What you did was you gave her dignity at the end of life because there was nothing dignified about being in a shallow grave."
"90% of the money spent on Healthcare in the United States is spent on the last 18 months of a person's life."
"So I got a little bit of attitude from the nurses at the hospital. I can't believe you won't put him on a ventilator. I said no. You can't believe it? Well, maybe you should read his living will."
"But for the dying especially who may not have time to begin a little practice, you know, who do need a shortcut towards ego dissolution and the kind of rehearsal for death that ego dissolution is, this offers enormous promise."
"Hospice is a specialized form of medical care provided to individuals who are nearing the end of their lives."
"Every living thing is going to die and as humans we can make it pleasant."
"Patients deserve exactly the same quality of life at the end of life as they have lived throughout."
"His family was with him in the hospital room. He got to die around people who cared about him, and that's all I can ask for."
"Focus on health span at the end of life because that's the hardest thing to get right."
"It's the most loving gift we can give them, for them not to have to continue to suffer."
"Physicians are responsible for alleviating the suffering of patients, even if that meant allowing patients to die."
"Patient has documented that he does not want to be on a vent; we should respect his wishes."
"I am a registered nurse and for the past five almost six years I have worked in end-of-life care as a hospice nurse."
"We also are much more compassionate to our animals at their end of life."
"If there is not any reasonable prospect of my recovery, I request that I be allowed to die and that I be administered drugs required to keep me free from pain, even if death is hastened thereby."
"An advanced directive essentially tells everyone what the patient would want done if they're unresponsive, unable to make decisions."
"It's not about a good death, it's about a good life all the way to the very end."
"You're a wonderful daughter for putting your mother first and allowing her peace at the end."
"Sometimes doing the best doesn't mean that we're going to fix the problem, sometimes it means that we help them to die with dignity."
"To me, dying is not painful, but the disease you're dying from can be and we can help manage that the best we can."
"I'm very glad that I was able to show her really great and amazing care for those last days of her life."
"We take care of you until the end of life there in the home."
"My mother in her living will... spelled out exactly what her version of quality of life was."
"A doula really is someone in service to another person, in our case dying, who really needs help."
"Living wills typically contain detailed instructions that extend well beyond simply do not resuscitate wishes to encompass comas, persistent vegetative states, and other ailments that would affect the ability of the individual to convey his or her healthcare treatment wishes."
"It's so essential that everyone, whatever their choice, has a good end of life experience."
"We will do all we can not only to help you die peacefully but also to help you live until you die."
"Dignity and dying shouldn't just be available for the privileged few."
"I think we are doing a huge disservice to those people who want to see compassion at the end of life."
"We don't treat our pets and let them have such cruel deaths that we do with people."
"This case is about comfort care, a person's right to live their final moments in peace and dignity."
"He believed that the Hippocratic Oath to do no harm, in the case of someone who was severely ill and in agony, was not to prolong their suffering but to help them find a peaceful way out of it."
"At least someone was there for her on her last night on earth."
"In the right circumstances, people with dementia can reach the end of their lives peacefully and with dignity."
"Passing with dignity, as well as how you want to be treated in the final months, weeks, days of your life."
"William Husel was exercising compassion to his patients and tried to free them from pain and let their last moments on earth be ones of peace."
"The nurses there get their satisfaction from knowing that they've done everything possible to make a person's end of life as pain-free and comfortable as it can be."
"Medical assistance in dying is a difficult and very personal choice."
"He's starting to see what it takes to help people pass on peacefully."
"We felt like we did the right thing... knowing that we were able to allow him to go peacefully was a big deal for us."
"People with dementia can reach the end of their lives peacefully and with dignity."